Im trying to use DEoptim to find the global minimum of z in in -1 < x < 1 , -1 < y < 1, but im getting Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) : argument "y" is missing, with no default and I dont know what im supposed to do for the mission "y"
library(parallel) #
z = function(x,y) {
(exp(sin(60.0*x)) + sin(50.0*exp(y)) + sin(80.0*sin(x)) + sin(sin(70.0*y)) - sin(10.0*(x+y)) + (x*x+y*y)/4.0)
optimized_Minimum <- DEoptim(z, lower = c(-1,-1), upper = c(1,1),
control=list(storepopfrom=1, trace=FALSE))
# optimized_Minimum <- optim(z, lower = c(-1,-1), upper = c(1,1), method = "Brent")
DEoptim is not expecting you to pass it 2 separate arguments to your function (x and y), but you can still solve for multiple variables.
You need to pass in a vector rather than 2 separate variables with the DEoptim package, as with the optim function.
I tested this with the functions from the linked solution and it worked:
fxcalc <- function(s,t){(1-(1-(parametros$ap/xm)^(s))^t)*100}
suma <- function(s,t){(parametros$fx-fxcalc(s,t))^2}
func <- function(st){
s <- st[1]
t <- st[2]
optimized_Minimum <- DEoptim(func, lower = c(-1,-1), upper = c(1,1),
control=list(storepopfrom=1, trace=FALSE))
***** summary of DEoptim object *****
best member : 1 1
best value : 0
after : 200 generations
fn evaluated : 402 times
I have the following function and i need it to be maximized instead of minimized.
adbudgReturn = function(Spend,a,b,c,d){
adbudgReturn = sum(b+(a-b)*((Spend^c)/(d+(Spend^c))))
FP_param <- c(95000,0,1.15,700000)
FB_param <- c(23111.55,0,1.15,20000)
GA_param <- c(115004,1409,1.457,2000000)
y = c(0.333333,0.333333,0.333333)
TotalSpend <- function(Budget,y){
FP_clicks = adbudgReturn(Budget * y[1], FP_param[1], FP_param[2], FP_param[3], FP_param[4])
FB_clicks = adbudgReturn(Budget * y[2], FB_param[1], FB_param[2], FB_param[3], FB_param[4])
GA_clicks = adbudgReturn(Budget * y[3], GA_param[1], GA_param[2], GA_param[3], GA_param[4])
return(total = FP_clicks + FB_clicks + GA_clicks)
startValVec = c(0.33333,0.333333,0.3333333)
minValVec = c(0,0.2,0)
maxValVec = c(0.8,1,08)
MaxClicks_optim.parms <- nlminb(objective = TotalSpend,start = startValVec,
lower = minValVec,
upper = maxValVec,
control = list(iter.max=100000,eval.max=20000),
Budget = 10000)
I have tried adding the minus sign in front of the nlminb function i.e:
but without any success. Any help will be appreciated.
Also i would like to add constraints so the sum of the maxValVec = 1
Other optimization functions in R such as optim() have a built-in fnscale control parameter you can use to switch from minimization to maximization (i.e. optim(..., control=list(fnscale=-1)), but nlminb doesn't appear to. So you either need to flip the sign in your original objective function, or (possibly more transparently) make a wrapper function that inverts the sign, e.g.
max_obj <- function(...) -1*TotalSpend(...)
MaxClicks_optim.parms <- nlminb(objective = max_obj,
[ .... everything else as before ... ] )
Note that the ... in the max_obj() definition are literal. The only part of the solution above that needs to be filled in is the [.... everything else as a before ...] part. To be absolutely explicit:
max_obj <- function(...) -1*TotalSpend(...)
MaxClicks_optim.parms <- nlminb(objective = max_obj,
start = startValVec,
lower = minValVec,
upper = maxValVec,
control = list(iter.max=100000,eval.max=20000),
Budget = 1e4)
If you were using a user-specified gradient argument you'd have to wrap that too.
This CV question points out that you can maximize by minimizing the negative of a function, but doesn't go into the nuts and bolts.
An optim()-based solution would look something like:
optim(fn = TotalSpend,
par = startValVec,
lower = minValVec,
upper = maxValVec,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
control = list(maxit=100000, fnscale=-1),
Budget = 1e4)
L-BFGS-B is the only method built into to optim() that does box-constrained optimization
optim() doesn't have separate controls for max iterations and max function evaluations
Here is an example with a simple parabolic function, It works the same with nlminband optim:
## ==== Some preliminaries ========================
a <- b <- seq(-10, 10, 0.1)
## ==== Search for a minimum ======================
# function has minimum
f1 <- function(a, b) {
(a - 1)^2 + (b - 2)^2
## show function, blue color is low
image(a, b, outer(a, b, f1), col=topo.colors(16))
## wrapper: combine parameters
g1 <- function(p) f1(p["a"], p["b"])
## minimization
(ret <- nlminb(c(a=0, b=0), g1))
## show minimum
points(t(ret$par), pch="+", cex=2)
## ==== Search for a maximum =======================
## function has a maximum
f2 <- function(a, b) {
- (a - 1)^2 - (b + 2)^2
## brown color is high
image(a, b, outer(a, b, f2), col=topo.colors(16))
## wrapper: combine parameters, invert sign
g2 <- function(p) -f2(p["a"], p["b"])
## minimization of negative objective = maximization
(ret <- nlminb(c(a=0, b=0), g2))
## show maximum
points(t(ret$par), pch="+", cex=2)
I wanted to set a small dataframe in order to plot myself some points of the incomplete elliptic integral of 1st kind for different values of amplitude phi and modulus k. The function to integrate is 1/sqrt(1 - (k*sin(x))^2) between 0 and phi.Here is the code I imagined:
v.phi <- seq(0, 2*pi, 1)
n.phi <- length(v.phi)
v.k <- seq(-1, +1, 0.5)
n.k <- length(v.k)
k <- rep(v.k, each = n.phi, times = 1)
phi <- rep(v.phi, each = 1, times = n.k)
df <- data.frame(k, phi)
func <- function(x, k) 1/sqrt(1 - (k*sin(x))^2)
df$area <- integrate(func,lower=0, upper=df$phi, k=df$k)
But this generates errors and I am obviously mistaking in constructing the new variable df$area... Could someone put me in the right way?
