R markdown contingency table %>% tabulate column variables with selective values - r

I am quite new to R, coming from Stata. Below is the r markdown chunk with reproducible data example. The data is representative to the data i am working with. But only with more binary (logical) and factor variables in number.
The libraries and data:
# Setup and load package:
# Load data:
raw_df <- select(mtcars,c(wt,cyl,gear,vs,am))
# Data prep and labelling:
df <- raw_df %>%
apply_labels(wt = "Facility ID",
cyl = "Geographical Area",
cyl = c("Area A" = 4,"Area B" = 6, "Area C" = 8),
gear = "Tier",
gear = c("Tier 1" = 3, "Tier 2" = 4, "Tier 3" = 5),
vs = "E.coli",
am = "V.choleri") %>%
Please note that in my actual data there are more categorical and logical variables.
I have managed to make the following table in r markdown (html output):
df %>%
tab_cells(cyl, gear) %>%
tab_total_row_position("below") %>%
tab_total_label("Total hosts (Row proportions)") %>%
tab_cols(vs, am) %>%
tab_stat_rpct() %>%
tab_cols(total(label = "Number of hosts")) %>%
tab_stat_cases() %>%
tab_pivot(stat_position = "outside_columns") %>%
recode(as.criterion(is.numeric) & is.na ~ 0, TRUE ~ copy) %>%
split_table_to_df() %>%
kable(align = "c", digits = 1) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "condensed", "responsive"),
full_width = F, position = "center") %>%
row_spec(1:2, bold = TRUE)
1. I wish i could include only "TRUE" columns, dropping "FALSE" columns from the table. But keeping the 1st Row label intact ("E. coli", "V.choleri"). In fact i would not be needing the 2nd row ("TRUE","FALSE)
2. I have labelled the "Total Row proportion" (#Total hosts), But can not remove the leading "#" sign. In the right most column cell of the row with the "Total row proportion", it shows "100". I tried it to be the summation of column cells instead, but failed. "100" is totally misleading.
3. I have also tried to get my desired table through "ctable" function of "summarytools" package. As it has an excellent structure, with number of observations also induced within proportion cells. :
print(ctable(df$cyl,df$am), method = 'render')
But the problem is it seems to permit only one pair of categorical variables. And also, the "FALSE" can not be omited. But the last column is perfect with rowtotals (observations)
R : 4.0.0
R studio: 1.2.5042
The packages are all up-to-date.

Tables from expss are usual data.frames. Column labels is just column names with rows separated with "|" symbol. So, you can manipulate them as usual column names. Row labels are located in the column row_labels and we can remove '#' sign with search and replace operations.
"Total row proportion" shows "100" because at the beginning you specify total statistic as row percent and row percent for single column is 100.
Taking into account all the above:
# Load data:
raw_df <- select(mtcars,c(wt,cyl,gear,vs,am))
# Data prep and labelling:
df <- raw_df %>%
apply_labels(wt = "Facility ID",
cyl = "Geographical Area",
cyl = c("Area A" = 4,"Area B" = 6, "Area C" = 8),
gear = "Tier",
gear = c("Tier 1" = 3, "Tier 2" = 4, "Tier 3" = 5),
vs = "E.coli",
am = "V.choleri") %>%
tbl = df %>%
tab_cells(cyl, gear) %>%
tab_total_row_position("below") %>%
tab_total_label("Total hosts (Row proportions)") %>%
tab_cols(vs, am) %>%
tab_stat_rpct() %>%
tab_cols(total(label = "Number of hosts")) %>%
# specify total statistic for last column
tab_stat_cases(total_statistic = "u_cases") %>%
tab_pivot(stat_position = "outside_columns") %>%
recode(as.criterion(is.numeric) & is.na ~ 0, TRUE ~ copy) %>%
# remove columns with FALSE
except(contains("FALSE")) %>%
# remove '#' sign from row labels
row_labels = gsub("#", "", row_labels)
# remove '#' sign from column labels
colnames(tbl) = gsub("\\|TRUE", "", colnames(tbl))
tbl %>%
split_table_to_df() %>%
kable(align = "c", digits = 1) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "condensed", "responsive"),
full_width = F, position = "center") %>%
row_spec(1:2, bold = TRUE)


