Why can't parse transform float string into int? - julia

When I try to use parse this way: parse(Int64, "3.1459"), I get an error, because '.' is an invalid base 10 digit. I know the error gets raised because of the period, but is there any particular reason why Julia couldn't convert a float string to a integer like this? Any other way to do it?

Well, it isn't an integer so it isn't really clear what it should return. You could just parse it as a float and then round it as you want, e.g:
julia> v = parse(Float64, "3.1459")
julia> trunc(Int, v)
julia> ceil(Int, v)
julia> round(Int, v)

I'm not sure the error gets raised because of the period - rather because you can parse a decimal into an integer without specifying how you want to round:
julia> parse(Float64, "3.14159")
julia> Int(round(parse(Float64, "3.14159")))


Shorthand for Int32 literals in Julia

I use lots of Int32s in my code because I have some large arrays of those. But for some x::Int32 we have typeof(x+1) == Int64 since numeric literals are Int64 by default (I have to use 64bit Julia to handle my arrays). The problem is, if I have some function f(x::Int32) then f(x+1) will method error. I don't want to implement a f(x::Int64) = f(convert(Int32, x)) for almost every function and want to use concrete types for type stability. Currently, I simply have expressions like x + Int32(1) all over my code which looks really cluttered. For other types we have shorthands, i.e., 1.f0 gives me a Float32 and big"1" a BigInt. Is there something similar for Int32?
Since you explicitly mention the big_str macro (big"") you can easily define a similar macro for Int32 (the same way the uint128_str and int128_str is defined):
macro i32_str(s)
parse(Int32, s)
julia> typeof(i32"1")
this might still clutter your code too much so alternatively you could exploit that a number followed by a name is multiplication:
struct i32 end
(*)(n, ::Type{i32}) = Int32(n)
julia> typeof(1i32)
You can make a macro to replace every literal integer with an Int32, a bit like what ChangePrecision.jl does for floats. A very quick first attempt is:
julia> macro literal32(ex)
julia> literal32(ex::Expr) = Expr(ex.head, literal32.(ex.args)...);
julia> literal32(i::Int) = Int32(i);
julia> literal32(z) = z; # ignore Symbol, literal floats, etc.
julia> #literal32 [1,2] .+ 3
2-element Vector{Int32}:
julia> #literal32 function fun(x::AbstractVector)
x[1] + 2 # both 1 and 2 are changed
fun (generic function with 1 method)
julia> fun(Int32[3,4]) |> typeof
One place this may have unexpected consequences is literal type parameters:
julia> #literal32([1,2,3]) isa Array{Int32,1}
julia> #literal32 [1,2,3] isa Array{Int32,1}
Another is that x^2 will not use Base.literal_pow, e.g. #literal32 Meta.#lower pi^2.
What if you say:
# Or, a::Int32 = 1
julia> a = Int32(1)
julia> b::Int32 = a+2
julia> typeof(b)
julia> f(b)

How to create a non-standard string literal with parameters in Julia?

I am creating a non-standard string literal with a macro with something like that:
macro R13_str(p)
rotate(13, p)
and it works. I can call it as:
But I would like to declare the macro to work with any integer, like:
Let's say the function rotate() is:
function rotate(shift_amount::Int64, s::String)
# Ensure the shift is no bigger than the string
shift = shift_amount ≤ length(s) ? shift_amount : shift_amount % length(s)
# Circular shift
return s[end-shift+1:end] * s[1:end-shift]
How can I do that? I have checked all the docs, but it's not clear to me.
Can't see how to achieve exactly what is required. But the following might be good enough:
julia> macro R_str(p,flag)
rotate(flag, p)
#R_str (macro with 1 method)
julia> R"hello"3
julia> R"abc"1
julia> R"abc"244
See https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/metaprogramming/#meta-non-standard-string-literals
Trying to conform to OP call format:
julia> macro rework(expr)
if expr.head != :macrocall return expr ; end
r = String(expr.args[1])
rr = parse(Int, r[3:findfirst('_',r)-1])
:(rotate($rr, $(expr.args[3])))
#rework (macro with 1 method)
julia> #rework R13"hello"
This macro could help to read the prepared test cases??
I have found a solution:
for n in 0:244
#eval macro $(Symbol(:R, n, :_str))(s)
rotate($n, s)
While I believe that using flags is the better approach, with this for loop I can generate all the macros that I need.
Julia> R1"abc"
Julia> R24"acb"
Julia> R56"abc"
simply work.

