Bit accurate float rendering - webgl2

How can I reliably render bit accurate outputs to a floating-point texture?
I am trying to encode uint values with the intBitsToFloat function within a shader and write the result to an RGBA32F texture. This is meant as a workaround for the inability to alpha blend integer textures, and I, later on, want to decode the float values back to their initial uint value.
This is the shade code used
output_id.r = intBitsToFloat(input_symbol_id);
output_id.g = intBitsToFloat(input_instance_id);
output_id.b = 0.0
output_id.a = alpha > 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
where input_symbol_id and input_instance_id are the int values I want to encode.
This doesn't seem to work, though. The output for very small values (e.g., intBitsToFloat(1)) always gets truncated to 0.0 when later reading from the output texture via readPixels. Larger values (e.g., 1.0) seem to get passed through just fine.
This is using weblg 2.0.
I'm aware of this question, which describes a similar problem. I am however, already employing the fix described there, and I still only get zero values back.


is it a bug scaling 0.0-1.0 float to byte by multiplying by 255?

this is something that has always bugged me when I look at code around the web and in so much of the literature: why do we multiply by 255 and not 256?
sometimes you'll see something like this:
float input = some_function(); // returns 0.0 to 1.0
byte output = input * 255.0;
(i'm assuming that there's an implicit floor going on during the type conversion).
am i not correct in thinking that this is clearly wrong?
consider this:
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 1/255], right?
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (1/255 -> 2/255], great!
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? only 1.0 does. any significantly smaller value of input will return a lower output.
this means that input is not evently mapped onto the output range.
ok. so you might think: ok use a better rounding function:
byte output = round(input * 255.0);
where round() is the usual mathematical rounding to zero decimal places. but this is still wrong. ask the same questions:
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 0.5/255]
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (0.5/255 -> 1.5/255], twice as much as for 0 !
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? (254.5/255 -> 1.0), again half as much as for 1
so in this case the input range isn't evenly mapped either!
IMHO. the right way to do this mapping is this:
byte output = min(255, input * 256.0);
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 1/256]
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (1/256 -> 2/256]
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? (255/256 -> 1.0)
all those ranges are the same size and constitute 1/256th of the input.
i guess my question is this: am i right in considering this a bug, and if so, why is this so prevalent in code?
edit: it looks like i need to clarify. i'm not talking about random numbers here or probability. and i'm not talking about colors or hardware at all. i'm talking about converting a float in the range [0,1] evenly to a byte [0,255] so each range in the input that corresponds to each value in the output is the same size.
You are right. Assuming that valueBetween0and1 can take values 0.0 and 1.0, the "correct" way to do it is something like
byteValue = (byte)(min(255, valueBetween0and1 * 256))
Having said that, one could also argue that the desired quality of the software can vary: does it really matter whether you get 16777216 or 16581375 colors in some throw-away plot?
It is one of those "trivial" tasks which is very easy to get wrong by +1/-1. Is it worth it to spend 5 minutes trying to get the 255-th pixel intensity, or can you apply your precious attention elsewhere? It depends on the situation: (byte)(valueBetween0and1 * 255) is a pragmatic solution which is simple, cheap, close enough to the truth, and also immediately, obviously "harmless" in the sense that it definitely won't produce 256 as output. It's not a good solution if you are working on some image manipulation tool like Photoshop or if you are working on some rendering pipeline for a computer game. But it is perfectly acceptable in almost all other contexts. So, whether it is a "bug" or merely a minor improvement proposal depends on the context.
Here is a variant of your problem, which involves random number generators:
Generate random numbers in specified range - various cases (int, float, inclusive, exclusive)
Notice that e.g. Math.random() in Java or Random.NextDouble in C# return values greater or equal to 0, but strictly smaller than 1.0.
You want the case "Integer-B: [min, max)" (inclusive-exclusive) with min = 0 and max = 256.
If you follow the "recipe" Int-B exactly, you obtain the code:
0 + floor(random() * (256 - 0))
If you remove all the zeros, you are left with just
floor(random() * 256)
and you don't need to & with 0xFF, because you never get 256 (as long as your random number generator guarantees to never return 1).
I think your question is misled. It looks like you start assuming that there is some "fairness rule" that enforces the "right way" of translation. Unfortunately in practice this is not the case. If you want just generate a random color, then you may use whatever logic fits you. But if you do actual image processing, there is no rule that says the each integer value has to be mapped on the same interval on the float value. On the contrary what you really want is a mapping between two inclusive intervals [0;1] and [0;255]. And often you don't know how many real discretization steps there will be in the [0;1] range down the line when the color is actually shown. (On modern monitors there are probable all 256 different levels for each color but on other output devices there might be significantly less choices and the total number might be not a power of 2). And the real mapping rule is that if for two colors red component values are R1 and R2 then proportion of the actual colors' red component brightness should be as close to R1:R2 as possible. And this rule automatically implies multiply by 255 when you want to map onto [0;255] and thus this is what everybody does.
Note that what you suggest is most probably introducing a bug rather than fixing a bug. For example the proportion rules actually means that you can calculate a mix of two colors R1 and R2 with mixing coefficients k1 and k2 as
Rmix = (k1*R1 + k2*R2)/(k1+k2)
Now let's try to calculate 3:1 mix of 100% Red with 100% Black (i.e. 0% Red) two ways:
using [0-255] integers Rmix = (255*3+1*0)/(3+1) = 191.25 ≈ 191
using [0;1] floating range and then converting it to [0-255] Rmix_float = (1.0*3 + 1*0.0)/(3+1) = 0.75 so Rmix_converted_256 = 256*0.75 = 192.
It means your "multiply by 256" logic has actually introduced inconsistency of different results depending on which scale you use for image processing. Obviously if you used "multiply by 255" logic as everyone else does, you'd get a consistent answer Rmix_converted_255 = 255*0.75 = 191.25 ≈ 191.

