Cefsharp RequestHandler can't catch all the incoming request - cefsharp

I encountered a strange problem when using cefsharp. The browser accessed Twitter and automatically scrolled to the bottom to load new posts. There should be many requests, but the Function GetResourceRequestHandler didn't capture any requests, and the function wasn't called at all. Using the same class to capture Pinterest, requests can be captured, including XHR.
The link to visit Twitter is https://twitter.com/HanamuraAsuka
You can see many XHR requests in chrome's develop tool, such as https://api.twitter.com/2/timeline/media/
I tried many times and the function was called for only a few times.
chrome.RequestHandler = New TwitterRequestHandler
Public Class TwitterRequestHandler
Inherits RequestHandler
Protected Overrides Function GetResourceRequestHandler(chromiumWebBrowser As IWebBrowser, browser As IBrowser, frame As IFrame, request As IRequest, isNavigation As Boolean, isDownload As Boolean, requestInitiator As String, ByRef disableDefaultHandling As Boolean) As IResourceRequestHandler
If request.Url.Contains("/timeline/media/") Or request.Url.Contains("/timeline/profile/") Then
Return New TwitterResourceRequestHandler
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class


Using CEFSharp ILifeSpanHandler interface to Handle Popups

I have an issue with handling popups. I have implemented ILifeSpanHandler and OnBeforeBrowse (amoungst others) from the IRequestHandler.
How do I know in the ILifeSpanHandler what URL is being called? I am unable to get it in either the OnAfterCreated or OnBeforePopup. Currently I see it first in OnBeforeBrowse.
I have no code as my question is a "How to". In OnBeforePopup I have checked targetUrl however it seems to be there for decoration as I have read that it is not implemented anyway. I have also looked at the browner/chromiumWebBrowser objects, browser and newBroswer seem to be nothing. One would expect in OnAfterCreated chromiumWebBrowser would return an object but it is nothing in my case.
I am testing with the following
Public Sub OnAfterCreated(chromiumWebBrowser As IWebBrowser, browser As IBrowser) Implements ILifeSpanHandler.OnAfterCreated
Debug.Print(String.Concat("OnAfterCreated - MainFrame.Url "), browser.MainFrame.Url)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
And I have the following
Public Function OnBeforePopup(chromiumWebBrowser As IWebBrowser, browser As IBrowser, frame As IFrame, targetUrl As String, targetFrameName As String, targetDisposition As WindowOpenDisposition, userGesture As Boolean, popupFeatures As IPopupFeatures, windowInfo As IWindowInfo, browserSettings As IBrowserSettings, ByRef noJavascriptAccess As Boolean, ByRef newBrowser As IWebBrowser) As Boolean Implements ILifeSpanHandler.OnBeforePopup
Debug.Print(String.Concat("OnBeforePopup - targetUrl "), targetUrl)
Debug.Print(String.Concat("OnBeforePopup - browser.MainFrame.Url "), browser.MainFrame.Url)
Debug.Print(String.Concat("OnBeforePopup - chromiumWebBrowser.Address "), chromiumWebBrowser.Address)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return False
End Function
I have seen different approaches in handling popups using ILifeSpanHandler interface. One approach that I've seen also here in Stack Overflow and was accepted as the correct answer to that particular question is to return true in the OnBeforePopup implementation of ILifeSpanHandler then pass the targetURL argument to a handler that creates the popup.
This approach is very unideal because you are destroying the link between the page that actually opened the popup and the popup itself. If you access via JavaScript the opener property of the window object inside the popup you would notice that it is null. And the page that opened the popup would never know that the popup was actually opened because returning true cancels the creation.
The other approach is to let Cef create the popup and the programmer just decides whether to show the browser as a popup window or a child to control (like in tabbed browsing). This is error-free and almost ideal. But the problem with this approach is that you are not able to listen to events such as FrameLoadStart, FrameLoadEnd, AddressChanged, TitleChanged, etc.
One approach that is tagged experimental by the Cef developers is to return a new IWebBrowser instance via newWebBrowser out parameter. This has so many many side effects. The page that opened the popup would, of course, recognize the popup as his although it was not the original browser (IBrowser) that it created. The page may just ignore it like btcclicks.com and in that case, there'd be no problem. But there are websites like drops.xyz that is so particular with his stuff and will discard everything that is not originally his. So this is a problem.
So what is the correct approach?
The ChromeWebBrowser control
