Cannot assign to read only property 'state' of object '#<Object>' - redux

I'm using Redux Toolkit and I'm having trouble in one of my actions. Here's relevant parts of my slice:
export const initialCookingSessionState = {
recipeInfo: null as RecipeInfo | null,
instructions: [] as Instruction[],
ingredients: [] as Ingredient[],
activeTimers: [] as CookingTimer[],
currentStepIndex: 0 as number,
stepTimers: [] as StepTimer[]
const cookingSessionSlice = createSlice({
name: 'session',
initialState: initialCookingSessionState,
reducers: {
startRecipe(state, { payload: recipe }: PayloadAction<Recipe>) {
const { info, instructions, ingredients } = recipe;
state.recipeInfo = info;
state.ingredients = [...ingredients];
state.instructions = [...instructions]
state.stepTimers = [];
state.instructions.forEach(({ timers }, stepIndex) => {
timers.forEach(timer =>
state.stepTimers.push({ ...timer, stepIndex, state: CookingTimerState.Pending })
incStep(state) { state.currentStepIndex++ },
decStep(state) { state.currentStepIndex-- },
startTimer(state, { payload: timer }: PayloadAction<StepTimer>) {
timer.state = CookingTimerState.Running
When I dispatch startTimer, I get the error:
Cannot assign to read only property 'state' of object '#'
There must be something about what is and isn't possible with Redux Toolkit's "Mutative State Changes" that I'm missing. It seems to me that my example isn't that different from theirs in the docs, but apparently I'm wrong about that. (the other actions work fine)
In case it's helpful, here are the models, which I think are pretty simple:
export class Recipe {
info: RecipeInfo = {
id: "",
title: ""
instructions: Instruction[] = [];
ingredients: Ingredient[] = []
export class Instruction {
timers: CookingTimer[] = [];
constructor(public text: string) {}
export class Ingredient {
id: string = "";
state: IngredientState = { done: false };
constructor(public text: string) {}
export class CookingTimer {
public durationSec = 0,
public label = "") {}
export enum CookingTimerState {
Pending, Paused, Running, Done
export type StepTimer = {
state: CookingTimerState
durationSec: number
label: string
stepIndex: number


How to return a resolved promise from a module export?

import { DataTypes } from "sequelize";
import dbConnect from "./dbConnect";
async function UserModel() {
const sequelize = await dbConnect();
const User = sequelize.define(
userKey: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true,
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(50),
allowNull: false,
username: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(50),
allowNull: false,
freezeTableName: true, // enforces that table name = model name
return User;
export default UserModel;
The above module returns the UserModel correctly, but I need to resolve it twice --
const users = await (await User()).findAll();
-- in the module that imports it b/c I'm calling a method that also returns a promise.
I'd like to call it like this --
const users = await User().findAll();
-- but everything I've tried has failed.
See usage here:
export async function getServerSideProps() {
const users = await (await User()).findAll();
return {
props: {
Can you shed some light on how to do this?

How to mutation store state in build query redux toolkit

Created an initialState and will be updated the totalPage and currentPage after got the users list.
I found out onQueryStarted from docs, it able to update the store state in this method but only look like only for builder.mutation.
what's the correct way to get the user list and update the store page value in redux toolkit?
Listing two part of the code below:
component to use the hook
// 1. apiSlice
const usersAdapter = createEntityAdapter({})
export const initialState = usersAdapter.getInitialState({
totalPage: 0,
currentPage: 0,
export const usersApiSlice = apiSlice.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: (builder) => ({
getUsers: builder.query({ // <--- the docs are using builder.mutation, but i needed to pass params
query: (args) => {
const { page, limit } = args;
return {
url: `/api/users`,
method: "GET",
params: { page, limit },
validateStatus: (response, result) => {
return response.status === 200 && !result.isError
transformResponse: (responseData) => { // <<-- return { totalPages: 10, currentPage: 1, users: [{}] }
const loadedUsers = responseData? => user)
return usersAdapter.setAll(initialState, loadedUsers)
async onQueryStarted(arg, { dispatch, queryFulfilled }) {
try {
const { data } = await queryFulfilled
const {totalPages, currentPage} = data; <----- totalPages & currentPage values are still 0 as initialState
dispatch(setPages({ currentPage, totalPages }))
} catch (error) {
console.error("User Error: ", error)
providesTags: (result, error, arg) => {
if (result?.ids) {
return [
{ type: "User", id: "LIST" }, => ({ type: "User", id })),
} else return [{ type: "User", id: "LIST" }]
export const {
} = usersApiSlice
component to use the hook
Try to use the hook in user landing page
const UsersList = () => {
const { data: users, isLoading, isSuccess, isError } = useGetUsersQuery({page: 1, limit: 10 })
return (
<div>return the users data</div>
update the store value after get the data return

