Pytorch:1.2.0 - AttributeError: 'Conv2d' object has no attribute 'weight' - initialization

I am trying to initialise the following weights the following way:
def _initialize_weights(self):
for m in self.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
if m.bias is not None:
nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
This gives me the Attribute error. nn.Conv2d definitely has an attribute named 'weight', Not sure why I am getting this error.

I think the attribute you're looking for is weights, not weight. (Plural form instead of singular)
You can visit this link for more information.


Why should I call a BERT module instance rather than the forward method?

I'm trying to extract vector-representations of text using BERT in the transformers libray, and have stumbled on the following part of the documentation for the "BERTModel" class:
Can anybody explain this in more detail? A forward-pass makes intuitive sense to me (am trying to get final hidden states after all), and I can't find any additional information on what "pre and post processing" means in this context.
Thanks up front!
I think this is just general advice concerning working with PyTorch Module's. The transformers modules are nn.Modules, and they require a forward method. However, one should not call model.forward() manually but instead call model(). The reason is that PyTorch does some stuff under the hood when just calling the Module. You can find that in the source code.
def __call__(self, *input, **kwargs):
for hook in self._forward_pre_hooks.values():
result = hook(self, input)
if result is not None:
if not isinstance(result, tuple):
result = (result,)
input = result
if torch._C._get_tracing_state():
result = self._slow_forward(*input, **kwargs)
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
for hook in self._forward_hooks.values():
hook_result = hook(self, input, result)
if hook_result is not None:
result = hook_result
if len(self._backward_hooks) > 0:
var = result
while not isinstance(var, torch.Tensor):
if isinstance(var, dict):
var = next((v for v in var.values() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor)))
var = var[0]
grad_fn = var.grad_fn
if grad_fn is not None:
for hook in self._backward_hooks.values():
wrapper = functools.partial(hook, self)
functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, hook)
return result
You'll see that forward is called when necessary.

(OCaml: non-exhaustive pattern matching

I have an OCaml function that returns the value of a specified cell in a table. The function works correctly but I still get a warning stating:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
even though I have in fact accounted for that value in my implementation here:
let cell_value([i;j],table) = match ([i;j],table) with
([],_) -> []
| (_,[]) -> []
| (_::_,_::_) -> List.nth (List.nth table (j-1)) (i-1);;
Like I said, the function returns the correct value, I'm just trying to get rid of the error. I'm still fairly new to OCaml, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Contrary to what you might believe, the problem is not coming from the pattern-matching introduced by the match keyword but by another one you may not be aware of. Indeed, there is a pattern matching in the following fragment of your definition:
let cell_value ([i;j], table) = ...
because ([i; j], table) actually contains the pattern [i; j]. For this reason, this definition assumes that the first component of the pair given as argument to cell_value is a list containing exactly two elements. In other words, this definition is equivalent to:
let cell_value = function ([i; j], table) -> ...
or also to:
let cell_value x = match x with ([i; j], table) -> ...
Now, you probably understand the warning issued by the compiler: if you provide a value of the form ([], table) to your function, it will fail. The compiler is right:
# cell_value ([], []);;
Exception: Match_failure ("//toplevel//", 1, 14).

returning result from binary search tree

I'm trying to determine if a value is found in the binary search tree.
If it's found, the value is printed. If not, a message is printed saying it wasn't found.
My problem is that even when the value is found, the message is printed saying that it wasn't found.
My result seems to reset even after returning True, and I am confused as to why this is happening... I think it's because I'm calling the function recursively, but I don't know how to fix this problem. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
def lookUpVal(bst,val,result):
if bst == None:#base case, if the tree is 0, return none
elif bst['data'] == val:
print ("value found")
result = True
return result
def main(bst):
print ("Enter the value you want to find")
val = int(input())
result = 0
if result != True:
print ("Value not found")
The problem is with your result variable, you probably think you are passing by reference, what is actually happening is close to pass-by-value.
Here is an example:
def voo(x):
x = True
p = False
print('value of p:',p)
'id' returns a unique id for any object, including of course boolean ones.
Here's the output: (numbers will vary in your pc)
p: 1613433952
x: 1613433952
x: 1613433936
value of p: False
p: 1613433952
First note, False in output, p's value has not changed. But to see why that's happening, closely examine the id values, specially how x's id changed after assignment in function; which means python allocated a new object. And old one is still referenced by 'p', as evident in it's output, which has not changed.

