Serving files on a local network with Deno - http

I recently decided to play around with Deno a bit.
Right now I am trying to set up a basic file server on my local network, but it will only serve files to my computer and not the rest of the network (I can't even send a http request to the server from outside my computer). I can not, for the life of me, figure out why it only works locally.
I have added the code I am using at the moment below just in case, but I'm pretty sure the problem is somewhere else, because I have the same problem with this file_server example and when I create a file server with oak
import { serve } from '';
const server = serve({ port: 3000 });
const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
for await (const req of server) {
const filePath = 'public' + req.url;
try {
const data = await Deno.readFile(filePath);
req.respond({ body: decoder.decode(data) });
} catch (error) {
if ( === {
console.log('File "' + filePath + '" not found');
req.respond({ status: 404, body: 'File not found' });
} else {
req.respond({ status: 500, body: 'Rest in pieces' });
throw error;
The command I'm using to run the file is:
deno --allow-all server.ts
When I create a simple file server in Node.js everything works just fine. It can serve files to my computer and any other device on the network.
I think the fault is with my understanding of Deno and it's security concepts, but I don't know. I would greatly appreciate any help and can supply more details if required.

You need to bind the hostname to like so :
const server = serve({ hostname: '', port: 3000 });
By default, your webserver only responds to localhost and
Binding to tells Deno to bind to all IP addresses/interfaces on your machine. Which makes it accessible to any machine on your network.
Your network IP address in the format of 192.168.x.y. gets also bind to the Deno webserver which allows another computer in your network to access the webserver with your local IP address.


Firebase: Error (auth/unauthorized-domain) on localhost

I'm getting Firebase: Error (auth/unauthorized-domain) on localhost during google auth. I found that this error is caused when domain is not added to Authorized domains in Firebase. But when i checked Authorized domains there is localhost, and don't know who is causing this error...
const signInWithGoogle = () => {
const provider = new GoogleAuthProvider()
signInWithPopup(getAuth(), provider)
.then((result) => {
.catch((error) => {
alert(error.body + ": " + error.message)
If it is a Vite Project.
1 . import dns from 'dns'
2 . dns.setDefaultResultOrder('verbatim')
command in vite.config.js
run ''' npm run dev '''
it will give you the link to localhost in your terminal to open your app and run it. It will work for sure.
Many thanks for considering my request.
As mentioned above, the url to visit is localhost/ not as that is a different domain than localhost/ although it is effectively the same to your machine.


While creating the connection from NetSuite to SFTP using N/SFTP module i'm facing an error states:
"FTP_INCORRECT_HOST_KEY","message":"Provided host key does not match
remote server's fingerprint."
I have tried checking with my server team but no hope. Can any one suggest me how to resolve this or how can i get an authorized finger print host key from server.
I have tried with Suitescript 2.0 module (N/SFTP) with the help of the tool mentioned below.
*#NApiVersion 2.x
#NScriptType ScheduledScript
define(['N/sftp', 'N/file', 'N/runtime'],function(sftp, file,runtime) {
function execute(context)
var myPwdGuid = "Encrypted password by GUID";
var myHostKey = "Some long Host key around 380 characters";
// establish connection to remote FTP server
var connection = sftp.createConnection({
username: 'fuel_integration',
passwordGuid: myPwdGuid, // references var myPwdGuid
url: '',//Example IP
directory: '/sftproot/TaleoSync',
restrictToScriptIds : runtime.getCurrentScript().id,
restrictToCurrentUser :false,
hostKey: myHostKey // references var myHostKey
// specify the file to upload using the N/file module
// download the file from the remote server
var downloadedFile ={
directory: '/sftproot/TaleoSync',
filename: 'Fuel Funnel Report_without filter.csv'
downloadedFile.folder = ;;
context.response.write(' Downloaded "Fuel Funnel Report_without filter" to fileCabinet');
return {
execute: execute
I expect to create a connection between SFTP and NetSuite to down a file from SFTP and place it to NetSuite file cabinet.
A couple of things:
restrictToScriptIds : runtime.getCurrentScript().id,
restrictToCurrentUser :false,
Are not part of the createConnection signature. Those should have been used when you created a Suitelet to vault your credential.
However the hostkey complaint may be dealt with by using ssh-keyscan from a linux box.
should replay with the server name then ssh-rsa then a long base64 string. Copy that string so it ends up in myHostKey and set the hostKeyType to RSA.

