Get all combinations of a character vector - r

I am trying to write a function to dynamically group_by every combination of a character vector.
This is how I set it up my list:
stuff <- c("type", "country", "color")
stuff_ListStr <-"c", lapply(seq_along(stuff), function(i) combn(stuff, i, FUN = list)))
stuff_ListChar <- sapply(stuff_ListStr, paste, collapse = ", ")
stuff_ListSym <- lapply(stuff_ListChar, as.symbol)
Then I threw it into a loop.
b <- list()
for (each in stuff_ListSym) {
a <- answers_wfh %>%
group_by(!!each) %>%
b <- append(b, a)
So essentially I want to replicate this
... group_by(type),
... group_by(country),
... group_by(type, country),
... and the rest of the combinations. Then I want put all the summaries into one list (a list of tibbles/lists)
It's totally failing. This is my error message:
Error: Column `type, country` is unknown.
Not only that, b is not giving me what I want. It's a list with length 12 already when I only expected 2 before it failed. One tibble grouped by 'type' and the second by 'country'.
I'm new to R in general but thought tidy eval was really cool and wanted to try. Any tips here?

I think you have a problem of standard evaluation. !! is sometimes not enough to unquote variables and get dplyr to work. Use !!! and rlang::syms for multiple unquotes
b <- list()
for (each in stuff_ListSym) {
a <- answers_wfh %>%
group_by(!!!rlang::syms(each)) %>%
b <- append(b, a)
I think lapply would be better in your situation than for since you want to end-up with a list
Since you use variable names as arguments of functions, you might be more comfortable with data.table than dplyr. If you want the equivalent data.table implementation:
lapply(stuff_ListSym, function(g) answers_wfh[,.(n = .N), by = g])
You can have a look at this blog post I wrote on the subject of SE vs NSE in dplyr and data.table

I think stuff_ListStr is enough to get what you want. You cold use group_by_at which accepts character vector.
purrr::map(stuff_ListStr, ~answers_wfh %>% group_by_at(.x) %>% summarize(n=n()))
A better option is to use count but count does not accept character vectors so using some non-standard evaluation.
purrr::map(stuff_ListStr, ~answers_wfh %>% count(!!!syms(.x)))


use dplyr to combine columns of data.frame when column names are not known

Given a tibble:
myTibble <- tibble(a = letters[1:3], b = c(T, F, T), c = 1:3)
I can use transmute to paste the columns, separated by '.':
> library(dplyr)
> transmute(myTibble, concat = paste(a, b, c, sep = "."))
# A tibble: 3 x 1
1 a.TRUE.1
2 b.FALSE.2
3 c.TRUE.3
If I want to use the above transmute statement in a function that receives a tibble, I won't know the names of the tibble or the number of columns ahead of time. What dplyr syntax would allow me to paste all columns in a tibble separated by a '.'?
Please note, I can do this with something like:
> apply(myTibble, 1, paste, collapse = ".")
[1] "a.TRUE.1" "b.FALSE.2" "c.TRUE.3"
but I am trying to understand dplyr better. So, yes, this is a specific problem I am trying to solve, but I am also stumped as to why I can't solve it with dplyr, which means there is something key about dplyr column selection I don't yet understand, and I'd like to learn, so that is why I'm asking specifically about a dplyr solution.
With a little trial and error:
colNames_as_symbols <- syms(names(myTibble))
transmute(myTibble, concat = paste(!!!colNames_as_symbols, sep = '.'))
Here was the hint that put me on to the solution... From the documentation for !!!:
The big-bang operator !!! forces-splice a list of objects. The
elements of the list are spliced in place, meaning that they each
become one single argument.
vars <- syms(c("height", "mass"))
Force-splicing is equivalent to supplying the elements separately:
starwars %>% select(!!!vars)
starwars %>% select(height, mass)
In fact, the entire documentation entitled "Force parts of an expression" is fascinating reading. It can be accessed by issuing ?qq_show

