What does `python3 ()` do? - zsh

While trying to execute a timeit command on the command line using the python command line interface I accidentally put .function() on the outside of the command like so:
$ python3 -m timeit '<code>'.function()
Rather than the timeit command being executed, I was prompted as such:
Thinking I had entered the python repl I tried to quit with q. Yes, I'm aware quit() is the correct way to do this. Having returned to the command line, I noticed the error and corrected it like so:
$ python3 -m timeit `<code>.function()`
I expected this code to execute correctly, but instead I received the following error:
python3:7: command not found: q
After discussing it with some colleagues, it was suggested that I check which python was being used:
$ which python3
python3 () {
This was not what I was expecting! Normally the result would be /usr/local/bin/python3. Through some trial and error I was able to determine that the minimal case to reproduce this is:
$ python3 ()
function> q
Now that the context is out of the way, I have two questions about the behaviour I witnessed:
1. What exactly does python3 () do?
2. How do I return execution to its original state in the same terminal window? I'm aware I can open a new terminal window and the original state exists in that window.

The syntax foo () is used in POSIX-compliant shells (such as bash, dash, and zsh) to define a function. Your entire snippet defines a function called python3 and executes the command q when it's ran. You can bypass shell functions and aliases using the command command: command -p python3 myfile.py
To remove the function from the current shell process, you can use unset -f python3. If it keeps coming back after starting new shells, then it's likely defined in one of you shell initialization files.


How to invoke a system command in R on shared computing cluster?

I am attempting to call a system command from within an R script. The system command I want to call is a name of a software that I load as a module on a shared computing cluster (using singularity). The problem I am having is that the software is not able to run when I use the system command.
system_trial.R) has only one line:
hostname[1] Rscript system_trial.R
sh: STAR: command not found
Warning message:
In system("STAR") : error in running command
Of course, the software works if I call it from the shell directly.
hostname[2] STAR
Usage: STAR [options]... --genomeDir /path/to/genome/index/ --readFilesIn R1.fq R2.fq
Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference (c) Alexander Dobin, 2009-2020
If I run which STAR, I get singularity exec /apps/singularity-3/star/star-2.7.5a--0.sif STAR $#
Replacing system('STAR') with system('singularity exec /apps/singularity-3/star/star-2.7.5a--0.sif STAR $#') actually executes the software.
Replacing system('STAR') with system('which STAR'), returns which: no STAR in (/bin:etc...)
Using system2('STAR') gives sh: STAR: command not found.
I would like to simply use system('STAR'). How can I achieve this?
Related post without an answer: R: calling a system command

Error while running a .sh script via QProcess

I have written a QT GUI program where pressing a button will execute a .sh script. The contents of the script is-
echo -e 'attach database 'testdatabase.db' as 'aj';\n.separator ","\n.import ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported' | sqlite3 testdatabase.db
basically the script will import a .csv to an sqlite database. And when the script file (script.sh) is run manually from linux terminal ($./script.sh) it successfully imports the .csv file into the database table.
But, when I call the script from my QT program
void MainWindow::on_importButton_clicked()
QProcess process;
it compiles successfully but gives an error message in console when the button is pressed at runtime.
Error: near line 1: near "-": syntax error
Error: cannot open "ora_exported.csv"
what could be causing this ???
I have changed my .sh script now to--
echo -e 'attach database 'testdatabase.db' as 'aj';\n.separator ","\n.import /home/aj/ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported' | sqlite3 testdatabase.db
Thus providing the path to my ora_exported.csv. As a result the runtime error [Error: cannot open "ora_exported.csv"] has gone but the other message [Error: near line 1: near "-": syntax error] is still coming.
Same as was observed in previous case, using ./script.sh is successfully importing data to sqlite3 db table file but QProcess is unable to.
echo is a built in command of a shell that may behave differently.
E.g. take this test script: echotest.sh
echo -e "123"
Now we can compare different results:
$ bash echotest.sh
$ zsh echotest.sh
$ dash echotest.sh
-e 123
You are probably on some Ubuntu-like OS, where /bin/sh redirects to dash. That would explain the error around "-". So if you are using echo, set you shell specificially or ensure that your script works on all common shells.
Additionally, you are messing up your quotations
echo -e 'attach database 'testdatabase.db' as 'aj';\n.separator ","\n.import /home/aj/ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported'
results in (no quotations in the first line)
attach database testdatabase.db as aj;
.separator ","
.import /home/aj/ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported
but you pobably want
echo -e "attach database 'testdatabase.db' as 'aj';\n.separator ','\n.import /home/aj/ora_exported.csv qt_ora_exported"
It looks strange that you are using external script to update database!
why you don't pass "ora_exported.csv" file name as a script argument? This would help solve the problem.
I was talking (typing) about this solution:
void MainWindow::on_importButton_clicked()
"<location of: 'ora_exported.csv' file>");