Now I'm going to share with you an undocumented approach in handling popups. Speaking of ChromeWebBrowser control, it is very much of help that we know how it creates the webbrowser which, in reality, it doesn't. The control just hosts the webbrowser window handle. It has a private field called managedCefBrowserAdapter (ManagedCefBrowserAdapter class) that handles the actual creation of the web browser. ChromiumWEbBrowser implements the IWebBrowserInternal that has a method OnAfterBrowserCreated with a single parameter of type IBrowser. The control then invokes browser.GetHost().GetWindowHandle() to get the actual window handle (HWND) of the webbrowser it is being hosted. It is quite good.
The problem of the ChromeWebBrowser is that it won't have a constructor that accepts an IBrowser as an argument. It only has constructor that accepts HtmlString, string and IRequestContext arguments. These control waits for the
invocation of OnHandleCreated (a base class override) where it calls the managedCefBrowserAdapter.CreateBrowser after which it waits till its implementation of IWebBrowserInternal's OnAfterBrowserCreated is invoked.
Again, what is the approach that works?
Now, this approach that actually works is a product of long series of trial and error. One caution though is that I don't know why and how it works but I know it works.
First, I did not use ChromeWebBrowser. But I copied its code omitting the part where it creates .net control. In this case, I am targeting the browser's window handle (HWND) to be host by any object that exposes a HWND. Obviously I created a class (NativeCefWebBrowser) that uses the modified code. The ChromeWebBrowser orignal constructors were still there untouched becuase they are used to the create the parent webrowser. But I added one constructor that accept the following arguments: ICefBrowserParent parent (an interface I've created and IBrowser browser that receives the browser argument in the ILifeSpanHandler's OnBeforePopup. I also added a public method AttachBrowser that has a single parameter IBrowser that recieves the IBrowser argument in the ILifeSpanHandler's OnAfterCreated. It the browser that will be kept by CefNativeWebBrowser class.
Why didn't I keep the browser instance received form ILifeSpanHandler.OnBeforePopup but used the instance received from ILifeSpanHandler.OnAfterCreated when they are the same browser instance? This is one of those parts that I don't know why. One thing I noticed is that when I called browser.GetHost().GetWindowHandle() during ILiffeSpanHandler.OnBeforePopup, the first window handle I received was the different compared to when I invoked the method during ILifeSpanHandler.OnAfterCreatd. Because of that, I store the browser instance from the latter that I passed to the NativeCefWebBrowser.AttachBrowser for its safekeeping.
In the NativeCefWebBrowser(ICefBrowserParent parent, IBrowser browser) contructor, I set the private following fields to true: browsercreated, browserinitialized (chromewebbrwoser orginal fields) and isAttachingBrowser (added private field). You don't call the ManagedCefBrowserAdapter's CreateBrowser in this contructor in instead call its OnAfterBrowserCreated passing the browser instance. You don't much in this constructor as you will wait the ILifeSpanHandler implementor to pass you the browser instance it will receive during its OnAfterCreated method. Take note that when calling the ManagedCefBrowserAdapter's OnAfterBrowserCreated method, ManagedCefBrowserAdapter will still invoke IWebBrowserInternal implementation of OnAfterBrowserCreated that when happens you have to exit immediately when isAttachingBrowser is true as the following code will no sense no more.
After calling the NativeCefWebBrowser(ICefBrowserParent, IBroser) construct, you can normally set event listeners as you will normally do.
And that's it.
The following are parts of the code that I wrote
The ICefBrowserParent interface
public interface ICefBrowserParent
IntPtr Handle { get; }
Size ClientSize { get; }
bool Disposing { get; }
bool IsDisposed { get; }
bool InvokeRequired { get; }
IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(Delegate d);
object Invoke(Delegate d);
event EventHandler Resize;
As you would notice, the methods, properties and events in this interface are already implemented by the System.Windowns.Forms.Control class. So if you implementing this from class inhering Control class, you would not need to implement this anymore. This interface is only for non-Control class.
class NativeCefWebBrowser
public NativeCefWebBrowser(ICefBrowserParent, IBroser)
requestContext = browser.GetHost().RequestContext;
this.parent = parent; // added field
HasParent = true; // IWebBrowserInternal. I don't know what's this for
mustSetBounds = true; // added field
browserCreated = true;
isAttachingBrowser = true; // added field
ILifeSpanHandler.OnBeforePopup(..., out IWebBrowser newWebBrowser)
CefNativeWebBrowser b = new CefNativeWebBrowser
parent, // defined else where
// Attach event handlers
newWebBrowser = b;

