Is there a way to persist an XCOM value during re-runs of a DAG step (after clearing the status)?
Below is a simplified version of what I'm trying to accomplish, namely when a DAG step status is cleared and the step re-run, I would like to be able to load the XCOM value pushed on the previous run. However, even though I can see the value in the XCOM interface, the value does not get pulled. I've looked through the source code for the pull_xcom() method but can't figure out where it is being filtered out.
The functionality I'm trying to achieve is to maintain some amount of state between failed runs of a DAG. In the example, this would mean that 1 is added to the stored value every time the DAG step is cleared and rerun.
from datetime import datetime
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
def test_step(**kwargs):
ti = kwargs.get('task_instance')
value = ti.xcom_pull(key='key', include_prior_dates=True)
if value is None:
value = 0
print(f'BEFORE VALUE: {value}')
value += 1
print(f'AFTER VALUE: {value}')
ti.xcom_push(key='key', value=value)
# Simulating a failure
raise Exception
default_args = {
'owner': 'Testing',
'depends_on_past': False,
'email': [''],
'email_on_failure': False,
'email_on_retry': False,
'retries': 0,
dag = DAG(
start_date=datetime(2020, 4, 9),
t1 = PythonOperator(
Anytime a task is about to run, its XCom is cleared for the current execution date ( This is why you won't ever pull values from previous task tries. Use of include_prior_dates=True only pulls from previous execution dates, but not previous runs of the same execution date.
One possible solution is to put a DummyOperator task upstream of your test_step task, called say xcom_store.test_step. Then use airflow.models.XCom.set() directly in test_step to your XCom values into the xcom_store.test_step task (reference xcom_push() as an example). When you need to pull, just pull as you usually would with but from the dummy task instead, i.e. ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='xcom_store.test_step', key='key'). Definitely not ideal and could lead to some confusion, but if you standardize it and build some helpers around it, it could be alright?
I was curious if there's a way to customise the dag runs.
So I'm currently checking for updates for another table which gets updated manually by someone and once that's been updated, I would run my dag for the month.
At the moment I have created a branch operator that compares the dates of the 2 tables but is there a way to run the dag (compare the two dates) and run it everyday until there is a change and not run for the remaining of the month?
For example,
Table A (that is updated manually) has YYYYMM as 202209 and Table B also has YYYYMM as 202209.
Atm, my branch operator compares the two YYYYMM and would point to a dummy operator end when it's the same. However, when Table A has been updated to 202210, there's a difference in the two YYYYMM hence another task would run and overwrite Table B.
It all works but this would run the dag everyday even though the table A only gets updated once a month at a random point of time within the month. So is there way to trigger the dag to stop for the remaining days of the month after the task has been triggered?
Hope this is clear.
If you would be using data stored on S3 there would be easy solution starting from the version 2.4 - the Data-aware scheduling.
But probably you're not so there is another option.
A dag in Airflow is Dag object that is assigned to global scope. This allows for dynamic creation of dags. This implies each file is loaded on certain interval. A very good description with examples is here
Second thing you need to use is Airflow Variables
So the concept is as follows:
Create a variable in Airflow named dag_run that will hold the month when the dag has successfully run
Create a python file that has a function that creates a dag object based on input parameters.
In the same file use conditional statements that will set the 'schedule' param differently depending if the dag has run for current month
In your dag in the branch that executes when data has changed set the variable dag_run to the current months value like so: Variable.set(key='dag_run',
step 1:
python code:
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
from datetime import datetime
from airflow.models import Variable
#function that creates dag based on input
def create_dag(dag_id,
def hello_world_py(*args):
print('Hello World')
print('This is DAG: {}'.format(str(dag_id)))
dag = DAG(dag_id,
with dag:
t1 = PythonOperator(
return dag
#run some checks
current_month =
dag_run_month = int(Variable.get('run_month'))
if current_month == dag_run_month:
# keep the schedule off
schedule = None
dag_id = "Database_insync"
elif current_month != dag_run_month:
# keep the schedule on
schedule = "30 * * * *"
dag_id = "Database_notsynced"
#watch out for start_date if you leave
#it in the past airflow will execute past missing schedules
default_args = {'owner': 'airflow',
'start_date': - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)
globals()[dag_id] = create_dag(dag_id,
I have a requirement that I want to schedule an airflow job every alternate Friday. However, the problem is I am not able to figure out how to write a schedule for this.
I don't want to have multiple jobs for this.
I tried this
'0 0 1-7,15-21 * 5
However it's not working it's running from 1 to 7 and 15 to 21 everyday.
from shubham's answer I realize that we can have a PythonOperator which can skip the task for us. An I tried to implement the solution. However doesn't seem to work.
As testing this on 2 week period would be too difficult. This is what I did.