Calling external program from R with multiple commands in system

I am new to programming and mainly I am able to do some scripts within R, but for my work I need to call an external program. For this program to work on the ubuntu's terminal I have to first use setenv and then execute the program. Googling I've found the system () and Sys.setenv() functions, but unfortunately I can make it function.
This is the code that does work in the ubuntu terminal:
$ export PATH=/home/meme/bin:$PATH
$ mast "/home/meme/meme.txt" "/home/meme/seqs.txt" -o "/home/meme/output" -comp
Where the first two arguments are input files, the -o argument is the output directory and the -comp is another parameter for the program to run.
The reason that I need to do it in R despite it already works in the terminal is because I need to run the program 1000 times with 1000 different files so I want to make a for loop where the input name changes in every loop and then analyze every output in R.
I have already tried to use:
Sys.setenv(PATH="/home/meme/bin"); system(mast "/home/meme/meme.txt" "/home/meme/seqs.txt" -o "/home/meme/output" -comp )
system(Sys.setenv(PATH="/home/meme/bin") && mast "/home/meme/meme.txt" "/home/meme/seqs.txt" -o "/home/meme/output" -comp )
but always received:
Error: unexpected constant string in "system(mast "/home/meme/meme.txt""
Error: unexpected symbol in "system(Sys.setenv(PATH="/home/meme/bin") && mast "/home/meme/meme.txt""
At this point I have run out of ideas to make this work. If this has already been answered, then my googling have just been poor and I would appreciate any links to its response.
Thank you very much for your time.
Additional details:
I use Ubuntu 12.04 64-bits version, RStudio version 0.97.551, R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) -- "Frisbee Sailing" Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit).
The program I use (MAST) finds a sequence pattern in a list of letters and is part of the MEME SUIT version 4.9.1 found in http://meme.nbcr.net/meme/doc/meme-install.html and run through command line. The command-line usage for mast is:
mast <motif file> <sequence file> [options]
Construct the string you want to execute with paste and feed that to system:
for(i in 1:10){
cmd=paste("export FOO=",i," ; echo \"$FOO\" ",sep='')
Note the use of sep='' to stop paste putting spaces in, and back-quoting quote marks in the string to preserve them.
Test before running by using print(cmd) instead of system(cmd) to make sure you are getting the right command built. Maybe do:
and set TESTING=TRUE or FALSE in R before running.
If you are going to be running more than one shell command per system call, it might be better to put them all in one shell script file and call that instead, passing parameters from R. Something like:
cmd = paste("/home/me/bin/dojob.sh ",i,i+1)
and then dojob.sh is a shell script that parses the args. You'll need to learn a bit more shell scripting.

Loop for interpret the python script (.py)

I'm a beginner for Python. My question might be basic, but I cannot figure it out. What I want to do is to run the following command 100 times in which the variable "num" runs from 0 through 99.
python test.py input_num.txt -i 5 --cor_file=output_num.txt
For example:
python test.py input_0.txt -i 5 --cor_file=output_0.txt
python test.py input_1.txt -i 5 --cor_file=output_1.txt
python test.py input_99.txt -i 5 --cor_file=output_99.txt
I know that I have to write a script for running the loop, but cannot figure it out yet. If you have any recommendation, that would be very nice.
I tried to write a script called main.py containing the following commands, but it didn't work.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import test
ext_str = '.txt'
inp = 'input_'
out = 'output_'
for num in range(0,99):
inp += 'num'
inp_str = inp + ext_str
out += 'num'
out_str = out + ext_str
python test.py inp_str -i 5 --cor_file=out_str
Thank you very much.
In your case you need to call the python interpreter on various files, e.g. you need to call the "python" shell command, it means that you have to create a shell script (and not a python script, actually you could do it with some python code but it would be way too complicated in your case):
for i in {0..99}
python test.py input_$i.txt -i 5 --cor_file=output_$i.txt
put the above code in a ".sh" file then don't forget to "chmod +x the ", then run it with ./.sh (given that your are in the current directory).
N.B.: If you need some references on bash scripting : Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial

Using python to execute .R script

After seven hours of googling and rereading through somewhat similar questions, and then lots of trial and error, I'm now comfortable asking for some guidance.
To simplify my actual task, I created a very basic R script (named test_script):
x <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
avg <- mean(x)
write.csv(avg, file = "output.csv")
This works as expected.
I'm new to python and I'm just trying to figure out how to execute the R script so that the same .csv file is created.
Notable results come from:
subprocess.call(["C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.2/bin/R", 'C:/Users/matt/Desktop/test_script.R'])
This opens a cmd window with the typical R start-up verbiage, except there is a message which reads, "ARGUMENT 'C:/Users/matt/Desktop/test_script.R' __ ignored __"
subprocess.call(['C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.2/bin/Rscript', 'C:/Users/matt/Desktop/test_script.r'])
This flashes a cmd window and returns a 0, but no .csv file is created.
Otherwise, I've tried every suggestion I could identify on this site or any other. Any insight will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time and efforts.
Running R --help at the command prompt prints:
Usage: R [options] [< infile] [> outfile]
or: R CMD command [arguments]
Start R, a system for statistical computation and graphics, with the
specified options, or invoke an R tool via the 'R CMD' interface.
-h, --help Print short help message and exit
--version Print version info and exit
-f FILE, --file=FILE Take input from 'FILE'
-e EXPR Execute 'EXPR' and exit
FILE may contain spaces but not shell metacharacers.
BATCH Run R in batch mode
COMPILE Compile files for use with R
call(["C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.2/bin/R", '-f', 'C:/Users/matt/Desktop/test_script.R'])
There are also some other command-line arguments you can pass to R that may be helpful. Run R --help to see the full list.
It might be too late, but hope it helps for others:
Just add --vanilla in the call list.
subprocess.call(['C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.2/bin/Rscript', '--vanilla', 'C:/Users/matt/Desktop/test_script.r'])