ASP.NET - Async - A system that syncs between two other systems

I am trying to create a system that synchronizes between two other systems' data.
I work on ASP.NET Web Forms using VB (Cannot be changed)
The main system functions will be in a form of Web API which will be triggered by a scheduled task or other events, such as a website form or a landing page.
Each of these functions call a REST API of System 1 and the REST API of System 2 , operates the data, and then calls each system REST APIs to update both sides.
I chose to use a ASP.NET Web Api 2 for the main system, and HttpClient to call the functions.
There will be hundreds of thousands of transactions per day. It is a lot! So I chose to use async/await methods for the HttpClient, (because of the many simultaneous long processing requests), but ASP.NET seems to have forced me to convert all the functions from bottom to top, including the Web Api functions and the database access to Async!
So I ended up changing all the functions to Async and in all the functions that call them I use Await for everything.
Everything seems to work. I don't know if what I did is correct, and I see there is no way to check if my functions are actually working asynchronically.
About the ConfigureAwait(False) I added it because I don't have operations that are context related. If there will be I will remove this statement. I read it is recommended to use it when it is possible. (Am I right?)
Why is my solution good??? I am trying to avoid blocking the main thread by creating much more worker threads. Why is this a better solution? I am creating a lot of awaits which each one starts a worker. Isn't it a worse practice than the synchronic solution????
Can somebody tell me if what I am doing is correct and if not - please explain why or if there are other approaches to this scenario?
Here is the code for example (only the relevant parts). A little explanation of what you see:
The WebApi Controller has an Login function
The Login function calls the System1.DoSomething asynchronically
The System1.DoSomething calls the private function
System1.SetCredentials asynchronically
The System1.DoSomething also uses HttpHandler to get data
asynchronically from System1's API
System1.SetCredentials function calls MyLoginManager.GetCredentials asynchronically
MyLoginManager.GetCredentials calls the database asynchronically using DBHelper.ExecuteReaderAsync
The DBHelper.ExecuteReaderAsync function calls ExecuteReaderAsync
asynchronically and also opens the connection asynchronically using
OpenAsync() function
The WebAPI Controller
Public Class WebApiController
Inherits ApiController
Public Async Function Login() As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of IHttpActionResult)
Dim result As MyResult= Await System1.DoSomething().ConfigureAwait(False)
End Function
The System1 Class
Public Class System1
Public Shared Async Function DoSomething() As Task(Of MyResult)
Using client As New HttpClient
client.BaseAddress = New Uri("blablabla")
Await SetCredentials(client).ConfigureAwait(False)
Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await client.GetAsync(urlParameters).ConfigureAwait(False)
... More code
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Async Function SetCredentials(client As HttpClient) As Task
Dim auth As BasicAuthenticationData = Await MyLoginManager.GetCredentials.ConfigureAwait(False)
Dim credentials As String = Cryptography.EncodeBase64(String.Format("{0}\{1}:{2}", auth.userName, auth.userPassword))
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic " & credentials)
... More code
End Function
End Class
The MyLoginManager Class
Public Class MyLoginManager
Public Shared Async Function GetCredentials() As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of BasicAuthenticationData)
Dim auth As New BasicAuthenticationData
Dim dbConn As String = DBConnection.GetConnection(True)
Dim q As String = "SELECT * FROM BlaBlaBla"
Using sdr As SqlDataReader = Await DBHelper.ExecuteReaderAsync(dbConn, q, Nothing).ConfigureAwait(False)
... More code
End Using
Return auth
End Function
End Class
The DBHelper Class
Public Class DBHelper
Public Shared Async Function ExecuteReaderAsync(ByVal dbConnection As String, ByVal commandText As String, ByVal params() As SqlParameter) As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of SqlDataReader)
Dim dbConnectionAsync As String = New SqlConnectionStringBuilder(dbConnection) With {
.AsynchronousProcessing = True
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(dbConnectionAsync)
Dim oc As New SqlCommand(commandText, objConn)
Dim sdr As SqlDataReader
' Throws a custom exception if there is a problem
Await oc.Connection.OpenAsync.ConfigureAwait(False)
sdr = Await oc.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection).ConfigureAwait(False)
Return sdr
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
End Class
You should add a call to ConfigureAwait(false) to any await behind any await that comes out of any controller action.
As Mister Epic said you'll loose things like HttpContext.Current if you call ConfigureAwait(false) and you shouldn't do that on controller action methods. But that also means that every time you don't you incur in context switching.
What you should do is extract the logic in controller action methods to their own methods (preferably on their own class) and pass every thing they need to do their work.
So, the only thing you did wrong was to call ConfigureAwait(false) in the controller action method.
Don't add ConfigureAwait in your web api project. Use it in library code.
The big gotcha is that when you call a method that uses ConfigureAwait, you'll lose your context. Your context includes important details like your session, so you'll need to ensure you capture any details from HttpContext you need before you call into library code that uses ConfigureAwait.

