Why won't the HTML function in R actually write the HTML? - r

So I recently helped write a code for my lab which takes our processed data and makes a merged data frame of it. For purpose of keeping the lab updated, we keep our data tables updated on a secure wiki and thus I need an HTML made so I can basically upload the dataframe onto the wiki easily. It's worked before - all I did was basically copy what was already written and working and edited it to work for a different time point in our data collection. I have no errors given back to me and the data looks how I want it to look. As far as I know this script should be written logically and working well and so far it does except for one issue: R will make a file for the HTML, but there is no HTML written in the text document.
I have HTML's written from the other data time points which are written the exact same as this one, so I don't think it is a script construction thing.
Any ideas as to why this could be happening? I just need to know where to triage.
The package used for HTML is R2HTML, included in my packages list up at the top of the script. For HTML(, file=paste()), you will need to use your own directory to see if the HTML is written as a text file.

If I am not wrong , You are trying to get the dataframe in html format .
In this case you need to use xtable package in R
Just the below code in bottom of the script
## install the xtable package before importing it
print(xtable(ChildSRPtotsFU_wiki), type="html", file="check_stack_overflow.html")


How can I call any arbitrary object generated at any arbitrary point of one Rmarkdown file in another Rmarkdown file?

To preface this, I think my question is related to this, but it's not exactly the same: How to source R Markdown file like `source('myfile.r')`?
Basically, I perform most of my data cleaning and analysis in Rmarkdown files because the visual separation between chunks of code and my own comments on what should be done for the analysis/cleaning is very helpful to me. It also helps that within Rstudio if you run a table, df, then it'll display an interactive snippet of it in the document. This is all very helpful in complicated cleaning/analyses. So in other words, I'd like to develop in one R-Markdown file and write in another R-Markdown file. Splitting/writing the code into a source.R file is not ideal, unless there was a very automated and reproducible way to do it.
The issue is that for reports, I'd sometimes like to take specific objects that were generated from these lengthy data-cleaning and analyses files in Rmarkdown. For example, let's say that during my data-cleaning in Rmarkdown-file-1, there was a particular table that was giving me trouble problematic.df and that I'd like to call in my report or possibly perform further manipulations in my report (Rmarkdown-file-2).
So ultimately I think this is the question:
How can I call any arbitrary object generated at any arbitrary point of one Rmarkdown file in another Rmarkdown file?
Obviously, the above would be the ideal, but it sounds unreasonable, so perhaps this is a better question/request:
How can I call any arbitrary objects generated by the end of one Rmarkdown file in another Rmarkdown file?
Upon further reflection, my question might already be answered in the post I linked, but it's been a while since that question was posted and perhaps there are new solutions or perspectives on this issue.

Is there a way to accelerate formatted table writing from R to excel?

I have a 174603 rows and 178 column dataframe, which I'm importing to Excel using openxlsx::saveWorkbook, (Using this package to obtain the aforementioned format of cells, with colors, header styles and so on). But the process is extremely slow, (depending on the amount of memory used by the machine it can take from 7 to 17 minutes!!) and I need a way to reduce this significantly (Doesn't need to be seconds, but anything bellow 5 min would be OK)
I've already searched other questions but they all seem to focus either in exporting to R (I have no problem with this) or writing non-formatted files to R (using write.csv and other options of the like)
Apparently I can't use xlsx package because of the settings on my computer (industrial computer, Check comments on This question)
Any suggestions regarding packages or other functionalities inside this package to make this run faster would be highly appreciated.
This question has some time ,but I had the same problem as you and came up with a solution worth mentioning.
There is package called writexl that has implemented a way to export a data frame to Excel using the C library libxlsxwriter. You can export to excel using the next code:
writexl::write_xlsx(df, "Excel.xlsx",format_headers = TRUE)
The parameter format_headers only apply centered and bold titles, but I had edited the C code of the its source in github writexl library made by ropensci.
You can download it or clone it. Inside src folder you can edit write_xlsx.c file.
For example in the part that he is inserting the header format
//how to format headers (bold + center)
lxw_format * title = workbook_add_format(workbook);
format_set_align(title, LXW_ALIGN_CENTER);
you can add this lines to add background color to the header
format_set_pattern (title, LXW_PATTERN_SOLID);
format_set_bg_color(title, 0x8DC4E4);
There are lots of formating you can do searching in the libxlsxwriter library
When you have finished editing that file and given you have the source code in a folder called writexl, you can build and install the edited package by
shell("R CMD build writexl")
install.packages("writexl_1.2.tar.gz", repos = NULL)
Exporting again using the first chunk of code will generate the Excel with formats and faster than any other library I know about.
Hope this helps.
Have you tried ;
write.table(GroupsAlldata, file = 'Groupsalldata.txt')
in order to obtain it in txt format.
Then on Excel, you can simply transfer you can 'text to column' to put your data into a table
good luck

