Doctrine weird behavior, changes entity that I never persisted - symfony

I have this situation:
Symfony 4.4.8, in the controller, for some users, I change some properties of an entity before displaying it:
public function viewAction(string $id)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
/** #var $offer Offer */
$offer = $em->getRepository(Offer::class)->find($id);
// For this user the payout is different, set the new payout
// (For displaying purposes only, not intended to be stored in the db)
return $this->render('offers/view.html.twig', ['offer' => $offer]);
Then, I have a onKernelTerminate listener that updates the user language if they changed it:
public function onKernelTerminate(TerminateEvent $event)
$request = $event->getRequest();
if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
// Don't do this for ajax requests
if (is_object($this->user)) {
// Check if language has changed. If so, persist the change for the next login
if ($this->user->getLang() && ($this->user->getLang() != $request->getLocale())) {
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
KernelEvents::TERMINATE => [['onKernelTerminate', 15]],
Now, there is something very weird happening here, if the user changes language, the offer is flushed to the db with the new payout, even if I never persisted it!
Any idea how to fix or debug this?
PS: this is happening even if I remove $this->em->persist($this->user);, I was thinking maybe it's because of some relationship between the user and the offer... but it's not the case.
I'm sure the offer is persisted because I've added a dd('beforeUpdate'); in the Offer::beforeUpdate() method and it gets printed at the bottom of the page.

alright, so by design, when you call flush on the entity manager, doctrine will commit all the changes done to managed entities to the database.
Changing values "just for display" on an entity that represents a record in database ("managed entity") is really really bad design in that case. It begs the question what the value on your entity actually means, too.
Depending on your use case, I see a few options:
create a display object/array/"dto" just for your rendering:
$display = [
'payout' => $offer->getPayout(),
// ...
$display['payout'] = $newPayout;
return $this->render('offers/view.html.twig', ['offer' => $display]);
or create a new non-persisted entity
use override-style rendering logic
return $this->render('offers/view.html.twig', [
'offer' => $offer,
'override' => ['payout' => $newPayout],
in your template, select the override when it exists
{{ override.payout ?? offer.payout }}
add a virtual field (meaning it's not stored in a column!) to your entity, maybe call it "displayPayout" and use the content of that if it exists


How to persist a collection of forms embedded in a collection of Forms...?

For my Poll Application i created a FormType called CampaignType which holds a CollectionType named blocks which in turn holds a CollectionType named lines, which holds a CollectionType named fields, which holds a CollectionType named pollResults.
In my next code example you can see my code that renders the View to fill a campaign(poll).
public function fillAction(Request $request, $id)
$campaign = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Campaign::class)->find($id);
$entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
foreach ($campaign->getBlocks() AS $block){
foreach ($block->getLines() AS $line){
foreach ($line->getFields() AS $field){
$pollResult = new PollResult();
$form = $this->createForm(CampaignType::class, $campaign);
if($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()){
return $this->redirectToRoute("grappt_poll_campaignShow", ['id' => $id]);
return $this->render('GrapptPollBundle:Campaigns:fill.html.twig', [
'campaign' => $campaign,
'form' => $form->createView()
The only thing that must be persisted in the database are the PollResults.
Every PollResult has an entry for the campaign_id and the field_id it belongs to, the user_id who filled out the campaign and the value the user chose (and of course its own id, which gets generated automatically).
My Problem is that i don't know how to do that.
Where do i have to call $entityManager->persist($pollResult);.
Right now i put it directly under the initialization-stuff.
Do i have to put it into the if($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid())-query and loop through every pollResult?
Do i have to call $entityManager->persist($campaign); although nothing changes there?
Furthermore i wonder if i have to add something for the value-entry of each PollResult?
Thanks in advance for every answer
What will $form->isValid() return ?
It will depend on the validation constraints of you master form. If your validation constraints are in the annotations of your entity, in your master entity you should have the #Assert\Valid() annotation which will be sure that the nested form is valid :
class Campaign
* #ORM\OneToMany(…)
* #Assert\Valid() // <- this line here
private $blocks;
If you prefer to put your validation constraints in your CampaignType, you can put it in the options :
public function buildForm (FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('blocks', CollectionType::class,[
'entry_type' => BlockType::class,
'constraints' => array(new Valid()) // <- this line here
So, where should you put the persist()?
The best is to have Symfony's form validation (->isValid()) before any persistance, for security and data sanity (don't persist before ensuring csrf protection for instance). If you may add a lot of data (like persisting thousands of entities after one form submission), you can look into Doctrine's batch processing and bulk inserts :
Should you also persist the Campaign object ?
It depends on the cascade persistence rules you have in your entity.
You can find all the rules to fine-tune the cascade here :

How to properply update an entity which contains an Image path?