dplyr mutate inside for loop - Issue

I am performing Data Analysis and cleaning in R using tidyverse.
I have a Data Frame with 23 columns containing values 'NO','STEADY','UP' and 'down'.
I want to change all the values in these 23 columns to 0 in case of 'NO','STEADY' and 1 in other case.
What i did is, i created a list by name keys in which i have kept all my columns, After that i am using for loop, ifelse statements and mutate.
Please have a look at the code below
# Column names are kept in the list by name keys
keys = c('metformin', 'repaglinide', 'nateglinide', 'chlorpropamide', 'glimepiride',
'glipizide', 'glyburide', 'pioglitazone', 'rosiglitazone', 'acarbose', 'miglitol',
'insulin', 'glyburide-metformin', 'tolazamide', 'metformin-pioglitazone',
'metformin-rosiglitazone', 'glimepiride-pioglitazone', 'glipizide-metformin',
'troglitazone', 'tolbutamide', 'acetohexamide')
After that, i used following code to get the desired result :
for (col in keys){
Dataset = Dataset %>%
mutate(col = ifelse(col %in% c('No','Steady'),0,1)) }
I was expecting that, it will do the changes that i require, but nothing happens after this. (NO ERROR MESSAGE AND NO DESIRED RESULT)
After that, i researched further and executed following code
for (col in keys){
It gives me elements of list as characters like - "metformin"
So, i thought - may be this is the issue. Hence, i used the below code to caste the keys as symbols :
keys_new = sym(keys)
After that i again ran the same code:
for (col in keys_new){
Dataset = Dataset %>%
mutate(col = ifelse(col %in% c('No','Steady'),0,1))}
It gives me following Error -
Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) :
'match' requires vector arguments
After all this. I also tried to create a function to get the desired results, but that too didn't worked:
change = function(name){
Dataset = Dataset %>%
mutate(name = ifelse(name %in% c('No','Steady'),0,1),
name = as.factor(name))
for (col in keys){
This didn't perform any action. (NO ERROR MESSAGE AND NO DESIRED RESULT)
When keys_new is placed in this code:
for (col in keys_new){
I got the same Error :
Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) :
'match' requires vector arguments
There's no need to loop or keep track of column names. You can use mutate_all -
Dataset %>%
mutate_all(~ifelse(. %in% c('No','Steady'), 0, 1))
Another way, thanks to Rui Barradas -
Dataset %>%
mutate_all(~as.integer(!. %in% c('No','Steady')))
There's a simpler way using mutate_at and case_when.
Dataset %>% mutate_at(keys, ~case_when(. %in% c("NO", "STEADY") ~ 0, TRUE ~ 1))
mutate_at will only mutate the columns specified in the keys variable. case_when then lets you replace one value by another by some condition.
This answer for using mutate through forloop.
I don't have your data, so i tried to make my own data, i changed the keys into a tibble using enframe then spread it into columns and used the row number as a value for each column, then check if the value is higher than 10 or not.
To use the column name in mutate you have to use !! and := in the mutate function
df <- enframe(c('metformin', 'repaglinide', 'nateglinide', 'chlorpropamide', 'glimepiride',
'glipizide', 'glyburide', 'pioglitazone', 'rosiglitazone', 'acarbose', 'miglitol',
'insulin', 'glyburide-metformin', 'tolazamide', 'metformin-pioglitazone',
'metformin-rosiglitazone', 'glimepiride-pioglitazone', 'glipizide-metformin',
'troglitazone', 'tolbutamide', 'acetohexamide')
) %>% spread(key = value,value = name)
keys = c('metformin', 'repaglinide', 'nateglinide', 'chlorpropamide', 'glimepiride',
'glipizide', 'glyburide', 'pioglitazone', 'rosiglitazone', 'acarbose', 'miglitol',
'insulin', 'glyburide-metformin', 'tolazamide', 'metformin-pioglitazone',
'metformin-rosiglitazone', 'glimepiride-pioglitazone', 'glipizide-metformin',
'troglitazone', 'tolbutamide', 'acetohexamide')
for (col in keys){
df = df %>%
mutate(!!as.character(col) := ifelse( df[col] > 10,0,100) )