Web API - Class variables retained across requests in class inheriting AuthorizeAttribute

I'm trying to implement custom AuthorizeAttribute. In the sample code below, when entering the IsAuthorized method, the variable moduleId retains the value of the last request. I was expecting a separate object for each request and hence the value should be null.
Public Class MyAuthorizeAttribute
Inherits AuthorizeAttribute
Private moduleId As String 'This is variable has previous requests value
Protected Overrides Function IsAuthorized(actionContext As HttpActionContext) As Boolean
moduleId = actionContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values("moduleId")
'check if user has access to module
Return True
End Function
End Class
On AppStart the custom authorize attribute is applied to all api requests.
Public Sub Register(ByVal config As HttpConfiguration)
config.Filters.Add(New MyAuthorizeAttribute())
End Sub
The same behaviour is experienced for custom ActionFilterAttribute as well.
My question is,
Why is this happening?
Will this impact when there are hundreds of simultaneous requests? If yes, how could I overcome this?
Thanks in advance!
Same filter instance is used for all requests, so you cannot use property.
Instead, you want to use local variable.
Dim moduleId As String = actionContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values("moduleId")

Abstracting HttpContext Request and Session - thread safety

I have the following assemblies in my ASP.NET app:
Website - this is an ASP.NET website
ClassLib - this is just a class lib that contains all the business logic
Class Lib needs to interact with the HttpContext Session and Request objects. This is a code upgrade from an old ASP app, where I've hoovered all the VBScript that contained the logic and put it into VB.NET. We simply didn't have time to rewrite.
Instead of ClassLib interacting directly with HttpContext, which I thought was BAD and also prevented us from unit testing, I introduced the following abstraction layer:
Public Class Request
Private Shared _requestWrapper as IRequestWrapper
Public Shared ReadOnly Property RequestWrapper()
If _requestWrapper Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("_requestWrapper is null. Make sure InitRequest() is called with valid parameters")
End If
Return _requestWrapper
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Sub InitRequest(ByRef requestWrapper As IRequestWrapper)
_requestWrapper = requestWrapper
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetVal(ByVal key As String) As Object
Return RequestWrapper.GetVal(key)
End Function
This means in the unit tests I can supply my own MockRequest object into this Request class, which is just a simple NameValue collection. The code in the ClassLib and the Website then simply use the Request class and are none the wiser that it isn't coming from the HttpContext, but rather this mock class.
When it comes to the real deal, I simply have the following (C#) class:
public class RealRequest : IRequestWrapper
public void Initialize(HttpContext context)
#region Implementation of IRequestWrapper
public object GetVal(string index)
return HttpContext.Current.Request[index];
This is initialised in Session_Start of global.asax in the Website, as follows:
protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
IRequestWrapper requestWrapper = new RealRequest();
WebSession.Request.InitRequest(ref requestWrapper);