Allow duplicated names in binded tables

UPDATE for why I changed my votes.
This code has the table displayed but R doesn't knit pdf.
all_jt %>%
kbl(longtable = T, booktabs = T,
caption = "table") %>%
remove_column(7) %>%
add_header_above(c(" " = 2, "Year 1" = 4, "Year 2" = 4)) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = c("repeat_header"))
Quitting from lines 13-37 (test_table.Rmd)
Error in remove_column(., 7) :
Removing columns was not implemented for latex kables yet
switching to select(-7) as in here Remove_Column from a kable table which will be output as latex/pdf doesn't work because R doesn't like duplicated column names.
I have two ANOVA tables, jt_1 and jt_2 below, that I want to merge and keep 1 column for the model term only. As I remove the duplicated column, R added .1 to the tail of columns' 7, 8, 9 and 10 names.
warp.lm <- lm(breaks ~ wool * tension, data = warpbreaks)
jt_1 <- print(joint_tests(warp.lm), export = T) %>% as.data.frame()
jt_2 <- jt_1
all_jt <- cbind(jt_1, jt_2) %>%
setNames(gsub("summary.", "", colnames(.)))
all_jt[,-6]%>% #to remove the duplicated column for model term
data.frame(check.names = F) %>%
kbl(longtable = T, booktabs = T,
caption = "table") %>%
add_header_above(c(" " = 2, "Year 1" = 4, "Year 2" = 4)) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = c("repeat_header"))
Here is a brief idea of what I need.
Many thanks in advance.
You can use remove_column function from kableExtra to remove a column instead of all_jt[,-6] which makes the column name unique.
all_jt %>%
kbl(longtable = T, booktabs = T,
caption = "table") %>%
remove_column(7) %>%
add_header_above(c(" " = 2, "Year 1" = 4, "Year 2" = 4)) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = c("repeat_header"))
R does not like duplicate column names in data.frames. If you step through your last code block line by line you will notice that all_jt[, -6] makes column names unique by adding the ".1" suffix.
The/a solution is to provide column names to kbl directly, e.g.
all_jt[,-6] %>%
kbl(longtable = T, booktabs = T,
col.names = gsub("\\.\\d", "", names(.)),
caption = "table") %>%
add_header_above(c(" " = 2, "Year 1" = 4, "Year 2" = 4)) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = c("repeat_header"))
This produces

Calculating percent for missing values using gtsummary in Rstudio

My question is a bit similar to this one here.
I have this following codes:
basicvars <- names(isoq) %in% c("homeless_nonself", "test_result")
basictable <- isoq[basicvars]
# summarize the data
table1 <- tbl_summary(basictable, missing = "always",
missing_text = "(Missing)",
percent = "cell",
type = all_dichotomous() ~"categorical"
) %>%
############Selecting the order of variables
basiccompletetable <- basictable %>% select(test_result,homeless_nonself)
mutate(test_result = factor(test_result) %>% fct_explicit_na()) %>%
table3 <- tbl_summary(basiccompletetable, #missing = "always", missing_text = "(Missing)",
percent = "cell",
label = list(
test_result ~ "COVID-19 Test Result",
homeless_nonself ~ "Homeless",
sort = list(
test_result ~ "frequency",
homeless_nonself ~ "frequency",
type = list(all_character() ~ "categorical")
) %>%
modify_spanning_header(starts_with("stat_") ~ "**All**") %>%
modify_header(label = "**Variable**") %>% # update the column header
#add_n() %>%
bold_labels() %>%
as_gt() %>%
gt::tab_source_note(gt::md("*This data is simulated*"))
It spits the output (not the complete output)
I am trying to show the percentages for the missing values. Tried first with test_result. Used this line of code mutate(test_result = factor(test_result) %>% fct_explicit_na()) %>% to what was suggested in the earlier question. However, I am seeing the same table as my output and there are no percentages on the missing values for the variable test_result.
Any suggestions why this is not working? Thanks

