TypeError: Cannot read property 'MediaFrame' of undefined - wordpress

I am randomly getting this error when I edit a page, for example at /wp-admin/post.php?post=5323&action=edit
I don't think I need to include any code because this doesn't seem to reference any plugins. All of the problems are in /wp-includes/js
TypeError: Cannot read property 'MediaFrame' of undefined
at Object.wp.media (/wp-includes/js/media-models.min.js?ver=5.4.1:2:1052)
at new t (/wp-includes/js/dist/media-utils.min.js?ver=591443ff969b73a6db3bc4d8cc57722d:2:5719)
at Ag (/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.9.0:63:107)
at Vg (/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.9.0:89:442)
at ph (/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.9.0:217:70)
at lh (/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.9.0:126:409)
at O (/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.9.0:121:71)
at ze (/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.9.0:118:14)
at /wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.9.0:53:49
at unstable_runWithPriority (/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react.min.js?ver=16.9.0:26:340)
WordPress version 5.4.1

The problem can be caused by a plugin, so it would be worth a try deactivating all of them and using a wordpress theme (like twentytwenty) to check if the problem is still occurs.
You should make sure that you have a footer.php in your theme, because the wp_enqueue_media() calls scripts there and maybe it cannot be loaded.
The TypeError sounds like not all the media scripts could be loaded on admin pages. You can try adding this to the end of your functions.php of your theme:
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', function()
An alternative way to write is the following, maybe it is a bit more readable. The code does exactly the same:
function load_my_wp_media() {
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'load_my_wp_media' );
This hook enqueue all media scripts, so 'MediaFrame' should no longer be undefined.


Wordpress media library not working - mediaelementplayer is not a function

Uncaught TypeError: b(...).not(...).filter(...).mediaelementplayer is not a function
I am getting this issue after wordpress latest update 4.9. I am using this library in my plugin to allow users to upload images using the wp media upload. It was working fine, but after the latest update it is returning the error as I mentioned above.
By adding the following code in functions.php file, error should be resolved.
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_register_javascript', 100);
function my_register_javascript() {
wp_register_script('mediaelement', plugins_url('wp-mediaelement.min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), '4.8.2', true);
Does it appear on post/page edit?
'Add Media' button is not working?
If you answer 'yes' on both questions take a look if jQuery is not loaded twice, if so, load one only or implement JQuery.noConflict().

wp_dequeue_style not seems to working

I'm build a wordpress theme and I've created in my style.css a custom class for the plugin: Social Count plus
The problem's that plugin use an own css called counter.css what I need to do is prevent the inclusion of this css, so I've inserted this line in my functions.php:
wp_dequeue_style( 'counter' );
unfortunately the style is even included during the site reload. What am I doing wrong?
Try this:
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {
Just leave the counter.css file in place but either empty it out or comment everything out. It can't load what's not there. Be aware though, and update to that plugin might add the contents of that file back.

Calling wp_enqueue_media() in a custom theme widget on WordPress 3.5.x cause js error

I am writing a custom widget for my own WordPress theme.
From WordPress 3.5 there is a new Media Uploader instead of the old ThickBox.
My widget used to work fine on WordPress versions older than 3.5, but now the new media uploader prevent the old working behavior.
I added a check in the costructor for the presence of wp_enqueue_media function:
if( function_exists( 'wp_enqueue_media' ) ) {
but when this part of cose is executed javascript throw an error in the console stopping Js engine:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined load-scripts.php:69
I removed all the widget code and reduced it to bare bones... the error is caused by wp_enqueue_media() calls, but I cannot get my head around why and how to fix it.
I also read Wordpress 3.5 custom media upload for your theme options, but there is no mention to this issue
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is there any documentation available for the the WordPress 3.5 Media Uploader?
It's too late for you now, but might be helpful for other people. I managed to make it work using
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_enqueue_media' );
Hope it helps!
The problem you are experiencing is because you probably put your custom jquery in the header and you didn't registered wordpress jquery. If multiple jquery are defined you will get that error.
My sugestion is you should either remove your jquery script or remove the one from wordpress
function remove_jquery() {
//wp_register_script('jquery', ("//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"), false);
if(!is_admin()){add_action('init', 'remove_jquery');}
I suggest you use the jquery wordpress provides you, if not, the proper way to enqueue it is to deregister the default one an register your jquery. Just remove the comments from the remove_jquery function.
Also, the above code should go in functions.php
From codex [1], the function wp_enqueue_media( $args ) should be called from 'admin_equeue_scripts' action hook. or later.
function enqueue_media() {
if( function_exists( 'wp_enqueue_media' ) ) {
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_media');
Hope it helped.
[1]. https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_enqueue_media
To debug, you need to get the non-minified versions of the js sent to the browser. See the docs:
SCRIPT_DEBUG is a related constant that will force WordPress to use the "dev" versions of core CSS and Javascript files rather than the minified versions that are normally loaded. This is useful when you are testing modifications to any built-in .js or .css files. Default is false.
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);

