When reading css related text, I've came across this rather cryptic sentence:
"It is possible that a document will contain presentational hints that are not CSS - for example, the font element.".
I am not quite sure what "non-css presentational hints" are and what are their use cases.
Are they legacy features which are depreciated now? Could someone give an example?
In HTML, they are rendering guidance drawn from features that are frequently but not always obsolete.
In general, if a feature's only purpose is presentational - like the <font> element - then it will be obsolete. Nevertheless, it will still normally have an effect on the rendering in browsers. For example, the <center> element centres its contents horizontally on the page, but because it is obsolete, is should not be used. The CSS declaration text-align:center should be used instead.
However, features can have uses beyond the rendering, for example, the height and width attributes of <img> element are intended to convey information about the intrisic size of the image, without having to download that image. That means that a browser can use that information to decide whether to download the image, using up what might be precious bandwidth, or not. In addition, the information can be used as a presentational hint to determine the space used on screen to display the image, when there is no CSS doing that available. These attributes are not obsolete.
For more information see the HTML5 spec 14.2 The CSS user agent style sheet and presentational hints.
I am a newby to design and looking now into the use of background instead of foreground images, which is a common practice.
I look at the techniques used, and see that:
you usually need to explicitly state the dimensions of the image (and set the foreground element to these dimensions)
you need to make the foreground element to somehow disappear with css tricks.
All this looks really hackish. So, I wonder, why on earth do all this instead of just using the native element? I am sure there is a good answer
(I did go through this When to use IMG vs. CSS background-image? , and could not figure out a clear answer)
One thing to consider as a benefit to using CSS for images is that you can load all your design images (images for UI elements, etc) with one http request rather than an http request for each individual image using a sprite. One large image that contains a grid of all your images.
As its been stated before, content images should use the img tag which also helps for people using various accessibility options when visiting your site/app. For example, if they are using a screenreader, the screenreader knows its an image and can read the img alt name or title, but if its just a div with a background image they get nothing.
The main difference is that in the img tag the image is hardcoded.
With CSS you can create different designs, switch between them, redesign the page, without altering the source code. To see the power of CSS, check http://www.csszengarden.com/, all the pages use the same HTML source, but with different CSS layout.
As #Shmiddty noted, if img is for embedded images (actual content, for example a gallery, or a picture for an article), and CSS is for design.
Also, the question you referred to, has nice list of all the use-cases: When to use CSS background-image.
The goal is to separate content from presentation. HTML should contain just content, and all presentation should be moved to the CSS. Once you achieve that, you gain a few useful side effects:
The CSS (presentational code) is cached by the user's browser, and each HTML file requested is smaller. This also has some SEO benefits (decreased code fluff).
Screen readers have to muddle through less when interpreting your page for visually impaired users. Making sure your HTML contains just content means visually impaired users reach what they're looking for much quicker.
CSS makes it possible to display the same content in different visual configurations, which is the cornerstone of the responsive web design movement. Properly delineating your content and presentation means being able to use the same HTML files across multiple platforms (desktop, tablet, smartphone).
However, there are times when images are content on a specific page. In those cases, you want to use an IMG tag, and moving the image to the CSS is actually a wrong move. A great discussion of when and where to use text to image replacement is at When to use IMG vs. CSS background-image? Basically, my personal litmus test is something like: Is this image going to be used multiple times on the site? If it is, it's probably part of the design. Once-off images are generally content.
If you're looking to move your design images to the CSS, congratulations :-p You've adopted a healthy amount of work, but started doing something worthwhile to the long-term health of your website as part of the web ecosystem. I would highly recommend looking into using the SASS/Compass system to manage your design images as sprites (see A List Apart:CSS Sprites and Spriting with Compass).
One of the main points of image replacement is to use your site title in a h1 tag for good SEO, and then hiding the text and replacing it with a custom logo.
This also makes your site more accessible. Say for example, your user has CSS disabled for whatever reason (screenreaders, maybe). They would still see the textual representation of your site title, whereas normal users would see the custom graphic.
I am a hobbyist webdesigner, use html and CSS for testing various website designs. However one particular thing that always confuse me is the decision to make use of image as tag or to use it as background via css or html.
Is their any rule of thumb for this ?
As one of the answers pointed out, you need to make the difference between content and actual page style.
Let me elaborate on that. The purpose of the background-image property is used to define the look of a certain block of your page, be it a div or a p, the key point to take home is that you're defining the page's look. And images in the context of defining the page's design (be that patterns, logos, gradients etc.) should almost never take the explicit form of an img tag. That tag is used to define content images, something linked to the news at hand - something that is unique to a story you're trying to portray.
It's very crucial to differentiate these two concepts because it'll allow you to contemplate a good design independent of the underlying content - as it should be. Uniformal, elegant and precise.
So, in review. Use background-image to define the look of the various blocks that comprise your website and use the classic img tag when you want to add visual content that is context-specific.
The question is it Content or Styling is a good place to draw the line on images.
Will this image be reused? etc.
Do you want the image be part of the document flow, give descriptions to the search engines (alt-text)? Use the img tag.
If you want to place other elements over the image (like text, copyright info), use a background image. You can even combine it by placing an image with transparency over the background image to get some effect.
Furthermore a lot of examples exist where the positioning of background images is used to get performance benefits ("sprites").
What is the benefit to add null alt=""? is it only to pass validation or it has more reason
and how it should be write?
like this, no space
or this with one blank space
alt=" "
To get your XHTML validated. The alt is a required attribute on images.
Adding it empty is however a sign of laziness from programmers (although I admit I also do it for images that are not key to site navigation like little decorative elements and so on).
