Prefix css selectors for make styles from API safe - css

Let's assume that the user can add styles for every component in admin panel and I get it as string in my Node server:
const stylesFromAPI = ".p { color: red } .bg { background: lime }";
How to prefix this styles before append to my document to avoid conflicts?
I need something like CSS modules but working with strings (not as module loader):
const stylesFromAPI = css(".p { color: red } .bg { background: lime }"); // returns hashedClassname685946898456
<SomeCompontent className={stylesFromAPI} />
.hashedClassname685946898456 .p { color: red }
.hashedClassname685946898456 .bg { background: lime }
<div class="hashedClassname685946898456"></div>

Shadow DOM seems like a reasonable option here. You can create your style tags with inside the shadow DOM without having to deal with any selector prefixes. For example, using the react-shadow package:
import root from 'react-shadow';
Then in JSX, something like:
<style type="text/css">
{/* CSS string here */}
{/* Stuff here */}
Check out a working example of this here:
The main downside here is your styles from outside the shadow DOM will not apply. Those using the shadow DOM for components see this as a good thing, those simply trying to scope CSS do not. Not sure what it is you're scoping, so I can't really tell if that would be an issue for you.
If it is, you could re-import your styles within the shadow DOM, though I can't really point out how to do that without knowing what bundler is in use and how it is in use.
Alternatively you could pull apart your imported CSS using the css package, iterate over the selectors prefixing all with a randomly generated class, and then re-stringify.


NextJS: Modify third-party component CSS in different pages

With third-party components, the way to include their styles is by importing their stylesheet into _app.tsx or importing the stylesheet into your component that uses the third-party component, as described here: or by adding to next.config.js like so:
// next.config.js
const withTM = require("next-transpile-modules")([
To modify the third-party stylesheet, you need to create your own stylesheet and add it to _app.tsx; those modifications might look like this:
// styles/modified-fullcalendar.scss
.fc-col-header {
width: 100% !important;
Another option, at least for my use case (Full Calendar) is to use CSS variables as described here in technique 2 on this page: There was a lengthy thread about this on the Full Calendar issues page, as seen here:
The problem with all of these methods of customization is that they're global, and so anywhere you use this third-party component it'll look the same. However, in my case, I want to use the component on two different pages, with different styling modifications. With most frameworks, I would simply import the relevant modified stylesheet wherever I needed it, but NextJS doesn't allow that. How can I achieve the modifications I want?
The solution is to wrap the component in a div with a specific class name, then do the css overrides in a nested format for each use case in the override file.
Say your third-party component is FullCalendar. It's being imported and used in the files Foo.tsx and Bar.tsx. In Foo, let's say you want the calendar cells to be green.
To make the modification, you create the file modified-fc.scss and do the following:
// modified-fc.scss
.fc-cell {
background: green !important;
You then import modified-fc.scss into _app.tsx in order to apply the styles globally, and you're done. However, this prevents you from changing the cell color to orange in Bar. To circumvent this, just wrap the component:
// Foo.tsx
<div className=".wrapper1">
// Bar.tsx
<div className=".wrapper2">
and then nest the classes:
// modified-fc.scss
.wrapper1 {
.fc-cell {
background: green !important;
.wrapper2 {
.fc-cell {
background: orange !important;
.wrapper1 > .fc-cell {
background: green !important;
.wrapper2 > .fc-cell {
background: orange !important;

Workaround for CSS variables in IE?