How do I deregister style sheet from wordpress using functions.php?

I found this article here on how to deregister styles in wordpress. techotronic.de/how-to-de-register-style-sheet-wordpress/
Pretty simples I thought but I can't get my head round what he's trying to say. This is the code below...
add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'custom_deregister_styles', 100 );
function custom_deregister_styles() {
wp_deregister_style( 'colorbox-theme1' );
Straight forward enough, for his plugin...
But if I wanted to deregister a style from another plugin I'm using, how do you find out what name to put in the code - wp_deregister_style( ' ???? ' );
I've tried the obvious, the stylesheet name...
add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'custom_deregister_styles', 100 );
function custom_deregister_styles() {
wp_deregister_style( 'language-selector.css' );
and this is another method I found, but can't get my head around what I got to do?
add_action("gform_enqueue_scripts", "deregister_style");
function deregister_style(){
How does this deregister method work, and what do I need to look for in the plugin to get the relative name to get it to work. I'm very confused.
Appreciate any advice thanks!
I have just discovered the style sheet I'm trying to deregister is not loaded via wp_enqueue_style or wp_register_style.
See php file from plugin here https://gist.github.com/1442470
And look on Line 792 for language-selector.css
Find wp_register_style or wp_enqueue_style in the plugin folder. You'll find the name in that function call.
Update: You cannot remove this without editing the plugin, or resolving to ugly hacks like buffering all the output and filtering it at the end. That's the reason wp_enqueue_style or wp_register_style should be used for all stylesheets.

Loading javascript into wordpress wp_enqueue_script() problem

I am trying to get my custom javascript (jQuery) to load correctly in Wordpress.
I know you have to use wp_enqueue_script() to do this correctly. However the problem I have is that the result is not my script, but in the place I should have javascript I have the code for a 404 page !
I've tried two ways of enqueueing the script :
wp_enqueue_script('sitescript', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/javascript/sitescript.js', array('jquery'),1);
just above wp_head()
and :function my_script_load() {
wp_enqueue_script('sitescript', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/javascript/sitescript.js', array('jquery'),null);
add_action('init', 'my_script_load');
in functions.php
both methods have the same effect. When I inspect the HTML in firebug I find the script is corredtly referenced :
<script src="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/doric2011/javascript/sitescript.js" type="text/javascript">
however when I inspect the script itself I find the following (an extract) :`
Page not found | Nick Kai Nielsen
and so on... It is a HTML output for a 404 page, but occupying a space where javascript should be...
Needless to say the script does not work.
I have only had this problem since updating to 3.1 and it does the same thing if I try loading highslide.js and highslide.config.js (professionally written scripts). The script I wish to load is already working on my site and I want to go on using it in the new theme I am developing.
has anyone any idea of what is happening ? And, of course, what should I do about it ?
This is a local installation - I'm not risking breaking my site until this is sorted out.
add_action('init', 'my_script_load');
function my_script_load() {
wp_register_script('sitescript', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/javascript/sitescript.js', array('jquery'), true);
Assuming your javascript file is in the proper location (and the URL isn't pointing to a spot where the JS file isn't...) try this:
function add_my_scripts() {
$templatedir = get_bloginfo('template_directory');
if(!is_admin()) {
wp_register_script( 'sitescript', $templatedir . '/javascript/sitescript.js');
wp_enqueue_script( 'sitescript' );
add_action( 'init', 'add_my_scripts');