I have a form that I use both for registration and edition of the user informations. This form contains a profile picture property on which I put #Assert\Image.
I succeed in creating a new user through my registration form but when I try to edit the user informations (with a PATCH method, just to update what need to be updated) I encounter an error with a 'File could not be found' message.
I suppose it's because the path stored in the database is a string and my #Assert\Image want an image.
I'm not sure about how I should manage this kind of update.
When I dd() the $user right after the submission, I see that the profilePicture property still contains the path saved in the database.
Here is my function regarding the form handling:
public function myProfile(Request $request)
$user = $this->getUser();
$form = $this->createForm(UserFormType::class, $user, ['method' => 'PATCH']);
if ($request->isMethod('PATCH')){
$form->submit($request->request->get($form->getName()), false);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
//if no request just display the page
return $this->render('connected/myProfile.html.twig', [
'user' => $user,
'userProfileForm' => $form->createView()
The Validator will check if your object contains a image and that seems not the case when you’re updating your object.
A workaround is to use group validation you define a specific group to the property that have the assert Image and in the method getGroupSequence you return the group if you’re in creation (id == null) or if the property is setted.

What is the best way to create a singleton entity in Symfony 4?

I want to create a settings page, which only has a form in it. If the form is submitted it only updates settings entity but never creates another one. Currently, I achieved this like:
* #param SettingsRepository $settingsRepository
* #return Settings
public function getEntity(SettingsRepository $settingsRepository): Settings
$settings = $settingsRepository->find(1);
if($settings == null)
$settings = new Settings();
return $settings;
In SettingsController I call getEntity() method which returns new Settings entity (if the setting were not set yet) or already existing Settings entity (if setting were set at least once).
However my solution is quite ugly and it has hardcoded entity id "1", so I'm looking for a better solution.
Settings controller:
public function index(
Request $request,
SettingsRepository $settingsRepository,
FlashBagInterface $flashBag,
TranslatorInterface $translator,
SettingsService $settingsService
): Response
// getEntity() method above
$settings = $settingsService->getEntity($settingsRepository);
$settingsForm = $this->createForm(SettingsType::class, $settings);
if ($settingsForm->isSubmitted() && $settingsForm->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
return $this->redirectToRoute('app_admin_settings_index');
return $this->render(
'settings_form' => $settingsForm->createView(),
You could use Doctrine Embeddables here.
Settings, strictly speaking, should not be mapped to entities, since they are not identifiable, nor meant to be. That is, of course, a matter of debate. Really, a Settings object is more of a value object than an entity. Read here for more info.
So, in cases like these better than having a one to one relationship and all that fuzz, you probably will be fine with a simple Value Object called settings, that will be mapped to the database as a Doctrine Embeddable.
You can make this object a singleton by creating instances of it only in factory methods, making the constructor private, preventing cloning and all that. Usually, it is enough only making it immutable, meaning, no behavior can alter it's state. If you need to mutate it, then the method responsible for that should create a new instance of it.
You can have a a method like this Settings::createFromArray() and antoher called Settings::createDefaults() that you will use when you new up an entity: always default config.
Then, the setSettings method on your entity receieves only a settings object as an argument.
If you don't like inmutablity, you can also make setter methods for the Settings object.