I'm currently developing a web application in Outsystems in which I have the need to customize the CSS, in which I'm using variables. I need to guarantee the app works cross-browser, including in Internet Explorer. IE doesn't support CSS variables, as you can see in the picture below from this source.
Since I have to use CSS variables, is there any workaround for the usage of variables in IE?
Yes there is a way, the same way you make any css compatible: use a specific css fallback that is supported by the browser.
body {
--text-color: red;
body {
color: red; /* default supported fallback style */
color: var(--text-color); /* will not be used by any browser that doesn't support it, and will default to the previous fallback */
This solution is incredibly redundant and 'almost' defeats the purpose of css variables....BUT it is necessary for browser compatibility. Doing this would essentially make the css variables useless but I implore you to still use them because it will serve as an important reminder to the fact that these values are referenced elsewhere and need to be updated in all cases, otherwise you forget to update every related occurrence of 'color' and then you have inconsistent styling because relevant css values are out of sync. The variable will serve more as a comment but a very important one.
There is a polyfill, which enables almost complete support for CSS variables in IE11:
(i am the author)
The script makes use of the fact that IE has minimal custom properties support where properties can be defined and read out with the cascade in mind.
.myEl {-ie-test:'aaa'} // only one dash allowed! "-"
then read it in javascript:
getComputedStyle( querySelector('.myEl') )['-ie-test']
From the README:
handles dynamic added html-content
handles dynamic added , -elements
chaining --bar:var(--foo)
fallback var(--color, blue)
:focus, :target, :hover
Inline styles: <div ie-style="--color:blue"...
cascade works
inheritance works
under 3k (min+gzip) and dependency-free
In case someone comes across this, has a similar issue where I had it set like this.
a {
background: var(--new-color);
border-radius: 50%;
I added the background colour before the variable so if that didn't load it fell back on the hex.
a {
background: #3279B8;
background: var(--new-color);
border-radius: 50%;
Yes, so long as you're processing root-level custom properties (IE9+).
From the README:
Client-side transformation of CSS custom properties to static values
Live updates of runtime values in both modern and legacy browsers
Transforms <link>, <style>, and #import CSS
Transforms relative url() paths to absolute URLs
Supports chained and nested var() functions
Supports var() function fallback values
Supports web components / shadow DOM CSS
Watch mode auto-updates on <link> and <style> changes
UMD and ES6 module available
TypeScript definitions included
Lightweight (6k min+gzip) and dependency-free
Custom property support is limited to :root and :host declarations
The use of var() is limited to property values (per W3C specification)
Here are a few examples of what the library can handle:
Root-level custom properties
:root {
--a: red;
p {
color: var(--a);
Chained custom properties
:root {
--a: var(--b);
--b: var(--c);
--c: red;
p {
color: var(--a);
Nested custom properties
:root {
--a: 1em;
--b: 2;
p {
font-size: calc(var(--a) * var(--b));
Fallback values
p {
font-size: var(--a, 1rem);
color: var(--b, var(--c, var(--d, red)));
Transforms <link>, <style>, and #import CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/absolute/path/to/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../relative/path/to/style.css">
#import "/absolute/path/to/style.css";
#import "../relative/path/to/style.css";
Transforms web components / shadow DOM
.my-custom-element {
color: var(--test-color);
<div class="my-custom-element">Hello.</div>
For the sake of completeness: w3c specs
Hope this helps.
(Shameless self-promotion: Check)
Make a seperate .css file for your variables. Copy/paste the contents of the variable.css file to the end of your main.css file. Find and replace all the variable names in the main.css file to the hex code for those variables. For example: ctrl-h to find var(--myWhiteVariable) and replace with #111111.
Side note: if you keep the :root{ } in the main.css file and just comment it out, you can use that to track those hex codes later if you want to update your fallback colors.
Another way to do it is declaring colors in a JS file (in my case I'm using react) and then just use the variable you defined in the JS file.
For example:
in globals.js
export const COLORS = {
yellow: '#F4B400',
yellowLight: '#F4C849',
purple: '#7237CC',
purple1: '#A374EB',
in your file
import { COLORS } from 'globals'
and then just use COLORS.yellow, COLORS.purple, etc.
body {
--text-color : red; /* --text-color 정의 */
body {
color: var(--text-color, red); /* --text-color 정의되지 않으면 red로 대체됨 */
body {
color: var(--text-color, var(--text-color-other, blue));
/* --text-color, --text-color-other 가 정의되지 않으면 blue로 대체됨 */
There is no way yet in "normal" css but take a look at sass/scss or less.
here is a scss example
$font-stack: Helvetica, sans-serif;
$primary-color: #333;
body {
font: 100% $font-stack;
color: $primary-color;
I recommend setting your css variables as sass variables, then using sass interpolation to render the color in your elements.
:root {
--text-color: #123456;
$text-color: var(--text-color);
body {
color: #{$text-color};
If im not wrong there is a workaround, the CSS #ID Selector. Which should work for IE > 6 I guess.. So you can
.one { };
<div class="one">
should work as
#one {};
<div id="one">

