I am working with a data-frame in R. I have the following function which removes all rows of a data-frame df where, for a specified column index/attribute, the value at that row is outside mean (of column) plus or minus n*stdev (of column).
remove_outliers <- function(df,attr,n){
outliersgone <- df[df[,attr]<=(mean(df[,attr],na.rm=TRUE)+n*sd(df[,attr],na.rm=TRUE)) & df[,attr]>=(mean(df[,attr],na.rm=TRUE)-n*sd(df[,attr],na.rm=TRUE)),]
There are two parts to my question.
(1) My data-frame df also has a column 'Group', which specifies a class label. I would like to be able to remove outliers according to mean and standard deviation within their group within the column, i.e. organised by factor (within the column). So you would remove from the data-frame a row labelled with group A if, in the specified column/attribute, the value at that row is outside mean (of group A rows in that column) plus/minus n*stdev (of group A rows in that column). And the same for groups B, C, D, E, F, etc.
How can I do this? (Preferably using only base R and dplyr.) I have tried to use df %>% group_by(Group) followed by mutate but I'm not sure what to pass to mutate, given my function remove_outliers seems to require the whole data-frame to be passed into it (so it can return the whole data-frame with rows only removed based on the chosen attribute attr).
I am open to hearing suggestions for changing the function remove_outliers as well, as long as they also return the whole data-frame as explained. I'd prefer solutions that avoid loops if possible (unless inevitable and no more efficient method presents itself in base R / dplyr).
(2) Is there a straightforward way I could combine outlier considerations across multiple columns? e.g. remove from the dataframe df those rows which are outliers wrt at least $N$ attributes out of a specified vector of attributes/column indices (length≥N). or a more complex condition like, remove from the dataframe df those rows which are outliers wrt Attribute 1 and at least 2 of Attributes 2,4,6,8.
(Ideally the definition of outlier would again be within-group within column, as specified in question 1 above, but a solution working in terms of just within column without considering the groups would also be useful for me.)
Ok - part 1 (and trying to avoid loops wherever possible):
Here's some test data:
We'll find the groups:
groups=levels(test_data[,1]) # or unique(test_data[,1]) if it isn't a factor
And we'll calculate the outlier limits (here I'm specifying only 1 sd) - sorry for the loop, but it's only over the groups, not the data:
outlier_limits=sapply(groups,function(g) {
So we can define the limits for each row of test_data:
And use this to determine the outliers:
outliers=test_data[,2]<test_data_limits[1,] | test_data[,2]>test_data_limits[2,]
(or, combining those last steps):
outliers=test_data[,2]<outlier_limits[1,test_data[,1]] | test_data[,2]>outlier_limits[2,test_data[,1]]
EDIT: now part 2 (apply part 1 with a loop over all the columns in the data):
Some test data with more than one column of values:
Combine all the steps of part 1 into a new function find_outliers that returns a logical vector indicating whether any value is an outlier for its respective column & group:
find_outliers = function(values,n_sds,groups) {
outlier_limits=sapply(group_names,function(g) {
return(values < outlier_limits[1,groups] | values > outlier_limits[2,groups])
And then apply this function to each of the data columns:
test_data_outliers=apply(test_data2[,-1],2,function(d) find_outliers(values=d,n_sds=1,groups=test_groups))
The rowSums of test_data_outliers indicate how many times each row is considered an 'outlier' in the various columns, with respect to its own group:
I have a large data frame which has multiple columns calculated from other columns. The issues come where there are values of 8888 and 9999 which constitute NA or refused to answer respectively. These values have been incorrectly used to calculate other columns (such as the value of pricepergram) as they have not been signaled as NA prior to calculation.
I'm not able to recalculate all the values, so instead I would like to find some code, which takes in as an argument each row of the dataframe. If the maximum value in the row is above 8887, then I would like it to return the row but with the value of all prices set to NA.
the solution needs to be applicable to a dataframe of 250 columns.
I need to be able to apply the code across multiple columns, rather than just one.
I have confirmed that the only values above 8887 in the dataframe are indeed either 9999 or 8888 and therefore constitute values that we want to change.
I am not able to post the dataset due to data protection (apologies), but have given an example of minimum complexity to illustrate my point.
This would be the ideal output:
The rows with values above 8887 have had their price set to NA.
We can break this problem into two steps:
find out if there are any 8888 or 9999 codes in a row
set values in the row to NA
Step 1: The following code produces an indicator for whether a row contains any codes greater than 8887:
any_large_codes = apply(df, MARGIN = 1, function(row){any(row > 8887)})
It works as follows: apply treats the dataframe as a matrix. MARGIN = 1 means that the function is applied to each row of the matrix. function(row){any(row > 8887)} checks if any value in its input (each row) is larger than 8887.
I have not used dplyr for this as I am not aware of any row-wise operators in dplyr. This seems the best option. You can use dplyr to add it into the dataframe if you wish, but this is not necessary:
df = df %>% mutate(na_indicator = any_large_codes)
Step 2: The following code sets the values in a single column to NA where there are any large codes:
df = df %>%
mutate(this_one_column = ifelse(any_large_codes, NA, this_one_column))
If you want to handle multiple columns, I would suggest something like this:
all_columns_to_handle = c(
for(cc in all_columns_to_handle){
df = df %>%
mutate(!!sym(cc) := ifelse(any_large_codes, NA, !!sym(cc)))
Where !!sym(cc) is a way to use the column name stored in cc and := is equivalent to = but allows us to use !!sym(cc) on the left-hand side. For other options to this approach see the programming with dplyr vignette.
I am having difficulty writing a function in R to accomplish what I need. I am separated by a few hundred kilometers from my usual sources of reference and am stuck on where to even begin to write this. It has been a few years since my last (brief) programming class and I am flummoxed on how to proceed.