Converting a Gray-Scale Array to a FloatingPoint-Array

I am trying to read a .tif-file in julia as a Floating Point Array. With the FileIO & ImageMagick-Package I am able to do this, but the Array that I get is of the Type Array{ColorTypes.Gray{FixedPointNumbers.Normed{UInt8,8}},2}.
I can convert this FixedPoint-Array to Float32-Array by multiplying it with 255 (because UInt8), but I am looking for a function to do this for any type of FixedPointNumber (i.e. reinterpret() or convert()).
using FileIO
# Load the tif
obj = load("test.tif");
# Convert to Float32-Array
objNew = real.(obj) .* 255
The output is
julia> using FileIO
julia> obj = load("test.tif");
julia> typeof(obj)
julia> objNew = real.(obj) .* 255;
julia> typeof(objNew)
I have been looking in the docs quite a while and have not found the function with which to convert a given FixedPoint-Array to a FloatingPont-Array without multiplying it with the maximum value of the Integer type.
Thanks for any help.
I made a small gist to see if the solution by Michael works, and it does. Thanks!
Note:I don't know why, but the real.(obj) .* 255-code does not work (see the gist).
Why not just Float32.()?
using ColorTypes
a = Gray.(convert.(Normed{UInt8,8}, rand(5,6)));
The short answer is indeed the one given by Michael, just use Float32.(a) (for grayscale). Another alternative is channelview(a), which generally performs channel separation thus also stripping the color information from the array. In the latter case you won't get a Float32 array, because your image is stored with 8 bits per pixel, instead you'll get an N0f8 (= FixedPointNumbers.Normed{UInt8,8}). You can read about those numbers here.
Your instinct to multiply by 255 is natural, given how other image-processing frameworks work, but Julia has made some effort to be consistent about "meaning" in ways that are worth taking a moment to think about. For example, in another programming language just changing the numerical precision of an array:
img = uint8(255*rand(10, 10, 3)); % an 8-bit per color channel image
figure; image(img)
imgd = double(img); % convert to double-precision, but don't change the values
figure; image(imgd)
produces the following surprising result:
That second "all white" image represents saturation. In this other language, "5" means two completely different things depending on whether it's stored in memory as a UInt8 vs a Float64. I think it's fair to say that under any normal circumstances, a user of a numerical library would call this a bug, and a very serious one at that, yet somehow many of us have grown to accept this in the context of image processing.
These new types arise because in Julia we've gone to the effort to implement new numerical types (FixedPointNumbers) that act like fractional values (e.g., between 0 and 1) but are stored internally with the same bit pattern as the "corresponding" UInt8 (the one you get by multiplying by 255). This allows us to work with 8-bit data and yet allow values to always be interpreted on a consistent scale (0.0=black, 1.0=white).

