Bar chart over world mape - r

I was able to create a nice world map, I used this code for my data and I was able to obtain the point plot using the geom_point.
I want to put the data as a bar chart over the map for each country something like this image
  Could you help produce the bar chart over the map?
Here is a producible code for my data
#### create the data
df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 8, nrow = 4))
colnames(df) <- c( "X.prj", "Y.prj","country", "Region","V1","V2","V3","V4" )
df$X.prj <- c(8649752.0,17359084.9, -744932.8, -5091132.5)
df$Y.prj <- c(5860666.76, -2263969.57,1659622.59,-4391906.10)
df$country <- c("Mongolia","Niue","Mali","Argentina")
df$Region <- c("Asia","PAC","Africa","GRULAC")
df$V1 <- c(106.4666667,258.8,56.05,1997.55)
df$V2 <- c(1.6,63.4,14.5,0)
df$V3 <- c(205.1333333, 369,169,403)
df$V4 <- c(219.3333333,175,150,247)
## Create a world cities map using ggplot.
library(rgdal) # for spTransform() & project()
library(ggplot2) # for ggplot()
library(ggrepel) # for geom_text_repel() - repel overlapping text labels
# =============================================================================
# Load ready to use data from GitHub
# =============================================================================
# This will load 6 objects:
# xbl.X & lbl.Y are two data.frames that contain labels for graticule lines
# They can be created with the code at this link:
# NE_box is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object and represents a bounding box for Earth
# NE_countries is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object representing countries
# NE_graticules is a SpatialLinesDataFrame object that represents 10 dg latitude lines and 20 dg longitude lines
# (for creating graticules check also the graticule package or gridlines fun. from sp package)
# (or check this gist:
# NE_places - SpatialPointsDataFrame with city and town points
# NOTE: data downloaded from
# here is a sample script how to download, unzip and read such shapefiles:
# =============================================================================
# Project from long-lat to Eckert IV projection
# =============================================================================
# spTransform() is used for shapefiles and project() in the case of data frame
# for more PROJ.4 strings check the followings
# __ give the PORJ.4 string for Eckert IV projection
PROJ <- "+proj=eck4 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
# or use the short form "+proj=eck4"
# __ project the shapefiles
NE_countries.prj <- spTransform(NE_countries, CRSobj = PROJ)
NE_graticules.prj <- spTransform(NE_graticules, CRSobj = PROJ)
NE_box.prj <- spTransform(NE_box, CRSobj = PROJ)
# __ project long-lat coordinates columns for data frames
# (two extra columns with projected XY are created)
prj.coord <- project(cbind(lbl.Y$lon, lbl.Y$lat), proj = PROJ)
lbl.Y.prj <- cbind(prj.coord, lbl.Y)
names(lbl.Y.prj)[1:2] <- c("X.prj","Y.prj")
prj.coord <- project(cbind(lbl.X$lon, lbl.X$lat), proj = PROJ)
lbl.X.prj <- cbind(prj.coord, lbl.X)
names(lbl.X.prj)[1:2] <- c("X.prj","Y.prj")
# =============================================================================
# Prepare the data table for plotting
# =============================================================================
# melt all variable to one column
df.melt <- melt(df, id= c("X.prj","Y.prj","country","Region"),
measure.vars = 5:8)
ggplot() +
# __ add layers and labels
# add projected countries
geom_polygon(data = NE_countries.prj,
aes(long,lat, group = group),
colour = "gray70", fill = "gray90", size = .25)+
# Note: "Regions defined for each Polygons" warning has to do with fortify transformation.
# fortify might get deprecated in future!
# alternatively, use use map_data(NE_countries) to transform to data frame and then use project() to change to desired projection.
# add projected bounding box
geom_polygon(data = NE_box.prj,
aes(x = long, y = lat),
colour = "black", fill = "transparent", size = .25)+
# add locations (points); add opacity with "alpha" argument&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
geom_point(data = df.melt,
aes(x = X.prj, y = Y.prj, colour = Region, ),
alpha = .5)
## Here I was trying to produce the bar chart which I get a lot of error by using the code below:
for (i in 1:nrow(df)) %>% subplot(barplot(dheight=as.numeric(as.character(unlist(df[i, 5:8], use.names=F))), axes=F,
x=df[i, "X.prj"], y=df[i,"Y.prj"], size=c(.6, .6))


