Custom performance measure when building models with mlr-package - r

I have just made the switch from caret to mlr for a specific problem I am working on at the moment.
I am wondering if anyone here is familiar with specifying custom performance measures within the resample() function.
Here's a reproducible code example:
data(BostonHousing, package = "mlbench")
task_reg1 <- makeRegrTask(id = "bh", data = BostonHousing, target = "medv")
lrn_reg1 <- makeLearner(cl = "regr.randomForest",
predict.type = "response",
cv_reg1 <- makeResampleDesc("RepCV", folds = 5, reps = 5)
regr_1 <- resample(learner = lrn_reg1,
task = task_reg1,
resampling = cv_reg1,
measures = mlr::rmse)
Instead of computing RMSE, I want to compute the Mean Absolute Scaled Error, MASE. A function for this may, for instance, be found in the Metrics package: Metrics::mase().
I tried to include measures = Metrics::mase directly in the resample() call, but that was, as expected, a bit optimistic and I received the following error:
Error in checkMeasures(measures, task) :
Assertion on 'measures' failed: Must be of type 'list', not 'closure'.
I found out there's a function in the mlr package for creating custom performance metrics, called makeMeasure() ( I tried experimenting a bit with it, but did not manage to make anything work. I do not have much experience in tinkering with custom made functions, so I was hoping that someone here could help me out, or provide some resources for stuff like this.

You need to construct a function that can be applied within makeMeasure() that is of the form function(task, model, pred, extra.args). We can just write a wrapper around Metrics::mase() so you can use this function in resample(), and you can do the same for any other metric you find.
mase_fun <- function(task, model, pred, feats, extra.args) {
Metrics::mase(pred$data$truth, pred$data$response, step_size = extra.args$step_size)
mase_measure <- makeMeasure(id = "mase",
minimize = T,
properties = c("regr", "req.pred", "req.truth"),
fun = mase_fun,
extra.args = list(step_size = 1))
resample(learner = lrn_reg1,
task = task_reg1,
resampling = cv_reg1,
measures = mase_measure)


extract_inner_fselect_results is NULL with mlr3 Nested Resampling

This question is an extension of the following question: No Model Stored with Mlr3.
I have been performing nested resampling to get an unbiased metric of model performance. If I don't specify store_models=TRUE then I get Error: No model stored at the end of the run. However, if I specify store_models=TRUE in both the at and resample calls then RStudio crashes due to RAM consumption.
I have now tried the following code in which I specified store_models=TRUE for just the at call:
MSvCon<-read.csv("MS v Control Proteomics Final.csv", row.names=1)
MSvCon[,2:4399]<-scale(MSvCon[,2:4399], center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
set.seed(123, "L'Ecuyer")
task = as_task_classif(MSvCon, target = "Status")
learner = lrn("classif.ranger", importance = "impurity", num.trees=10000)
set_threads(learner, n = 8)
measure = msr("classif.fbeta", beta=1, average="micro")
terminator = trm("none")
resampling_inner = rsmp("repeated_cv", folds = 10, repeats = 10)
at = AutoFSelector$new(
learner = learner,
resampling = resampling_inner,
measure = measure,
terminator = terminator,
fselect = fs("rfe", n_features = 1, feature_fraction = 0.5, recursive = FALSE),
resampling_outer = rsmp("repeated_cv", folds = 10, repeats = 10)
rr = resample(task, at, resampling_outer)
After finishing, I am able to extract performance measures successfully. However, I tried to use extract_inner_fselect_results and extract_inner_fselect_archives to check what features were selected and importance measures but received a NULL result.
Do you have any suggestions on what I would need to adjust in my code to see this information? I anticipate that adding store_models=TRUE to the resample call would but the RAM consumption issue (even using 128GB on Rstudio Workbench) prevents that. Is there a way around this?
The archives of the inner resampling are stored in the model slot of the AutoFSelectors i.e. without store_models = TRUE in resample() you cannot access the inner results and archives. I will write a workaround for you and answer in the other question.

MLR3 using data transforms in bootstrapping hit an error

I'm trying to use bootstrapping resampling as my cross-validation in mlr3, and have been tracking down the cause of an error:
Error in, primary_key = row_ids) :
Assertion on 'primary_key' failed: Contains duplicated values, position 2.
The position changes (likely the first repeated row). Based on the error message I first thought it was an issue having rownames included, so I set those as the col_type$name, and also tried removing rownames from the data before creating the task (no luck!).
In trying to create a reprex, I narrowed it down to transform pipe operators like 'scale' and 'pca' as the cause:
task <- tsk('sonar')
pipe = po('scale') %>>%
ps <- ParamSet$new(list(
ParamDbl$new("classif.rpart.cp", lower = 0, upper = 0.05)
glrn <- GraphLearner$new(pipe)
glrn$predict_type <- "prob"
bootstrap <- rsmp("bootstrap", ratio = 1, repeats = 5)
instance <- TuningInstanceSingleCrit$new(
task = task,
learner = glrn,
resampling = bootstrap,
measure = msr("classif.auc"),
search_space = ps,
terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 100)
tuner <- tnr("random_search")
I've also tried grid search instead of random, different learners, including the flag "duplicated_ids = TRUE" in rsmp, with no luck. Changing to CV cross validation, however, does fix the problem.
For reference, in the full pipe/graph I am trying different feature filters and learners to identify candidate pipelines.