Unix Domain Sockets instead of host/port for TCP-type server

This is for all Node.js versions 6+
Say I have currently have a TCP server with multiple clients:
const server = net.createServer(s => {
and I connect to it with clients:
const s1 = net.createConnection({port:6000});
const s2 = net.createConnection({port:6000});
const s3 = net.createConnection({port:6000});
TCP can sometimes be a bit slow on a local machine. I hear that there might be a way to substitute a host/port combination with Unix Domain Sockets, but maintain the TCP server style interface. Is this possible and how?
The Node.js docs mention you can create a server that listens on a path:
but it doesn't specify what kind of file that needs to be and how to create that file.
It turns out on MacOS/Linux this is easy. You don't need to create the file. You need to make sure the file does not exist, and then point the Node.js core libraries to an empty path.
For the server:
const udsPath = path.resolve('some-path.sock');
const wss = net.createServer(s => {
wss.listen(udsPath, () => {
For the clients:
const udsPath = path.resolve('some-path.sock'); // same file path as above
const ws = net.createConnection(udsPath, () => {

syslog NG not starting up when specifying an ip address but works as a catch all and write to file setup

I am trying to setup a syslog NG server where i could collect all the logs. now ive managed to create the settings where the server will collect all the logs from all the servers and write it to a single file. but i was wondering if its possible to create a separate log file for each ip address. my config file is as below and every time i mention network it fails to start. can you please let me know where im going wrong?
log { source(s_src); filter(f_console); destination(d_console_all);
destination(d_xconsole); };
log { source(s_src); filter(f_crit); destination(d_console); };
log {
destination Windest {
source forwarder {
network( ip(;
destination forwarderonedest {
log {
error i get when i try to restart is
/etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart
[....] Restarting syslog-ng (via systemctl): syslog-ng.serviceJob for syslog-ng.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status syslog-ng.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
what works for me is
destination Windest {
source forwarder {
destination forwarderonedest {
log {
and it works. but all the logs from all the machines get written on to a single file.
You can try the below configuration in order to split logs in two/more files:
As per teh config below , syslog-ng server will be running on 2 different ports (your choice) i.e., 514 and 515.
So, on client you can configure application logs to be forwarded to port 514 and system logs to port number 515.
Syslog-ng server will handle the logs in two different files.
#### Local Logs ####
source s_local { system(); internal(); };
#### Source : Application Logs ####
source s_xyz_network {
network(transport(tcp) ip( port (514) flags(syslog-protocol));
#### Source: System Logs #####
source s_sys_network {
network(transport(tcp) ip( port (515) flags(syslog-protocol));
destination d_local {
file("/var/log/syslog-ng/local_sys_logs.log"); };
destination d_xyz_logs {
); };
destination d_sys_logs {
); };
log { source(s_xyz_network); destination(d_xyz_logs);};
log { source(s_local); destination(d_local);};
log { source (s_sys_network);destination(d_sys_logs);};
##### Config Ends ########
Hope this will help you :)

How do I find the wss URL for a meteor-deployed app?

I'm trying to connect via DDP to my meteor-deployed website at . This other answer has been very helpful, but I'm having trouble finding what my URL is, which according to that answer should have the following structure:
ws://ddp--xxxx-{host name}
How do you find out?
My meteor.js file is:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
test: function(){
return 5;
I'm using pyddp, and my python file to ddp into mywebsite is:
import ddp
import time
import sys
client = ddp.ConcurrentDDPClient('wss://')
while True:
future ='test')
result_message = future.get()
if result_message.has_result():
print 'Result:', result_message.result
if result_message.has_error():
print 'Error:', result_message.error
except KeyboardInterrupt:
When connecting to an app that is deployed to, you can use the following URL scheme:
wss denotes the encrypted WebSocket protocol URI scheme, and it is run on port 443.
