I have hacked together a function that pulls data from a U.S. government API when provided a character vector of NPI IDs.
providerIDs <- c('1982812681','1336201888','1902121692','1164496618','1073557641','1255522488','1679705214','1467719260')
I have since pulled a list of thousands of IDs from a database that I need to pass into my function to pull the correct information for.
providerIDs <- c('1982812681','1336201888','1902121692','1164496618','1073557641','1255522488','1679705214','1467719260') %>%
When I pass this data in as a data frame using lapply
x <- lapply(providerIDs[,1], MARGIN = 2, FUN = getNPI)
I receive the following error:
Error in providerIDs[, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions
I know this is fundamentals for some folks but a little help understanding how I can pass in a character vector and not a data frame would be a huge help.
Here is the function I am using:
path <- "https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/api/?"
getNPI <- function(object) {
request <- httr::GET(url = path,
query = list(version = "2.0",
number = object))
df <- content(request,
as = "text",
encoding = "UTF-8"
) %>%
flatten = TRUE) %>%
data.frame() %>%
names_repair = "unique")
df_col_names <- names(df)
cols_to_add <- setdiff(c("result_count",
"results.basic.name"), df_col_names)
if (length(cols_to_add) > 0) {
for(i in cols_to_add){
df[,i] <- "UNKNOWN"
df %>%
primary) %>%
rename(Provider_NPI = results.number,
Provider_Name = results.basic.name,
Provider_Gender = results.basic.gender,
Provider_Credentials = results.basic.credential,
Provider_Taxonomy = desc) %>%
Provider_Type = case_when(
results.enumeration_type == "NPI-1" ~ 'Individual Provider',
results.enumeration_type == "NPI-2" ~ 'Organizational Provider'
) %>%
select(-results.enumeration_type) %>%
# some providers have more than 1 taxonomy, this keeps the primary value
filter(primary == 'TRUE') %>%
# unnesting results in duplicate rows beacause of different address types
lapply has no MARGIN argument, also you can pass the provider ids vector directly. So if you want to apply it to a column of a data.frame, lapply(providerIDs[, 1], FUN = getNPI)
So basically I am trying the following loop:
rawData = read.csv(file = "SampleData.csv")
companySplit = split(rawData, rawData$Company)
NameOfCompany <- numeric()
DateOfOrder <- character()
WhichProducts <- numeric()
for (i in 1:length(companySplit)){
company_DateSplit = split(companySplit[[i]], companySplit[[i]]$Date)
for (j in 1:length(company_DateSplit)){
WhichProducts[j] <- (paste0(company_DateSplit[[j]]$ID, collapse=","))
DateOfOrder[j] <- (paste0(company_DateSplit[[j]]$Date[1]))
NameOfCompany[j] <- (paste0(companySplit[[i]]$Company[[1]]))
df <- data.frame(NameOfCompany,DateOfOrder, WhichProducts)
write.csv(df, file = "basket.csv")
If you check basket.csv there is output for only company D. It is not writing because of nesting of for loops I guess. I am not able to get out of it.
I need exact output as basket.csv but for all companies.
Here are the CSVs:
Input Data: Link
Output of code basket.csv: Link
The output should look like this:
Company,Date, All IDs comma seperated.
I'm able to get it from the above code. But Not able to save it in CSV for all A,B,C,D companies. It saves values for only company D which is the last value in looping. (check output file link)
The initial error is that you import your data without the parameter stringsAsFactors = FALSE which happens all the time. Also, looping in R is usually less efficient and harder to reason about than using a more functional approach. I think what you're trying to do can be done with the aggregate function
rawData <- read.csv(file = "SampleData.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- aggregate(ID ~ Company + Date, data = rawData, FUN = paste, collapse = ",")
colnames(df) <- c("NameOfCompany", "DateOfOrder", "ID")
df = split(df, df$NameOfCompany)
Or using a tidy approach
df <- rawData %>% group_by(Company, Date) %>%
summarise(WhichProducts=paste(ID,collapse=',')) %>%
rename(DateOfOrder = Date) %>%
rename(NameOfCompany = Company) %>%
I am new to web scraping. I am trying to scrape a table with the following code. But I am unable to get it. The source of data is
url <- "https://www.investing.com/stock-screener/?sp=country::6|sector::a|industry::a|equityType::a|exchange::a%3Ceq_market_cap;1"
urlYAnalysis <- paste(url, sep = "")
webpage <- readLines(urlYAnalysis)
html <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, useInternalNodes = TRUE, asText = TRUE)
tableNodes <- getNodeSet(html, "//table")
Tab <- readHTMLTable(tableNodes[[1]])
I copied this apporach from the link (Web scraping of key stats in Yahoo! Finance with R) where it is applied on yahoo finance data.