P.S. If you have decorative elements like shadow components, certain ornaments you can add them not with images but as a CSS background, thus avoiding the need to write an alternative text and keeping your markup clean of non-content stuff.
Other answers have pointed out the requirements in the standard. Here is a practical example:
Given blank alt text, lynx will render:
Given a missing alt attribute, lynx will render:
You don't want your content to have irrelevant filenames scattered throughout.
For images that have no suitable alternate text (i. e. pictures that don't carry any semantics, such as decorative elements), the alt attribute should be empty. Empty meaning empty, not a single space (which is a convention and recommendation but a good one).
The alt attribute must be specified for the IMG and AREA elements. It is optional for the INPUT and APPLET elements.
While alternate text may be very helpful, it must be handled with care. Authors should observe the following guidelines:
Do not specify irrelevant alternate text when including images intended to format a page, for instance, alt="red ball" would be inappropriate for an image that adds a red ball for decorating a heading or paragraph. In such cases, the alternate text should be the empty string (""). Authors are in any case advised to avoid using images to format pages; style sheets should be used instead.
Do not specify meaningless alternate text (e.g., "dummy text"). Not only will this frustrate users, it will slow down user agents that must convert text to speech or braille output.
Implementors should consult the section on accessibility for information about how to handle cases of omitted alternate text.
—HTML 4 specification. Section 13.8 How to specify alternate text
I'll add this as an answer as well (originally a comment on another answer), since it kind of makes sense to do so.
Images used for styling the page (and therefore has no real "alt" usage) should be inserted through CSS and background-image and its relatives, not through markup. That way you do two good things at once. You keep your design in your stylesheets, and you keep unsemantic code out of your page.
Although I do think the "semantics is god"-movement has failed to see the fail that is div and span, and the inherent ambiguity they produce, I still think a div with background-image is better than an img tag for styling.
I'm working on a project which will deliver small pieces of text to a display engine that will show them to the user. One of the requirements is rich styling: position, color, font, the works. Each transmission should stand alone, with its own embedded style information. I have already built a web service to deliver the text.
How should I represent this style metadata so that it's compact, flexible, easy to parse and easy to render? I haven't decided on a client to display the text, so it should be as presentation-agnostic as possible and easy to transform if I need to. I was thinking of using CSS, but I'm not on top of all the different ways to style text these days. What would you recommend?
Some more specifics about what you're trying to do might be useful. As far as I can tell though, I don't see any real reason not to use CSS or something similar.
It's easy to type, easy to learn, widely known, and there are pre-existing engines for rendering it. It can do all the basics of text styling and positioning. (And CSS3 transforms can give a lot more flexibility in terms of text positioning.) And if you end up implementing your own rendering engine for some reason, it's easy to parse and there aren't too many rules if you only need to worry about text and absolute positioning.
There are a couple of reasons I can see for not using CSS. One is if you need more advanced transformations--say, you want to skew or distort the text (in cases like this, you're going to need to end up rendering an image instead of text). In that case, I don't know of anything pre-existing that will fit your needs. (I think the closest match in that case would be SVG, but then you lose any prospect of it remaining at all simple or easy to use.)
I would say this is a perfect place for using XML. You can go way beyond the permissible values of CSS in defining your meta-information.
If you wanted something more compact you could send back objects via json with the same information.
CSS is really meant for rigid web-browser-compatible display. If that's not what you're doing here I wouldn't recommend it myself.
<text>This is the message I'm sending back</text>
CSS ultimately cannot be as specific as custom XML. It all depends what you want from it, though.
I have an internal web app with an image at the top of the page, currently containing some english text with drop shadows. I now need to provide localized versions of this page for various languages. My main choices are:
Have a different graphic per supported language, containing the localized text.
Use CSS to position localized text over a plain image, with a complex CSS technique to get drop shadows in most current browsers.
Are there other options? This is for an educational environment, I don't get to control the browser used by the students.
I did try both removing the drop shadows from the graphic, and also moving the text into in a header in the HTML, but neither was appealing. People said it looked like a cheap knockoff of the current page, which wounds my pride.
Personally I'm a big fan of CSS techniques for visual effects like this. The big benefit is that you are offloading the processing of the effect to the client side, saving you bandwith and content creation time (custom text images for each locale is a big order!), and making the page download faster for the user.
The only reason to avoid it is if you absolutely MUST have the drop shadows on very old (IE5) browsers with next to no CSS support.
Edit: Just thought of something - I a few cases like this where I need a specific font or some exact text effect I've used PHP to render the text, with effects, to an image and cache it server side. That way you avoid the content creation process and gain wider browser support in exchange for bandwidth and server CPU time. It's your call if the tradeoff is acceptable.
Generate the images on request server-side for each language, complete with shadows. Cache them as needed.
If you can use Image Magick, you can refer to this tutorial for generating text + shadows...
Maintaining images with text can be a pain - even without localization, I'd avoid it.
Two choices that I would attempt before going with your options are:
Looking for a free program that generates drop-shadow images that you can have your program utilize whenever it detects that new text is available for the title
Using a shadow image that can be repeated as a background image underneath the text
If those don't work, I'd try the CSS, but test it in as many browsers as you can yourself before going live with it.
Well, Safari supports a proprietary CSS property for drop-shadows, but it won't work in other browsers. CSS3 will have drop-shadows, too (actually only one for boxes, but maybe it can be used for text, too, e.g. when the box has a transparent background).
But seeing that most browsers don't even have a 100% CSS2 support so far, I guess you need to go with one of your two options. Of course, there is a not so complex CSS trick to get a drop shadow:
Drop Shadows for Everyone
But they don't look as nice as a real shadow, since they are not blurred. Further you need to have the text twice in the HTML for these to work.