Who should I trust to measure website speed? - pagespeed

My website indicates 2.5 seconds load time on Pingdom. But Google Analytics reports an avg load time of 25 seconds. (times 10!!!!!) Who should I trust?
Edit: I'm using wordpress CMS. should I use Ghost CMS? They advertise it as being 19 times faster than wordpress. In the time it takes for wordpress to process one request, Ghost has treated 19 requests.
Edit2: ubersuggest says my site loads under 3 seconds on desktop and mobile. I really don't know how to handle this. Google says my performance is low.

I Agree with Graham Ritchie.
may I just add that if you are really interested in measuring your websiste speed performance you may as well add a small JS snippet and measure it yourself on how YOUR users experiencing it.
Don't rely on any speed related performance machine.
What you should care about is how your users experiencing it.


EC2 Instance running a news website has major performance issues

We are running a regional news website (https://www.galwaydaily.com/) on an AWS EC2 instance (t3 medium).
The problem is that the page load speed over the past few months has gone up and up and a few days ago the site stopped working altogether for a few hours. In the past, we would just have scaled up the instance, but I'm not sure this is best practice.
Here is a screenshot of our CPU utilization for the past 2 weeks at 1 hours intervals:
I'd love some advice on how best to host and serve this site!
At a quick glance, your best option for the least amount of effort is to add a CDN. Your top 7 longest loading assets are a couple js/css files and then some images - none of which seem large enough to be taking as long as they do. Use a tool like GTmetrix.com to see if you are utilizing the resources you have effectively before resizing your instance and/or DB.
Other options include utilizing AWS features like memcache (I tend to use redis), Autoscaling groups and RDS.

How to boost site performance for ONE day?

I consult with folks on a Wordpress site that is used for an event held once each year. The site runs fine throughout the year. Cache plugins in place, etc...The site is hosted on Hostgator.
However, on the day of the event- usage is off the charts and the site becomes unusable.
Last year I used CloudFlare, which helped. Any other suggestions?
There is only so much software can do to improve performance. This sound like the server your site is running on is not able to handle all the requests. I suggest you upgrade your server/VPS only for the amount of time that you suspect that huge amount of load, instead of looking into software solutions.
Especially since you only expect this to happen once a year, I think it is financially more appealing to increase server speed for a short period of time, which may cost some money, but will terminate the problem you're facing.
Trying to resolve this only with software, you might not ever be able to reach the results of upgrading your server and it can take a lot of time and research to streamline everything for the best performance.

Amazon Web Services EC2 Instances Become Painfully Slow From Time to Time

I am using the free tier for now and have noticed that the servers on which I host a couple of Wordpress sites become periodically and painfully slow to respond if I access the sites through the browser. Accessing the admin of the site becomes impossible. That said, I can still quickly SSH to the servers, if needed.
What can be causing such a behavior? I have seen short bouts of this previously but the current one has lasted for over two days. I have tried recreating the servers, rebooting them, etc. Needless to say, unless I am doing something wrong, it is making me question the decision to try AWS for these projects.
This is from the amazon site:
T2 instances accrue CPU Credits when they are idle, and use CPU credits when they are active. T2 instances are a good choice for workloads that don’t use the full CPU often or consistently, but occasionally need to burst
Worpdress sites are CPU intensive and not suiteable for this kind of environment. I have tried it before and learned quickly that t2.micro is good for two things. Light development or cached html content. Anything beyond that you are asking for trouble.
You need to upgrade beyond the free tier if you want some results. Otherwise convert your site to a simple html website, or cache the heck out of your content.

Hostgater shared hosting cpu usage problems

I have shared webhosting and sometimes i go over the max allowed cpu usage once a day, sometimes two or three times. but i cant really narrow it down to anything specific.
I have the following scripts installed:
wordpress joomla owncloud dokuwiki fengoffice
before i was just running joomla on this hosting package and everything was fine, but i upgraded to have more domains available and also hosted other scripts. now like wordpress, owncloud and so on.
but no site has high traffic or hits. most of the stuff is anyway only used by me.
i talked to the hostgator support team and they told me there is a ssh command to monitor or watch the server and see whats causing the problem.
the high cpu load just happesn for a very short peak, because everytime i check the percentage of cpu usage in the cpanel its super low. the graph shows me the spike, but it looks worse than it really is, because the graph gets updated only every hour, and that makes it hard to narrow it down...
i am new to all this. can somebody help me to figure this out?
I hope this question is fine now here, kinda dont really understand this plattform yet...
Just so you have more information, I to host many websites with HostGator using a reseller/shared account. The performance of your site is most likely not an issue, and is related more to HostGator's new servers and it's poor MySQL performance. None of my WordPress sites had issues for years, despite high traffic/plugins etc. Fast forward to late 2013 after EIG purchased HostGator (and others like BlueHost) and the performance on the "new more powerful" servers is anything but. Limits on CPU and processes are more aggressive, and while outright downtime isn't an issue, the performance during peak hours is exceedingly poor. Sites which rely on MySQL databases all suffer from poor performance and no amount of caching or plugin optimization will help (I should know as I spent months reviewing my sites trying many optimizations).
My advice: Find another web host and/or upgrade your hosting to a VPS that can scale based on your needs.
I moved my higher traffic/important clients to WPEngine. The speed difference and quality support is massive.

Worker process taking high CPU%

All of my websites are hosted in IIS and configured with one application pool. This application pool consists 10 websites running.
It is working fine till today, but all of sudden I am observing that there is sudden up and down % in CPU usage. I am unable to trace out the problem.
Is there anyway to check which website is taking much load among all in the application pool?
Performance counters, task manager and native code analysis tools only tell part of the story. To gain a deeper understanding of what is happening inside your ASP.NET application you need to use WinDBG, SOS and ADPlus.
Tess Ferrandez has a great series of articles on tracking down what is to blame here:
.NET Debugging Demos Lab 4: High CPU hang
.NET Debugging Demos Lab 4: High CPU Hang - Review
This is a real world example:
High CPU in .NET app using a static Generic.Dictionary
You will probably want to separate your sites into individual application pools so you can identify and isolate the site that is causing the high CPU (but it already looks like you have a suspect so I'd isolate that one). From then you can follow Tess's advice and guidance to track down the cause.
You should also take a look at the logs to see if you're experiencing an unexpected spike or increase in traffic. Perhaps there's a badly behaved search engine site indexer nailing the site. If that's the case then maybe you need to (if you haven't already done so) create a robots.txt to prevent crawlers from indexing parts of the site that don't need to be indexed. On top of that if certain crawlers are being overly promiscious then just ban them. Perhaps consider a sitemap for google to tame and tune its activities.
If your server has reached it's max capacity, you will see CPU go up and down erratically because the GC will start trying to recover resources(cache..etc), which in turn causes your sites to work even harder. It's an endless cycle.
Have you been monitoring your performance counters? Do you have any idea what normal capacity is for your site? If you cannot answer these questions, I suggest you gather some perf numbers as soon as possible.
My rule of thumb is to always measure first, then make necessary changes.
Most of the time performance bottlenecks aren't where you think they would be.
There is really no performance counter way to tell, because the CPU counters are at the process level. Your best bet would be to do a time corelation with other events in the event log and .NET/ASP.NET counters for garbage collection, requests etc.
If you really want to go hardcore, you could use the SysInternals toolset to take snapshots of your app pool over time and then do a post-analysis to figure out what code was executed when the spike happened. Here is a related example from Mark Russinovich's blog - http://blogs.technet.com/b/markrussinovich/archive/2008/04/07/3031251.aspx.