Complex tables with expss package

Hello to all expss experts (#Gregory Demin, if you read this message!), after few days discovering this package, I achieved nice things but still struggle a bit to create complex crosstabs with the tab_* family of functions, especially to create combinations with significance tests.
Let's start with an example given on the reference manual:
mtcars %>%
tab_significance_options(keep = "none", sig_labels = NULL, subtable_marks = "greater", mode = "append") %>%
tab_cols(total(), vs, am) %>%
tab_cells(cyl, gear) %>%
tab_stat_cpct() %>%
tab_last_add_sig_labels() %>%
tab_last_sig_cpct() %>%
tab_last_hstack("inside_columns") %>%
tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_rows")
From this point, I do not know if the following actions are possible, and if so what scripts would do the trick:
1) It is quite simple with 'fre' function to display counts and percentages side by side, but is limited to this only purpose. How can we add the cases to the crosstab? (in the form of cases/percents/tests, in 3 distinct columns)
2) By default the significance tests output in this example is LETTERS, at 0.05 level. Both parameters can be changed. But is it possible to include two significance levels in a single table calculation? Something in the spirit of:
sig_level = c(0.01, 0.05)
sig_labels = c(LETTERS, letters)
3) Last (probably an easy one?), is there a possibility to force display of zeros? I have factor levels with frequencies=0, displayed with 0s in base R tables. With expss the label stays but the rows/columns remain empty.
Again, maybe what I am looking for does not exist with expss, but at least I will be sure of it.
Thank you!
Your second point (two-level significance) is not possible right now. However you can add second level significance with additional calculations on specially prepared table.
1 and 3 are quite easy:
mtcars %>%
tab_significance_options(keep = "none", sig_labels = NULL, subtable_marks = "greater", mode = "append") %>%
tab_cols(total(), vs, am) %>%
tab_cells(cyl, gear) %>%
# block for cases
tab_stat_cases(label = "cases") %>%
tab_last_add_sig_labels() %>%
# block for percent statistic
tab_stat_cpct(label = "%") %>% # percent
tab_last_add_sig_labels() %>%
tab_last_sig_cpct() %>%
tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_columns") %>%
# converts NA to zero
recode(as.criterion(is.numeric) & is.na ~ 0, TRUE ~ copy)
You can specify parts of the chain as custom functions to avoid repetition:
### tab cols
my_banner = mtcars %>%
tab_cols(total(), vs, am)
### table and formattig
my_custom_table = . %>%
tab_significance_options(keep = "none", sig_labels = NULL, subtable_marks = "greater", mode = "append") %>%
# block for cases
tab_stat_cases(label = "cases") %>%
tab_last_add_sig_labels() %>%
# block for percent statistic
tab_stat_cpct(label = "%") %>% # percent
tab_last_add_sig_labels() %>%
tab_last_sig_cpct() %>%
tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_columns") %>%
# converts NA to zero
recode(as.criterion(is.numeric) & is.na ~ 0, TRUE ~ copy)
### here we build table
my_banner %>%
tab_cells(cyl, gear) %>%