Convert nested data.frame to a hierarchical list

Is there a neat way to convert a nested data.frame to a hierarchical list?
I do it below with a for loop, but ideally there is a neater solution that generalizes to an arbitrary number of nested columns.
nested_df <- expand.grid(V1 = c('a','b','c'),
V2 = c('z','y'))%>%
nested_ls <- list()
for(v1 in unique(nested_df$V1)){
for(v2 in unique(nested_df$V2)){
nested_ls[[v1]][[v2]] <- nested_df%>%
filter(V1==v1 & V2==v2)%>%
If you are not very strict with the names z and y, and can also work with [[1]] and [[2]], then you can directly do,
split(nested_df$x, nested_df$V1)
If you need the names, then
lapply(split(nested_df, nested_df$V1), function(i)split(i$x, i$V2))
#Or as #Frank mentions in comments, we can use setNames
lapply(split(nested_df, nested_df$V1), function(i) setNames(i$x, i$V2))

Order by column using infix operator

It's possibly very simple question, but I couldn't find an answer. I'm trying to apply abs on my matrix and then apply order by the first column (descending).
In separate rows it looks like:
pcaRotaMat <- abs(pcaImportance$rotation)
temp <- pcaRotaMat[order(-pcaRotaMat[,1]),]
However, when I'm trying to use the infix operator (%>%), I'm getting the following error:
t <- pcaImprtance$rotation %>% abs() %>% order(-[,1],)
Error: unexpected '[' in "t <- pcaImprtance$rotation %>% abs() %>% order(["
Your help will be appreciated.
If you are comfortable with something more verbose:
sort_fn = function(x) {
x[order(-x[ ,1]), ]
t <- pcaImprtance$rotation %>% abs() %>% sort_fn
Option 2:
If you don't want to create a function to sort:
t <- pcaImprtance$rotation %>% abs %>% .[order(-.[, 1]), ]
"." is the placeholder here for the matrix. I would also not recommend assigning variables to "t", as this is the function that transposes matrices.

dplyr::filter used with a function on string representation of factor

I have a dataframe with some 20 columns and some 10^7 rows. One of the columns is an id column that is a factor. I want to filter the rows by properties of the string representation of the levels of the factor. The code below achieves this, but seems to me to be really rather inelegant. In particular that I have to create a vector of the relevant ids seems to me should not be needed.
Any suggestions for streamlining this?
dat <- data.frame(id=factor(c("xxx-nld", "xxx-jap", "yyy-aus", "zzz-ita"))) <- function(id) {
ctry.code <- substring(id, nchar(id)-2)
ctry.code %in% c("nld", "ita")
ids <- levels(dat$id)
europ.ids <- subset(ids, europ.campaign(ids))
datx <- dat %>% filter(id %in% europ.ids) %>% drop.levels
Docendo Discimus gave the right answer in comments. To explain it first see the error I kept getting in my different attempts
> dat %>% filter(
Error in nchar(id) : 'nchar()' requires a character vector
Calls: %>% ... filter_impl -> .Call -> -> substring -> nchar
Then note that his solution works because grepl applies as.character to its argument if needed (from the man: a character vector where matches are sought, or an object which can be coerced by as.character to a character vector). This implicit application of as.character also happens if you use %in%. Since this solution is also perfectly performant, we can do the following
dat %>% filter( %>% droplevels
Or to make it read a bit nicer update the function to <- function(id) {
ids <- as.character(id)
ctry.code <- substring(ids, nchar(ids)-2)
ctry.code %in% c("nld", "ita")
and use
dat %>% filter( %>% droplevels
which reads exactly like what I was looking for.
