Restrict OpenVPN server to be accessable only through Domain Name and not the server IP on the browser - networking

I have deployed an OpenVPN server from GCP market Place and have attached a Domain name to it along with the SSL certificate. Currently, I am able to access the server through both
https://x.x.x.x -(Server Static Ip)
I want the server to be accessible only through the hostname and not its Server IP as the latter URL gives an SSL security error as the SSL certificate is attached to the Domain name and not to the server IP.
Can anyone help me to restrict it or give some advice to solve it?

You could try to do it(prevent access by IP) but I advice you to not try to do it.
Theoretically it could be possible for your HTTP server to reset SSL connection when browser sends "wrong" SNI(Server Name Indication) in a handshake.
Thus you could prevent your browser displaying security alerts.
Instead your browser would show network error message.
I doubt you would like to trade one type of error to another one.
I suggest you to do nothing about such "error" because legitimate visitors will come to your site via domain name and will not see such security warning.
Also there is huge possibility that legitimate visitor (with paranoid mindset) will use browser with SNI feature disabled so your server will not be able to make difference between good and bad URLs.
PS: here are relevant questions and discussions at reddit and at ServerFault and another one


How to host HTTPS API on LAN

I'm planning an API that will be used by a client on their internal office networks in multiple separate locations. Each location will have a separate instance installed.
They want it to be secure and running on HTTPS.
What I cant seem to understand how can a HTTPS certificate work when there is no externally facing fully qualified name. eg.
Instead they will likely just be running it on a server/computer with just a hostname. ie. MyApiServer
The data being transferred is not necessarily sensitive but it places records in a sales system.
If HTTPS is not possible in this scenario whats an alternative method to secure the communication?
The server name has not to be "fully-qualified". For securing the call it will be enough to have the domain specified in URL equal to the domain name specified in certificate.
So your clients would call https://MyApiServer/endpoint in your LAN which should cause your service to provide server certificate where the subject would be MyApiServer.

Proxy + HTTPS = Page doesn't load

I've developed a web app, which uses HTTPS and which works fine when I access is it (live). Yet some customers, who use proxy servers, can't access the site. I already tried to use a real certificate (a cheap one and only a trial, but yet valid), but that didn't help.
Everytime one of these users tries to access the site the browser tries to load it until a timeout occurs. One user even was shown an authentication (but I'm not 100% sure if this was due to a proxy, still waiting for response from the customer)
For which reasons can this happen and what can I do about it?
I'm using IIS, ASP.NET (C#) and JS. Sideinfo: The URL contains a port, the internal structure of the network the IIS is running in (not mine) doesn't allow it otherwise.
443 is dedicated port for HTTPS connectivity. Add type 'HTTPS' with default port 443 in Site bindings of hosted site directory. Check after whether SSL is enabled or not? in IE(browser)->Tools->Internet options->Advanced->Security.
If the HTTPS port in your web app's URL isn't port 443, you'll have a problem with corporate proxies that don't like non-standard HTTPS ports.
i.e. I hope your URL looks something like this:

Can not access the website via SSL

We have deployed our website to the live webserver, Windows Server, IIS 7.5. Website, .NET 4.5
I have configured the website bindings to allow https requests for this website.
Asked the hosting provider to open up the port 443.
I can access the website over internet with port 80, no issues at all. (
But I can not access via https, (
But I can access the site via SSL from the server itself, that means SSL configurations are fine.(https - localhost)
But I can telnet (telnet 443), it responds to GET request via telnet.
I have rechecked the certificate and changed it to a self-signed certificate, issue is still there.
These requests not being tracked in IIS logs as well, seems like the request is not reaching IIS. Hopefully something goes wrong before it reaches the server.
But, when I access the website as, it works.
I m bit confused with this behaviour. Obviously the port 443 is open by the hosting company. But something is wrong with requests over HTTPS, which is supposed to send a request to port 443. Please help.
Because your site is working when you access, I am almost sure that you created wrong binding on IIS. Instead of selecting https from combo box you selected default http.
There is a tutorial on how to do this on youtube: Changing IIS 7.5 Bindings by David Johnson
You've establish that the port is open and the hostname binding is there, otherwise would not work. Its the SSL part that's not working, hence you can connect directly by port and telnet (port 443 but not SSL) but not a browser via https. It's only a browser connecting to a https url that will expect SSL.. I'm pretty sure I've had the same issue, but cannot recall the exact cause but it was definitely related to an invalid SSL configuration or SSL binding.. The behaviour was like there is no connection, nothing, which is unusual, its the bad config causes the browser to abort the connection. If I remember what, I'll update or comment below.
So you can access the site using https://localhost? Your question is not quite clear on this point... what is the exact URL you are using? If it's https://localhost, that is actually an indication that your certificate is configured incorrectly. You seem to be interpreting this as an indicator that it's working OK and that is not the case. The domain name is tied to the certificate and SSL will work only when accessing the site using that domain name. So if it works for "localhost", something is wrong.
Finally I found the solution. Issue was a setting in the load balancer of the hosting provider. I have asked the question from them and they have figured out the issue. Anyways it was a good learning curve for me. And this knowledge is going to help others.
The firewall was already allowing both HTTP/HTTPS, which is why we could telnet through and run a GET / and still pull down content from the 404 page of the IP address.
It appears there was a certain profile applied to the HTTPS configuration in the load balancer which would only work for HTTP, so they have disabled that.
When they set this up for HTTP and HTTPS they were not able to test HTTPS, because to do so would require an SSL certificate in IIS - which it appears we have already provided.
Thanks everyone for your help on this!

What exactly does "every SSL certificate requires a dedicated IP" mean?

I've read a bit about SSL certificates, and in particular I've read that an SSL certificate "requires a dedicated IP address". Now, I'm unsure of the meaning of this; does it mean that the certificate requires a dedicated IP address separate from the IP address used for normal HTTP communication, or just that it can't share the IP address with other SSL certificates?
To clarify, I have a VPS with a dedicated IP address. The VPS is hosting quite a few different sites, including several subdomains of the main site, but only the main site and the subdomains requires SSL. Can I simply purchase an SSL certificate for * using my current IP address, or do I need to get one that is separate from the other sites on the VPS? Or even worse, do I need to get one that is separate from all HTTP traffic on the server? Keep in mind that none of the other sites needs SSL.
Thanks for any clarification on the topic.
Edit: Some sources for my worries:
Is it necessary to have dedicated IP Address to install SSL certificate?
There's no such thing as "SSL certificate". The term is misleading. X.509 certificates can be issued for different purposes (as defined by their Key Usage and Extended Key Usage "properties"), in particular for securing SSL/TLS sessions.
Certificates don't require anything in regards to sockets, addresses and ports as certificates are pure data.
When securing some connection with TLS, you usually use the certificate to authenticate the server (and sometimes the client). There's one server per IP/Port, so usually there's no problem for the server to choose what certificate to use.
HTTPS is the exception — several different domain names can refer to one IP and the client (usually a browser) connects to the same server for different domain names. The domain name is passed to the server in the request, which goes after TLS handshake.
Here's where the problem arises - the web server doesn't know which certificate to present. To address this a new extension has been added to TLS, named SNI (Server Name Indication). However, not all clients support it. So in general it's a good idea to have a dedicated server per IP/Port per domain. In other words, each domain, to which the client can connect using HTTPS, should have its own IP address (or different port, but that's not usual).
SSL certificates do not require a dedicated IP address. SSL certificates store a so called common name. Browser interpret this common name as the DNS name of the server they are talking to. If the common name does not match DNS name of the server that the browser is talking to, the browser will issue a warning.
You can get a so called wildcard certificate, that would be admissible for all hosts within a certain domain.
...following up on #Eugene's answer with more info about the compatibility issue...
According to this page from SNI does not work on:
Windows XP + any version Internet Explorer (6,7,8,9)
Internet Explorer 6 or earlier
Safari on Windows XP
BlackBerry Browser
Windows Mobile up to 6.5
Nokia Browser for Symbian at least on Series60
Opera Mobile for Symbian at least on Series60
Web site will still be available via HTTPS, but a certificate mismatch error will appear.
Thus, as we enter 2016 I would venture to stick my neck out there and say, "If you're building a modern website anyway (not supporting old browsers), and if the project is so small that it cannot afford a dedicated IP address, you'll probably be fine relying on SNI." Of course, there are thousands of experts who would disagree with this, but we're talking about being practical, not perfect.
The ssl certificate commmon name has to match the domain name. You don't have any requisite over the ip address, unless it's a limitation imposed by the certificate provider or the http server software.
Edit: looking into the web, it seems that the rumor has been spread because Apache's ssl plugin doesn't have (at least it didn't have in 2002) any mechanism to use different certificate based on the hostname. In such scenario you would have to run two different Apache web servers on the two different IP addresses.
Anyway in your configuration you shouldn't have any problem using only one IP because you don't have to use two different certificates (because you plan to use a wildcard certificate).
I would try anyway configuring the webserver with a self signed certificate before spending money for a second ip or certificate.
Edit 2: reference apache documentation:
It seems like now (apache >= 2.2.12) it is supported