CSS Modules & ReactJS: Parent and child CSS classes in different components

So I am building a react application and have a quick question. If I have two separate components:
with CSS classes navigation.css and navigationLogo.css respectively. In navigation.css I have a class named .main and in navigationLogo.css I want to have a class like so:
.main .main_in_logo {
color: red;
But with CSS Modules I am unable to do this, any ideas on a work around?
I just feel that the explanations here are not complete enough. In css you do .parentSelector .childSelector in order to select the child. The same rule is for css modules, but in your html/jsx you should add to the parent and the child the relevant className -> styles.parentSelector , styles.childSelector.
<div className={styles.container}>text</div>
This way you can have in your css something like:
.banner .container{
.banner .container{
Sometimes you use libraries and you want to change something somewhere down the DOM inside the library and you can't change its source code. In this case you can use the :global like this:
.parentElement :global(div)
.parentElement :global(#some-lib-element-selector)
I was looking for the same problem and didn't find the solution here, maybe because the post is 3 years old. The accepted answer is, in my opinion but not mine only, not scalable.
I don't really know if this is something new, but I found out what I would do in vanilla CSS adapted to CSS modules.
Here is what I did and fully suits my needs:
/* parent.css */
.main {
...some CSS...
/* logo.css */
#value main from "./parent.css";
.logo {
...some CSS...
.main .logo {
color: red
Here, we are using #value, which is a CSS modules variable and allows us to bind with another file to build a selector including the final name of the parent "main".
As strange as it looks to me, it took some time to find out about this solution, I hope this will save some time and help other people!
Why you need to create .main .main_in_logo - the main idea of styles with parent elements its not to broke your css with other styles in the future. But its impossible with css modules, because your styles will be unique forever.
But even you really need it you can use global css for these 2 components - documentation about global css for react-css-modules.
The child component should not have a css rule that is dependent upon the parent css classname.
the child should just be:
.main_in_logo { color: red; }
If you need to define styles that involve both parent and child, then the easiest way is to define the styles completely in the parent:
/* navigation.css */
.main .main_in_logo {
color: red;
Then have the parent pass the css class to the child and tell the child to use it:
// Navigation.js
<NavigationLogo className={navigationCss.main_in_logo} />
// NavigationLogo.js
<div className={"foo " + this.props.className}>stuff</div>
You don't need to be specify which child class you are referring to when using CSS modules in ReactjS.
so doing:
.main_in_logo {
color: red;
will be enough in the stylesheet.
I ended up using CSS the normal way but with BEM convention.
I mean after all, what the CSS modules do is adding the [this_name].module.css to your css classes anyway. If you typed it correctly in the first place, there's no need of using this. It's just a new abstract that allow newbies so they can just do stuff without having to worry about class names clashing.
// Main.jsx
import './Main.css'
import Logo from './Logo.jsx'
const Main = () => {
return (
<div className="main">
<Logo className="main__logo" />
/* Main.css */
.main {/* do magic */}
.main__logo {/* do magic but for Logo component */}
So maybe you had Logo component like this..
// Logo.jsx
import './Logo.css'
const Logo = () => {
return (
<div className="logo">
<img className="logo__img" />
/* Logo.css */
.logo {/* do magic for logo */}
.logo__img {/* do magic for logo's image */}
This feels much more natural.

