R Plotly rotation of text in add_text - r

I can't seem to get the text to rotate in Plotly, in a scatter plot, using add_text().
I'm just trying to get the same result that the angle argument yields in ggplot. In plotly, the output needs to have the hovertext if that's of consequence.
Example -
data <- data.frame(
x = 1:10,
y = runif(10,0,10),
lab = LETTERS[1:10]
# base output needed in ggplot
p <- data %>%
ggplot(aes(x,y)) +
geom_text(aes(label = lab, angle = 90))
# doesn't respect angle arg - not that I'm looking to use ggplotly
# plotly version
plot_ly(data) %>%
x = ~x,
y = ~y,
text = ~lab,
hovertext = ~paste0("Label is ", lab),
# things I've tried (generally one at a time..)
textfont = list(angle = 90, textangle = 90, orientation = 90, rotate = 90)
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I can't track it down.. Help pls!

It appears the solution is to use add_annotations() rather than add_text(). A textangle arg is then accpeted.
Edit - turns out you need two traces - annotations to achieve the text rotation, then markers for the hovertext. Setting opacity = 0 for the markers seems OK.


Placing Spaces Between the Titles of Plots

I made this pie chart in R:
# https://plotly.com/r/text-and-annotations/
df <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/gapminderDataFiveYear.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- df[which(df$year==2007 & df$continent=='Asia'),]
fig <- plot_ly(df, type='pie', labels = ~country, values = ~pop, textposition = 'inside')
fig1 <- fig %>% layout(uniformtext=list(minsize=12, mode='hide'))
fig1 <- fig1 %>% add_annotations(
text="Countries of the World",
Everything works fine here, but I notice that when I am working with my real data, the title of the pie chart and the actual pie chart always come very close to intersecting with each other - I would like to try and change this.
I was thinking if there might be a way to avoid this problem. I thought that perhaps I could add more space between the title and the actual pie chart to avoid this problem from happening. I found this post here (how to adjust title space and plot plotly in r) and tried to apply the advice that was suggested in the answer:
mrg <- list(l = 50, r = 50,
b = 50, t = 50,
pad = 20)
fig1 %>% layout(margin = mrg)
However, this has not seemed to add any space between the pie chart and the title of the pie chart.
Can someone please show me how to do this correctly?
Thank you!
Here is one option making use of layout for the title and adjusting the spacing. Then, you can just adjust the margins to get the desired spacing.
plot_ly(df, type='pie', labels = ~country, values = ~pop, textposition = 'inside') %>%
layout(uniformtext=list(minsize=12, mode='hide')) %>%
layout(title = list(text = 'Countries of the World',
x=0.43, font=list(size = 30)),
autosize = T,
margin=list( l = 50, r = 50, b = 100, t = 100, pad = 4))

Is it possible to combine the ggplot legend with the plotly legend so they are equivalent?