raster does not align with shapefile after processing with rgee

I defined a polygon:
polygon <- ee$Geometry$Polygon(
c(91.17, -13.42),
c(154.10, -13.42),
c(154.10, 21.27),
c(91.17, 21.27),
c(91.17, -13.42)
The polygon covers countries around south-east Asia
For each pixel in the polygon, I want to calculate monthly sum of a given band for a given year as follows:
month_vec <- 1:12
pr_ls <- list()
for(m in seq_along(month_vec)){
month_ref <- month_vec[m]
pr_ls[[m]] <-
filterBounds(polygon)$ # filter it by polygon
select('pr')$ # select rainfall
filter(ee$Filter$calendarRange(2000, 2000, "year"))$ # filter the year
filter(ee$Filter$calendarRange(month_ref, month_ref, "month"))$ # filter the month
filter(ee$Filter$eq("model","ACCESS1-0"))$ # filter the model
sum() # sum the rainfall
Imagecollection_pr <- ee$ImageCollection(pr_ls)
ic = Imagecollection_pr,
region = polygon,
dsn = paste0('pr_')
Reading a single month's file
my_rast <- raster(list.files(pattern = '.tif', full.names = TRUE)[1])
Since this raster covers southeast asian countries, I downloaded the shapefile
sea_shp <- getData('GADM', country = c('IDN','MYS','SGP','BRN','PHL'), level = 0)
Plotting them on top of each other:
plot(sea_shp, add = T)
There is a misalignment and I am not sure if it is the right raster that has been
processed for the given polygon. I also checked if their projection is same
CRS arguments: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
CRS arguments: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
Both of them have the same projection as well. I cannot figure out what went wrong?
As suggested in comments, I defined a new polygon covering Australia as follows:
polygon <- ee$Geometry$Polygon(
and repeated the above code. Plotting the raster again for the month of March on polygon gives me this:
Does anyone know if I can check if my raster is reversed w.r.t to polygon boundaries?
This seems to be related to rgdal rather than to the raster package. Some raster downloaded from GEE have data flipped with respect to y. I solved this problem, as follow:
polygon <- ee$Geometry$Polygon(
c(91.17, -13.42),
c(154.10, -13.42),
c(154.10, 21.27),
c(91.17, 21.27),
c(91.17, -13.42)
month_vec <- 1:12
pr_ls <- list()
for(m in seq_along(month_vec)){
month_ref <- month_vec[m]
pr_ls[[m]] <-
filterBounds(polygon)$ # filter it by polygon
select('pr')$ # select rainfall
filter(ee$Filter$calendarRange(2000, 2000, "year"))$ # filter the year
filter(ee$Filter$calendarRange(month_ref, month_ref, "month"))$ # filter the month
filter(ee$Filter$eq("model","ACCESS1-0"))$ # filter the model
sum() # sum the rainfall
Imagecollection_pr <- ee$ImageCollection(pr_ls) %>% ee_get(0)
exp1 <- ee_imagecollection_to_local(
ic = Imagecollection_pr,
region = polygon,
dsn = "pp_via_drive",
via = "drive" # please always use "drive" or "gcs" until rgee 1.0.6 release
# One option
gdalinfo <- try (rgdal::GDALinfo(exp1))
if (isTRUE(attr(gdalinfo, "ysign") == 1)) {
exp1_r <- flip(raster(exp1), direction='y')
Recent versions of the earthengine Python API causes some inconsistencies when via = "getInfo" is used, please always use via = "drive" until the release of rgee 1.0.6.
There does not seem to be a misalignment. To plot all these countries in one step, you could do
x <- lapply(c('IDN','MYS','SGP','BRN','PHL'), function(i) getData('GADM', country = i, level = 0))
sea_shp <- bind(x)

There is an R library to create a grid over a map?

