Azure Resource Graph query | get VM license benefit type - azure-resource-manager

I can get a no of things about VMs from "resources
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'" and then expanding the properties. What I am looking for is the Windows license type. The same information is available on the portal under "Virtual Machines" - add Columns - "OS licensing benefit". The values are of type "Azure hybrid benefit", "Not enabled" etc.
I can get the same information for SQL Server on IaaS via properties.sqlServerLicenseType in microsoft.sqlvirtualmachine/sqlvirtualmachines, so guessing there is a way to get it for VMs? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

This is a simplified version of how the Portal is checking for that property and generating the column values (portal also displays "Not supported" for Linux, which you can add logic for if required):
| where type =~ "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
| extend HybridBenefit = iif(properties.licenseType == "Windows_Server", "Azure Hybrid Benefit", "Not Enabled")

This is duplicate of your ask in GitHub. Sharing for the benefit of broader audience.


Kusto.Explorer - Authentication Trouble

I'm having trouble adding a connection in the Kusto.Explorer desktop app I can login via Web UI but in the desktop app it gives me this error:
This normally represents a permanent error, and retrying is unlikely to help.
Please provide the following information when contacting the Kusto team # :
In other applications such as the Kuskus VSCode extension or even the Web UI, the problem seems to be that it uses the "common" tenant/authority id as a default. Is there a way to specify the tenant id when adding the connection? It says you can import an .xml file but I'm not sure where or how this can be generated.
Please try approach described at:
The default security model for new connections is AAD-Federated
security. Authentication is done through the Azure Active Directory
using the default AAD user experience.
If you need finer control over the authentication parameters, you can
expand the "Advanced: Connection Strings" edit box and provide a valid
Kusto connection string value.
For example, users with a presence in multiple AAD tenants sometimes
need to use a particular "projection" of their identities to a
specific AAD tenant. Do this by providing a connection string, such as
the one below (replace words IN CAPITALS with specific values):
Data Source=;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_NAME;AAD Federated Security=True;Authority Id=AAD_TENANT_OF_CLUSTER;User=USER_DOMAIN

XSD for Decoding in Logic Apps an X12 830 02000

I am looking for the XSD to use to support a Decoding action in Logic Apps for the X12 830 00200. This was approved by ANSI in 1986 (pre-ASC), but is still widely used by Ford. I understand the same XSD would be used in a BizTalk Server solution. Does anyone have one to share?
I have tried the download item as part of Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services SDK Setup:
However that only goes back to 00204, which I tried unsuccessfully adapting.
I would rather not do this as a Flat File Decode, as I want all X12 830 processing in my Logic Apps solution to have a consistent, Agreement-based configuration.
I have sample EDI, drawn from the real-world.
I will be using Ford's specs for the v002001FORD 830O to validate any schema I obtain or create:
** UPDATE **
Thanks all for the help. It ends up that on the MS side, the Kusto log analytics trace of my run-time activity shows explicit duplicate schema references in my Agreement, while my run-time exception from Logic Apps does not clearly indicate a duplicate schema issue is present: 'The message has an unknown document type and did not resolve to any of the existing schemas configured in the agreement.' So, there was nothing wrong with my schema. I just had to tweak my Agreement configuration. I am reporting this to MS and hope the schema validation in the Agreement and/or the exception reporting will be improved.
To me a broader issue is that the X12 schema provided are ASC-issued ones: 02000, 03000, 04000, etc.. The same ones prevented from being shared on Git due to copyright issues. The reason I believe I am running into older, ANSI-issued specs still in used despite their age by Ford, Toyota, etc. is that the same copyright issues tends continued usage by OEMs of these specs despite their age. For that reason, it would be a big help to the community if MS provided the XSDs for the ANSI-issued X12 specs as is done for the ASC-issued ones. For each ASC-issued spec, such as 04000, there are many documents: 830, 856, etc. This multiplies out to scores if not hundreds of handcrafted XSDs one may need to produce (as is our case) to implements broad X12 support in Logic Apps.
The process with outlier EDI Schemas is to find the closest one and modify it to support the version you need.
What do you mean by 'unsuccessfully adapting'? This is not an uncommon thing.
Since the spec is so old, one thing I would very much consider is bumping the interchanges up to a 'current' :) version, even just 00204. I'm not sure the specific value 00200 will work with BizTalk EDI.
You would use a custom Pipeline Component for the incoming and should be able to use the EDI.Override properties on outbound.