Why does the Base.match function return a SubString{String} type rather than just String in Julia?

julia> s = "abcdefg"
julia> s1 = s[3:4]
julia> s2 = match(r"c.", s).match
julia> typeof(s)
julia> typeof(s1)
julia> typeof(s2)
What functionality does SubString enable? It looks like a container. If so, what other types can it hold? If this is useful, why isn't s1 a SubString?
I found this behavior strange when I had to convert s2 into a pure String to get it into a f(x::String) function. What is the difference between using String(s2) and string(s2) for that conversion?
SubString{String} is just a view of String. s1[3:4] is not a SubString because it is getindex not view function (just like with arrays).
It is SubString{String} to avoid copying of data in the string, see e.g.:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> x = "a"^1_000_000;
julia> #btime $x[1:end];
36.000 μs (1 allocation: 976.69 KiB)
julia> #btime #view $x[1:end];
23.046 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
to note how much difference in allocations and speed it makes
In general you should avoid writing s[3:4] as it is not a safe indexing code (it is only safe if your string is ASCII which you can check with isascii). String indexing in Julia uses byte indices (not character indices)
SubString{String} has String parameter, as there are in general other string types than only String:
julia> using InlineStrings
julia> x = InlineString("abcd")
julia> typeof(x)
julia> y = #view x[1:end]
julia> typeof(y)
As it is noted in comment by Antonello - most likely the f function should accept AbstractString and you would not even notice a problem.
All this is explained in https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/strings/.
If you want something more hands-on check out for example chapter 6 of https://www.manning.com/books/julia-for-data-analysis (I do not want to do too much self promotion, but your question is one of the standard questions users ask and I explained all these topics in this chapter to address them).

Function that sets an exponent in string in Julia

I am looking for a function that does the following rending:
f("2") = 2²
f("15") = 2¹⁵
I tried f(s) = "2\^($s)" but this doesn't seem to be a valid exponent as I can't TAB.
You can try e.g.:
julia> function f(s::AbstractString)
codes = Dict(collect("1234567890") .=> collect("¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰"))
return "2" * map(c -> codes[c], s)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f("2")
julia> f("15")
(I have not optimized it for speed, but I hope this is fast enough with the benefit of being easy to read the code)
this should be a little faster, and uses replace:
function exp2text(x)
two = '2'
exponents = ('⁰', '¹', '²', '³', '⁴', '⁵', '⁶', '⁷', '⁸', '⁹')
#'⁰':'⁹' does not contain the ranges
exp = replace(x,'0':'9' =>i ->exponents[Int(i)-48+1])
#Int(i)-48+1 returns the number of the character if the character is a number
return two * exp
in this case, i used the fact that replace can accept a Pair{collection,function} that does:
if char in collection

Get a number from an array of digits

To split a number into digits in a given base, Julia has the digits() function:
julia> digits(36, base = 4)
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
What's the reverse operation? If you have an array of digits and the base, is there a built-in way to convert that to a number? I could print the array to a string and use parse(), but that sounds inefficient, and also wouldn't work for bases > 10.
The previous answers are correct, but there is also the matter of efficiency:
sum([x[k]*base^(k-1) for k=1:length(x)])
collects the numbers into an array before summing, which causes unnecessary allocations. Skip the brackets to get better performance:
sum(x[k]*base^(k-1) for k in 1:length(x))
This also allocates an array before summing: sum(d.*4 .^(0:(length(d)-1)))
If you really want good performance, though, write a loop and avoid repeated exponentiation:
function undigit(d; base=10)
s = zero(eltype(d))
mult = one(eltype(d))
for val in d
s += val * mult
mult *= base
return s
This has one extra unnecessary multiplication, you could try to figure out some way of skipping that. But the performance is 10-15x better than the other approaches in my tests, and has zero allocations.
Edit: There's actually a slight risk to the type handling above. If the input vector and base have different integer types, you can get a type instability. This code should behave better:
function undigits(d; base=10)
(s, b) = promote(zero(eltype(d)), base)
mult = one(s)
for val in d
s += val * mult
mult *= b
return s
The answer seems to be written directly within the documentation of digits:
help?> digits
search: digits digits! ndigits isdigit isxdigit disable_sigint
digits([T<:Integer], n::Integer; base::T = 10, pad::Integer = 1)
Return an array with element type T (default Int) of the digits of n in the given base,
optionally padded with zeros to a specified size. More significant digits are at higher
indices, such that n == sum([digits[k]*base^(k-1) for k=1:length(digits)]).
So for your case this will work:
julia> d = digits(36, base = 4);
julia> sum([d[k]*4^(k-1) for k=1:length(d)])
And the above code can be shortened with the dot operator:
julia> sum(d.*4 .^(0:(length(d)-1)))
Using foldr and muladd for maximum conciseness and efficiency
undigits(d; base = 10) = foldr((a, b) -> muladd(base, b, a), d, init=0)