Convert RGBA{U8}(0.384,0.0,0.0,1.0) to Integer

I am using Images.jl in Julia. I am trying to convert an image into a graph-like data structure (v,w,c) where
v is a node
w is a neighbor and
c is a cost function
I want to give an expensive cost to those neighbors which have not the same color. However, when I load an image each pixel has the following Type RGBA{U8}(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0), is there any way to convert this into a number like Int64 or Float?
If all you want to do is penalize adjacent pairs that have different color values (no matter how small the difference), I think img[i,j] != img[i+1,j] should be sufficient, and infinitely more performant than calling colordiff.
Images.jl also contains methods, raw and separate, that allow you to "convert" that image into a higher-dimensional array of UInt8. However, for your apparent application this will likely be more of a pain, because you'll have to choose between using a syntax like A[:, i, j] != A[:, i+1, j] (which will allocate memory and have much worse performance) or write out loops and check each color channel manually. Then there's always the slight annoyance of having to special case your code for grayscale and color, wondering what a 3d array really means (is it 3d grayscale or 2d with a color channel?), and wondering whether the color channel is stored as the first or last dimension.
None of these annoyances arise if you just work with the data directly in RGBA format. For a little more background, they are examples of Julia's "immutable" objects, which have at least two advantages. First, they allow you to clearly specify the "meaning" of a certain collection of numbers (in this case, that these 4 numbers represent a color, in a particular colorspace, rather than, say, pressure readings from a sensor)---that means you can write code that isn't forced to make assumptions that it can't enforce. Second, once you learn how to use them, they make your code much prettier all while providing fantastic performance.
The color types are documented here.
Might I recommend converting each pixel to greyscale if all you want is a magnitude difference.
See this answer for a how-to:
Converting RGB to grayscale/intensity
This will give you a single value for intensity that you can then use to compare.
Following #daycaster's suggestion, colordiff from Colors.jl can be used.
colordiff takes two colors as arguments. To use it, you should extract the color part of the pixel with color i.e. colordiff(color(v),color(w)) where v would be RGBA{U8(0.384,0.0,0.0,1.0) value.