I have two dataframes, X & Y. Each dataframe is structured with rows 1-80, and columns 1-999.
I want to write a function such that I take each value by column and calculate the difference with all other values in the same row within my second dataframe. Once I have the calculated difference between all my values across dataframes, I need to select the minimum and maximum difference for each row.
Min/Max of (Xcol1:Xcol999,r1:r999 – Ycol1:Ycol999,r1:r999 )
df <- X - Y
plyr::ldply(1:nrow(df), function(x) data.frame(
min=min(df[x,], na.rm=T),
max=max(df[x,], na.rm=T)))
I'm looking to generate means of ratings as a new variable/column in a data frame. Currently every method I've tried either generates columns that show the mean of the entire dataset (for the chosen items) or don't generate means at all. Using the rowMeans function doesn't work as I'm not looking for a mean of every value in a row, just a mean that reflects the chosen values in a given row. So for example, I'm looking for the mean of 10 ratings:
fun <- mean(T1.1,T2.1,T3.1,T4.1,T5.1,T6.1,T7.1,T8.1,T9.1,T10.1, trim = 0, na.rm = TRUE)
I want a different mean printed for every row because each row represents a different set of observations (a different subject, in my case). The issues I'm looking to correct with this are twofold: 1) it generates only one mean, the mean of all values for each of the 10 variables, and 2) this vector is not a part of the dataframe. I tried to generate a new column in the dataframe by using "exp$fun" but that just creates a column whose every value (for every row) is the grand mean. Could anyone advise as to how to program this sort of row-based mean? I'm sure it's simple enough but I haven't been able to figure it out through Googling or trawling StackOverflow.
It's hard to figure out an answer without a reproducible example but have you tried subsetting your dataset to only include the 10 columns from which you'd like to derive your means and then using an apply statement? Something along the lines of apply(df, 1, mean) where the first argument refers to your dataframe, the second argument specifies whether to perform a function by rows (1) or columns (2), and the third argument specifies the function you wish to apply?
I've posted a sample of the data I'm working with here.
"Parcel.." is the main indexing variable and there are good amount of duplicates. The duplicates are not consistent in all of the other columns. My goal is to aggregate the data set so that there is only one observation of each parcel.
I've used the following code to attempt summing numerical vectors:
The problem is it removes everything except the parcel and the other vector I reference.
My goal is to use the same rule for certain numerical vectors (sum) (X.11,X.13,X.15, num_units) of observations of that parcelID, a different rule (average) for other numerical vectors (Acres,Ttl_sq_ft,Mtr.Size), and still a different rule (just pick one name) for the character variables (pretend there's another column "customer.name" with different values for the same unique parcel ID, i.e. "Steven condominiums" and "Stephen apartments"), and to just delete the extra observations for all the other variables.
I've tried to use the numcolwise function but that also doesn't do what I need.
My instinct would be to specify the columns I want to sum and the columns I want to take the average like so:
and then use the lapply function to go through each observation and do what I need.
df05<-DT[,lapply(.SD,sum), by=DT$Parcel..,.SDcols=sum_cols]
but that spits out errors on the first go. I know there's a simpler work around for this than trying to muscle through it.
You could do:
df %>%
# create an hypothetical "customer.name" column
mutate(customer.name = sample(LETTERS[1:10], size = n(), replace = TRUE)) %>%
# group data by "Parcel.."
group_by(Parcel..) %>%
# apply sum() to the selected columns
mutate_each(funs(sum(.)), one_of("X.11", "X.13", "X.15", "num_units")) %>%
# likewise for mean()
mutate_each(funs(mean(.)), one_of("Acres", "Ttl_sq_ft", "Mtr.Size")) %>%
# select only the desired columns
select(X.11, X.13, X.15, num_units, Acres, Ttl_sq_ft, Mtr.Size, customer.name) %>%
# de-duplicate while keeping an arbitrary value (the first one in row order)
I have two columns of paired values in a data frame, I want to bin the data in one column using the cut2 function from the Hmisc package so that there are at least say 25 data points in each bin. I however need the corresponding values from the other column. Is there a convenient way for that using R? I have to bin the column B.
-10.834510 1.680173
11.012966 1.866603
-16.491415 1.868667
-14.485036 1.900002
2.629104 1.960929
-3.597291 2.005348
It's not clear what you mean by wanting the "corresponding values of the other column". The first part is easy to accomplish using the g (# of groups) argument:
dfrm$Agrp <- cut2(dfrm$A, g=trunc(length(dfrm$A)/25) )
You can aggregate means or medians of B within Agrp's using tapply or ave or one of the Hmisc summary functions. There are several worked examples in one of today's questions: How to get Summary statistics by group as well as many other examples of using those functions or aggregate or the pkg:plyr functions.
Given that the number of B values will not necessarily be constant across groups the only way I can think to deliver the individual values by A-grouped-value would be with split. I added an extra row to illustrate that a non-even split might need to return a list rather than a more "rectangular" object :
dat <- read.table(text="A B
-10.834510 1.680173
11.012966 1.866603
-16.491415 1.868667
-14.485036 1.900002
2.629104 1.960929
-3.597291 2.005348\n 3.5943 3.796", header=TRUE)
dat$Agrp <- cut2(dat$A, g=trunc(length(dat$A)/3) )
split(dat$B, dat$Agrp)
$`[-16.49, 2.63)`
[1] 1.680173 1.868667 1.900002 2.005348
$`[ 2.63,11.01]`
[1] 1.866603 1.960929 3.796000
If you want the vector of values on which the splits were done then that can be accomplished by using regex on levels(dat$Agrp).