Symfony2 error Flushing an entitiy within the preUpdate event of another entiity

I have a reletivly simple change logging class that stores the date, an integer to indicate the type of change and 2 varchar(50)s that hold the old and new data for the change.
I can create and populate an instance of the class but when I come to flush it I get an "Error: Maximum function nesting level of '200' reached, aborting!" error.
I've read about the Xdebug issue and configured the max nests up to 200 but as you can see this isn't enough. The save process should be very simple and there should be no need for so many nested functions, so increasing it further will just hide the problem, whatever it is. I have far more complicated classes in this app that persisit and flush without a problem.
The issue is always at
NormalizerFormatter ->normalize ()
in app/cache/dev/classes.php at line 4912 -
Having looked at this a bit more I think the issue may be that the change instance is created and saved during the preUpdate event of another class:
public function preUpdate(LifecycleEventArgs $eventArgs)
$entity = $eventArgs->getEntity();
if ($entity instanceof Property) {
$entityManager = $eventArgs->getEntityManager();
$changeArray = $eventArgs->getEntityChangeSet();
foreach ($changeArray as $field => $values) {
$eventType = "";
switch ($field) {
case 'price' :
$eventType = PropertyEvent::EVENTTYPE_PRICE;
case 'status' :
$eventType = PropertyEvent::EVENTTYPE_STATUS;
if ($eventType != "") {
$event = new PropertyEvent($entity->getID(), $eventType, $values[0], $values[1]);
Why would that be an issue?
Doctrine only has one lifecycle event process so regardless of the entity you're using adding a flush within a lifecycle event will send you back round the loop and into your event handler again... and again ... and...
Have a look at this blog post
Basically the answer is to use
$eventManager -> removeEventListener('preUpdate', $this);
to remove the event. Then create the new entity, persist, flush and finally re-attach the event you are in.
$eventManager -> addEventListener('preUpdate', $this);
I think your issue is the $entity->setUpdatedDate(); call, which probably calls another update event and re-calls your handler.

Entity persist finds new relationship that existed before

Hi I have an action which adds people to a group.
In order to increase the usability the form for it removes the people that are already in the group.
My controller action looks like this:
public function addAction(UserGroup $userGroup)
$tempGroup = new UserGroup();
foreach ($userGroup->getUsers() as $user) {
$form = $this->container->get('form.factory')->create(new UserGroupQuickType(), $tempGroup);
$request = $this->container->get('request');
if ('POST' === $request->getMethod()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
$group = $form->getData();
/** #var $myUserManager UserManager */
$myUserManager = $this->container->get('strego_user.user_manager');
/** #var $em EntityManager */
$em = $this->container->get('em');
foreach ($group->getUsers() as $toInvite) {
return array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
'userGroup' => $userGroup
This code throws an exception:
A new entity was found through the relationship 'Strego\UserBundle\Entity\UserGroup#users'
that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity: Degi.
To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on
this unknown entity or configure cascade persist this
association in the mapping for example #ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}).
The new found relation with was already there before. Meaning the user "Degi" was already in the group and is not a new entity.
I can avoid this error if I'll leave out the persist but then I'll get an exception: Entity has to be managed or scheduled for removal for single computation.
This is caused by the fact that my "usergroup" entity has the whole time a entity status of 3 (= detached)
I have used the same logic (with temp group etc.) for an entity that has 1 to 1 relationship to my usergroup and from there I can easily add people even to the group.
But not with this action, which is logically doing the exact same thing.
My previous update was leading in the wrong direction. But here in comparison the (almost) same controller that works:
public function addAction(BetRound $betRound)
$userGroup = new UserGroup();
foreach ($betRound->getUsers() as $user) {
$form = $this->createForm(new UserGroupQuickType(), $userGroup);
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ('POST' === $request->getMethod()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
/** #var $betRoundManager BetRoundManager */
$betRoundManager = $this->container->get('strego_tipp.betround_manager');
/** #var $myUserManager UserManager */
$myUserManager = $this->container->get('strego_user.user_manager');
$group = $form->getData();
foreach ($group->getUsers() as $toInvite) {
if (!$betRound->getUserGroup()->hasUser($toInvite)) {
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('betround_show', array('id' => $betRound->getId())));
return array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
'betRound' => $betRound
This is expected behavior since your have relationship to, not really a new entity but unmanaged object.
While iterating you could try merging $toInvite. Don't worry, if objects you acquired via form have an appropriate identifier (#Id) value set they would be just reloaded from databases instead of marked for insertion. Newly added objects, on the other hand, will be marked.
So, before trying anything, ensure that each of old $toInvite have an ID set.
foreach ($group->getUsers() as $toInvite) {
// safe to do now, all of the added users are either reloaded or marked for insertion
Hope this helps.
This is happening because $userGroup is already an entity which already exists and $toInvite is a new entity and you are trying to flush $userGroup. To make this code working you need to specify cascade={"persist"} in your entity file (Annotations or yaml whichever you prefer).
Other solution is to do the reverse and persist $toInvite
foreach ($group->getUsers() as $toInvite) {
I think the first option would be a better choice
After several attempts I found out that this issue were actually 2 issues:
1. I had a listener that updated some rows on persist even if it was not necessary.
2. The paramconverter somehow detaches the entities that are coming in. Which means that my UserGroup and all my users in it are detached. As soon as they are added again to the Usergroup, those Entities seem to be "new" for the EM. Therefore I needed to merge all users AND fix my listener that updates the "createdBy", which otherwise would have also needed to been merged.
