RJDBC queries against Oracle NUMBER(22,0) fields get wrong results - r

I have been submitting queries to a particular Oracle database, from R, over RJDBC, for over three years. All that time the results in R seemed to match the results I would get in a database browser (DBeaver in my case).
Now I'm writing queries against a table that has NUMBER(22,0) primary and foreign keys with values in the billions (>1,000,000,000).
And now the results in R don't match the results in DBeaver. These data are sensitive, and I haven't figured out a way to illustrate my problem without disclosing the data, nor have I gotten to the point of replicating the problem in an Oracle database of my own creation yet. I'm open to any suggestions!
A sample query is
In DBeaver, I get 6 rows with values in the 70,000,000 - 75,000,000 range.
When submitted in R (see below), I get 8 rows with values in the 100,000,000 - 300,000,000 range.
Are my values in the where block getting cast to some semi-compatible type? Do I need to assert somewhere that these are long integers?
driver <-
JDBC(driverClass = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver",
classPath = config$oracle.jdbc.path)
con.string <- paste0("jdbc:oracle:thin:#//",
Connection <-
query <- "SELECT
query.res <- dbGetQuery(Connection, query)


RSQLite dbGetQuery with input from Data Frame

I have a database called "db" with a table called "company" which has a column named "name".
I am trying to look up a company name in db using the following query:
dbGetQuery(db, 'SELECT name,registered_address FROM company WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER("%APPLE%")')
This give me the following correct result:
1 Apple
My problem is that I have a bunch of companies to look up and their names are in the following data frame
df <- as.data.frame(c("apple", "microsoft","facebook"))
I have tried the following method to get the company name from my df and insert it into the query:
sqlcomp <- paste0("'SELECT name, ","registered_address FROM company WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER(",'"', df[1,1],'"', ")'")
However this gives me the following error:
tinyformat: Too many conversion specifiers in format string
I've tried several other methods but I cannot get it to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
this code should work
df <- as.data.frame(c("apple", "microsoft","facebook"))
comparer <- paste(paste0(" LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER('%",df[,1],"%')"),collapse=" OR ")
sqlcomp <- sprintf("SELECT name, registered_address FROM company WHERE %s",comparer)
Hope this helps you move on.
Please vote my solution if it is helpful.
Using paste to paste in data into a query is generally a bad idea, due to SQL injection (whether truly injection or just accidental spoiling of the query). It's also better to keep the query free of "raw data" because DBMSes tend to optimize a query once and reuse that optimized query every time it sees the same query; if you encode data in it, it's a new query each time, so the optimization is defeated.
It's generally better to use parameterized queries; see https://db.rstudio.com/best-practices/run-queries-safely/#parameterized-queries.
For you, I suggest the following:
df <- data.frame(names = c("apple", "microsoft","facebook"))
qmarks <- paste(rep("?", nrow(df)), collapse = ",")
# [1] "?,?,?"
dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("select name, registered_address from company where lower(name) in (%s)", qmarks),
params = tolower(df$names))
This takes advantage of three things:
the SQL IN operator, which takes a list (vector in R) of values and conditions on "set membership";
optimized queries; if you subsequently run this query again (with three arguments), then it will reuse the query. (Granted, if you run with other than three companies, then it will have to reoptimize, so this is limited gain);
no need to deal with quoting/escaping your data values; for instance, if it is feasible that your company names might include single or double quotes (perhaps typos on user-entry), then adding the value to the query itself is either going to cause the query to fail, or you will have to jump through some hoops to ensure that all quotes are escaped properly for the DBMS to see it as the correct strings.

Can sqldf be used to import the data of an already existing table in a database into a data.frame in R?

Today, for the first time I discovered sqldf package which I found to be very useful and convenient. Here is what the documentation says about the package:
sqldf is an R package for runing SQL statements on R data frames,
optimized for convenience. The user simply specifies an SQL statement
in R using data frame names in place of table names and a database
with appropriate table layouts/schema is automatically created, the
data frames are automatically loaded into the database, the specified
SQL statement is performed, the result is read back into R and the
database is deleted all automatically behind the scenes making the
database's existence transparent to the user who only specifies the
SQL statement.
So if I understand correctly, some data.frame which contains data stored in the RAM of the computer is mapped into a database on the disk temporarily as a table, then the calculation or whatever the query is supposed to do will be done and finally the result is returned back to R and all that was temporarily created in the database goes away as it never existed.
My question is, does it work other way around? Meaning, that assuming there is already a table let's say named my_table (just an example) in the database (I use PostgreSQL), is there any way to import its data from the database into a data.frame in R via sqldf? Because, currently the only way that I know is RPostgreSQL.
Thanks to G. Grothendieck for the answer. Indeed it is perfectly possible to select data from already existing tables in the database. My mistake was that I was thinking that the name of the dataframe and the corresponding table must always be the same, whereas if I understand correctly, this is only the case when a data.frame data is mapped to a temporary table in the database. As a result when I tried to select data, I had an error message saying that a table with the same name already existed in my database.
Anyway, just as a test to see whether this works, I did the following in PostgreSQL (postgres user and test database which is owned by postgres)
test=# create table person(fname text, lname text, email text);
test=# insert into person(fname, lname, email) values ('fname-01', 'lname-01', 'fname-01.lname-01#gmail.com'), ('fname-02', 'lname-02', 'fname-02.lname-02#gmail.com'), ('fname-03', 'lname-03', 'fname-03.lname-03#gmail.com');
test=# select * from person;
fname | lname | email
fname-01 | lname-01 | fname-01.lname-01#gmail.com
fname-02 | lname-02 | fname-02.lname-02#gmail.com
fname-03 | lname-03 | fname-03.lname-03#gmail.com
(3 rows)
Then I wrote the following in R
options(sqldf.RPostgreSQL.user = "postgres",
sqldf.RPostgreSQL.password = "postgres",
sqldf.RPostgreSQL.dbname = "test",
sqldf.RPostgreSQL.host = "localhost",
sqldf.RPostgreSQL.port = 5432)
result_df <- sqldf("select * from person")
And indeed we can see that result_df contains the data stored in the table person.
> result_df
fname lname email
1 fname-01 lname-01 fname-01.lname-01#gmail.com
2 fname-02 lname-02 fname-02.lname-02#gmail.com
3 fname-03 lname-03 fname-03.lname-03#gmail.com

