How to add HTTP header to MicroShedTest and SharedContainerConfig JUnit tests - integration-testing

I have integration tests that have been running smoothly until I added security to my application. The security uses a custom generated api key and validation is done in a custom HttpAuthenticationMechanism from header 'X-API-Key'.
I need to find out if it is possible to add headers to calls made by the test suite. I have checked the internet and all I found was #BasicAuthConfig and #JwtConfig which was not of any use.
I need to added a header 'X-API-Key' to http calls made to the containers.

I did not find anything useful so I created my own solution. Instead of relying on #RESTClient to give me the resource proxy I created my own like so:
public static <T> T getResourceProxy(Class<T> t) {
Map<String, String> headerMap = new HashMap<>();
headerMap.put("X-API-Key", "abcdefg.abcdefg1234567hij890");
headerMap.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
headerMap.put("Accept", "application/json, text/plain");
JAXRSClientFactoryBean bean = new JAXRSClientFactoryBean();
List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<>();
providers.add(new JacksonJaxbJsonProvider());
providers.add(new JacksonJsonProvider());
return bean.create(t);


How to retrieve SlingHttpServletRequest from ResourceResolver

I would like to retrieve the request used to resolve the resources I retrieve from the ResourceResolver.
I am performing integration testing using Teleporter Rule And can resolve the resource but can't find its corresponding request.
public final TeleporterRule teleporter = TeleporterRule.forClass(getClass(), "Launchpad");
public void testPage() throws LoginException {
ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory = teleporter.getService(ResourceResolverFactory.class);
ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null);
Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource("/content/test/en");
PageModel page = resource.adaptTo(PageModel.class);
I would like to be able to retrieve the request like I can with my unit tests using SlingContext.
SlingContextImpl slingContext = new SlingContextImpl();
I would like to retrieve the request like I can with my unit tests and properly test my sling models that inject the request.
As far as I understand teleporter tests run in the context of the OSGi container but don't directly expose requests/responses. Since there are no HTTP requests involved, there is nothing to adapt to.

Spring Contracts generated from Spring RestDocs: ignoring headers

TL;DR: I commented on this issue and got asked to open a new ticket, but then realized this is more of a question as Spring RestDocs provides a way to achieve what I want (ignoring unimportant headers in contracts) with operation preprocessor. So here we are, on our friendly SoF
The problem is I am trying to generate contracts starting from a RestDocs test (using RestAssured and junit5 if it matters). Test setup (in Kotlin) looks like:
private val defaultDocument = document("{method_name}", SpringCloudContractRestDocs.dslContract())
lateinit var spec: RequestSpecification
internal fun setUp(restDocumentationContextProvider: RestDocumentationContextProvider) {
RestAssured.port = port
spec = RequestSpecBuilder()
.jackson2ObjectMapperFactory { _, _ -> mapper }
where mapper and port are injected as Spring beans.
The server generates a Date header, which is the time when the response is generated. This is done automatically by Spring WebMvc (I think) and I don't care at all for that header. However, the Date header causes stub generation to fail, as I decided to use Spring Cloud Contracts in a polyglot world approach to generate and upload stub to maven repository, because now the server generates a different date.
As I point out here, the ContractDslSnippet does not seem to provide a way to ignore unimportant headers and/or to add matchers (which would still an open question).
The (short) list of questions:
How can I filter out unimportant headers from generated contracts?
Can I add custom matchers for headers, like I can do for body?
How to remove unimportant header, using Spring RestDocs preprocessors:
private val defaultDocument = document("{method_name}", SpringCloudContractRestDocs.dslContract())
lateinit var spec: RequestSpecification
internal fun setUp(restDocumentationContextProvider: RestDocumentationContextProvider) {
RestAssured.port = port
spec = RequestSpecBuilder()
.jackson2ObjectMapperFactory { _, _ -> mapper }
The important part is adding a new filter (the first one), which takes care of configuring Spring RestDocs to remove the Date from all its snippets, including the contract ones.
How to add custom matchers, using the default SpringCloudContractRestDocs.dslContract(): I don't think it is actually possible right now, but might be wrong here (glad if somebody can chime in and correct me in case)

spring MVC controller versioning

I have a spring boot application , which have a spring MVC controller. I am trying to version my rest api using Accept header.
The following is how my Controller looks like
#RequestMapping(value = "/private/")
public class AppleController {
private final AppleService appleService;
public AppleController(AppleService appleService) {
this.appleService = appleService;
#GetMapping(value = "apples/{id}", produces = "application/json; v=1.0",
headers = "Accept=application/json; v=1.0")
public ResponseEntity getByappleId(#PathVariable("id") Long appleId) {
GetByappleIdResponse response = appleService.findByappleId(appleId);
return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.OK);
#GetMapping(value = "apples/{id}", produces = "application/json; v=2.0",
headers = "Accept=application/json; v=2.0")
public ResponseEntity getByappleId2(#PathVariable("id") Long appleId) {
GetByappleIdResponse response = appleService.findByappleId2(appleId);
return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.OK);
Irrespective of the version that I am passing in the Accept header when calling the API always "getByappleId" method is called, hence only version 1 response is returned.
Is there anything wrong in my controller ?
There are many options to implement versioning of REST API:
suggested in the comments approach for manually routing your request;
making version as a part of your Accept header value, f.e.:
(headers = "Accept=application/")
(headers = "Accept=application/")
making version as a part of your mapping:
So you need to decide which way to go. Some useful links:
Versioning a REST API
Best practices for API versioning?
As described in this answer: (and mentioned in the comments) Spring does not support routing using the headers like that.
If you want to support routing via a version header, I would recommend a custom routing condition and annotation - certainly if you are building a large API, it will result in less code and a more elegant solution.
You would define some annotation like #ApiVersion(1) that you can add to any method that is also a request mapping and then add the custom routing condition and it will behave correctly.
I have described using custom routing conditions and annotations (based on subdomains - but that could easily be switched to check headers instead) here:

Spring - OAuth2AccessTokenSupport Override rest template custom SSLSocketFactory

I'm using ClientCredentialsAccessTokenProvider to get the OAuth access token for client credentials. However, the accessTokenURI is https.
what is the recommended way to override the default RestTemplate to provide a custom SSLSocketFactory.
The RestTemplate on OAuth2AccessTokenSupport is marked private without any setters.
ah never mind,
you can set the reqestFactory on the RestTemplate.
code is as follows,
Create the Request Factory,
RequestConfig timeoutConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT).build();
CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom().setSSLSocketFactory(sslConnectionSocketFactory)
.setDefaultRequestConfig(timeoutConfig) .disableCookieManagement().setMaxConnPerRoute(CONNECTION_MAX).setMaxConnTotal(CONNECTION_MAX).build();
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(httpClient);
ClientCredentialsAccessTokenProvider accessTokenProvider = new ClientCredentialsAccessTokenProvider();

WCF Client Proxies, Client/Channel Caching in ASP.Net - Code Review

long time ASP.Net interface developer being asked to learn WCF, looking for some education on more architecture related fronts - as its not my strong suit but I'm having to deal.
In our current ASMX world we adopted a model of creating ServiceManager static classes for our interaction with web services. We're starting to migrate to WCF, attempting to follow the same model. At first I was dealing with performance problems, but I've tweaked a bit and we're running smoothly now, but I'm questioning my tactics. Here's a simplified version (removed error handling, caching, object manipulation, etc.) of what we're doing:
public static class ContentManager
private static StoryManagerClient _clientProxy = null;
const string _contentServiceResourceCode = "StorySvc";
const int _getStoriesTTL = 300;
private static Dictionary<string, GetStoriesCacheItem> _getStoriesCache = new Dictionary<string, GetStoriesCacheItem>();
private static ReaderWriterLockSlim _cacheLockStories = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
public static Story[] GetStories(string categoryGuid)
// OMITTED - if category is cached and not expired, return from cache
// get endpoint address from FinderClient (ResourceManagement SVC)
UrlResource ur = FinderClient.GetUrlResource(_contentServiceResourceCode);
// Get proxy
StoryManagerClient svc = GetStoryServiceClient(ur.Url);
// create request params
GetStoriesRequest request = new GetStoriesRequest{}; // SIMPLIFIED
Manifest manifest = new Manifest{}; // SIMPLIFIED
// execute GetStories at WCF service
GetStoriesResponse response = svc.GetStories(manifest, request);
catch (Exception)
if (svc.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
// OMITTED - do stuff with response, cache if needed
// return....
internal static StoryManagerClient GetStoryServiceClient(string endpointAddress)
if (_clientProxy == null)
_clientProxy = new StoryManagerClient(GetServiceBinding(_contentServiceResourceCode), new EndpointAddress(endpointAddress));
return _clientProxy;
public static Binding GetServiceBinding(string bindingSettingName)
// uses Finder service to load a binding object - our alternative to definition in web.config
public static void PreloadContentServiceClient()
// get finder location
UrlResource ur = FinderClient.GetUrlResource(_contentServiceResourceCode);
// preload proxy
We're running smoothly now with round-trip calls completing in the 100ms range. Creating the PreloadContentServiceClient() method and adding to our global.asax got that "first call" performance down to that same level. And you might want to know we're using the DataContractSerializer, and the "Add Service Reference" method.
I've done a lot of reading on static classes, singletons, shared data contract assemblies, how to use the ChannelFactory pattern and a whole bunch of other things that I could do to our usage model...admittedly, some of its gone over my head. And, like I said, we seem to be running smoothly. I know I'm not seeing the big picture, though. Can someone tell me what I've ended up here with regards to channel pooling, proxy failures, etc. and why I should head down the ChannelFactory path? My gut says to just do it, but my head can't comprehend why...
ChannelFactory is typically used when you aren't using Add Service Reference - you have the contract via a shared assembly not generated via a WSDL. Add Service Reference uses ClientBase which is essentially creating the WCF channel for you behind the scenes.
When you are dealing with REST-ful services, WebChannelFactory provides a service-client like interface based off the shared assembly contract. You can't use Add Service Reference if your service only supports a REST-ful endpoint binding.
The only difference to you is preference - do you need full access the channel for custom behaviors, bindings, etc. or does Add Service Reference + SOAP supply you with enough of an interface for your needs.