In my opinion, in readHTMLTable(tableNodes[[12]]), it should be Table 12. But when I try giving tableNodes[[12]], it always gives me an error.
Error in do.call(data.frame, c(x, alis)) :
variable names are limited to 10000 bytes
Please suggest me the way to extract the table and combine the data from other tabs as well (Fundamental, Technical and Performance).
This data is returned dynamically as json. In R (behaves differently from Python requests) you get html from which you can extract a given page's results as json. A page includes all the tabs info and 50 records. From the first page you are given the total record count and therefore can calculate the total number of pages to loop over to get all results. Perhaps combine them info a final dataframe during a loop to total number of pages; where you alter the pn param of the XHR POST body to the appropriate page number for desired results in each new POST request. There are two required headers.
Probably a good idea to write a function that accepts a page number in signature and returns a given page's json as a dataframe. Apply that via a tidyverse package to handle loop and combining of results to final dataframe?
headers = c(
'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0',
'X-Requested-With' = 'XMLHttpRequest'
data = list(
'country[]' = '6',
'sector' = '7,5,12,3,8,9,1,6,2,4,10,11',
'industry' = '81,56,59,41,68,67,88,51,72,47,12,8,50,2,71,9,69,45,46,13,94,102,95,58,100,101,87,31,6,38,79,30,77,28,5,60,18,26,44,35,53,48,49,55,78,7,86,10,1,34,3,11,62,16,24,20,54,33,83,29,76,37,90,85,82,22,14,17,19,43,89,96,57,84,93,27,74,97,4,73,36,42,98,65,70,40,99,39,92,75,66,63,21,25,64,61,32,91,52,23,15,80',
'equityType' = 'ORD,DRC,Preferred,Unit,ClosedEnd,REIT,ELKS,OpenEnd,Right,ParticipationShare,CapitalSecurity,PerpetualCapitalSecurity,GuaranteeCertificate,IGC,Warrant,SeniorNote,Debenture,ETF,ADR,ETC,ETN',
'exchange[]' = '109',
'exchange[]' = '127',
'exchange[]' = '51',
'exchange[]' = '108',
'pn' = '1', # this is page number and should be altered in a loop over all pages. 50 results per page i.e. rows
'order[col]' = 'eq_market_cap',
'order[dir]' = 'd'
r <- httr::POST(url = 'https://www.investing.com/stock-screener/Service/SearchStocks', httr::add_headers(.headers=headers), body = data)
s <- r %>%read_html()%>%html_node('p')%>% html_text()
page1_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(str_match(s, '(\\[.*\\])' )[1,2])
total_rows <- str_match(s, '"totalCount\":(\\d+),' )[1,2]%>%as.integer()
num_pages <- ceiling(total_rows/50)
My current attempt at combining which I would welcome feedback on. This is all the returned columns, for all pages, and I have to handle missing columns and different ordering of columns as well as 1 column being a data.frame. As the returned number is far greater than those visible on page, you could simply revise to subset returned columns with a mask just for the columns present in the tabs.
headers = c(
'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0',
'X-Requested-With' = 'XMLHttpRequest'
data = list(
'country[]' = '6',
'sector' = '7,5,12,3,8,9,1,6,2,4,10,11',
'industry' = '81,56,59,41,68,67,88,51,72,47,12,8,50,2,71,9,69,45,46,13,94,102,95,58,100,101,87,31,6,38,79,30,77,28,5,60,18,26,44,35,53,48,49,55,78,7,86,10,1,34,3,11,62,16,24,20,54,33,83,29,76,37,90,85,82,22,14,17,19,43,89,96,57,84,93,27,74,97,4,73,36,42,98,65,70,40,99,39,92,75,66,63,21,25,64,61,32,91,52,23,15,80',
'equityType' = 'ORD,DRC,Preferred,Unit,ClosedEnd,REIT,ELKS,OpenEnd,Right,ParticipationShare,CapitalSecurity,PerpetualCapitalSecurity,GuaranteeCertificate,IGC,Warrant,SeniorNote,Debenture,ETF,ADR,ETC,ETN',
'exchange[]' = '109',
'exchange[]' = '127',
'exchange[]' = '51',
'exchange[]' = '108',
'pn' = '1', # this is page number and should be altered in a loop over all pages. 50 results per page i.e. rows
'order[col]' = 'eq_market_cap',
'order[dir]' = 'd'
get_data <- function(page_number){
data['pn'] = page_number
r <- httr::POST(url = 'https://www.investing.com/stock-screener/Service/SearchStocks', httr::add_headers(.headers=headers), body = data)
s <- r %>% read_html() %>% html_node('p') %>% html_text()
if(page_number==1){ return(s) }
else{return(data.frame(jsonlite::fromJSON(str_match(s, '(\\[.*\\])' )[1,2])))}
clean_df <- function(df){
interim <- df['viewData']
df_minus <- subset(df, select = -c(viewData))
df_clean <- cbind.data.frame(c(interim, df_minus))
initial_data <- get_data(1)
df <- clean_df(data.frame(jsonlite::fromJSON(str_match(initial_data, '(\\[.*\\])' )[1,2])))
total_rows <- str_match(initial_data, '"totalCount\":(\\d+),' )[1,2] %>% as.integer()
num_pages <- ceiling(total_rows/50)
dfs <- map(.x = 2:num_pages,
.f = ~clean_df(get_data(.)))
r <- rbindlist(c(list(df),dfs),use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
write_csv(r, 'data.csv')
I'm new-ish to R and am having some trouble iterating through values.
For context: I have data on 60 people over time, and each person has his/her own dataset in a folder (I received the data with id #s 00:59). For each person, there are 2 values I need - time of response and picture response given (a number 1 - 16). I need to convert this data from wide to long format for each person, and then eventually append all of the datasets together.
My problem is that I'm having trouble writing a loop that will do this for each person (i.e. each dataset). Here's the code I have so far:
pam[x] <- fromJSON(file = "PAM_u[x].json")
pam[x]df <- as.data.frame(pam[x])
#Creating long dataframe for times
pam[x]_long_times <- gather(
select(pam[x]df, starts_with("resp")),
key = "time",
value = "resp_times"
#Creating long dataframe for pic_nums (affect response)
pam[x]_long_pics <- gather(
select(pam[x]df, starts_with("pic")),
key = "picture",
value = "pic_num"
#Combining the two long dataframes so that I have one df per person
pam[x]_long_fin <- bind_cols(pam[x]_long_times, pam[x]_long_pics) %>%
select(resp_times, pic_num) %>%
add_column(id = [x], .before = 1)
If you replace [x] in the above code with a person's id# (e.g. 00), the code will run and will give me the dataframe I want for that person. Any advice on how to do this so I can get all 60 people done?
So, using library(jsonlite) rather than library(rjson) set up the files in the format I needed without having to do all of the manipulation. Thanks all for the responses, but the solution was apparently much easier than I'd thought.
I don't know the structure of your json files. If you are not in the same folder, like the json files, try that:
# setup - read files
json_folder <- "U:/test/" #adjust you folder here
files <- list.files(path = paste0(json_folder), pattern = "\\.json$")
# import data
pam <- NULL
pam_df <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
pam[[i]] <- fromJSON(file = files[i])
pam_df[[i]] <- as.data.frame(pam[[i]])
Here you generally read all json files in the folder and build a vector of a length of 60.
Than you sequence along that vector and read all files.
I assume at the end you can do bind_rowsor add you code in the for loop. But remember to set the data frames to NULL before the loop starts, e.g. pam_long_pics <- NULL
Hope that helped? Let me know.
Something along these lines could work:
file_list <- list.files(pattern = "*.json", full.names = TRUE)
Data_raw <- tibble(File_name = file_list) %>%
mutate(File_contents = map(File_name, fromJSON)) %>% # This should result in a nested tibble
mutate(File_contents = map(File_contents, as_tibble))
Data_raw %>%
mutate(Long_times = map(File_contents, ~ gather(key = "time", value = "resp_times", starts_with("resp"))),
Long_pics = map(File_contents, ~ gather(key = "picture", value = "pic_num", starts_with("pic")))) %>%
unnest(Long_times, Long_pics) %>%
select(File_name, resp_times, pic_num)
EDIT: you may or may not need not to include as_tibble() after reading in the JSON files, depending on how your data looks like.
This is a follow up to a prior thread. The code works fantastic for a single value but I get the following error when trying to pass more than 1 value I get an error based on the length of the function.
Error in vapply(elements, encode, character(1)) :
values must be length 1,
but FUN(X[1]) result is length 3
Here is a sample of the code. In most instances I have been able just to name an object and scrape that way.
url = "http://www.nearestoutlet.com/cgi-bin/smi/findsmi.pl",
body = list(zipcode = b),
encode = "form"
) -> res
I was wondering if a loop to insert the values into the form would be the right way to go? However my loop writing skills are still in development and I am unsure of where to place it; in addition when i call the loop it doesn't print line by line it just returns null results.
#d isn't listed in the above code as it returns null
d<-for(i in 1:3){nrow(b)}
Here is an approach to send multiple POST requests
b <- c('48127','48180','49504')
For each element in b perform a function that will send the appropriate POST request
res <- lapply(b, function(x){
res <- POST(
url = "http://www.nearestoutlet.com/cgi-bin/smi/findsmi.pl",
body = list(zipcode = x),
encode = "form"
res <- read_html(content(res, as="raw"))
Now for each element of the list res you should do the parsing steps explained by hrbrmstr: How can I Scrape a CGI-Bin with rvest and R?
I will use hrbrmstr's code since he is king and it is already clear to you. Only thing we are doing here is performing it on each element of res list.
res_list = lapply(res, function(x){
rows <- html_nodes(x, "table[width='300'] > tr > td")
ret <- data_frame(
record = !is.na(html_attr(rows, "bgcolor")),
text = html_text(rows, trim=TRUE)
) %>%
mutate(record = cumsum(record)) %>%
filter(text != "") %>%
group_by(record) %>%
summarise(x = paste0(text, collapse="|")) %>%
separate(x, c("store", "address1", "city_state_zip", "phone_and_or_distance"), sep="\\|", extra="merge")
or using map from purrr
res %>%
rows <- html_nodes(x, "table[width='300'] > tr > td")
record = !is.na(html_attr(rows, "bgcolor")),
text = html_text(rows, trim=TRUE)
) %>%
mutate(record = cumsum(record)) %>%
filter(text != "") %>%
group_by(record) %>%
summarise(x = paste0(text, collapse="|")) %>%
separate(x, c("store", "address1", "city_state_zip", "phone_and_or_distance"),
sep="\\|", extra="merge") -> ret
If you would like this in a data frame:
res_df <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, res_list), #rbinds list elements
b = rep(b, times = unlist(lapply(res_list, length)))) #names the rows according to elements in b
You can put the values inside the post as below,
for(i in 1:length(b)) {
url = "http://www.nearestoutlet.com/cgi-bin/smi/findsmi.pl",
body = list(zipcode =b[i]),
encode = "form"
) -> res
# YOUR CODES HERE (for getting content of the page etc.)
But since for every different zipcode value the "res" value will be different, you need the put the rest of the codes inside the area I commented. Otherwise you get the last value only.