Hi I've been working a lot but have not gotten really any clear answers. Basically I have a dataframe with sites and chemical analyses from those sites, whose coordinates I was able to convert into a geometry using st_as_sf. I am also using a separate shapefile named Cave_initial. Now what I want to do is plot the points from the dataframe on top of the shapefile as a single map.
I have tried using geom_sf() but at the very best it plots the points on one graph and then the shapefile as a separate graph. But I need them together.
Master_cave_data <- read_xlsx("./JW_cave_master_version.xlsx", range = "C2:AK85") #dataset containing chemical data and lat/long as numerics
cave_system <- st_read("./IllinoisCaverns/Cave_System.shp") #shapefile created by colleague
Master_cave_data <- Master_cave_data %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c('Long_DD', 'Lat_DD'), crs = 4326, sf_column_name = NULL)
#transforming my coordinate data into lat/long
#due to size of datashet dput will not be advisable to display. New column is created using Long/Lat_DD as geometry.
Jul_Data <- filter(Master_cave_data, Month == "Jul") # filtering data for one month
Jul_Coliform_Data_map <- Jul_Data %>%
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = Jul_Data$Geometry) +
I'm trying to crop a netcdf file with a polygon with stars package from daily netcdf data. I think I have managed to do it and could get this plot
with this script
# Input nc file
nc.file <- "20220301120000-NCEI-L4_GHRSST-SSTblend-AVHRR_OI-GLOB-v02.0-fv02.1.nc"
# read nc data
nc.data <- read_ncdf(nc.file, var="analysed_sst")
# Read mask coordinates
coordenades.poligon <- read_csv("coordenades_poligon.csv")
colnames(coordenades.poligon) <- c("lon","lat")
# Build sf polygon to crop data
polygon <- coordenades.poligon %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326) %>%
summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%
# Crop data
nc.stars.crop <- st_crop(nc.data,polygon)
# plot
ggplot() + geom_stars(data=nc.stars.crop) +
coord_equal() + theme_void() +
Now I would like to combine lon, lat and analysed_sst in a data frame. I managed to extract coordinates with
nc.stars.coords <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(nc.stars.crop))
But can't find how to get the corresponding sst values to cbind with longitude and latitude. Maybe there are other solutions with ncdf4 package.
Thank you very much for your help
Link to SST original data (nc file): SST data
Added head of coordenades_poligons.csv. First columns are longitude and latitude points, third column is the area ID and fourth one denotes the season. These are just the coordinates of a single area filtered by ID and season.
I am making assumptions here, because this is not my area of expertise, but you are able to simply transform this into a dataset using the raster-package. This seems to be the way to go, also according to this author.
raster::as.data.frame(nc.stars.crop, xy = TRUE)
At least for me this worked. And then you could transform it back into a simple features object, if you are so inclined with
raster::as.data.frame(nc.stars.crop, xy = TRUE) %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c('lon','lat'))
However, the transformation to lon/lat is not really exact, because it produces point data, whereas the original information is raster data. So there is clearly information that gets lost.
sf::st_as_sf() seems to work out of the box for this, but I am not sure, because I have no way to validate the transformation of the original data. For me the following worked:
read_ncdf('20220301120000-NCEI-L4_GHRSST-SSTblend-AVHRR_OI-GLOB-v02.0-fv02.1.nc', var="analysed_sst") %>%
This creates polygons, the size of your initial raster tiles and seems to conserve all necessary information.
Finally, here is a work-around to extracting exactly the data you were plotting. You can access the data that ggplot used, by assigning the ggplot to a variable and then accessing the data layer.
p <- ggplot() + geom_stars(data=nc.stars.crop) +
coord_equal() + theme_void() +
I want to plot rivers (lines) in a map containing polygons (counties, etc) from South Dakota. The river data is here, https://www.weather.gov/gis/Rivers. Use the subset of rivers data set. The county download can be obtained from here, https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2020/COUNTY/.
I only want the rivers that lie within the county boundaries of South Dakota, so I am using rgeos::intersection to perform that, which produces a Large SpatialLines object, which ggplot2 doesn't like when I try to plot it with geom_line (I get an error that says "Error: data must be a data frame, or other object coercible by fortify(), not an S4 object with class SpatialLines.")