Advantages and disadvantages of single numeric (float) data type [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Why we use various data types in programming languages ? Why not use float everywhere ? I have heard some arguments like
Arithmetic on int is faster ( but why ?)
It takes more memory to store float. ( I get it.)
What are the additional benefits of using various types of numeric data types ?
Arithmetic on integers has traditionally been faster because it's a simpler operation. It can be implemented in logic gates and, if properly designed, the whole thing can happen in a single clock cycle.
On most modern PCs floating-point support is actually quite fast, because loads of time has been invested into making it fast. It's only on lower-end processors (like Arduino, or some versions of the ARM platform) where floating point seriously suffers, or is absent from the CPU altogether.
A floating point number contains a few different pieces of data: there's a sign bit, and the mantissa, and the exponent. To put those three parts together to determine the value they represent, you do something like this:
value = sign * mantissa * 2^exponent
It's a little more complicated than that because floating point numbers optimize how they store the mantissa a bit (for instance the first bit of the mantissa is assumed to be 1, thus the first bit doesn't actually need to be stored... But this also means zero has to be stored a particular way, and there's various "special values" that can be stored in floats like "not a number" and infinity that have to be handled correctly when working with floats)
So to store the number "3" you'd have a mantissa of 0.75 and an exponent of 2. (0.75 * 2^2 = 3).
But then to add two floats together, you first have to align them. For instance, 3 + 10:
m3 = 0.75 (stored as binary (1)1000000... the first (1) implicit and not actually stored)
e3 = 2
m10 = .625 (stored as binary (1)010000...)
e10 = 4 (.625 * 2^4 = 10)
You can't just add m3 and m10 together, 'cause you'd get the wrong answer. You first have to shift m3 over by a couple bits to get e3 and e10 to match, then you can add the mantissas together and reassemble the result into a new floating point number. A CPU with good floating-point implementation will do all that for you, of course, and do it fast.
So why else would you not want to use floating point values for everything? Well, for starters there's the problem of exactness. If you add or multiply two integers to get another integer, as long as you don't exceed the limits of your integer size, the answer you get will be exactly correct. This isn't the case with floating-point. For instance:
x = 1000000000.0
y = .0000000001
for (cc = 0; cc < 1000000000; cc++) { x += y; }
Logically you'd expect the final value of (x) to be 1000000000.1, but that's almost certainly not what you're going to get. When you add (y) to (x), the change to (x)'s mantissa may be so small that it doesn't even fit into the float, and so (x) may not change at all. And even if that's not the case, (y)'s value is not exact. There are no two integers (a, b) such that (a * 2^b = 10^-10). That's true for many common decimal values, actually. Even something simple like 0.3 can't be stored as an exact value in a binary floating-point number.
So (y) isn't exactly 10^-10, it's actually off by some small amount. For a 32-bit floating point number it'll be off by about 10^-26:
y = 10^-10 + error, error is about 10^-26
Then if you add (y) together ten billion times, the error is magnified by about ten billion times as well, so your final error is around 10^-16
A good floating-point implementation will try to minimize these errors, but it can't always get it right. The problem is fundamental to how the numbers are stored, and to some extent unavoidable. As a result, for instance, even though it seems natural to store a money value in a float, it might be preferable to store it as an integer instead, to get that assurance that the value is always exact.
The "exactness" issue also means that when you test the value of a floating point number, generally speaking, you can't use exact comparisons. For instance:
x = 11.0 / 500
if (x * 50 == 1.1) { ... It doesn't!
for (float x = 0.0; x < 1.0; x += 0.01) { print x; }
// prints 101 values instead of 100, the last one being 0.9999999...
The test fails because (x) isn't exactly the value we specified, and 1.1, when encoded as a float, isn't exactly the value we specified either. They're both close but not exact. So you have to do inexact comparisons:
if (abs(x - expected_value) < small_value) {...
Choosing the correct "small_value" is a problem unto itself. It can depend on what you're doing with the values, what kind of behavior you're trying to achieve.
Finally, if you look at the "it takes more memory" issue, you can also turn that around and think of it in terms of what you get for the memory you use.
If you can work with integer math for your problem, a 32-bit unsigned integer lets you work with (exact) values between 0 and around 4 billion.
If you're using 32-bit floats instead of 32-bit integers, you can store larger values than 4 billion, but you're still limited by the representation: of those 32 bits, one is used for the sign bit, and eight for the mantissa, so you get 23 bits (24, effectively) of mantissa. Once (x >= 2^24), you're beyond the range where integers are stored "exactly" in that float, so (x+1 = x). So a loop like this:
float i;
for (i = 1600000; i < 1700000; i += 1);
would never terminate: (i) would reach (2^24 = 16777216), and the least-significant bit of its mantissa would be of a magnitude greater than 1, so adding 1 to (i) would cease to have any effect.

kernel OpenCL not saving results?

Im making my first steps in OpenCL, and I got a problem with I think results aren't saved correctly. I first made a simple program, that is working, giving the correct results etc. So main is functioning correctly, arrays are filled the way they are supposed to etc.
Brief explanation of the program:
I have a grid of 4x4 points (OP array), in a field that is 40x40. There is a plane flying above this field, and it's route is divided into 100 segments (Segment array). Coord is a typedef struct, with currently only a double x and double y value. I know there are simpler solutions, but I have to use this later on, so I do it this way. The kernel is supposed to calculate the distance from a point (an OP) to a segment. The result has to be saved in the array Distances.
Description of the kernel: it gets is global id, from wich it calculates which OP and which segment it has to calculate with. With that info it gets the x and y from those 2, and calculates the x and y distance between each other. With this information it does an square root from the distances and the flightaltitude.
The problem is, that the Distances table only shows zero's :P
kernel: There is an parameter that says __global const Coord* Afstanden, this has to be __global double* Afstanden
OpenCL stuff in main: (because Im not 100% sure Im doing that is right)
I can give you the whole program, but it's mostly dutch :P
I tried to explain everything as good as possible, if something is not clear, I'll try to clear it up ;)
As I made numerous little faults in the first kernel, here is his successor: Also the OpenCL part is a bit updated: because it also had one or two faults in it.
It should work now, in my opinion... But it isn't, the problem is still standing
Well, it seems that the "Afstanden" variable is declared as a "const Coord*". Remove the constness - i.e, "Coord* only - and be sure that when you use clCreateBuffer "CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY" or "CL_MEM_READ_WRITE" as an argument.
"The problem is, that the Distances table only shows zero's :P"
You are probably initializing Afstanden on the CPU side with zeros. Am I correct? This would explain this behavior.