I schedule the DAG to run every 5 mins
However, I am writing python operator the skip althernate task (pretty similar to what I am trying to do, alternate friday).
args = {
'owner': 'Gaurang Shah',
'retries': 0,
dag = DAG(
schedule_interval='*/5 * * * *',
dummy_op = DummyOperator(task_id='dummy', dag=dag)
def _check_date(execution_date, **context):
min_date = - relativedelta(minutes=10)
if execution_date > min_date:
raise AirflowSkipException(f"No data available on this execution_date ({execution_date}).")
check_date = PythonOperator(
I doubt that a single crontab expression can solve this
Using airflow's tricks, solution is much more straightforward:
schedule your DAG every Friday 0 0 * * FRI and
on alternate Fridays (based on your business logic), skip the DAG by raising AirflowSkipException
Here you'll have to let your DAG begin with a dedicated skip_decider task that will let your DAG run / skip every alternate Friday by
conditionally raising AirflowSkipException (to skip the DAG)
not doing anything to let the DAG run
You can also leverage
but IMO, AirflowSkipException is the cleanest solution
Reference: How to define a DAG that scheduler a monthly job together with a daily job?
Depending on your implementation you can use the hash. Worked in my airflow schedules using version 1.10:
Hash (#)
'#' is allowed for the day-of-week field, and must be followed by a number between one and five. It allows specifying constructs such as "the second Friday" of a given month.[19] For example, entering "5#3" in the day-of-week field corresponds to the third Friday of every month. Reference
you can use timedelta as mentioned below, combine it with start_date to schedule your job bi_weekly.
dag = DAG(
start_date=datetime(2021, 3, 26),
I have scheduled the execution of a DAG to run daily.
It works perfectly for one day.
However each day I would like to re-execute not only for the current day {{ ds }} but also for the previous n days (let's say n = 7).
For example, in the next execution scheduled to run on "2018-01-30" I would like Airflow not only to run the DAG using as execution date "2018-01-30", but also to re-run the DAGs for all the previous days from "2018-01-23" to "2018-01-30".
Is there an easy way to "invalidate" the previous execution so that a backfill is run automatically?
You can generate dynamically tasks in a loop and pass the offset to your operator.
Here is an example with the Python one.
import airflow
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from airflow.models import DAG
from datetime import timedelta
args = {
'owner': 'airflow',
'start_date': airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(2),
'schedule_interval': '0 10 * * *'
def check_trigger(execution_date, day_offset, **kwargs):
target_date = execution_date - timedelta(days=day_offset)
# use target_date
for day_offset in xrange(1, 8):
task_id='task_offset_' + i,
op_kwargs={'day_offset' : day_offset}
Have you considered having the dag that runs once a day just run your task for the last 7 days? I imagine you’ll just have 7 tasks that each spawn a SubDAG with a different day offset from your execution date.
I think that will make debugging easier and history cleaner. I believe trying to backfill already executed tasks will involve deleting task instances or setting their states all to NONE. Then you’ll still have to trigger a backfill on those dag runs. It’ll be harder to track when things fail and just seems a bit messier.
My idea is to have a task foo which generates a list of inputs (users, reports, log files, etc), and a task is launched for every element in the input list. The goal is to make use of Airflow's retrying and other logic, instead of reimplementing it.
So, ideally, my DAG should look something like this:
The only variable here is the number of tasks generated. I want to do some more tasks after all of these are completed, so spinning up a new DAG for every task does not seem appropriate.
This is my code:
default_args = {
'owner': 'airflow',
'depends_on_past': False,
'start_date': datetime(2015, 6, 1)
dag = DAG('dynamic_dag_generator', schedule_interval=None, default_args=default_args)
foo_operator = BashOperator(
bash_command="echo '%s'" % json.dumps(range(0, random.randint(40,60))),
def gen_nodes(**kwargs):
ti = kwargs['ti']
workers = json.loads(ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='foo'))
for wid in workers:
print("Iterating worker %s" % wid)
op = PythonOperator(
task_id='test_op_%s' % wid,
python_callable=lambda: print("Dynamic task!"),
gen_subdag_node_op = PythonOperator(
dummy_op = DummyOperator(
bar_operator = DummyOperator(
In the logs, I can see that gen_nodes is executed correctly (i.e. Iterating worker 5, etc). However, the new tasks are not scheduled and there is no evidence that they were executed.
I found related code samples online, such as this, but could not make it work. Am I missing something?
Alternatively, is there a more appropriate approach to this problem (isolating units of work)?
At this point in time, airflow does not support adding/removing a task while the dag is running.
The workflow order will be whatever is evaluated at the start of the dag run.
See the second paragraph here.
This means you cannot add/remove tasks based on something that happens in the run. You can add X tasks in a for loop based on something not related to the run, but after the run has begun there is no changing the workflow shape/order.
Many times you can instead use a BranchPythonOperator to make a decision during a dag run, (and these decisions can be based on your xcom values) but they must be a decision to go down a branch that already exists in the workflow.