RODBC gives proper row count but yields empty query

Using R-3.5.0 and RODBC v. 1.3-15 on Windows.
I am trying to query data from a remote database. I can connect fine and if I do a query to count the rows, the answer comes out correctly. But if I try to remove the count statement select count(*) and actually get the data via select *, I yield an empty query (with some rather strange headers). Only two of the column names come out correctly and the rest are question marks and a number (as shown below). I can using sql developer to query the data no problem.
I include the simplest version of the code below but I get the same results if I try to limit to just a few rows or certain conditions, etc. Sorry I cannot create a reproducible example but as this is a remote db and I have no idea what the problem is, I'm not sure how I could even do that.
I can query other tables from different schemas within the same odbc connection, so I don't think it is that. I have tried with and without the believeNRows and the rows_at_time.
Thank you for any thoughts.
channel <- odbcConnect("mydb", uid="myuser", pwd="mypass", believeNRows=FALSE,rows_at_time = 1)
myquery <- paste("select count(*) from MYSCHEMA.MYTABLE")
sqlQuery(channel, myquery)
1 149712361
myquery <- paste("select * from MYSCHEMA.MYTABLE")
sqlQuery(channel, myquery)
[1] ID FMC_IN_ID ? ?.1 ?.2 ?.3 ?.4 ?.5 ?.6 ?.7 ?.8 ?.9 ?.10 ?.11 ?.12 ?.13 ?.14 ?.15
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
I would try the following:
add a simple limit 100 to your query to see if you can get some data back
add the believeNRows option to the sqlQuery call -- in my experience it is needed at that level
In case it helps others, the problem was that the database contained an Oracle spatial field (MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY). R did not know what to do with it. I assumed it would just convert it to a character but instead it just got confused. By omitting the spatial field, the query worked fine.

R/ROracle How to get dbListTables from specific SCHEMA

How to get the list of table names from database for certain scheme?
tabellen <- dbListTables(con, all=T)
gives all the tables from database, but i would like to specify the scheme. I read in the ROracle package that i can specify scheme like:
tabellen <- dbListTables(con, schema="K")
However i get an empty character...
when i use sql command:
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE OWNER ='K'")
data <- fetch(rs)
It works but i get a table, not a list what i would prefer too.. Is there a way to get directly the list of tables? [SOLVED] - too much programming..I wrote scheme instead of schema...Thanks for pointing it out, my bad, sorry for that
And additionally how i can get the name of columns for certain table which i choosed [NOT SOLVED]
Thanks for help

Bulk-Update an SQLite column in R using RSQLite and bind.data

I am using R in combination with SQLite using RSQLite to persistate my data since I did not have sufficient RAM to constantly store all columns and calculate using them. I have added an empty column to the SQLite database using:
dbGetQuery(db, "alter table test_table add column newcol real)
Now I want to fill this column using data I calculated in R and which is stored in my data.table column dtab$newcol. I have tried the following approach:
dbGetQuery(db, "update test_table set newcol = ? where id = ?", bind.data = data.frame(transactions$sum_year, transactions$id))
Unfortunately, R seems like it is doing something but is not using any CPU time or RAM allocation. The database does not change size and even after 24 hours nothing has changed. Therefore, I assume it has crashed - without any output.
Am I using the update statement wrong? Is there an alternative way of doing this?
I have also tried the RSQLite functions dbSendQuery and dbGetPreparedQuery - both with the same result. However, what does work is updating a single row without the use of bind.data. A loop to update the column, therefore, seems possible but I will have to evaluate the performance since the dataset is huge.
As mentioned by #jangorecki the problem had to do with SQLite performance. I disabled synchronous and set journal_mode to off (which has to be done for every session).
dbGetQuery(transDB, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF")
dbGetQuery(transDB, "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF")
Also I changed my RSQLite code to use dbBegin(), dbSendPreparedQuery() and dbCommit(). It is takes a while but at least it works not and has an acceptable performance.
