Uno Flyout with Android Immersive mode - uno-platform

In my Uno Platform app on Android with immersive mode enabled, when a MenuFlyout is opened, it exits the immersive mode.
Any idea to keep the immersive mode when a flyout is opened ?

By default, as of Uno.UI 2.2.0, the Android default is to open flyouts using native popups.
To change this behavior, you can use this property by adding this line in AndroidApplication constructor:
Uno.UI.FeatureConfiguration.Popup.UseNativePopup = false;
This will force Uno to use a full XAML panel to display popups.
It is defined here.


Is Android's freeform app multi-window mode supported on Android Automotive OS?

Is Android's freeform app multi-window mode supported on android automotive os?
Was not successful in enabling freeform mode on android automotive os after:
adding the following to the activity's manifest.xml
Turning the 'Enable freeform windows' toggle under Developer Settings to ON
Configuring height and width of activity layout to be smaller than full screen
Wondering if it's supported and if so, how to enabled it for activities.
You can check if a device supports freeform window management by using PackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManage.FEATURE_FREEFORM_WINDOW_MANAGEMENT).

RefreshView when target Platform is UWP then it is not wokring

RefreshView when target paltform is UWP it is not working i.e I'am unable to apply pull to refresh, but on iOS and Android it is Working fine.
RefreshView when target paltform is UWP it is not working
I have to say the RefreshView only avaiable for touch screen, if you use mouse mode, it will not response your drag gestue. please run your app with simulator or touch device.
For more detail please refer to Run UWP apps in the simulator document

ADB0020: Android ABI mismatch. How do I set ABI of target physical device?

I have a brand new Samsung A10 with Pie on it.
I'm attempting to run the Sample Application provided in MediaPlugin:
At first I was getting this error when I tried to build:
Invalid value 'armeabi' in $(AndroidSupportedAbis). This ABI is no
longer supported. Please update your project properties to remove the
old value. If the properties page does not show an 'armeabi' checkbox,
un-check and re-check one of the other ABIs and save the changes.
Then I did some reasearch and went to Android Properties / Android Options / Advanced and unselected armeabo-v7a.
As I understand it this will remove 32 but support, which I'm fine with.
Now I get this error:
ADB0020: Android ABI mismatch. You are deploying an app supporting
'x86;x86_64;arm64-v8a' ABIs to an incompatible device of ABI
'armeabi-v7a;armeabi'. You should either create an emulator matching
one of your app's ABIs or add 'armeabi-v7a' to the list of ABIs your
app builds for.
I'm targeting a new A10 Samsung phone with Android Pie on it. I can't see where to set the 'device ABI', though why would a new Pie phone be interseted in armeabi-v7a anyway?
Where can I set the 'device ABI' or otherwise fix this?
I can't find anything on Google. Thanks.
I've found this work around which is as worrying as it is bizarre:
Untick the armeabi-v7a option
Re-tick the option
I'd like to understand what's going on here rather than just work around it.
This is only an issue with my A10 physical Samsung phone, in emulators it seems to work fine.
I got this error before. You could untick all the supported architectures to tick all of them like below. Delete the obj and bin folder of project to clean and rebuild. Most of times, it works.
Different Android devices use different CPUs, which in turn support different instruction sets. Each combination of CPU and instruction set has its own Application Binary Interface (ABI).
For more support of Android ABIs, you could refer to the Android ABIs guides.
To fix this issue on a Xamarin.Forms Android application, Right click on your android project and then select Properties > Android Options > Advanced.
You will see a dropdown for supported architectures. Select x84 & x86_64.
The app should now build and run on the emulator.
go to your project folder and edit yourproject.csproj
and remove starting <AndroidSupportedAbis> line completely.
save and debug. (changes accept on visual studio)
Do not setup retry abis on xamarin.
I changed to Debug mode from Release mode after signing a release.
For Mac:
Android Project -> Option -> Android Build -> Advanced. Then tick all.
Click Option from Solution Explorer for Android:
Click Android Build then Advanced:

ArcGIS Runtime SDK Debug Display

I am developing an app using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET in Visual Studio Community 2017, currently set to Debug configuration.
There are these two black boxes/squares with numbers in them, one floats top left of the app window and another one floats top right of my desktop.
I have outline the one floating in the app in red in the following image:
Black box floating in app window with ArcGIS Runtime app for .NET
I assume its some sort of debug information specific to the ArcGIS SDK but searching online has yielded no results and the documentation on the ESRI website does not seem to make mention of it.
Note: It does not display when running the app on an android device, only when running the UWP version.
I would like to know what they are (1) and (2) How to enable and disable them.
That is a debug feature provided by UWP & Visual Studio. There are two black bars in the screenshot you posted:
In the center is the XAML debugging tools. You can disable this by going to Tools> Options> Debugging> General and unchecking 'Enable UI Debugging Tools for XAML'.
On the left is the framerate counter. You can disable this in code:
in App.xaml.cs (within the UWP project):
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
DebugSettings.EnableFrameRateCounter = false;
Note that the above code already exists in that file, but EnableFrameRateCounter is set to true.
Also note that those tools only appear in debug mode.
Learn more: DebugSettings class

Creating custom taskbar icon in Flex application

I'm trying to create custom icons for my taskbar/desktop icons in my Flex WindowedApplication. So far, I've edited my -app.xml file to include the following:
When the application is run, however, the default flex/air icon is still showing. I have my systemChrome set to standard, and transparent to false, not that they have any relevance to this.
Any ideas?
Have you actually built a release version and installed your air app, or is just the debug version ?
You have to deploy a release
version before the custom application
icon will be enabled.