Dag runs, and Dag definitions are separated in airflow in ways that aren't entirely intuitive, but more or less anything that is created/generated inside a dag run (xcom, dag_run.conf, etc.) is not usable for defining the dag itself.
I am really a newbie in this forum. But I have been playing with airflow, for sometime, for our company. Sorry if this question sounds really dumb.
I am writing a pipeline using bunch of BashOperators.
Basically, for each Task, I want to simply call a REST api using 'curl'
This is what my pipeline looks like(very simplified version):
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators import BashOperator, PythonOperator
from dateutil import tz
import datetime
datetime_obj = datetime.datetime
default_args = {
'owner': 'airflow',
'depends_on_past': False,
'start_date': datetime.datetime.combine( - datetime.timedelta(1), datetime_obj.min.time()),
'email': [''],
'email_on_failure': True,
'email_on_retry': False,
'retries': 2,
'retry_delay': datetime.timedelta(minutes=5),
current_datetime =
dag = DAG(
'test_run', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=datetime.timedelta(minutes=60))
curl_cmd='curl -XPOST "'+hostname+':8000/run?st='+current_datetime +'"'
t1 = BashOperator(
If you notice I am doing current_datetime=
Instead what I want here is 'execution_date'
How do I use 'execution_date' directly and assign it to a variable in my python file?
I have having this general issue of accessing args.
Any help will be genuinely appreciated.
The BashOperator's bash_command argument is a template. You can access execution_date in any template as a datetime object using the execution_date variable. In the template, you can use any jinja2 methods to manipulate it.
Using the following as your BashOperator bash_command string:
# pass in the first of the current month {{ execution_date.replace(day=1) }}
# last day of previous month {{ execution_date.replace(day=1) - macros.timedelta(days=1) }}
If you just want the string equivalent of the execution date, ds will return a datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD), ds_nodash returns same without dashes (YYYYMMDD), etc. More on macros is available in the Api Docs.
Your final operator would look like:
command = """curl -XPOST '%(hostname)s:8000/run?st={{ ds }}'""" % locals()
t1 = BashOperator( task_id='rest-api-1', bash_command=command, dag=dag)
The PythonOperator constructor takes a 'provide_context' parameter (see If it's True, then it passes a number of parameters into the python_callable via kwargs. kwargs['execution_date'] is what you want, I believe.
Something like this:
def python_method(ds, **kwargs):
Variable.set('execution_date', kwargs['execution_date'])
doit = PythonOperator(
I'm not sure how to do it with the BashOperator, but you might start with this issue:
I think you can't assign variables with values from the airflow context outside of a task instance, they are only available at run-time. Basically there are 2 different steps when a dag is loaded and executed in airflow :
First your dag file is interpreted and parsed. It has to work and compile and the task definitions must be correct (no syntax error or anything). During this step, if you make function calls to fill some values, these functions won't be able to access airflow context (the execution date for example, even more if you're doing some backfilling).
The second step is the execution of the dag. It's only during this second step that the variables provided by airflow (execution_date, ds, etc...) are available as they are related to an execution of the dag.
So you can't initialize global variables using the Airflow context, however, Airflow gives you multiple mechanisms to achieve the same effect :
Using jinja template in your command (it can be in a string in the code or in a file, both will be processed). You have the list of available templates here : Note that some functions are also available, particularly for computing days delta and date formatting.
Using a PythonOperator in which you pass the context (with the provide_context argument). This will allow you to access the same template with the syntax kwargs['<variable_name']. If you need so, you can return a value from a PythonOperator, this one will be stored in an XCOM variable you can use later in any template. Access to XCOM variables use this syntax :
If you write your own operator, you can access airflow variables with the dict context.
def execute(self, context):
execution_date = context.get("execution_date")
This should be inside the execute() method of Operator
To print execution date inside the callable function of your PythonOperator you can use the following in your Airflow Script and also can add start_time and end_time as follows:
def python_func(**kwargs):
execution_date = kwargs["execution_date"] #<datetime> type with timezone
end_time = str(execution_date)
start_time = str(execution_date.add(minutes=-30))
I have converted the datetime value to string as I need to pass it in a SQL Query. We can use it otherwise also.
You may consider SimpleHttpOperator It’s so simple for making http request. you can pass execution_date with endpoint parameter via template.
Here's another way without context. using the dag's last execution time can be very helpful in scheduled ETL jobs. Such as a dag that 'downloads all newly added files'. Instead of hardcoding a datetime.datetime, use the dag's last execution date as your time filter.
Airflow Dags actually have a class called DagRun that can be accessed like so: dag_runs = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id)
Here's an easy way to get the most recent run's execution time:
def get_most_recent_dag_run(dag_id):
dag_runs = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id)
dag_runs.sort(key=lambda x: x.execution_date, reverse=True)
return dag_runs[1] if len(dag_runs) > 1 else None
Then, within your pythonOperator, you can dynamically access the dag's last execution by calling the function you created above:
last_execution = get_most_recent_dag_run('dag')
Now its a variable!