I think this is similar to the Static Gateway pattern.
Now, I am aware of singletons and static vars in a multi threaded environment such as ASP.NET, but this is slightly different. When it gets down to the RequestWrapper.GetVal(), its actually going to the HttpContext for that running thread - and pulling the value from that.
Certainly, any concurrent tests that we do with multiple users hitting the same server have never shown up any strange behaviour.
I'm just looking for re-assurance that this is a sound design, and if not why not?
This is fine. We have a very similar case in our applications that either uses HttpContext if it exists or fake implementations otherwise.
The one thing to watch out for is that there is a very specific instance where HttpContext.Current will return a value but HttpContext.Current.Request will throw an exception when triggered by the Application_Start event. In framework code, you really don't know (or want to know) what triggered the call though.
Workaround for HttpContext.HideRequestResponse being internal? Detect if HttpContext.Request is really available?

Can Webservices as singletons cause issues with different users?

I am developing an ecommerce app that is using the UPS shipping webservice. I have read that it is good to create a singleton so there is only one instance of a webservice at any time. My code for that is below.
Public Class Ship
Private Shared sync As New Object()
Private Shared _Service As New ShipService
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Service As ShipService
If _Service Is Nothing Then
SyncLock sync
If _Service Is Nothing Then
_Service = New ShipService
End If
End SyncLock
End If
Return _Service
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Function GetInstance() As ShipService
Return Service()
End Function
End Class
Here is a snippet from where it will be used.
Public Sub New(ByVal ToAddress As Address, ByVal WeightInLbs As String)
//Not relevant code
Ship.Service.UPSSecurityValue = Security
//More not relevant code
End Sub
Public Function ProcessShipment() As ShipmentResponse
Return Ship.Service.ProcessShipment(ShipmentRequest)
End Function
In the line above in the constructor I have to set the UPSSecurityValue of the service. Then later I will call the ProcessShipment function. My question is; Since the webservice is being traeted as a singleton could different instances of the app share that same UPSSecurityValue and could it change between when I set it and when I call ProcessShipment?
In the case of what you're doing, it could definately change between when you call New and set the Security value and when you actually process the shipment. The singleton is shared across all users of your application (within the same web app, that is - if you had multiple copies of this app on your server, they'd each use their own singleton), so all users will share the same data.
If multiple users run through the application at the same time (or User2 is only 1ms behind):
User1 User2
New (sets security code)
New (sets security code)
Both shipments will process with User2's security code, which isn't what you want. The way to do this safely could be to pass the security into the function when you ship the package, and then consume it immediately - if you store it for use later, even a single instruction later, you're setting yourself up for a race condition where users read each other's data.