I am traying to create a map (specifically a Porto city map) I have somes points that are represents by latitude and longitud degree. But the points are very accurate and I want to create a grid to put the similars and close points together.
In this way I could take more relevant information for zones that concentrates more points.
########### Exploratory Visualization of the station locations ###########
# Create a data frame showing the **Latitude/Longitude**
# They are more than 5000 points (these they are only an example)
station <- data.frame(lat = c(41.141412, 41.140359, 41.151951, 41.18049),
long = c(-8.618643, -8.612964, -8.574678, -8.645994),
station = 1:4)
# Convert to SpatialPointsDataFrame
coordinates(station) <- ~long + lat
# Set the projection. They were latitude and longitude, so use WGS84 long-lat projection
proj4string(station) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
# View the station location using the mapview function
########### Determine the origin NOT RUN ###########
# Set the origin
ori <- SpatialPoints(cbind(41.141412, -8.618643), proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
# Convert the projection of ori
# Use EPSG: 3857 (Spherical Mercator)
ori_t <- spTransform(ori, CRSobj = CRS("+init=epsg:3857"))
########### Determine the extent of the grid ###########
# Transformed with
y_ori <- 5029715.97
x_ori <- -966577.67
# Define how many cells for x and y axis
x_cell <- 16
y_cell <- 12
# Define the resolution to be 1000 meters
cell_size <- 1000
# Create the extent
ext <- extent(x_ori, x_ori + (x_cell * cell_size), y_ori, y_ori + (y_cell * cell_size))
# Initialize a raster layer
ras <- raster(ext)
# Set the resolution to be
res(ras) <- c(cell_size, cell_size)
ras[] <- 0
# Project the raster
projection(ras) <- CRS("+init=epsg:3857")
# Create interactive map
mapview(station) + mapview(ras)
########### Determine the extent of the grid ###########
# Save the raster layer
writeRaster(ras, filename = "ras.tif", format="GTiff")
# Convert to spatial pixel
st_grid <- rasterToPoints(ras, spatial = TRUE)
gridded(st_grid) <- TRUE
st_grid <- as(st_grid, "SpatialPixels")
The result of this code are 4 points over the map of Porto and a grid over there. I want to the nearby points belong to the same grid.

Merging rasterstacks with different dimensions/projections

How can I extract the whole CONUS SSURGO data from FedData and then how can I combine that rasterstack into a single rasterstack with worldclim data?
# FedData Tester
# Extract data for the Village Ecodynamics Project "VEPIIN" study area:
vepPolygon <- polygon_from_extent(raster::extent(672800, 740000, 4102000, 4170000),
proj4string = "+proj=utm +datum=NAD83 +zone=12")
# Get the NRCS SSURGO data (USA ONLY)
SSURGO.VEPIIN <- get_ssurgo(template = vepPolygon,
label = "VEPIIN")
# Plot the NED again
# Plot the SSURGO mapunit polygons
lwd = 0.1,
add = TRUE)
r <- getData("worldclim",var="bio",res=2.5)

How to recode xy points into a new unit in a polygon spatial join?