Adding update property to mutation function breaks mocked result in MockProvider

I've got the following function that gets triggered on a form submission
const [register, { loading }] = useMutation(RegisterDocument);
const router = useRouter();
const onSubmit = async (values: FormValues) => {
const v = { ...values };
delete v.confirmPassword;
const res = await register({
variables: { options: v },
update: (cache, { data }) => {
query: MeDocument,
data: {
__typename: 'Query',
me: data?.register.user,
if ( {
I then have the following test to submit the form
test('it should submit form without error', async () => {
const firstName =;
const surname =;
const username = faker.internet.userName().replace('#', '');
const email =;
const password = faker.internet.password(6, false, /^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$/);
const cache = new InMemoryCache().restore({});
const variables = {
options: { email, firstName, password, surname, username },
const user = { email, firstName, surname, username, id: 1, activated: false, photo: null };
const mocks = [
request: { query: RegisterDocument, variables },
result: { data: { register: { errors: null, user } } },
const { queryByTestId, container } = renderWithTheme(
<MockedProvider mocks={mocks} cache={cache}>
<Register />
await updateRegisterInputs(container); // util function that updates input values for submission
await submitForm({ queryByTestId, testId: 'register-submit', loadingTestId: 'register-loading' }); // util function that submits form
await waitFor(() => expect(onPush).toBeCalledWith('/'));
When I run this test res returns the following
{ data: { register: {} } }
However, once I remove the update property inside the register mutation function, res returns the following.
{ data: { register: { errors: null, user: [Object] } } }
Any ideas why the mocked return value returns an empty object for the register property only when the update property function is added?
Even just instantiating the update property like so;
update: () => {}
still breaks the response from the mutation.
I realised that the graphql doc required the __typename property in the relevant places in my mocks
So I have to update the mock to include the typenames.
const user = { email, firstName, surname, username, id: 1, activated: false, photo: null, __typename: 'User' };
const mocks = [
request: { query: RegisterDocument, variables },
result: { data: { register: { errors: null, user, __typename: 'UserResponse' } } },

How to perform a "where" query using denodb?

I'm trying to register a user and I get an error:
[uncaught application error]: TypeError - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'where')
Here is the code:
async register(context: any) {
const body = JSON.parse(await context.request.body().value);
const existing = await Users.where("email",;
if (existing.length) {
context.response.status = 400;
return (context.response.body = { message: "User already exists" });
const hashedPassword = await Users.hashPassword(body.password);
const user = await Users.create({
context.response.body = { message: "User created" };
Here is my model:
// import { Model, DataTypes } from "";
import { DataTypes, Model } from "";
import * as bcrypt from "";
import {
} from "";
import { JwtConfig } from "../middleware/jwt.ts";
import { db } from "../db.ts";
class Users extends Model {
static table = "users";
static timestamps = true;
static fields = {
id: {
primaryKey: true,
type: DataTypes.STRING,
email: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: true,
hashedPassword: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
static defaults = {
id: crypto.randomUUID(),
// ...
static async hashPassword(password: string) {
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(8);
return bcrypt.hash(password, salt);
static generateJwt(id: string) {
// Create the payload with the expiration date (token have an expiry date) and the id of current user (you can add that you want)
const payload = {
iat: getNumericDate(new Date()),
// return the generated token
return create({ alg: "HS512", typ: "JWT" }, payload, JwtConfig.secretKey);
//await db.sync();
export default Users;
Had to uncomment this:[Users]);

Input not updating on react testing library, thus test failing, however it does update on the actual app

I want to test that when i type a value in an input(inputA), anoter input(inputB) gets updated with a value.
inputA accepts a postal code e.g: "10999", after inputB shows a location: "Berlin"
This works on the actual app, i type in inputA, and inputB gets updated.
When ome types on inputA, an action is dispatched and then inputB gets a new value from the redux state.
This is my test code, any ideas why it doesnt updates the input with placeholder of "Ort" on the test, but it does on the actual app?
import { render, withIntl, withStore, configureStore, withState } from "test-utils-react-testing-library";
import { screen, fireEvent, withHistory, withRoute, within } from "#testing-library/react";
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import ProfileForm from "./ProfileForm";
import PersonalDetails from "../PersonalDetails/PersonalDetails";
const STATE = {
locations: { locations: {} },
streets: { streets: {} },
password: {}
const mockStore = configureMockStore();
const STORE = mockStore({
streets: {
isFetching: false,
locations: {
locations: {
isFetching: false,
user: {
session: {
impersonated_access_token: "",
updateError: "error",
const props = {
id: "user1",
user: { email: "" },
locations: {},
onSubmit: jest.fn(),
describe("ProfileForm", () => {
describe("on personal details change", () => {
it("auto selects only location when postalcode becomes selected", () => {
const locations = { electricity: { [PLZ_1]: [LOCATION_OBJ_1] } };
const user = { postalcode: null };
render(<ProfileForm {...props} user={user} locations={locations} />, [...decorators, withStore(STORE)]);
const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("PLZ");
fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: "10999" } })
I guess your input hasn't been updated yet.
Try to use waitfor:
import { waitFor } from "#testing-library/react";
const inputNode = screen. getByPlaceholderText("Ort");
// keep in mind that you need to make your test async like this
// it("auto selects only location when postalcode becomes selected", async () => {
await waitFor(() => expect(inputNode).toHaveValue("Berlin"));
If it won't work, try to add timeout:
await waitFor(() => expect(inputNode).toHaveValue("Berlin"), { timeout: 4000 });
I've encountered a similar proplem and found that changes in the microtask queue aren't always flushed, so the changes are not applied/rendered until the test is finished running. What worked for me, was to call jest.useFakeTimers() at the beginning of your testcase, and then await act(async () => { jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() }); after the call to fireEvent.<some-event>(...)
In your case:
it("auto selects only location when postalcode becomes selected", async () => {
const locations = { electricity: { [PLZ_1]: [LOCATION_OBJ_1] } };
const user = { postalcode: null };
render(<ProfileForm {...props} user={user} locations={locations} />, [...decorators, withStore(STORE)]);
const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText("PLZ");
fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: "10999" } })
await act(async () => {
Tried, but get this error: Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function. No idea where that comes from :(
Try to use findBy instead of getBy.
import { screen, waitFor } from "#testing-library/react";
const inputNode = await screen.findByPlaceholderText("Ort");
// or with timeout: await screen.findByPlaceholderText("Ort", { timeout: 4000 });
await waitFor(() => expect(inputNode).toHaveValue("Berlin"));