Disaggregate in the context of a time series

I have a dataset that I want to visualize overall and disaggregated by a few different variables. I created a flexdashboard with a toy shiny app to select the type of disaggregation, and working code to plot the correct subset.
My approach is repetitive, which is a hint to me that I'm missing out on a better way to do this. The piece that's tripping me up is the need to count by date and expand the matrix. I'm not sure how get group counts by week in one pipe. I do it in several steps and combine.
(ps. I asked this question on RStudio Community, but I think it's probably more of a "SO question". I don't have permissions to delete it from RSC, so apologies for the cross-post.)
title: "test"
theme: bootstrap
runtime: shiny
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
```{r global, include=FALSE}
dat <- data.frame(date = seq(as.Date("2018-01-01"),
sex = sample(c("male", "female"), 181, replace=TRUE),
lang = sample(c("english", "spanish"), 181, replace=TRUE),
age = sample(20:35, 181, replace=TRUE))
dat <- sample_n(dat, 80)
Sidebar {.sidebar}
radioButtons("diss", label = "Disaggregation",
choices = list("All" = 1, "By Sex" = 2, "By Language" = 3),
selected = 1)
Page 1
# all
all <- reactive(
dat %>%
mutate(new = 1) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
# time series analysis
as_tbl_time(index = date) %>% # convert to tibble time object
select(date, new) %>%
collapse_by('1 week', side="start", clean=TRUE) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(total = sum(new, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# expand matrix to include weeks without data
complete(date = seq(date[1],
by = "1 week"),
fill = list(total = 0))
# males only
males <- reactive(
dat %>%
filter(sex=="male") %>%
mutate(new = 1) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
# time series analysis
as_tbl_time(index = date) %>%
select(date, new) %>%
collapse_by('1 week', side="start", clean=TRUE) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(total_m = sum(new, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# expand matrix to include weeks without data
complete(date = seq(date[1],
by = "1 week"),
fill = list(total_m = 0))
# females only
females <- reactive(
dat %>%
filter(sex=="female") %>%
mutate(new = 1) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
# time series analysis
as_tbl_time(index = date) %>%
select(date, new) %>%
collapse_by('1 week', side="start", clean=TRUE) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(total_f = sum(new, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# expand matrix to include weeks without data
complete(date = seq(date[1],
by = "1 week"),
fill = list(total_f = 0))
# english only
english <- reactive(
dat %>%
filter(lang=="english") %>%
mutate(new = 1) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
# time series analysis
as_tbl_time(index = date) %>%
select(date, new) %>%
collapse_by('1 week', side="start", clean=TRUE) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(total_e = sum(new, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# expand matrix to include weeks without data
complete(date = seq(date[1],
by = "1 week"),
fill = list(total_e = 0))
# spanish only
spanish <- reactive(
dat %>%
filter(lang=="spanish") %>%
mutate(new = 1) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
# time series analysis
as_tbl_time(index = date) %>%
select(date, new) %>%
collapse_by('1 week', side="start", clean=TRUE) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(total_s = sum(new, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# expand matrix to include weeks without data
complete(date = seq(date[1],
by = "1 week"),
fill = list(total_s = 0))
# combine
totals <- reactive({
all <- all()
females <- females()
males <- males()
english <- english()
spanish <- spanish()
all %>%
select(date, total) %>%
full_join(select(females, date, total_f), by = "date") %>%
full_join(select(males, date, total_m), by = "date") %>%
full_join(select(english, date, total_e), by = "date") %>%
full_join(select(spanish, date, total_s), by = "date")
# convert to xts
totals_ <- reactive({
totals <- totals()
xts(totals, order.by = totals$date)
# plot
totals_ <- totals_()
if (input$diss == 1) {
dygraph(totals_[, "total"],
main= "All") %>%
dySeries("total", label = "All") %>%
dyRangeSelector() %>%
dyOptions(useDataTimezone = FALSE,
stepPlot = TRUE,
drawGrid = FALSE,
fillGraph = TRUE)
} else if (input$diss == 2) {
dygraph(totals_[, c("total_f", "total_m")],
main = "By sex") %>%
dyRangeSelector() %>%
dySeries("total_f", label = "Female") %>%
dySeries("total_m", label = "Male") %>%
dyOptions(useDataTimezone = FALSE,
stepPlot = TRUE,
drawGrid = FALSE,
fillGraph = TRUE)
} else {
dygraph(totals_[, c("total_e", "total_s")],
main = "By language") %>%
dyRangeSelector() %>%
dySeries("total_e", label = "English") %>%
dySeries("total_s", label = "Spanish") %>%
dyOptions(useDataTimezone = FALSE,
stepPlot = TRUE,
drawGrid = FALSE,
fillGraph = TRUE)
#Jon Spring suggested writing a function to reduce some repetition (applied below), which is a nice improvement. The basic approach is the same, however. Segment, calculate, combine, plot. Is there a way to do this without breaking apart and putting back together?
title: "test"
theme: bootstrap
runtime: shiny
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
```{r global, include=FALSE}
# generate data
dat <- data.frame(date = seq(as.Date("2018-01-01"),
sex = sample(c("male", "female"), 181, replace=TRUE),
lang = sample(c("english", "spanish"), 181, replace=TRUE),
age = sample(20:35, 181, replace=TRUE))
dat <- sample_n(dat, 80)
# Jon Spring's function
prep_dat <- function(filtered_dat, col_name = "total") {
filtered_dat %>%
mutate(new = 1) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
# time series analysis
tibbletime::as_tbl_time(index = date) %>% # convert to tibble time object
select(date, new) %>%
tibbletime::collapse_by("1 week", side = "start", clean = TRUE) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(total = sum(new, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# expand matrix to include weeks without data
date = seq(date[1], date[length(date)], by = "1 week"),
fill = list(total = 0)
Sidebar {.sidebar}
radioButtons("diss", label = "Disaggregation",
choices = list("All" = 1, "By Sex" = 2, "By Language" = 3),
selected = 1)
Page 1
# all
all <- reactive(
# males only
males <- reactive(
dat %>%
filter(sex == "male")
) %>%
rename("total_m" = "total")
# females only
females <- reactive(
dat %>%
filter(sex == "female")
) %>%
rename("total_f" = "total")
# english only
english <- reactive(
dat %>%
filter(lang == "english")
) %>%
rename("total_e" = "total")
# spanish only
spanish <- reactive(
dat %>%
filter(lang == "spanish")
) %>%
rename("total_s" = "total")
# combine
totals <- reactive({
all <- all()
females <- females()
males <- males()
english <- english()
spanish <- spanish()
all %>%
select(date, total) %>%
full_join(select(females, date, total_f), by = "date") %>%
full_join(select(males, date, total_m), by = "date") %>%
full_join(select(english, date, total_e), by = "date") %>%
full_join(select(spanish, date, total_s), by = "date")