So I'm looking to map xy points from a data frame and then recode them with a marker related to a new polygon so I can link them to that unit; from my understanding this requires a spatial join. I've been following these links:
R convert zipcode or lat/long to county
I am missing something though regarding the conversion process of the dataframe and I'm not sure where I am making the error. I'm pasting in quick and dirty reproducible code from the open data API as an example. The shape file I am using is the community districts NYC file found here:
code is below:
In this case as a reproducible sample lets take these points from open data and map them to the community districts file for NYC. Appreciate the help guys!
#call api data--------------------------
df = fromJSON("$query= SELECT Lat, Long_")
df = df[1:10000]
df <- data.frame(t(matrix(unlist(df), nrow=length(unlist(df[1])))))
names(df)[names(df) == 'X2'] = 'x'
names(df)[names(df) == 'X1'] = 'y'
df = df[, c("x", "y")]
df$x = as.numeric(as.character(df$x))
df$y = as.numeric(as.character(df$y))
df$x = round(df$x, 4)
df$y = round(df$y, 4)
df$x[df$x < -74.2] = NA
df$y[df$y < 40.5] = NA
df = na.omit(df)
#map data----------------------------
cd = readOGR("nycd.shp", layer = "nycd")
cd = spTransform(cd, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
cd_f = fortify(cd)
#map data
nyc = ggplot() +
y=lat, group=group), fill='grey',
size=.2,color='black', data=cd_f, alpha=1)
nyc + geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y), data = df, size = 1)
#spatial join---------------------------
# Convert pointsDF to a SpatialPoints object
pointsSP <- SpatialPoints(df,
proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=wgs84"))
Error in CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=wgs84") :
unknown elliptical parameter name
# Use 'over' to get _indices_ of the Polygons object containing each point
indices <- over(pointsSP, cd)
You have to provide a correct CRS. I found it on (WGS 1984)
# Convert pointsDF to a SpatialPoints object
pointsSP <- SpatialPoints(df,
proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"))
After that, you have to reproject the points into the CRS of cd:
pointsSP <- spTransform(pointsSP, proj4string(cd))
# Use 'over' to get _indices_ of the Polygons object containing each point
indices <- over(pointsSP, cd)
# BoroCD Shape_Leng Shape_Area
# 1 407 139168.79 328355685
# 2 407 139168.79 328355685
# 3 407 139168.79 328355685
# 4 407 139168.79 328355685
# 5 407 139168.79 328355685
# 6 105 35287.62 43796717

How to perform Looping for idw in R

I have a data frame which contains point daily precipitation for 4 station for 2 years. I want to interpolate to 50m resoulution and write them in to 2 raster images. I used following code to achieve this...
coordinates(datas) = ~xcord+ycord
mesh <- expand.grid(x=seq(0,500,50),y=seq(0,500,50))
gridded(mesh) <- TRUE
oneidw = idw(value1~1,datas,mesh)
spplot(oneidw["var1.pred"], main = " inverse distance weighted interpolations")
It worked. but i want to apply a loop to do it for another variable value2 (and so on...) without doing it manually.
and i used this
sym<-paste("value", 1:2,sep="")
for (i in 3:ncol(datas)){
but i got error too many spatial dimensions........
can anybody help me with this....
I'm not too familiar with spplot, but this worked for me using ggplot.
new_datas <- select(datas, xcord, ycord)
parse_by <- colnames(datas)[3:4] #change according to designated value columns
for ( i in parse_by ) {
variable <- datas[i]
new_datas2 <- cbind(new_datas, variable) #combine single variable col w/ coordinates
colnames(new_datas2)[3] = "variable" #rename so that you can call to in idw formula
coordinates(new_datas2) = ~xcord+ycord
mesh <- expand.grid(x=seq(0,500,50),y=seq(0,500,50))
gridded(mesh) = TRUE
plot(mesh) #plot background so ggplot can use later
points(new_datas2) #points for ggplot to use later
one<-idw(formula = variable~1, locations = new_datas2, newdata = mesh) #idw formula
one.output <-
names(one.output)[1:3] <- c("xcord", "ycord", "var1.pred") #rename for ggplot geom_tile
ggplot() + geom_tile(data = one.output, alpha = 1, aes(x = xcord, y = ycord, fill = var1.pred)) +
geom_point(data = new_datas, aes(x = xcord, y = ycord)) +
labs(fill = "inverse distance weighted interpolations")
ggsave(paste(i,".png",sep="")) #save as .png according to variable name
