I just turn on demography, copy and insert tracking code in my head tags,
it showing when i use page but not show my gender and age,
it's need time ?
online users
Demographics data do not work in this way, they do not represent 100% of users and require reaching a certain threshold of data to be displayed.
Demographics and interests data may only be available for a subset of your users, and may not represent the overall composition of your traffic: Analytics cannot collect the demographics and interests information if the DoubleClick cookie or the Device Advertising ID is not present, or if no activity profile is included.
Example with test: https://www.analyticstraps.com/i-report-con-i-dati-demografici-non-tornano/
I've read on the doc that firebase uses the Android Advertising ID or Apple IDFA to get demographics (age, gender) however this information doesn't show up in the analytics.
Is there some additional steps that need to be done in order to activate or link these informations to the Analytics? I'm currently using some custom userProperties but it would be good to know why the default ones doesn't work.
There are two places to check for demographics data:
Analytics > Audiences section, what you probably want here is the audience that should be automatically created - "All users".
Events > go into any event detail.
In both cases you should see location, gender, age. Also have in mind that because of privacy reasons
you need at least a few users (I think the limit is 10) for some of this data to be shown, so it might not show up in small test project
This data doesn't get exported to BigQuery at all - because then you could identify it with a particular user
I have Firebase Analytics integrated into my mobile apps (Android and iOS). Every mobile user has a unique ID that is used to set up the Firebase SDK with.
Is it possible to find out age bucket and a gender of a specific user? I've been looking at User explorer on Google Analytics console but could not find a way to connect user ID and age/gender.
Is it possible to find out age bucket and gender for a specific user?
No. As per https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2799357?hl=en#thresholds
Thresholds are applied to prevent anyone viewing a report from
inferring the demographics or interests of individual users. When a
report contains Age, Gender, or Interest Category (as a primary or
secondary dimension, or as part of an applied segment), a threshold
may be applied and some data may be withheld from the report
So when you try to combine the User ID with demographics data, each row in your report contains info about only 1 user, which is below threshold, thus demographics data gets hidden.
If you need user-level precision for gender/age etc... with Firebase/GA, the 2 ways I see are:
ask users (eg date of birth field in their profile settings)
use an external data enrichment tool
You save that data against each User ID in user properties / custom dimensions so you can retrieve it at will.
My blogger website is linked to google analytics. Now I want to get demographics data I have enabled it in the settings but still, it is not giving any data about demographics
You may need to wait a few days, or longer; particularly if your site has a low volume of sessions per day. Google will not show you the data below a certain threshold as this becomes to close to revealing individuals by, for example, age, gender and location.
Read more here, particularly on data thresholds.
I am using the Google Analytics Referrer to track the channel of my downloads. Now what I want to do is analyse the quality of users we are getting from each channel, so that we can focus more on channels which give us better quality users. For starting I want to track something which is like Average age of users from channel A (Month Wise). Does google analytics gives you the provision of analysing this type of data given we will pass the age of each user to GA. If not google analytics, what could be other tools I can use for the same. Thanks a lot.
It's so easy. Open channels report and add second dimension - Age. That's all.
Suppose I have 65 people that register on January 1, 2012.
I want to find out how many of those 65 people returned to the site that same week. (More generally, if n people signup on date A, I want to be able to find out how many of those n people return in a given date range.)
Is there a way to do this using Google Analytics? If so, how? I am currently getting the user's username for each page hit.
If you only need to track people who sign in then you don't need to get very fancy. You can copy the relevant user attributes, such as sign up date, from your DB to GA using events or session level custom variables.
But if you want to track everyone, including those who don't sign up, then you'll need to use visitor level custom variables (GA cookies).
I explain how to set this up in detail in this post so I'll just highlight the key points here:
First, decide how to layout the data in Google Analytic's custom variables based on your requirements. For example, are you storing retention dates for daily, weekly or monthly tracking? Do you also want to track cohort goals? Partition this data into the available custom variable slots.
Write the cohort data to these custom variables when visitors arrive or achieve goals using Google Analytic's _setCustomVar function. Setting the fourth parameter of that function to 1 indicates you want to do visitor-level (cookie) tracking.
For each cohort you wish to analyze, create an advanced segment in Google Analytics. Using a regex expression in the condition will give you the flexibility to segment for interesting cohorts. ex: "All users whose first visit was the week before Christmas".
Analyze the results with reports by specifying a date range and the corresponding cohort-sliced advanced segments. Another option is to extract the data using the Google Analytics Data Feed Query Explorer or their API.
Once you've put in the work your new visitors will be stamped by their first visit date and nicely fall into each daily or weekly retention bucket. This is what it might look like if you were tracking weekly retention, for example:
This is not a full solution, but here are some points on how I would approach this problem with the help of Google Analytics:
You have to make sure that you somehow store the registration date of each user, either in your database or in a cookie. Then have a look at Google Analytics Event Tracking. You could for example set up a new category based on the registration date. On every page load in your page, you then have to set up this event tracking call, for example like:
_trackEvent("returns", "2012-01-01", "UserId:123123123")
This way you will receive all page views for users that registered on that particular date. To add a date range in this, you have to make sure that these events only get fired for the number of dates after the signup (e.g. 7 days).
After your date range, you will be able to see how many page views and how many users returned - you even know which users came back.