Where do I have to install Add-ons on Plone - plone

I'm new on Plone, and I'm following Plone Training tutorial. I'm trying Plone with Docker image from here.
But in step 13, extending with new components, I don't know surely where I have to install the new packages, I try it on different sections:
eggs =
eggs =
collective.easyform = 2.1.5
plone.app.mosaic = 2.2.2
I can't get those packages appears on /##overview-controlpanel to activate them.

You need to re-run the buildout to get those new packages retrieved from PyPI and available. Also, don't forget to restart the Zope/Plone server.


Install PloneBooking into Plone

Hello I'm trying to install PloneBooking Product into my Plone 4.3.3 by using buildout.cfg like this
eggs =
Automatically I can see the PloneFormGen into my plugins page but no sign of PloneBooking, It could've be a version issue. I've already tried using mr.developer and using the github version, but the documentation is confusing since there's no [eggs] into my buildout.cfg in this link http://plone.org/documentation/kb/installing-add-ons-quick-how-to
. How can I proceed from this point?
Thanks already.
Looks like there's a python version problem in some modules, so I've just installed a different version of PloneBooking into my [versions] section, like:
Products.PloneBooking = 3.0.0a2
no need for mr.developer or anything.

How can I tell aptana to automatically add the eggs included in the buildout?

I'm using Aptana3 to write a python app. Also, I write a buildout.cfg and virtualenv to make the process repeatable and isolated. Thus, packages are installed using:
virtualenv env
env/bin/python bootstrap.py
as commonly we do in python projects.
To save space I configure Buildout to store the automatically downloaded eggs into the ~/.buildout/eggs folder. But not all eggs in that folder are used by my project, there are eggs from other projects to.
In Aptana I created a pydev project that uses the env/bin/python interpreter. The problem is that this environment doesn't include the eggs that are installed using buildout and Aptana makes alerts. So I used Omelette to create symbolic links to used packages in the folder parts/omelette and I add that folder to the interpreter package, but it continues showing error messages.
How can I configure Aptana to avoid that error messages?
If buildout is creating .egg-links, you might be being bitten by this bug: https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/APSTUD-4945
I think Aptana will find need them if you add ~/.buildout/eggs to your PYTHONPATH.

installing cmfbibliography in plone

I'm using plone 4.2 and want to use product CMFBibliographyAT. After running command buildout I get a lot of error messages regarding "'return' outside function". When the command exits it prints:
*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
Products.ATExtensions = 1.0
Products.CMFBibliographyAT = 1.1.2
bibliograph.core = 1.0.3
bibliograph.parsing = 1.0.1
bibliograph.rendering = 1.0.2
psycopg2 = 2.4.5
pyisbn = 0.6.0
*************** /PICKED VERSIONS ***************
When I go to zope interface and I can see these archetypes:
CMFBibliographyAT::LargeBibliographyFolder Uninstall
CMFBibliographyAT::DuplicatesBibliographyFolder Uninstall
CMFBibliographyAT::BibliographyFolder Uninstall
However, in plone when I try to add some content, there is no bibliography.
Any ideas why I can use this product?
You did not actually get an error, your buildout completed fine.
When installing eggs, any .py files are compiled to .pyc cached byte-code files. However, Python Script files in Plone skin layers are a special form of Python that are treated as functions, and byte-compiling these always fails. This is a side-effect and can be ignored, see Buildout and Syntax Errors.
The unified installer buildout configuration has been set up to inform you if buildout had to pick versions for you if not explicitly pinned to one.
The output you see tells you exactly what versions it picked, and you can re-use that output to set the pins yourself. Find the file versions.cfg and add the lines below the [versions] block in that file, below the same [versions] section you'll find in that file.
For more information on such version pinning and other buildout issues, see:
Brief version pinning tutorial
Buildout troubleshooting manual
The Unified Installer manual
If you do run into problems with these packages and get errors when you run your Zope instance, errors will be logged either to the console (when run in foreground mode) or the errors log. See Add on product installation fails for help with troubleshooting these.

Using Products.ResourceRegistries 2.1.2 on plone 4.1.4

I would like to use plone.app.jquery 1.7.2 on my plone 4.1.4, but it doesn't work because plone 4.1.4 use an old version of Products.ResouceRegistries that doesn't enable the "bundle" option.
So I figure myself that I have to update Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.1.2.
I have modified the versions.cfg and run buildout, but with no effect (no download of the new version).
How could I update the version ?
Why not just upgrade to Plone 4.2?
The problem was there is a kgv in the buildout that pinned Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.0.6 :
Removing the ?plone=4.1.4 and pin Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.1.2 make it works.

Failing to create a Plone theme templated from Sunburst theme

I have had problems getting a paster generated theme product to work in my production Plone 4.0 server, so I thought I would try again now that 4.1 is out. I'm now having a different problem: the theme just doesn't show up in the Add-ons list. Here's what I did:
Installed Plone 4.1 for Windows from Enfold
Downloaded ez_setup.py, and ran it with Plone's embedded python
Ran the installed easy_install to get the latest ZopeSkel installed into the embedded Python.
mkdir src ; cd src ; ..\python\Scripts\paster create -t plone3_theme plonetheme.lt
Answered the questions so that I'd get a theme based on the plone4 Sunburst theme
Otherwise I don't touch anything in that generated code.
cd plonetheme.lt ; ....\python\python.exe setup.py develop [not sure if I need to do this]
Edit the buildout.cfg to add plonetheme.lt to the eggs list, and added:
develop = src/plonetheme.lt
Run buildout. It mentions that it can find the plonetheme.lt package.
Start Zeo and Plone servers
The plonetheme.lt does not appear in the list of Add-ons
What can I have missed? I've poured over the bits of documentation on plone.org and I have Martin Aspeli's books. Many thanks. I've also tried adding the packaging to the zcml slugs, to no avail.
"cd plonetheme.lt ; ....\python\python.exe setup.py develop [not sure if I need to do this]"
no this is useless
"Edit the buildout.cfg to add plonetheme.lt to the eggs list, and added: develop = src/plonetheme.lt"
you need to add it to the zcml list too.
More info:
Take a look at the step 2 of this guide:
You could try the another solution using buildout.eggtractor
Or better if you paste your buildout somewhere...