Here is my code:
counties <- readOGR('D:\\Shapefiles\\Counties\\tl_2020_us_county.shp')
counties <- counties[which(counties$STATEFP == '46'),]
counties <- spTransform(counties, CRS("+init=epsg:3395"))
rivers <- readOGR('D:\\Shapefiles\\Main_Rivers\\rs16my07.shp')
proj4string(rivers) <- CRS("+proj=longlat")
rivers <- spTransform(rivers, CRS("+init=epsg:3395"))
rivers <- as.SpatialLines.SLDF(rgeos::gIntersection(counties, rivers))
The raster packages "intersect" function does not work for doing the intersection. I think I need to change the SpatialLines object to a spatialLinesDataFrame object to get ggplot2 to plot the rivers. How do I do that? The as.SpatialLines.SLDF function is not doing it. Is there another way to get this to plot? My plotting code is here:
ggplot() +
geom_path(counties, mapping = aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, col = 'darkgreen')) +
geom_path(rivers, mapping = aes(x = long, y = lat, color = 'blue'))
I would recommend handling your spatial data with the sf library. Firstly, it plays well with ggplot. Also, according to my very much infant understanding of GIS and spatial data in R, I believe that the idea is the sf will eventually take over from sp and the Spatial* data formats. sf is I think a standard format across multiple platforms. See this link for more details on sf.
Onto your question - this is quite simple using sf. To find the rivers inside a specific county, we use st_intersection() (the sf version of gIntersection).
# read in the rivers data
st_read(dsn = 'so_data/rs16my07', layer = 'rs16my07') %>%
{. ->> my_rivers}
# set the CRS for the rivers data
st_crs(my_rivers) <- crs('+proj=longlat')
# transform crs
my_rivers %>%
st_transform('+init=epsg:3395') %>%
{. ->> my_rivers_trans}
# read in counties data
st_read(dsn = 'so_data/tl_2020_us_county') %>%
{. ->> my_counties}
# keep state 46
my_counties %>%
) %>%
{. ->> state_46}
# transform crs
state_46 %>%
st_transform('+init=epsg:3395') %>%
{. ->> state_46_trans}
# keep only rivers inside state 46
my_rivers_trans %>%
st_intersection(state_46_trans) %>%
{. ->> my_rivers_46}
Then we can plot the sf objects using ggplot and geom_sf(), just like you would plot lines using geom_line() etc. geom_sf() seems to know if you are plotting point data, line data or polygon data, and plots accordingly. It is quite easy to use.
# plot it
state_46_trans %>%
geom_sf(data = my_rivers_46, colour = 'red')
Hopefully this looks right - I don't know my US states so have no idea if this is South Dakota or not.
I am using an excel sheet for data. One column has FIPS numbers for GA counties and the other is labeled Count with numbers 1 - 5. I have made a map with these values using the following code:
carrierdata <- import("GA Info.xlsx")
plot_usmap( data = carrierdata, values = "Count", "counties", include = c("GA"), color="black") +
scale_fill_continuous(low = "#56B1F7", high = "#132B43", name="Count", label=scales::comma)+
theme(plot.background=element_rect(), legend.position="right")
I've included the picture of the map I get and a sample of the data I am using. Can anyone help me put the actual Count numbers on each county?
The usmap package is a good source for county maps, but the data it contains is in the format of data frames of x, y co-ordinates of county outlines, whereas you need the numbers plotted in the center of the counties. The package doesn't seem to contain the center co-ordinates for each county.