I'm trying to combine ggplot and plotly together to make a timeline.
It's working great, but have an issue using the legend. The code below replicates what I'm trying to do.
df2 = data.frame(x,y = 2*x+rnorm(length(x)),lab = as.factor(c("col1","col2")))
status_colors <- c("#0070C0", "#00B050", "#FFC000", "#C00000","darkgreen","purple","darkgrey","blue","salmon","darkorange","black","navy","darkblue")
status_levels <- c(sort(unique(df2$lab)))
p= ggplot(df2,aes(x=x, y=y, col = lab)) + geom_point() + labs(col="labtest") +
labels=status_levels, drop = FALSE)
fig = ggplotly(p, tooltip = NULL)
fig %>%
x = df2$x,
y = ifelse(df2$y>0,df2$y+0.05,df2$y-0.05),
text = df2$lab,
hovertext = df2$lab,
hoverinfo = 'text',
mode ="text",
textfont = list(color=status_colors[df2$lab], size =10),
marker = list(color=status_colors[df2$lab], size = 0.00001),
showlegend = T,
textposition = ifelse(df2$y>0,"top center","bottom center")
Basically, as you can see in the image, the label of each point is the same colour as the point that it is attached to. But whenever I add the legend of the label text from plotly, there is a new legend that appears that controls all the points regardless of their colour.
Thus, is there a way to combine the ggplot legend with the plotly legend so that it's only written col1 and col2 with the right colour and that whenever I interact with the points of a certain colour, the label attached to it stays there?
In other words, is there a way to remove the "trace 2" legend and make the "add_text" know that there is a legend already created in ggplot?
If I got you right, besides getting rid of the second legend (which can be simply achievd by setting showlegend = FALSE) you want one legend to control both the points and the labels. This can be achieved via legendgroups. Instead of adding labels with one add_text you could (or have to? Sorry. Still a plotly newbie so perhaps there is a simpler approach) add the labels via two add_text calls one for each col. Instead of copy and paste (which is probably okay for just two cols, but with more cols ...) you can add these via the magic of purrr::reduce to the ggplotly object. Try this:
df2 = data.frame(x,y = 2*x+rnorm(length(x)),lab = as.factor(c("col1","col2")))
status_colors <- c("#0070C0", "#00B050", "#FFC000", "#C00000","darkgreen","purple","darkgrey","blue","salmon","darkorange","black","navy","darkblue")
status_levels <- c(sort(unique(df2$lab)))
p= ggplot(df2,aes(x=x, y=y, col = lab)) + geom_point() +
labs(col="labtest") +
labels=status_levels, drop = FALSE)
fig = ggplotly(p, tooltip = NULL)
purrr::reduce(c("col1", "col2"), ~ .x %>% add_text(
data = filter(df2, lab == .y),
x = ~x,
y = ~ifelse(y > 0, y + 0.05, y-0.05),
text = ~lab,
hovertext = ~lab,
hoverinfo = 'text',
mode ="text",
textfont = list(color= ~status_colors[lab], size =10),
marker = list(color= ~status_colors[lab], size = 0.00001),
showlegend = FALSE,
textposition = ~ifelse(y>0, "top center","bottom center"),
legendgroup = .y
), .init = fig)
BTW: I also simplified the code a little bit. You don't need df2$... because (gg)plotly already knows the data.

plotly adding a source or caption to a chart

Is there a way to add a data source / caption to a chart in Plotly, similar with what can be done in ggplot with the caption argument:
labs(caption = "source: data i found somewhere")
i.e., so we can display the data source at the bottom right of the graph, in a smaller font.
annotation offers a simple way to add a caption to a chart in plotly:
plot_ly(x=~hp, y=~mpg, data=mtcars, type="scatter", mode="marker") %>%
layout(annotations =
list(x = 1, y = -0.1, text = "Source: data I found somewhere.",
showarrow = F, xref='paper', yref='paper',
xanchor='right', yanchor='auto', xshift=0, yshift=0,
font=list(size=15, color="red"))
More details are given here and here.
If you want to use a ggplot graph, you can convert it to plotly using ggplotly and still add a caption using the same layout function like this:
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = hp, y = mpg)) +
ggplotly(p) %>%
layout(margin = list(l = 50, r = 50, b = 100, t = 50),
annotations = list(x = 1, y = -0.3, text = "Source: data I found somewhere.",
xref='paper', yref='paper', showarrow = F,
xanchor='right', yanchor='auto', xshift=0, yshift=0,
font = list(size = 10)))
So this makes it possible to use ggplot as a plotly graph.
This was what I was looking for, but it don't produce the same result as expected when I run it - the text didn't show. I edited and tested and got the text to show. But I don't understand all the arguments within the list, could you explain?
Here are some of them I think got figured out.
xref and yref: "paper" - suggest some ref. to the plot-area (but from where, i.e. what point I don't know)
x and y - moving the text in decimal %(?) from some point, increasing x - right, increasing y - up
showarrow - is self-explanitory

