Full width of input field in a inline-block not working - css

The drop-down menu is showing "Choose an option" like a box that comes out of the text area. I did my little research and it is a CSS issue and followed the instructions.
I right-click on the "Choose an option" and click on "inspect" as shown below:
The highlighted code is where the error is and if I change the "width" in the code to "150px" or "Auto" then the option appears accurately as below
This needs to be added to the Custom CSS code in my WordPress Custom CSS tab which I did as below
But it does not change after I hit Publish. That is my glitch. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Maybe I am not choosing the CSS Class correctly.

You should have inspected the element to be sure, but my guess is that, for some reason, wordpress is initialing the inline style of the element to 36px.
That overwrites the class styling (you can read more about css priorities here).
As an easy fix you could just use important! rule. You should be carefully to use it only when is really necessary (you can read more about here).
I really recomand to only use important when you really need it, since it can easily backfire otherwise.


QTabBar custom css

I'm trying to refine the Breeze Dark theme for konsole using custom CSS, but I cannot figure out the selector which gets picked when the konsole content changes and the tab get becomes highlighted (if you know what I mean; it merely means that the unselected tab text color gets changed when the content of the shell changes). Not hover though, as hovering works the over way.
Reading the official documentation doesn't clarify me (I suppose I'm using it wrong, but anyway). Does anyone know the name of the property/selector ?
Also, it would be nice if my custom CSS would be merged with teh default one, overriding only the things that I change, and leaving others intact. I expected this to be the default behavior, but seems like I'm wrong.
Here are some official examples for customizing QTabWidget.
Namely, you would need ::tab subcontrol and :selected pseudo state in your stylesheet. For example:
QTabBar::tab:selected {background: red;}

how do I save changes made in Firefox Developement Edition

As I am trying to figure out the 'CSS Grid', I stumbled over Firefox Developement Edition. By the way, a great tool for learning CSS Grid. It would be even nicer if I could use the editor to actually change stuff. Unfortunately, I do not know how to save the changes I made (img).
help is much appreciated.
Your screenshot shows the Inspector-View of the dev tools. You can save files to you local disc with in the Style-Editor-View. There is a little save-button for each style-file.
However you also can mark style properties with the mouse and copy and paste them anywhere.
In modern Firefox, there is a new feature for this!
In the inspector, in the right pane, the fourth tab should be Changes.
It contains a button to Copy All Changes you made to the clipboard as a stylesheet.
You can then use the extension Stylish, create a new style in there, paste those styles into the text box, add a URL patten for which it should apply via the buttons below, give it a name, save the thing, and you’re set.
One caveat: If you disabled CSS rules on that page, they will appear as comments and do nothing. So you need to uncomment them, and set their value to something like none or initial or unset.
E.g. to force those brain-dead sites that are designed for tablets only to use the full width of your screen, you’d disable max-width, which would appear as /* max-width: 80rem; */ or something in your styles. So you’d turn that into max-width: none;.

conflicting css files while including it in .jsp ppage

Whenever I am trying to include an .html page (which contain a navigation bar in bootstrap code) in my jsp page, then it doesn't show all the details on navigation bar. But whenever I tried to include it in a separate single page, it shows everything. It is clear that there might be a conflicting .css file, because I have some code in my jsp file.
How can I fix this?
Without being able to examine the css in question myself (which might help matters) all I can really do is advise how to examine CSS.
Using Google Chrome, the best way to figure out CSS conflicts is to right click on an element - e.g. the problematic nav bar - and click Inspect Element.
This should bring up a bar similar to the one shown here:
Note the styling details on the left - it allows you to easily trace where the CSS that affects the element you've inspected comes from. More importantly, it also has a line through 'padding:.6em .8em;' - this is an overridden style, and the padding a bit further below which has no underlines is the style that overrides it.
If you're having CSS problems like this, you should be able to trace which styles are being overridden using the chrome inspect window. If you post your CSS, I might be able to be a bit more specific.

Trouble finding the right CSS to modify

I am building a site using Drupal 7 and have run into a CSS issue. I am trying to wrap everything on this registration page in the center and at the same time reduce the width of the drop down buttons. I believe I've narrowed the problem to my logintobaggan (drupal module) css sheet. But the button "widths" seem to be from the foundation.min.css (according to chrome elements). How would you guys approach this CSS problem? I am relatively new, so please don't be too harsh ;). Thanks!
I would get Firebug or similar in-browser development tool, select the element you are interested in seeing the CSS properties for, and then see exactly which rules are being applied or overridden. You can even modify the CSS right there in the tool until you get want you want.
From such a tool, I can see that the button widths are not explicitly defined, but are basically derived from the amount of padding (5px) around the text string inside the button.
The rules are defined starting on line 41 of this file:

CSS Styling the prompt tooltips in dojo

Does anyone know the name of the CSS classes responsible for styling the dojo promptMessages (or invalidMessages) tooltip associated with ValidationTextBoxes.
Normally Firebug does a great job of revealing all the inner workings of CSS, but in this case the tooltip prompt disappears when I try to inspect it!
I am intending to play with such CSS properties as padding and width for the promptMessage tooltip.
Dijit Tooltip template reveals the structure:
<div class="dijitTooltip dijitTooltipLeft" id="dojoTooltip">
<div class="dijitTooltipContainer dijitTooltipContents" dojoAttachPoint="containerNode" waiRole='alert'></div>
<div class="dijitTooltipConnector"></div>
Actually, although my question remains for general purposes, in the specific case that interests me, it's probably as easy to include as part of the tooltip content the css markings that will do what I want:
promptMessage = "<div class='customizedWidth'>Blabla</div>"
That said, I would still be eager to learn the dijit class for that specific tooltip. It would become necessary in the case of wanting to change the look of that entire class...
I had a similar problem when trying to debug why the css for the ToolTip on the ValidationTextBox was showing up as a plain grey box instead of using the proper css. The normal way to view css and other information in Firebug does not work because the tooltip will disappear when you click on it. However, I found that using the standard Web Developer Toolbar you can go to the CSS menu item and select View Style Information (or just do cmd-shift-Y on your keyboard). This will turn the cursor into a crosshair. You can then move the crosshair over the tooltip and the entire css chain will display for the tooltip. This solved my particular styling problem by providing the hint that I needed to apply the proper theme class to the body tag. The system I am coding against does not allow me to directly alter or add to the body tag in the generated html. However I used dojo to add the class after load like this:
and everything (Dialogs and tooltips) work great now.