Python 3.4.1 input

When I run this script, it asks for the input. But then, it ends on the pause and doesn't prints anything. Some solution?
PS:This is Python 3.4.1
variable = input('What do you want to be?: ')
if variable is 'a unicorn' :
print ('You are now a unicorn!')
elif variable is 'a pig' :
print ('You are now a pig!')
pause = input #This is here just to pause the script
first of all you need to know the difference between is and ==
== is for value equality. Use it when you would like to know if two objects have the same value.
is is for reference equality. Use it when you would like to know if two references refer to the same object.
>>> variable = 'a unicorn'
>>> variable is 'a unicorn'
>>> variable == 'a unicorn'
just replace is with ==

pyparsing for querying a database of chemical elements

I would like to parse a query for a database of chemical elements.
The database is stored in a xml file. Parsing that file produces a nested dictionary that is stored in a singleton object that inherit from collections.OrderedDict.
Asking for an element will give me an ordered dictionary of its corresponding properties
(i.e. ELEMENTS['C'] --> {'name':'carbon','neutron' : 0,'proton':6, ...}).
Conversely, asking for a propery will give me an ordered dictionary of its values for all the elements (i.e. ELEMENTS['proton'] --> {'H' : 1, 'He' : 2} ...).
A typical query could be:
mass > 10 or (nucleon < 20 and atomic_radius < 5)
where each 'subquery' (i.e. mass > 10) will return the set of elements that matches it.
Then, the query will be converted and transformed internally to a string that will be evaluated further to produce a set of the indexes of the elements that matched it. In that context the operators and/or are not boolean operator but rather ensemble operator that acts upon python sets.
I recently sent a post for building such a query. Thanks to the useful answers I got, I think that I did more or less the job (I hope on a nice way !) but I still have some questions related to pyparsing.
Here is my code:
import numpy
from pyparsing import *
# This import a singleton object storing the datase dictionary as
# described earlier
from ElementsDatabase import ELEMENTS
and_operator = oneOf(['and','&'], caseless=True)
or_operator = oneOf(['or' ,'|'], caseless=True)
# is a property getter that returns the list of
# registered properties in the database
props = oneOf(, caseless=True)
# A property keyword can be quoted or not.
props = Suppress('"') + props + Suppress('"') | props
# When parsed, it must be replaced by the following expression that
# will be eval later.
props.setParseAction(lambda t : "numpy.array(ELEMENTS['%s'].values())" % t[0].lower())
quote = QuotedString('"')
integer = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+').setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))
float_ = Regex(r'[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?').setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0]))
comparison_operator = oneOf(['==','!=','>','>=','<', '<='])
comparison_expr = props + comparison_operator + (quote | float_ | integer)
comparison_expr.setParseAction(lambda t : "set(numpy.where(%s)%s%s)" % tuple(t))
grammar = Combine(operatorPrecedence(comparison_expr, [(and_operator, 2, opAssoc.LEFT) (or_operator, 2, opAssoc.LEFT)]))
# A test query
res = grammar.parseString('"mass " > 30 or (nucleon == 1)',parseAll=True)
print eval(' '.join(res._asStringList()))
My question are the following:
1 using 'transformString' instead of 'parseString' never triggers any
exception even when the string to be parsed does not match the grammar.
However, it is exactly the functionnality I need. Is there is a way to do so ?
2 I would like to reintroduce white spaces between my tokens in order
that my eval does not fail. The only way I found to do so it the one
implemented above. Would you see a better way using pyparsing ?
sorry for the long post but I wanted to introduce in deeper details its context. BTW, if you find this approach bad, do not hesitate to tell it me!
thank you very much for your help.
do not worry about my concern, I found a work around. I used the example shipped with pyparsing (thanks for the hint Paul).
Basically, I used the following approach:
1 for each subquery (i.e. mass > 10), using the setParseAction method,
I joined a function that returns the set of eleements that matched
the subquery
2 then, I joined the following functions for each logical operator (and,
or and not):
def not_operator(token):
_, s = token[0]
# ELEMENTS is the singleton described in my original post
return set(ELEMENTS.keys()).difference(s)
def and_operator(token):
s1, _, s2 = token[0]
return (s1 and s2)
def or_operator(token):
s1, _, s2 = token[0]
return (s1 or s2)
# Thanks for Paul for the hint.
grammar = operatorPrecedence(comparison_expr,
[(not_token, 1,opAssoc.RIGHT,not_operator),
(and_token, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,and_operator),
(or_token, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,or_operator)])
Please not that these operators acts upon python sets rather than
on booleans.
And that does the job.
I hope that this approach will help anyone of you.
