Rendering multiple altair charts in a single cell of a jupyter notebook - jupyter-notebook

I see in the troubleshooting guide to Altair that:
'If you are working in a notebook environment, the chart is only
displayed if the last line of the cell evaluates to a chart object'
I have a dictionary of several auto-generated altair charts. I want to show in one notebook cell, separately, all the charts I have created. I would like to do something like:
for k in graphs:
graphs[k].show() #or the equivalent of 'show this chart'
How can I do the equivalent of this? Currently I can only render a single chart in a cell by evaluating a single chart.

Use chart.display():
for k in graphs:


In VScode-R, how to close previous plots tab, when refreshing plots using dev.list()?

I am using httpgd as the default graphic devide for R in vs code.
if I don't use dev.list(), it will open up new plots in the same tab everytime a new plot is generated.
If I use dev.list(), it will open up a separate tab for the new plot. But how do I close the tab which stores previous plots?

How to capture a cell's output for use in another cell?

In org-mode, I can name the output of a code block and include it elsewhere in the document.
Is it possible to do this (or something similar) in a colab .ipynb file, or within a Jupyter notebook in general?
For example, I can make a cell with some Python code that generates a plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
After executing, the plot appears below the code cell. So far so good.
But how do I capture this plot and to use it elsewhere in the notebook?
My hope is there is some syntax so that I can include the plot in a markdown cell, for example:
# this is my title
As you can see, the numbers go up and down in the plot:
Here is some more text to explain the plot.
Does such a feature exist in colab?
Good news - embedding an image in another markdown cell is self-service. Here's an example:
Full notebook:
The key bits are:
Using IPython.display.Markdown is order to programmatically construct the markdown.
In addition to rendering, save the matplotlib figure using savefig.
Include the image data in the markdown after base64 encoding.

How to plot many plots to a pdf and AND a subset to Rmarkdown report?

I need to generate about >50 plots. I want to save them all in one pdf and have just a few of them appear in my R markdown html output.
I can print many plots to a single pdf like this:
for (sam in samples){
plot(sam) # simplified stand-in for many lines of code
That puts one sample's plot on each page of a pdf that I can flip through later.
I want some of those plots to appear in my markdown, without duplicating the plot code.
I've tried:
for (sam in samples){
plot(sam) # simplified stand-in for many lines of code
if (sample(1:10,1)==1){ #randomly select a few examples
count = count + 1
dev.copy(which=dev.prev()) # to revert back to the default device
dev.set( # to resume printing to the same pdf
With this, the pdf is correct and count is >0, but the plots do not appear in the markdown report.
I think something from the dev.copy() family will do what I want but I can't seem to make it work. In other variants I tried, dev.print() complains about only printing from a screen device, or I get errors saying that I cannot copy to the same device, or cannot copy to a null device.
Similar questions (such as Saving plot as pdf and simultaneously display it in the window (x11)) often want to do the reverse: print to screen a then to a pdf. And they generally only deal with one plot.
I want to make several plots, and I want ALL of my plots to go to the pdf, but only a FEW to go to the Rmarkdown html report as an example of what is in the pdf.
I'm working on a mac using R 3.5.1, RStudio v1.1.456
Thanks in advance!

Paned plots in R notebook export

When editing an R notebook inside RStudio, if I create multiple graphical outputs in one R block, I get an icon for each plot, which I can click on to select which plot to look at:
I like that behavior, it's especially handy to click from one plot to another to compare changes between them.
However, when I render the notebook to HTML (e.g. by hitting the "Preview" button in the editor), the plots simply cascade down the page:
Is there a way I can get the former behavior in an exported document? Some option I can set, or a chunk of Javascript I can include, or something?

tibble table display issue when using R in jupyter notebook

I just started using R in Jupyter notebook. There seems to be some issue displaying tibble table.
for example,
Everything is normal.
If mtcars is converted to tibble,
The table displayed is totally screwed....
Anyone knows why? Do I need to set some options in jupyter notebook?
A follow-up question: How to control the number of rows for table output (not using head())? Is there any notebook options I can set? Is there any way that display the whole table with some page number button like those in R notebook?
Are you sure that you are using the latest version of Jupyter Notebook? I get exactly the same printout for the base data frame and the tibble.
As for the number of rows to show, I don't know of any notebook setting. If you don't want to use head(), you can always do:
with whatever number of lines you want instead of 15.