Apply stylesheet to half a page with shadow-dom?

Can I apply an external stylesheet to a specific div/element with shadow-dom or via any other means? I've heard about shadow-dom and I believe it lets you constrain your styles, but that's about all I know.
Specifically, I want half the page to use bootstrap, and the other half to use MUI or something else. This is just to show how my library works nicely with different themes.
I don't want to modify the CSS in anyway to constrain it to a specific element, nor do I want to use iframes.
Yes, you can apply an external stysheet in a Shadow DOM using the #import url CSS rule.
div.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
.innerHTML = `
#import url( './external-style.css' )
<!-- other elements -->`
NB: The #import rule must placed at the top of the <style> element.
You can then manipulate the Shadow DOM like a normal DOM:
div.shadowRoot.appendChild( firstSection.cloneNode( true ) )
If your content is already existing in the normal DOM, you can move it with appendChild(), duplicate it with cloneNode() as in the above example), or reveal it with the help of <slot> element:
div1.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
div1.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
:host { display: inline ; background: #cfc ; }
::slotted( span ) { color: red ; }
<div id=div1>
<span>Hello</span> world
In the last case you'll need to use the ::slotted pseudo-element to change the style of the original DOM, so maybe you'll have to modify already existing stylesheet. The best solution depends on your use case.

Change style of pseudo elements in angular2

Is it possible to change style of pseudo elements using [style] or [ngStyle] in angular2?
in order to get a blur effect on a div acts like an overlay, and I should set up background-image on pseudo element.
I tried something like
<div class="blur" [style.before.backgroundImage]="'url('+ featuredImage[i] + ' )'">
it didn't work. I also tried this
<div class="blur" [ngStyle]="'{:before{ background-image:url('+ featuredImage[i] + ' )}}'">
You can achieve what you need with CSS variables.
In your style sheet you can set the background image like this:
.featured-image:after { content: '';
background-image: var(--featured-image);
After that you can programmatically set this variable on the same element or higher up in the DOM tree:
<div class="featured-image" [ngStyle]="{'--featured-image': featuredImage}">
More about CSS variables here: Note that the browser support is not complete yet.
Also note that you will need to sanitize the url/style using sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(path) or sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('--featured-image:url(' + path + ')')):
No it's not possible. It is actually not an Angular issue: pseudo elements are not part of DOM tree, and because of that do not expose any DOM API that can be used to interact with them.
Usual approach if you want to deal with pseudo elements programmatically is indirect: you add/remove/change class and in CSS make this class affect corresponding pseudo-element. So in your case you could have one more class that changes necessary style:
.blur:before {/* some styles */}
.blur.background:before {/* set background */}
Now all you need to do is to toggle .background class on the element when you need before pseudo-element to get a background. You can use NgClass, for example.
if you want to add other properties I did it like this:
<div class="progress" [style]= "'--porcentaje-width:' + widthh " ></div>
and the css:
.progress::after {
content: '';
width: var(--porcentaje-width);
this worked for me :)
With current versions of Angular 2+ you can use CSS Variables to achieve this as well as sanitizing your input.
In your style sheet define the rule using CSS Variables. A fallback can also be defined as CSS Variables aren't supported by IE.
.featured-image:after {
content: '';
// Fallback for IE
background-image: url('fallback-img.png');
background-image: var(--featured-image);
Rather than bypassing security trust style, you can also sanitize your input with a reusable pipe:
import {Pipe, PipeTransform, SecurityContext} from '#angular/core';
import {DomSanitizer, SafeStyle} from '#angular/platform-browser';
name: 'safeStyle',
export class SafeStylePipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(protected sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}
transform(value: string): SafeStyle {
if (!value) return '';
return this.sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.STYLE, value);
In your template:
<div class="featured-image" [style.--featured-image]="featuredImage[i] | safeStyle"></div>
