Hiveserver2: could not start ThriftHttpCliService - http

I'm attempting to enable SSL on hiveserver2.
I can run in the default binary mode fine. http mode works no problem. As soon as I enable SSL through hive-site.xml, i'm faced with the following error.
ERROR [Thread-28] thrift.ThriftCLIService: Error starting HiveServer2: could not start ThriftHttpCLIService Address already in use
There is nothing using any of the ports, prior to starting hiveserver2. Checked with netstat -tupln
Ports i've configured in hive-site.xml are
hive.server2.webui.port 11002
hive.server2.thrift.http.port 11001
hive.server2.thrift.port 11000
and invoking hiveserver2 via the service /opt/hive/bin/hive --service hiveserver2 &
O/S ubuntu (on kubernetes)
Hive version 3.0.0
Any help greatly appreciate. Google search for problems with ThriftHTTPCliService came up short.

For anyone that come across this post.
I upgraded to Hive 3.1.0, along with the metastore schema.
This fixed the issue, although unsure as to the underlying cause.


Maxscale: maxctrl error when admin_ssl parameters are set in maxscale.cnf

Maxscale 2.5.9
Ubuntu 20.04
In order to access the Web AdminGUI my maxsclale.cnf file looks like this:
[...all other configuration..]
With this configuration I can access the Web-AdminGUI on port 8989 from the internal ip address (not by browser.
The SSL key/certs are self-signed .
When using the command line like:
maxctrl list servers
I get the following error:
Error: Error: socket hang up
When I remove or comment out the lines with the admin_ssl_XXX parameters and restart maxscale, command line works again, but of course the Web-AdminGUI does not.
I tried with various SSL certificate creations (also the one that is listed on the,
the issue remains.
No errors in the maxscale.log whatsoever.
What is the best way to debug this issue?
Or do you have by any chance the right answer at hand?
YOUR help is greatly appreciated!
BR. Martin
You should use maxctrl --secure to encrypt the connections used by it.
Since you are using self-signed certificates, you have to also specify the CA certificate with --tls-ca-cert=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt if it's not installed in the system certificate store.
In addition, you probably need to use --tls-verify-server-cert=false to disable any warnings about self-signed certificates.

Unable to access GCP service after gke upgrade

Automatic upgrade in mid-May.
1.14.10-gke.27 → 1.14.10-gke.36
After that, I got Memorystore(Redis)connection error and crul6 error.
crul error
cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: (see
This problem happens occasionally, not always.
It worked fine before the upgrade.
Role-based access control not use
Workload Identity not use
Please advise.
Close it once.
Probably not a gke version issue.
The reason is that the node was a preemptible node.
That is likely.
When I ran the reboot test of the Pretentive Node, I was able to reproduce the error.
gcloud compute instances simulate-maintenance-event <instance name> --zone <zone>

Gitlab ports 80 & 8080 taken by a separate Gitlab instance?

I have Gitlab 8.6 running on an Ubuntu 14.04 server that seems to have gotten messed up. I consistently get a 502 error when accessing the site. The server likely has not been restarted since installing Gitlab initially, and a power outage caused the server to reboot. Now, I cannot start/restart Gitlab due to what appears to be port conflicts.
I installed Gitlab via source, I don't have any custom port configurations, and am using NGINX. nginx -t shows that the configuration appears to be correct syntax-wise.
When I run netstat -tupln, I see that Unicorn & a Gitlab instance is already running on :8080 and :80 respectively at boot up. I suspect that a 2nd instance of Gitlab was installed which is being run at boot and that is causing the proper instance to have port conflicts when I try to run it via service gitlab restart. I'm not even sure if that's possible, but I can't seem to figure out where to go from here. Every time I run sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure or service gitlab start, it fails and the unicorn.stderror.log shows bind errors to the :8080 port. I tried moving the Unicorn service to :8081 as well, but I still receive the port binding error.
Does anyone know how I can detect if there are multiple Gitlab instances running, and maybe if there is a way to remove a duplicated one if it's possible? Thank you!
EDIT: Here is what is in the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file. Everything else is commented out.
## Url on which GitLab will be reachable
external_url ''
EDIT 2: My /home/git/gitlab/ directory is mapped to, and is on the 8-7-stable branch. gitlab-shell and gitlab-workhorse are on the correct versions according to
EDIT 3: I have gotten to a point where the Gitlab seems to self-check okay by removing the gitlab-ce package (, but the server returns a 404. NGINX, Unicorn, Sidekiq, and gitlab-workhorse all say that they're running. I see that unicorn.rb is listening on :8080, and nginx is listening on and :::80. I guess now I'm troubleshooting this 404 and hopefully I will be back to my install-from-source.
What I have found is that there were 2 issues causing the errors I had.
First, I removed a "gitlab-ce" package that was installed, following the instructions here: For some reason, when I restart the machine now I have to restart these services, in order, for Gitlab to run properly redis-server, gitlab, nginx. However, Gitlab does start responding properly after that.
Second, the 404 error was due to a different server that was also listening on that IP address, causing a conflict.
I will likely move to using the omnibus package on a fresh, new server going forward, but at least the immediate issues appear resolved. Thanks for your help, SLY!

Cannot get MariaDB to start

I've been away and one of my databases became a massive size that MariaDB had crashed and I cannot get it to restart. I have tried moving the path /var/lib/ and restart to no avail. I am trying to find messages in /var/log/mysql/ and /var/log but there are no error messages to give me a clue.
Can anyone offer some solutions?
MariaDB: 10.0.12
Debian 7.6.
Check for error messages in the syslog. Mariadb 10.0.* send tehm there if you do not change the /etc/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf and comment the 2 lines: skip_error_log and syslog

Arch Linux on VirtualBox network problems

I've installed ArchLinux with VB on MacOS. I have network problems, I cannot resolve addresses. When trying pacman -S htop for example I get the following error :
:: Retrieving packages from extra...
error: failed retrieving file 'htop-1.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz' from : Could not resolve host:; Name or service not known
warning: failed to retrieve some files from extra
error: failed to commit transaction (download library error)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
If I ping I get a response. I'm running Network in Nat Mode.
PS: If I run In Bridge Mode I have no problems.
Can someone help me fixing this problem?
Nevermind... disabling ipv6 fixed the problem.!
Check your /etc/resolve.conf or even change for opendns/google DNS.
Then check any domain like:
pacman -Syu