rpart giving same results for cross-validation and no CV

Like the title says, I'm trying to run a decision tree both with and without cross-validation using the rpart package in R. I'm doing this using the xval parameter, as described in the vignette (
Unfortunately, I'm getting the same tree with and without CV. I've compared the calculation time for each and the CV model looks like it takes about 10 times as long, so its apparently doing something, I just can't figure out what.
I've also redone the model a number of times with different complexity parameters, but it hasn't made any difference.
Here's sample code that shows my problem, the printcp's show the same results and the predictions from both on the training and a hold-out set are the same.
abalone <- read.csv(file = '',header = FALSE)
names(abalone) <- c("sex", "length", "diameter", "height", "whole_weight", "shucked_weight", "viscera_weight", "shell_weight", "rings")
train_set <- createDataPartition(abalone$sex, times = 1, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
abalone_train <- slice(abalone, train_set)
abalone_test <- slice(abalone, -train_set)
abalone_fit_noCV <- rpart(sex ~ .,
data = abalone_train,
method = "class",
parms = list(split = 'information'),
control = rpart.control(xval = 0,
cp = 0.005))
abalone_fit_CV <- rpart(sex ~ .,
data = abalone_train,
method = "class",
parms = list(split = 'information'),
control = rpart.control(xval = 10,
cp = 0.005))
CV_pred <- predict(abalone_fit_CV, type = "class")
noCV_pred <- predict(abalone_fit_noCV, type = "class")
confusionMatrix(CV_pred, noCV_pred)
CV_pred <- predict(abalone_fit_CV, abalone_test, type = "class")
noCV_pred <- predict(abalone_fit_noCV, abalone_test, type = "class")
confusionMatrix(CV_pred, noCV_pred)
In true beginner fashion, I figured this out shortly after posting.
For anybody else coming upon this issue, it is basically answered on Cross Validated :
The final tree that is returned is still the initial tree. You must use the prune function using the cross-validation plot to choose the best subtree.
This is clear if you read the full Pruning the tree section of the vignette, rather than just the cross-validation section.

rpart Complexity Parameter values

rpart parameters can be found using getModelInfo
function(x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid"){
dat <- if( x else
dat$.outcome <- y
initialFit <- rpart(.outcome ~ .,
data = dat,
control = rpart.control(cp = 0))$cptable
initialFit <- initialFit[order(-initialFit[,"CP"]), , drop = FALSE]
if(search == "grid") {
if(nrow(initialFit) < len) {
tuneSeq <- data.frame(cp = seq(min(initialFit[, "CP"]),
max(initialFit[, "CP"]),
length = len))
} else tuneSeq <- data.frame(cp = initialFit[1:len,"CP"])
colnames(tuneSeq) <- "cp"
} else {
tuneSeq <- data.frame(cp = unique(sample(initialFit[, "CP"], size = len, replace = TRUE)))
the only parameter is
cp = seq(min(initialFit[, "CP"]), max(initialFit[, "CP"]),length = len)
But how can I get the initialFit and the len?
Searching elsewhere I found that cp can usually take 10 values from 0.18 to 0.01. But still couldn't find out where those values come from
If you're unsure about appropriate values for a parameter, you can make caret choose for you and use default values. Here is an example that works end-to-end without explicitly specifying cp:
# Take mtcars data for example
df <- mtcars %>%
# Which cars are automatic, which ones are manual?
mutate(am = as.factor(am),
am = fct_recode(am, 'automatic' = '1', 'manual' = '0'))
fitControl <- trainControl(method = 'repeatedcv',
number = 10,
repeats = 10,
classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)
# Run rpart
# Tuning grid is left unspecified, so caret uses the default
tree1 <- train(am ~ .,
method = 'rpart',
tuneLength = 20,
metric = 'ROC',
trControl = fitControl)
Alternatively, if you want to explicitly specify cp, do so using the tuning grid:
tuneGrid <- expand.grid(cp = seq(0, 0.05, 0.005))
tree2 <- train(am ~ .,
method = 'rpart',
tuneLength = 20,
metric = 'ROC',
trControl = fitControl,
tuneGrid = tuneGrid)
A question on why you should select which values for cp is probably better posted on CrossValidated.
To answer your follow-on question about the default values and the values I chose in my example, I recommend going back to the primary source of the modelling function. caret is a great package for convenience reasons, but all it does is making lots of algorithms more accessible through a shared syntax. If you have a technical question about rpart, consult the package manual here.
As mentioned above, this type of question is better placed on CrossValidated, where the focus is on maths, stats, and machine learning.
However, to give you a tldr here:
The choice of tuning grid parameters is always going to be arbitrary to some extent. The objective is to find the value that produces the best results for your specific problem, which in turn depends on your data, your algorithm, and your evaluation metric. Some common "rules of thumb" include to start with a wide range, identify the area with a likely maximum and then use finer intervals around that region. In your case it is relatively easy as you only have one parameter to optimise over. Just try a couple of values and see what happens. You can plot the fitted tree object (plot(tree1)) to see how your model improves as a function of the complexity parameter cp. Eventually you will start developing a "feel" and "intuition" for what might work.