# convert to xts
totals_ <- reactive({
totals <- totals()
xts(totals, order.by = totals$date)
# plot
totals_ <- totals_()
if (input$diss == 1) {
dygraph(totals_[, "total"],
main= "All") %>%
dySeries("total", label = "All") %>%
dyRangeSelector() %>%
dyOptions(useDataTimezone = FALSE,
stepPlot = TRUE,
drawGrid = FALSE,
fillGraph = TRUE)
} else if (input$diss == 2) {
dygraph(totals_[, c("total_f", "total_m")],
main = "By sex") %>%
dyRangeSelector() %>%
dySeries("total_f", label = "Female") %>%
dySeries("total_m", label = "Male") %>%
dyOptions(useDataTimezone = FALSE,
stepPlot = TRUE,
drawGrid = FALSE,
fillGraph = TRUE)
} else {
dygraph(totals_[, c("total_e", "total_s")],
main = "By language") %>%
dyRangeSelector() %>%
dySeries("total_e", label = "English") %>%
dySeries("total_s", label = "Spanish") %>%
dyOptions(useDataTimezone = FALSE,
stepPlot = TRUE,
drawGrid = FALSE,
fillGraph = TRUE)
Thanks for explaining more about your goals. I think the approach #simon-s-a suggests will simplify things. If we can run the grouping dynamically, and structure it so that we don't need to know the possible components in those groups beforehand, it will be a lot easier to maintain.
Here's a minimum viable product that rebuilds the plotting function to include the grouping logic inside it.
Once grouped by date and whatever our grouping variable is, it counts how many rows each group has, then spreads those so each group gets a column.
Then I use padr::pad to pad out any missing time rows in between, and replace all the NA's with zeros.
Finally, that data frame is converted to an xts object and fed into dygraph, which seems to handle the multiple columns automatically.
title: "test"
theme: bootstrap
runtime: shiny
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
```{r global, include=FALSE}
# generate data
dat <- data.frame(date = seq(as.Date("2018-01-01"),
sex = sample(c("male", "female"), 181, replace=TRUE),
lang = sample(c("english", "spanish"), 181, replace=TRUE),
age = sample(20:35, 181, replace=TRUE))
dat <- dplyr::sample_n(dat, 80)
Sidebar {.sidebar}
radioButtons("diss", label = "Disaggregation",
choices = list("All" = "Total",
"By Sex" = "sex",
"By Language" = "lang"),
selected = "Total")
Page 1
```{r plot}
grp_col <- rlang::sym(input$diss) # This converts the input selection to a symbol
dat %>%
mutate(Total = 1) %>% # This is a hack to let us "group" by Total -- all one group
# Here's where we unquote the symbol so that dplyr can use it
# to refer to a column. In this case I make a dummy column
# that's a copy of whatever column we want to group
mutate(my_group = !!grp_col) %>%
# Now we make a group for every existing combination of week
# (using lubridate::floor_date) and level of our grouping column,
# count how many rows in each group, and spread that to wide format.
group_by(date = lubridate::floor_date(date, "1 week"), my_group) %>%
count() %>% spread(my_group, n) %>% ungroup() %>%
# padr:pad() fills in any missing weeks in the sequence with new rows
# Then we replace all the NA's with zeroes.
padr::pad() %>% replace(is.na(.), 0) %>%
# Finally we can convert to xts and feed the wide table into digraph.
xts::xts(order.by = .$date) %>%
dygraph() %>%
dyRangeSelector() %>%
useDataTimezone = FALSE, stepPlot = TRUE,
drawGrid = FALSE, fillGraph = TRUE
This is a good place to make a function, to shorten your code and make it less prone to error.
A complicating bit is that programming with dplyr often requires wading into a framework called tidyeval, which is very powerful but can be intimidating.
(Here's an alternative approach that sidesteps tidyeval: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/seplyr/vignettes/using_seplyr.html)
In your scenario, it's possible to avoid these challenges entirely by doing a bit of manipulation before and after your function. It's not as elegant, but works.
BTW, I can't guarantee it'll work since you didn't share a verifiable reprex (e.g. including a sample of data with the same form as yours), but it worked with the fake data I made up. (See bottom.) Sorry, I missed the chunk where your sample data was provided.
prep_dat <- function(filtered_dat, col_name = "total") {
filtered_dat %>%
mutate(new = 1) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
# time series analysis
tibbletime::as_tbl_time(index = date) %>% # convert to tibble time object
select(date, new) %>%
tibbletime::collapse_by("1 week", side = "start", clean = TRUE) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(total = sum(new, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# expand matrix to include weeks without data
date = seq(date[1], date[length(date)], by = "1 week"),
fill = list(total = 0)
Then you could call it with your filtered data and the name of the total column. This fragment should be able to replace the ~20 lines you're currently using:
males <- prep_dat(dat_fake %>%
filter(sex == "male")) %>%
rename("total_m" = "total")
Fake data that I tested on:
dat_fake <- tibble(
date = as.Date("2018-01-01") + runif(500, 0, 100),
new = runif(500, 0, 100),
sex = sample(c("male", "female"),
500, replace = TRUE),
lang = sample(c("english", "french", "spanish", "portuguese", "tagalog"),
500, replace = TRUE)
I think you can make some gains by changing the order of your preparation. Right now the flow of your app is approximately:
Data => prepare all combinations => select desired visualization => make plot
Consider instead:
Data => select desired visualization => prepare required combination => make plot
This would make use of Shiny's reactivity to (re)prepare the data required for the requested plot in response to changes in the user's selection.
By way of code snippets (Sorry, I don't have sufficient familiarity with flexdashboard and tibbletime to ensure this code runs, but I hope it is enough to highlight the approach):
Your control selects the column you want to focus on (note we use "All" = "'1'" so this evaluates to a constant in the group-by, else it has to be handled separately):
radioButtons("diss", label = "Disaggregation",
choices = list("All" = "'1'",
"By Sex" = "sex",
"By Language" = "lang",
"By other" = "column_name_of_'other'"),
selected = 1)
And then use this in your group by to prepare only the data required for the present visualization (you'll need to adjust the function suggested by #Jon_Spring in response to this earlier group-by):
preped_dat = reactive({
dat %>%
group_by_(input$diss) %>%
# etc
Before plotting (you'll need to adjust the plotting function in response to the possible change in data format):
totals = preped_data()
dygraph(totals) %>%
dySeries("total", label = ) %>%
With regard to group_by you can use group_by_ if all your arguments are text strings, or group_by(!! sym(input$diss), other_column_name) if you want to mix the text string input from your control with other column names.
One possible disadvantage of this change in approach is reduced responsiveness during interactivity if your data set is large. The present approach does all the computation up front and then minimal computation each selection - this may be preferable if you have a large amount of processing. My suggested approach will have minimal up front processing and moderate computation each selection.

