How can I remove a scroll indicator from selected pages - css

I've been working on a site using Squarespace, Miller template, but have not found any answer on the Squarespace foras. I found a code that supposedly should do what I am asking for – that is to remove the scroll indicator from the page I apply it on. The only problem is that it apparently removes the scroll indicator from all so called "index pages", even though the code is only injected into the page header of the index page I want the scroll arrow to be removed from.
The site is:
I want to remove the arrow from the home page only (it is only barely visible there, but it's there, around his feet). I've used the following code which I got from this site:
.Index-page-scroll-indicator-text, .Index-page-scroll-indicator-arrow {
display: none!important;
PS: When writing this post, the code above is not active. I'm a n00b, and have tried my best to look around for solutions, but now I've come to a dead end. Any help with this would be much appreciated! -^-


How to remove the little bird icon in Concrete5 Tweetcrete

Recently someone has asked me to solve a little problem on a website of theirs, but I can't really figure out where it comes from. The site uses Concrete5 with Tweetcrete installed, and I use a tweetcrete block to display tweets, both on the homepage and on a dedicated social media page. In all the blocks though, the tweets are displayed with a little bird icon attached, which doesn't work well when the window is resized - it obscures the text. I cannot find where that icon coms from though, there doesn't seem to be anything in that block that causes it. There is nothing special about the code either, no styles.
To see the the problem, visit the homepage.
It'll be on the right hand side, towards the bottom.
You can override it via CSS like so:
.ccm-tweetcrete-timeline ul li {

Facebook like dialog hidden behind other page elements

I am having trouble getting the facebook pop out dialog to be on top of my nav bar and slideshow here:
I have search for several hours and all the solutions have not seemed to work. Here is a list of what I have checked:
-overflow:hidden on other page elements causes problems. I looked into this but my nav bar does not have this property.
-z- index only works for positioned elements. I made sure my elements were positioned relative or absolute.
-I tried directly styling the js created facebook elements using things like
display:block !important;
z-index:9999 !important;
I'm not that good with CSS but have never been stuck this long on one single issue.
I am assuming the issue actually is with something I have done wrong elsewhere on the page, like the navbar itself, but I cannot see what it is. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I searched lot of things and tried it too but no solutions worked for me. I found one quick fix to solve facebook like dialogbox overlap issue here and it worked for me.
Hope it could save others time, Cheers!
It doesn't really solve the issue, but what I have done is to hide the comment box. For this case it was acceptable. In the css file I added:
.fb_edge_widget_with_comment span.fb_edge_comment_widget {
What worked for me was to set the z-index for the element that holds the Facebook like button to be higher than the element the comment box was shown behind.

Javascript rendering conflict or bug

This is the second question i have had to ask regarding the building of my site and it involves Javascript which is well over my head.
The problem:
When the user highlights over the menu (sprybar) and causes the drop down to appear on the About Us section, then clicks an image in the gallery the spry bar somehow overlays itself over the image the user has clicked on - very annoying!
here is a link to the site
Also I'm a complete amateur at this website building stuff so don't laugh too hard so any other pointers would be great also!
if code is required i will post it up.
Thanks in advance.
Your z-index for your menu is way too high (at least higher than the lightbox's).
ul.MenuBarActive {
z-index: 1000;
Try removing this rule altogether.

Wordpress individual posts display gone wonky

I have a very basic theme that I created and I'm running into a problem that I've never experienced with any other theme I've made.
The homepage, pages and blog category pages display fine. When I click on an individual blog post, though, the post appears at the TOP of the page, UNDER the header and nav bar. - this is correct - this is not
Please help!
I think the problem is the page is scrolling (oddly, I agree) to your more-1 anchor because you've specified that in your link (after the #).
I think you have two options:
Get rid of the anchor in your link ( looks fine), or
Move (to the top of your post) or remove altogether the anchor (<span id="more-1"></span>)
The problem is because <div id="main-pages">
have style:
overflow: hidden;
There is one easy to implement full height layout with header, footer and columns.

Hyperlinks A HREF do not work

I'm a bit fooling around with a new website idea. But when i was testing it the A HREF does not work. It's not even showing a finger/hand pointer.
It's the text at the content area (the first white block under the header, but not the menu). The headers should be links to the posts (Wordpress).
screenshot of the links that do not work (red arrows):
Actually all the links in that area do not work.
And at the Contact page not even the google maps work.
I can't move around and can't click the links.
Can somebody please help me figure this out? I don't want to start over.
EDIT, i first linked to the home page. Beacouse I'm new here i could only add one link and the home page actually is OK so I linked to the Headlines page.
Thank you guys very much!
Greetings, Joeri Kosters
It looks like focus is going to the pagewrap div by default
EDIT #2: Make sure you give an example that actually shows the problem : )
It looks like somehow you've gotten z-index: -1 on div#content, so it is falling 'behind' div#pagewrap and so is not clickable. Get rid of that and you should be fine.
There is a z-index: -1 in your global.css in your #content id section. Remove this and your problem is fixed.
The z-index is making all of the #content links unreachable by the mouse.
Umm, you haven't put this text inside <a></a> elements, according to the HTML source.
Umm just put those headlines text in between the "a" and href tags.
Your Heading