Using Cost Sensitive C50 in caret

I am using train in caret package to train some c50 models. I manage to do fine with the method C5.0 but when I want to use the cost sensitive C50 method I struggle understanding how to tune the cost parameter. What I am trying to do is to introduce a cost when predicting wrong one of my classes. I've try searching in the caret package website ( and reading several manuals/tutorials found here and there. I didn't find any information about how to handle the cost parameter. So this is what I tried on my own:
Run the train with the default settings to see what I get. In the output, the train function tried with cost from 0 to 2 and gave the best model for cost=2.
Try to add in the expand.grid function the cost as a matrix, the same way you'd do using the package C5.0. The code is below (trials is pushed to 1 cause I just want one tree/set of rules in my output)
c50Grid <- expand.grid(.trials=1, .model=c("tree", "rules"), .winnow=c("TRUE", "FALSE"), .cost=matrix(c(0,1,2,0), ncol=2))
However when I execute the train function, although I don't get any errors (but I get 50 warnings), the train tried again cost from 0 to 2. What am I doing wrong? Which format has the cost parameter? What's the meaning here? How would I interpret the results? Which class is the one getting the cost as "Predicting class 0 wrong cost double than class 1"? Also, what I tried was using one matrix, but although it didn't work with this format, how would I add the different costs that I want to test?
Thanks! Any help would be really welcome!
So, trying to find an answer on my own about the meaning of the cost parameter for the C5.0Cost, I went to the C5.0Cost.R ( and looked up the code.
This line:
cmat <-matrix(c(0, param$cost, 1, 0), ncol = 2)
I guess, it's passing the cost parameter to the cost matrix. So, I think now I can understand how it works. If I have class = {0,1} and my positive class is 0, this matrix says that "Predicting class 0 wrong costs double than class 1", right?
My question now is, how could I do the opposite? How could I set that "Predicting class 1 wrong costs double than class 0", which would be:
cmat <- matrix(c(0, 1, param$cost, 0), ncol=2)
Could I just set the cost to 0.5? And if want to train with different values, just use values less than 1 { 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, etc}.
Note: the way my data is, when I used C50 or other trees before, it takes as "Positive class = 0", so I had to invert the cost matrix when I used C50 so if I use caret method C5.0Cost, I'd need to do the same or find another way to do it...
I'd really appreciate any help here.
There is a cost-senstivite model code for train and C5.0 (use method = "C5.0Cost"). For example:
dat1 <- twoClassSim(1000, intercept = -12)
dat2 <- twoClassSim(1000, intercept = -12)
stats <- function (data, lev = NULL, model = NULL) {
c(postResample(data[, "pred"], data[, "obs"]),
Sens = sensitivity(data[, "pred"], data[, "obs"]),
Spec = specificity(data[, "pred"], data[, "obs"]))
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 5,
summaryFunction = stats)
mod1 <- train(Class ~ ., data = dat1,
method = "C5.0",
tuneGrid = expand.grid(model = "tree", winnow = FALSE,
trials = c(1:10, (1:5)*10)),
trControl = ctrl)
xyplot(Sens + Spec ~ trials, data = mod1$results,
type = "l",
auto.key = list(columns = 2,
lines = TRUE,
points = FALSE))
mod2 <- train(Class ~ ., data = dat1,
method = "C5.0Cost",
tuneGrid = expand.grid(model = "tree", winnow = FALSE,
trials = c(1:10, (1:5)*10),
cost = 1:10),
trControl = ctrl)
xyplot(Sens + Spec ~ trials|format(cost), data = mod2$results,
type = "l",
auto.key = list(columns = 2,
lines = TRUE,
points = FALSE))
If I have class = {0,1} and my positive class is 0, this matrix says that "Predicting class 0 wrong costs double than class 1", right? My question now is, how could I do the opposite? How could I set that "Predicting class 1 wrong costs double than class 0" [...]?
Unfortunately, you can't change the costs for the false positives in caret at the moment. This appears to be a bug! See this post for further information about this issue.
