I am working on creating a resume in R using Pagedown. Currently, the default is to have your name in all capital letters at the top of the first page (e.g. JANE DOE). However, this doesn't look great with my name and I am wondering if there is a way to edit just the title line to have mixed case (Jane Doe). Thanks!
It is possible to remove the uppercase text transformation with CSS like that:
title: "Lijia Yu's resume"
author: Lijia Yu
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
# set it to true for a self-contained HTML page but it'll take longer to render
self_contained: false
# uncomment this line to produce HTML and PDF in RStudio:
#knit: pagedown::chrome_print
```{css, echo=FALSE}
#title h1 {
text-transform: unset;
I am playing around with Quarto and really like it. One feature is to change the color of inline text with the following below syntax (the word chemical will show up in red color)
[chemical]{style="color: red"}
My question is how to change the color of the text if we assign a color to name rather than the color code or built in color code? The below will not work
[chemical]{style="color: var"}
Not sure whether Quarto offers a more straightforward approach. But one option would be to use some inline code or following the R Markdown Cookbook use a small custom function.
title: "Untitled"
format: html
[chemical]{style="color: #28A569"}
```{r, echo=FALSE}
var <- "#28A569"
`r sprintf('[chemical]{style="color: %s"}', var)`
colorize <- function(x, color) {
sprintf('[%s]{style="color: %s"}', x, color)
`r colorize("chemical", var)`
An easy option would be to do this using CSS variable.
title: CSS variable in Inline Style
format: html
engine: knitr
```{css, echo=FALSE}
:root {
--color1: #28A569;
--color2: yellow;
[chemical]{style="color: var(--color1);"}
[This has colored background]{style="background-color: var(--color1);"}
[This has yellow background]{style="background-color: var(--color2);"}
When using the cleanrmd package for R Markdown, the output html page is left-aligned if I specify the theme to use, while it's centered when the them is set as NULL.
theme set as NULL
title: "TEST"
theme: NULL
With a theme specified
title: "TEST"
theme: new.css
Anyone can help me to fix this?
Specify CSS rule body { margin: 0 auto; padding: 2rem;} for the entire body of the document, which will fix the issue.
title: "Title"
author: "Author"
date: "Date"
theme: new.css
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
```{css, echo = FALSE}
body {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 750px;
padding: 2rem;
## R Markdown
This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax
for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on
using R Markdown see <http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com>.
When you click the **Knit** button a document will be generated that
includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code
chunks within the document.
Rendered output looks like,
I usually reference equations in rmd using \label{} and \eqref{} combination. (I know \#ref, but this seems only works in bookdown::pdf_document or bookdown::html_document) For example,
title: "Untitled"
author: "Blended"
date: '2019 3 14 '
html_document: default
pdf_document: default
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "#>")
\begin{equation} \label{eq:test}
Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + \epsilon_i
Equation $\eqref{eq:test}$ works in PDF, but does not works in HTML.
This works well in pdf document.
However, when rendering html, it gives (???), not (1):
I think this is related to this issue: Support LaTeX environments in Markdown -> HTML conversion, i.e. MathJax occurs the error.
But I cannot see any solution of this.
Is it possible to use \eqref{eq:} normally in html document?
Add the following script at the beginning of your document body:
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
TeX: { equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "AMS" } }
It configures MathJax to automatically number equations. More details here.
While we can automate number section by adding the option number_sections: true to in the YAML header, I wonder if we can change the headings style in r markdown. For example, can we customise it with letters like following?
A. Section A
A.1 Subsection
A.1.1 Sub subsection 1
A.1.2 Sub subsection 1
B. Section B
B.1 Subsection
B.1.1 Sub subsection
Answer for pdf_document
Save this line in an external file (e.g. inheader.tex):
and insert the file in document's header with:
title: "Lettered sections"
number_sections: true
in_header: inheader.tex
Answer for html_document format
Knit this Rmd file:
title: "Lettered sections"
output: html_document
```{css, echo=FALSE}
.header-section-number {
display: none;
body {
counter-reset: counter-level-1;
h1:not(.title) {
counter-increment: counter-level-1;
counter-reset: counter-level-2;
content: counter(counter-level-1, upper-alpha) ". ";
h2 {
counter-increment: counter-level-2;
counter-reset: counter-level-3;
h2::before {
content: counter(counter-level-1, upper-alpha) "." counter(counter-level-2) " ";
h3 {
counter-increment: counter-level-3;
h3::before {
content: counter(counter-level-1, upper-alpha) "." counter(counter-level-2) "." counter(counter-level-3) " ";
# Section
## Subsection
### Sub subsection
### Sub subsection
## Subsection
# Section
## Subsection
### Sub subsection
## Subsection
Number sections is a native pandoc's option. It seems that pandoc does not provide any support for hierarchical headings customisation.
So, there are three options with HTML output:
deeply dive into pandoc and develop a new writer, because hierarchical headings are declared as integers see here, line #105. Note there's a relevant recent issue in order to facilitate headings customisation.
modify HTML rendering using CSS.
modify HTML elements with Javascript. This may be necessary for toc: true.
This answer provides an example of hierarchical headings customisation with CSS. It is recommended to save all the CSS code (i.e. lines 7 to 39) to an external file with .css extension and include it in HTML report using this YAML header:
title: "Lettered sections"
css: "filename.css"
Additional note
One can use other counters than numeric or alpha, see here for a list.
You also can define your own set of counter with #counter-style.
In knitr I want to add a (small) data frame as a table using the kable package:
output: html_document
knitr::kable(mtcars[1:5,1:5], format="html")
This returns a compact table as above, while changing it to format="markdown"returns a nice table but spanning the whole page:
I have found the knitr manual but it does not cover the extra formatting options for each format. How can I change the size of a knitr table or even better, where can I get this information from?
The general approach would be to use your own custom CSS and include that in the YAML at the start of the document.
You can actually sort of do this from within your document, but I would suggest editing your CSS outside of the document and working from there.
Here's a minimal example:
title: "Test"
date: "24 October 2015"
css: mystyle.css
```{r, results='asis'}
writeLines("td, th { padding : 6px } th { background-color : brown ; color : white; border : 1px solid white; } td { color : brown ; border : 1px solid brown }", con = "mystyle.css")
dset1 <- head(ToothGrowth)
knitr::kable(dset1, format = "html")
This should:
Create a file named "mystyle.css" with your relevant CSS styling.
Produce something that looks something like the following.