Publish webapp to Azure as student

Alright, so I have a Microsoft Imagine account from school through which I've gotten both Azure and Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 in order to learn ASP.NET (worked with Django earlier).
So I've gone throught a whole bunch of tutorials from codeschool to virtual academy to and finally got the first version of my webapp done and ready to be published to Azure.
So I look through the steps on how to publish, here's some info on that:
Subscription: Microsoft Imagine
Resource Group: <name> (northeurope)
App Service Plan:
Resource Group: <name>
Pricing Tier: Free
Location: North Europe
Status: Ready
Subscription Name: Microsoft Imagine
Click on "Explore additional azure services" (as per many tutorial instructions) and add a database, I've fortunately already created the database in Azure so I only have to connect it. Here's some info on the database (though creating it directly here generates the same error):
Resource Group: <name>
Status: Online
Location: North Europe
Subscription Name: Microsoft Imagine
Server Name: <servername>
Pricing Tier: Free (5 DTUs)
Some info on the server that the server:
Resource Group: <name>
Status: Available
Location: North Europe
Status: Available
So everything looks really good and I'm ready to publish and I hit the Create-button.
Deploying: (step 0 out of 5) ...
Deploying: (step 4 out of 5) ...
Template deployment failed. Deployment operation statuses:
Succeeded: /subscriptions/ ... /servers/mintentadbserver ()
Failed: /subscriptions/ ... /databases/Mintenta_db ()
40619: The edition 'Free' does not support the database data max size '1073741824'.
Succeeded: /subscriptions/ ... /firewallrules/AllowAllAzureIPs ()
Succeeded: /subscriptions/ ... /sites/MinTenta ()
Succeeded: /subscriptions/ ... /config/connectionstrings ()
The few duplicate questions I've found on this have close to no answers and just a few suggestions to upgrade (link1, link2).
So I suppose my question is, like many others:
1) How do you change the size of the database?
2) If that's not possible and you cannot have a database with your free account. Why would not just say that instead of using size-restrictions?
I know this question is a little bit old, but I've just ran across the same error and I also couldn't find an answer. However, I managed to work around this issue.
I was following this tutorial ( from Microsoft, and since you mentioned the same steps and the same message error I got, I'm assuming you were doing the same thing or at least something similar.
When publishing directly from Visual Studio 2017 to Azure, VS tries to create the following resources:
App service plan
App service
SQL server
SQL database
From your error message (and mine as well), although the SQL database creation had an error, the other resources were published successfully. So, if you access Azure portal, you'll see those resources there.
Then, if you open the SQL server and click "New database", you'll be able to add a database manually - and more importantly, you'll be able to select the free option with max size of 32MB.
(In this example, the button is disabled because I've already added one database - I believe this is another limitation from the students' subscription).
Note that if you add the database manually, you'll also need to configure your connection strings. But that is quite easy:
Open your new database on Azure portal
Go to Settings > Connection Strings
Copy the connection string from there
Now open your App service and go to Settings > Application Settings
On Connection Strings, add a new one or edit the existing one, pasting the content that you just copied from the DB (don't forget to input your username and password)
You can have a DB using a trial (there are no restrictions to trial account as far as I'm aware of, well, except money). I'm not sure how to workaround this issue, as the template is pre-built by VS.
The more I look at this error, the more I don't get it. There is no "Free" tier of the Azure SQL DB. And the cheapest (basic) supports up to 2GB database, so this doesn't really restrict you.
Try setting appservice plan to shared? if that doesn't help try deleting everything and just let VS create all the resources for you, it should work in that case.

Can we set single Database for two different IBM BPM Std 8.5.7 environment?

We want to setup DR server for IBM BPM Std 8.5.7 and planning to use Prod DB (Oracle) so that if for some reason Prod BPM environment becomes unavailable we can use Prod DB data in DR IBM BPM. Is this possible? What factors need to considered for this?
At present we take the snapshot of Prod DB and using this DB snapshot for COB, all servers are started but when we open Process Admin console we don't see the "Installed App" option and menus on left side to manage users. It seems DR BPM admin ID does not have required roles to get the details.
First of all, I'd like to point you to the article below;
Disaster recovery guidance for IBM Business Process Manager
Please note the difference between configuration data and runtime data as defined on this article. Since some configuration data resides at profile folders of your servers, not the database, it's not enough to just move a snapshot of production database to DR. You must also synchronise configuration data on your file system. This is probably why you can't use your DR BPM as you expected, you move runtime data to DR, but you're missing configuration data.
As for your question on what configurations are possible and what factors to consider, unfortunately answer is not so simple, as you have many alternatives.
Article above highlights which factors to consider for your DR design. There are seven different alternatives for DR topology. These evaluated according to abovementioned factors, and advantages/disadvantages are explained. You must choose one of these according to your specific requirements and resource availability.

Not able to access MSSQLSERVER-MIB using SNMP Protocol

I was trying to access MSSQLSERVER-MIB on Windows Server 2012 using SnmpWalk.exe . The object that I am particularly interested is the mssqlSrvState, whose oid is: . Although the MS SQL Service is running on the server, I was unable to obtain information about any of the objects in MSSQLSERVER-MIB. Does this mean that SnmpWalk is unaware of MSSQLSERVER's MIB list? As an alternative, I used SNMP4J Java API and SnmpGet.exe from, but they failed as well. The show the error "Failed to get value of SNMP variable. Variable does not exist >." Please suggests ways to access MSSQLSERVER's MIB. Thanks in advance.
As an old article says, SNMP support has been removed since MSSQL 2005.