Multiple certificates for HTTPS on a software NLB'd IIS7 cluster

We're currently trying to set up a HTTPS with multiple certificates. We've had some limited success but we're getting some results I can't make any sense of...
Basically we have two servers on our NLB ( and and two IPs assigned to our NLB ( and and we have IIS listening on both of these IPs with a different wildcard certificates (To avoid giving out public IP's let's say A:443 routes to and B:443 routes to We also have a Cisco router using port address translation to route port 443 from two external IP's to these internal NLB IPs.
The weird thing is, this works if we request A:443 or B:443, but if you go internally on,, or you ALWAYS get the same SSL cert. This cert was in the past assigned to *:443 but we've made sure there's no * bindings anymore defined in IIS.
When i run "netsh http show sslcert" after trimming out all the irrelevant stuff I get:
IP:port :
Certificate Hash : <Removed: Cert 1>
IP:port :
Certificate Hash : <Removed: Cert 3 - Another site>
IP:port :
Certificate Hash : <Removed: Cert 3 - Another site>
IP:port :
Certificate Hash : <Removed: Cert 2>
Which tells me that the * binding is still in there, which is a bit weird, but I can't see why that would prevent the other from working (Or even more more strangely why the request through the router would work).
It's got me wondering whether it's actually treating the requests as the machine's IP rather than the NLB IP, but unfortunately our dev environment is only a single server which sorta reduces the amount of trial/error I can take to this (Since all I can test on is a live environment) without convincing management to buy more servers for the test environment - which is something I'm trying.
Does anyone have any idea:
Why there's a difference between internal and through the router?
Why the internal request is getting the wrong cert?
How I can remedy this so that we get the same behavior on both sides?
I ended up tracking the problem down. Leaving this as a hint for anyone else who falls in the same trap...
The problem was caused by us using a shared configuration model on our IIS servers. When setting up a HTTPS binding this appears to only actually bind it on the box you're managing it on (Leaving the other completely unbound). Since our * binding still existed it was catching it on the server we didn't do through the UI and just let pick up the shared config.
Crazy bad luck with single-affinity NLB sent us down the garden path after the router being the cause by making our internal requests go to one server and our external requests to another.
We ended up finding this by running "netsh http show sslcert > certs.txt" on both servers and diff'ing the outputs.
Going forwards our plan is to no longer use the IIS UI for SSL configuration instead following the steps below:
Install the certificates on each server.
Run a command-line binding of the SSL port "netsh http add sslcert ipport=?:? certhash=? appid=?" (ip:port is easy to work out, certhash can be copied from the "certificate hash" section of the server certificates page, appid can be copied from an existing IIS binding on the netsh http add sslcert)
Edit the IIS ApplicationHost.config file directly to add the bindings without the UI being involved.
Our understanding is this will prevent a repeat of this error.