Edit text/comments of rmarkdown and knitr reports without rerunning code

I love knitr & rmarkdown, but I often find myself in situations where I have a lengthy report that takes some nontrivial amount of time to run. After it's generated, I notice my inevitable typos in text. However, re-knitting everything to just fix a couple typos (just in text, not code) takes a long time and seems avoidable. I was about to start taking a hack at developing my own solution to this, but I'm thinking it's the kind of thing that could already have a mature solution which would likely be more robust than the one I'd build.
I'm wondering if there is solution out there within knitr or third party that would allow me to edit just the text of my reports without rerunning code, generating plots and outputs etc. I know, I can simply edit the generated html text, but then those changes must be replicated in the R/Rmd code that generated it, or they get out of sync. I'm envisioning a function like this:
argument 1: the R/Rmd script with text edits (no code changes)... perhaps a warning is generated when code chunks change
argument 2: the html output file from the last time the R script in argument was knitted without the text edits.
return: the html report (argument 2) updated with the comments in the R/Rmd script (argument 1).
I use the cache option sometimes for large datasets. I toggle eval and echo on and off when developing if I'm just working on the text of my report. However, I'm looking for a function that would take care of all this for me, so one doesn't have to mess with the code and chunk options to make small edits to text.
Here's an interim solution that lets you retain the speed of making changes directly to the rendered text, but you have to do a little work after you're done making changes.
Assuming the following files:
input.knitr is the original Knitr file with text and code integrated.
output.html is the resulting HTML code that has been rendered by Knitr.
Consider making direct text edits to output.html and then running something like Meld visual merge tool:
meld output.html input.knitr
Then manually select the edits in output.html that are new and should be fixed in the original source input.knitr. Tools such as Meld do a pretty good job of aligning the texts so that the chunks and knitted output will appear as large "changes" that, in practice, you would ignore. You would focus on the small changes in the non-chunk sections.

Avoiding to compile the whole document each time in Rmarkdown

I am a new user to R Markdown and was wondering if there was a way to "incrementally" compile an html markdown page as I am writing the code. Say I add 20 lines of code to an existing markdown file today. Is there a way to have the program "remember" the past compilations so that only the 20 new lines are added to the html file preserving the past rendering. I have a lot of memory heavy steps in my code (loading unloading files), and I find that when I add new bits of code I am having to compile everything from the beginning.
I tried looking into the "cache" option but it does not seem to be working.
I am assuming that all the variables I will be needing are present in my environment. In other words, i want to incrementally build an html markdown file without having to compile everything the moment I add an extra line to an existing document. Thanks for your help!
You should look into using the excellent editR package. It does exactly what you're looking for:

Importing the contents of a word document into R

I am new to R and have worked for a while as follows. I have the code writen in a word document, then I copy and paste the document with the code into R as to have the code run which works fine, however when the code is long (hundred pages) it takes a significant amount of time in R to start making the code run. This seems rather not a very effective working procedure and I am sure there are other forms to compile the R code.
On another hand one of then that comes to my mind is to import the content of word into R which I am unsure how to do. Have tried with read.table but it does not work, have look on internet as to how to import data, however most explanations are all for data tables etc or internet files in the form of data tables and similar. I have tried saving the document into csv. however word does not include csv have tried with Rich text format and XML package but again the instructions from the packages are for importing tables and similars. I am wondering if there is an effective way for R to import a word document as is in the word document.
Thank you
It's hard to say what the easiest solution would be, without examining the word document. Assuming it only contains code and nothing else, it should be pretty easy to convert it all to plain text from within Word. You can do that by going to File -> Save As, and use 'plain text' under 'Save as type'.
Then edit the filename extension to .R from .txt, download a proper text editor (I can recommend RStudio for R), and open your code in it. Then you will be able to run the code from inside the editor without using copy / paste.
No, read table won't do it.
Microsoft Word has its own format, which includes a lot of meta data over and above the text you enter into it. You'll need a reader/parser that understands the Word format.
A Java developer would use a library like Apache POI to read and parse it into word tokens and n-grams.
Look for Natural Language Processing tools, like this R module:
