Difference between "mlp" and "mlpML" - r

I'm using the Caret package from R to create prediction models for maximum energy demand. What i need to use is neural network multilayer perceptron, but in the Caret package i found out there's 2 of the mlp method, which is "mlp" and "mlpML". what is the difference between the two?
I have read description from a book (Advanced R Statistical Programming and Data Models: Analysis, Machine Learning, and Visualization) but it still doesnt answer my question.

Caret has 238 different models available! However many of them are just different methods to call the same basic algorithm.
Besides mlp there are 9 other methods of calling a multi-layer-perceptron one of which is mlpML. The real difference is only in the parameters of the function call and which model you need depends on your use case and what you want to adapt about the basic model.
Chances are, if you don't know what mlpML or mlpWeightDecay,etc. does you are fine to just use the basic mlp.
Looking at the official documentation we can see that:
mlp(size) while mlpML(layer1,layer2,layer3) so in the first method you can only tune the size of the multi-layer-perceptron while in the second call you can tune each layer individually.

Looking at the source code here:
and here:
It seems that the difference is that mlpML allows several hidden layers:
modelInfo <- list(label = "Multi-Layer Perceptron, with multiple layers",
while mlp has one single layer with hidden units.
The official documentation also hints at this difference. In my opinion, it is not particularly useful to have many different models that differ only very slightly, and the documentation does not explain those slight differences well.


Is it possible to build a random forest with model based trees i.e., `mob()` in partykit package

I'm trying to build a random forest using model based regression trees in partykit package. I have built a model based tree using mob() function with a user defined fit() function which returns an object at the terminal node.
In partykit there is cforest() which uses only ctree() type trees. I want to know if it is possible to modify cforest() or write a new function which builds random forests from model based trees which returns objects at the terminal node. I want to use the objects in the terminal node for predictions. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Edit: The tree I have built is similar to the one here -> https://stackoverflow.com/a/37059827/14168775
How do I build a random forest using a tree similar to the one in above answer?
At the moment, there is no canned solution for general model-based forests using mob() although most of the building blocks are available. However, we are currently reimplementing the backend of mob() so that we can leverage the infrastructure underlying cforest() more easily. Also, mob() is quite a bit slower than ctree() which is somewhat inconvenient in learning forests.
The best alternative, currently, is to use cforest() with a custom ytrafo. These can also accomodate model-based transformations, very much like the scores in mob(). In fact, in many situations ctree() and mob() yield very similar results when provided with the same score function as the transformation.
A worked example is available in this conference presentation:
Heidi Seibold, Achim Zeileis, Torsten Hothorn (2017).
"Individual Treatment Effect Prediction Using Model-Based Random Forests."
Presented at Workshop "Psychoco 2017 - International Workshop on Psychometric Computing",
WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria.
URL https://eeecon.uibk.ac.at/~zeileis/papers/Psychoco-2017.pdf
The special case of model-based random forests for individual treatment effect prediction was also implemented in a dedicated package model4you that uses the approach from the presentation above and is available from CRAN. See also:
Heidi Seibold, Achim Zeileis, Torsten Hothorn (2019).
"model4you: An R Package for Personalised Treatment Effect Estimation."
Journal of Open Research Software, 7(17), 1-6.

Set up different actiavtion functions for different layers using "neuralnet" package

I am working to neuralnet in R.
I used to program this kind of stuff using Keras in python so I would expect to be able to set up different activation functions for different layers.
Let me explain. Suppose I want to build a neural net with 2 hidden layers (say with 5 and 4 neurons) and an output between -1 and 1.
I would like to set up RELU or softplus in the hidden layers and tanh in the output layer.
The issue here is that neuralnet package lets me choose only one activation function via the argument act.fun:
> nn <- neuralnet(data = data, hidden = c(5, 4), act.fun =tanh)
I tried by setting the act.fun argument as c(softplus, softplus, tanh) but of course I get an error because the neuralnet function expects only one function for that argument.
Do you know how I can set up the neuralnet in this way? On the internet I can only find very basic linear neural net built with this package. If it would be not possible this mean that this package is almost useless because it would be able to build only "linear models" (??!)
Thanks a lot,
ReLu was added in neuralnet 1.44.4 (not on CRAN yet, could use devtools::install_github("bips-hb/neuralnet")). In this version it's also possible to change the output activation function separately (output.act.fct). However, different activations for the hidden layers is not yet possible.
See also here: https://github.com/bips-hb/neuralnet/issues/18.
On the internet I can only find very basic linear neural net built with this package. If it would be not possible this mean that this package is almost useless because it would be able to build only "linear models" (??!)
No, not only linear models. But note that the package is from the pre-deep learning era (2008) and not made for deep networks. I would also recommend keras (the R package is great) here.

customizable cross-validation in h2o (features that depend on the training set)

I have a model where some of the input features are calculated from the training dataset (e.g. average or median of a value). I am trying to perform n-fold cross validation on this model, but that means that the values for these features would be different depending on the samples selected for training/validation for each fold. Is there a way in h2o (I'm using it in R) to perhaps pass a funtion that calculates those features once the training set has been determined?
It seems like a pretty intuitive feature to have, but I have not been able to find any documentation on something like it out-of-the-box. Does it exist? If so, could someone point me to a resource?
There's no way to do this while using the built-in cross-validation in H2O. If H2O were written in pure R or Python, then it would be easy to extend it to allow a user to pass in a function to create custom features within the cross-validation loop, however the core of H2O is written in Java, so automatically translating an arbitrary user-defined function from R or Python, first into a REST call and then into Java is not trivial.
Instead, what you'd have to do is write a loop to do the cross-validation yourself and compute the features within the loop.
It sounds like you may be doing target encoding (or something similar), and if that's the case, you'll be interested in this PR to add target encoding in H2O. In the discussion, we talk about the same issue that you're having.

How to retrain model using old model + new data chunk in R?

I'm currently working on trust prediction in social networks - from obvious reasons I model this problem as data stream. What I want to do is to "update" my trained model using old model + new chunk of data stream. Classifiers that I am using are SVM, NB (e1071 implementation), neural network (nnet) and C5.0 decision tree.
Sidenote: I know that this solution is possible using RMOA package by defining "model" argument in trainMOA function, but I don't think I can use it with those classifiers implementations (if I am wrong please correct me).
According to strange SO rules, I can't post it as comment, so be it.
Classifiers that you've listed need full data set at the time you train a model, so whenever new data comes in, you should combine it with previous data and retrain the model. What you are probably looking for is online machine learning. One of the very popular implementations is Vowpal Wabbit, it also has bindings to R.

Setting Contrasts for ANOVA in R

I've been attempting to perform an ANOVA in R recently on the attached data frame.
My question revolves around the setting of contrasts.
My design is a 3x5 within-subjects design.
There are 3 visual conditions under 'Circle1' and 5 audio under 'Beep1'.
Does anyone have any idea how I should set the contrasts? This is something I'm unfamiliar with as I'm making the transition from point and click stats in SPSS to coded in R.
Thanks for your time
Data file:
Reiterating my answer from another stackoverflow question that was flagged as similar, since you didn't provide any code, you might start by having a look at the contrast package in R. As they note in the document:
"The purpose of the contrast package is to provide a standardized interface for testing linear combinations of parameters from common regression models. The syntax mimics the contrast. Design function from the Design library. The contrast class has been extended in this package to linear models produced using the functions lm, glm, gls, lme and geese."
There is also a nice little tutorial here by Dr. William King who talks about factorial between subjects ANOVA and also includes an abundance of R code. This is wider scoped than you question but would be a great place to start (just to get context).
Finally, here is another resource that you can refer to which talks about setting up orthogonal contrasts in R.