Although it's a bit of a pain, it is worth converting the map into a formal sf data frame format to give better plotting options, including the calculation of the centroid for each county. First, we'll load the necessary packages, get the Georgia data and convert it to sf format:
d <- us_map("counties")
d <- d[d$abbr == "GA",]
GAc <- lapply(split(d, d$county), function(x) st_polygon(list(cbind(x$x, x$y))))
GA <- st_sfc(GAc, crs = usmap_crs()#projargs)
GA <- st_sf(data.frame(fips = unique(d$fips), county = names(GAc), geometry = GA))
Now, obviously I don't have your numeric data, so I'll have to make some up, equivalent to the data you are importing from Excel. I'll assume your own carrierdata has a column named "fips" and another called "values":
carrierdata <- data.frame(fips = GA$fips, values = sample(5, nrow(GA), TRUE))
So now we left_join our imported data to the GA county data:
GA <- dplyr::left_join(GA, carrierdata, by = "fips")
And we can calculate the center point for each county:
GA$centroids <- st_centroid(GA$geometry)
All that's left now is to plot the result:
ggplot(GA) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = values)) +
geom_sf_text(aes(label = values, geometry = centroids), colour = "white")
I want to create a map of Germany where each state is shaded according to its gross domestic product. I know how to do this in R (and put the code below). Is there a possibility to do this in Julia in an equally simple way?
shpData = st_read("./geofile.shp")
GDPData <- read.delim("./stateGDP.csv", header=FALSE)
GDPData <- rename(GDPData,StateName=V1,GDP=V2)
GDPData %>%
left_join(shpData) ->mergedData
ggplot(mergedData) + geom_sf(data = mergedData, aes(fill = BIP,geometry=geometry)) + coord_sf(crs = st_crs(mergedData))-> pBIP1
You'd load the Shapefile and use Plots to plot it.
The ideomatic code is something like
using Plots, Shapefile, CSV
shp = Shapefile.shapes(Shapefile.Table("geofile.shp"))
GDPData = CSV.read("stateGDP.csv")
plot(shp, fill_z = GDPData.V2')
Note the ' which transposes the values to a column vector - this will tell Plots to apply the colors to individual polygons.
I have a dataframe with three columns: city_name, longitude, latitude. Using ggplot I am attempting to visualize the data using longitude and latitude as coordinates, which represent the given city. I also want to label each point with the city name. Unfortunately the scale isn't quite right, so the points are mapped in the right location.
Example data for dataframe:
city_name <- c("Berlin", "Brussels", "Paris")
longitude <- c("13.405", "4.3517", "2.3522")
latitude <- c("52.52", "50.8503", "48.8566")
df <- data.frame(city_name, longitude, latitude)
I am using ggplot2.
mapWorld <- borders("world", colour="gray50", fill="gray50") # create a layer of borders
ggplot(df, aes(x= longitude, y= latitude, label=Name))+
geom_point() +geom_text(aes(label=city_name),hjust=0, vjust=0) + mapWorld
Current result:
Expected result would be mapping the coordinates to their correct location.
Thank you all in advance!
The issue seems to stem from the format of your latitude and longitude data. Instead of quoting each coordinate, just refer to them without quotes.
I also recommend leaflet for a wider array of mapping functionality. The code below worked for me:
longitude <- c(13.405, 4.3517, 2.3522)
latitude <- c(52.52, 50.8503, 48.8566)
df <- data.frame(city_name, longitude, latitude)
leaflet() %>%
addMarkers(data=df,lng=~longitude,lat=~latitude) %>%
On top of the solution already provided, you might find it helpful to look into the sf package which, in my opinion, makes spatial data much more pleasant to work with. For example you can do:
mapWorld <- borders("world", colour="gray50", fill="gray50") # create a layer of borders
# define data frame ensuring lat and lon are numeric vectors
df <- data.frame(city_name = c("Berlin", "Brussels", "Paris"),
longitude = c(13.405, 4.3517, 2.3522),
latitude = c(52.52, 50.8503, 48.8566))
# convert into an sf object, letting it know the columns we want to use for X and Y
# setting crs = 4326 for lon/lat data and remove = F to stop those columns from being dropped
df_sf <- st_as_sf(df, coords=c('longitude', 'latitude'), crs = 4326, remove = F)
# it plays nicely with ggplot via the 'geom_sf' geom
mapWorld +
geom_sf() +
geom_text_repel(aes(x=longitude, y=latitude,label=city_name))
You'll notice sf objects come with their own 'geometry' column which is recognised and plays nicely with ggplot. One thing to note is be careful with your layer ordering - by adding mapWorld to your ggplot as the last layer, it will appear at the very top of the plot and may cover your points!