Adding a Vertical / Horizontal Reference Line using Plotly

I'm working with a proportional bar chart and I'd like to draw a vertical line at a particular X value. I'd prefer to accomplish this using the plotly package, but it doesn't seem to be easily done.
The solution found at Horizontal/Vertical Line in plotly doesn't seem to get the job done.
I've provided some sample code below that could be used to draw the vertical line at X = 3.
plot_ly(diamonds[1:1000, ], x = ~x, y = ~cut, color = ~color) %>% add_bars()
I'd appreciate any help in this matter.
I found some information about lines in plotly from Zappos Engineering here. The range -0.5 to 4.5 is because there are five categories in the data provided, each centered on a whole number. The y range creates the line, while the x constant (at 3) keeps the line vertical.
p <- plot_ly(diamonds[1:1000, ], x = ~x, y = ~cut, color = ~color) %>% add_bars()
p <- layout(p, shapes = list(type = "line", fillcolor = "red",
line = list(color = "red"),
opacity = 1,
x0 = 3, x1 = 3, xref = 'x',
y0 = -0.5, y1 = 4.5, yref = 'y'))

Plotly markers to appear in a bar chart

I am new to plotly and want to make my own bullet chart (a bit like http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4061961) that has markers/traces to show the values of the relevant values when comparing actual vs expected.
Below is my attempt:
q <- ggplot(data.frame(measure='',actual=25),aes(x=measure,y=actual))+
geom_hline(yintercept = 30,color='red')+
ylab('Num. of carrots')
q1 <- ggplotly(q) %>% add_markers()
When converting it to plotly using ggplotly, the text looks like it has not rotated correctly, and the markers/traces do not show for the bar chart...Any help here would be much appreciated.
Kindest regards,
I do not think that plotly supports rotating text for type="scatter" (which is how ggplotly is interpreting your geom_text). You can delete the geom_text line from the ggplot graph, then add text to the plotly one using annotations:
q1 <- ggplotly(q) %>% add_markers() %>%
layout(annotations = list(x = 30, y = 1, text = "Expected", textangle=270))
The 2nd part of your question (how to also get hover info on the bar) is slightly trickier. To get the hover info, we can create the bars using the plotly API directly like this
p.bars = plot_ly(data = data.frame(measure='', actual=25)) %>%
add_bars(y=~measure, x=~actual, orientation="h")
we can add the text annotation to it like this
p.bars.text = p.bars %>%
layout(annotations = list(x = 30, y = 0, text = "Expected", textangle=270,
showarrow=F, xanchor="center"))
But the problem is that adding a line also to this plot by
p.bars.text %>% add_segments(x=30, xend=30, y=-0.5, yend=0.5)
gives an error
Error in populate_categorical_axes(p) : Can't display both discrete & non-discrete data on same axis
I.e. we can only specify the y values of the line with respect to categorical values of y. So, for example we can do
dat1 = data.frame(measure=letters[1:2], actual=c(25,20))
plot_ly(data = dat1) %>%
add_bars(y=~measure, x=~actual, orientation="h") %>%
layout(annotations = list(x = 29, y = 0, text = "Expected", textangle=270,
showarrow=F, xanchor="center")) %>%
add_segments(x=30, xend=30, y='a', yend='b')
which gives the following in which the line is aligned with the category labels rather than with the width of the bars
The only solution I have to this at the moment is to use a numeric axis for the categories, and then set the axis labels using ticktext:
plot_ly(data = data.frame(measure=c(0,1), actual=c(25,20))) %>%
add_bars(y=~measure, x=~actual, orientation="h", showlegend=F) %>%
add_segments(x=30, xend=30, y=-0.4, yend=0.4, showlegend=F) %>%
layout(annotations = list(x = 29.5, y = 0, text = "Expected", textangle=270, showarrow=F, xanchor="center"),
yaxis = list(tickmode="array", tickvals=c(0,1), ticktext=c("", "") ))