how to modify the style of a row of a table with formattable/ kableextra

I have bar table like that (what I have).
My problem is that I would like the last row to be without color-bar (like by default:with only the number )
image of the code
mtcars[1:5, 1:4] %>%
car = row.names(.),
mpg = color_bar("lightgreen")(mpg),
cyl = color_bar("lightgreen")(cyl),
disp = color_bar("lightgreen")(disp),
hp = color_bar("lightgreen")(hp)
) %>%
select(car, everything()) %>%
kable("html", escape = F) %>%
kable_styling("hover", full_width = F) %>%
column_spec(5, width = "3cm")
Thank you in advance
The call color_bar("lightgreen") gives a function that formats a vector with the bar in the background. So if you want to format only the first part, write your own function that only formats the first n-1 entries that way. For example:
my_color_bar <- function(color) {
mainpart <- color_bar(color)
function(x) {
start <- x[-length(x)]
last <- x[length(x)]
c(mainpart(start), last)
Then produce the table using that function instead of the original one:
mtcars[1:5, 1:4] %>%
car = row.names(.),
mpg = my_color_bar("lightgreen")(mpg),
cyl = my_color_bar("lightgreen")(cyl),
disp = my_color_bar("lightgreen")(disp),
hp = my_color_bar("lightgreen")(hp)
) %>%
select(car, everything()) %>%
kable("html", escape = FALSE) %>%
kable_styling("hover", full_width = FALSE) %>%
column_spec(5, width = "3cm")