You can use mapply:
df$area <- mapply(function(phi,k){
integrate(func, lower=0, upper=phi, k=k)$value
}, df$phi, df$k)
However that generates an error because there are some values of k equal to 1 or -1, while the allowed values are -1 < k < 1. You can't evaluate this integral for k = +/- 1.
Note that there's a better way to evaluate this integral: the incomplete elliptic function of the first kind is implemented in the gsl package:
> integrate(func, lower=0, upper=6, k=0.5)$value
[1] 6.458877
> gsl::ellint_F(6, 0.5)
[1] 6.458877
As I said, this function is not defined for k=-1 or k=1:
> gsl::ellint_F(6, 1)
[1] NaN
> gsl::ellint_F(6, -1)
[1] NaN
> integrate(func, lower=0, upper=6, k=1)
Error in integrate(func, lower = 0, upper = 6, k = 1) :
non-finite function value
I am going through my multivariate class notes and it uses cuhre function from R2Cuba package to evaluate probabilty according to rules on variables X & Y. Here's the complete chunk of the code:
integrand <- function(z){
x <- z[1]
y <- z[2]
if (0<x & x<1 & 0<y & y<1 & x+y>1)
f = 6*x*y^2
f = 0
NDIM = 2
int <- cuhre(NDIM, NCOMP, integrand, rel.tol = 1e-3, abs.tol = 1e-12,
flags = list(verbose = 2, final = 0))$value
The result is:
> int
[1] 0.8998863
I understand that this is the probability based on the rule:
0<x<1 & 0<y<1 & x+y>1
What I am not able to understand is that integrand has been defined as a function taking z as an argument, so only 1 parameter will be passed. When it is getting called below, it doesn't have any parameters and integration happens twice and probability gets saved in int. I got like 50% of the people but not very 100% clear on how it worked. Somewhere down the line I think we can use Cuhre to calculate marginal probability as well, can we?
fun1 = function(y,mu=mu0,lsig=lsig0) {
res = 1/(exp(-y)+1)^2 * 1/sqrt(2*pi)/exp(lsig) * exp(-(y-mu)^2/2/exp(lsig)^2)
fun4 = function(para=c(mu1,lsig1)) {
mu1 = para[1]
lsig1 = para[2]
res = n1 * log(noze(integrate(fun1,-Inf,Inf,mu=mu1,lsig=lsig1)$value)) +
n3 * log(noze(integrate(fun2,-Inf,Inf,mu=mu1,lsig=lsig1)$value)) +
n2 * log(noze(integrate(fun3,-Inf,Inf,mu=mu1,lsig=lsig1)$value))
noze = function(x) {
if (x < 1e-100) { x = 1e-100 }
I have to find two parameters of function 'fun4' which uses the integral of 'fun1.' ('fun2' and 'fun3' are slightly different from 'fun1')
I encountered an error 'Error in integrate(fun1, -Inf, Inf, -3.9538, -3) :
the integral is probably divergent'
Using scatterplot, I found that fun1 is close to zero almost everywhere except for (-4.2,-3.7).
Thus, integrating for that interval only gives (approximately) correct integral.
> integrate(fun1,-4.2,-3.6,-3.9538,-3)
0.0003558953 with absolute error < 3e-11
This can be confirmed using nearby parameter values
> integrate(fun1,-Inf,Inf,-3.9538,-3.1)
0.0003555906 with absolute error < 2.6e-05
> integrate(fun1,-Inf,Inf,-3.9538,-2.85)
0.0003564842 with absolute error < 3.7e-06
If the interval is too wide, it gives incorrect integral.
> integrate(fun1,-5,5,-3.9538,-3)
0.0003558953 with absolute error < 2.3e-08
> integrate(fun1,-15,15,-3.9538,-3)
3.492547e-11 with absolute error < 6.5e-11
> integrate(fun1,-30,30,-3.9538,-3)
1.980146e-41 with absolute error < 3.4e-41
> integrate(fun1,-50,50,-3.9538,-3)
0 with absolute error < 0
> integrate(fun1,-Inf,Inf,-3.9538,-3)
Error in integrate(fun1, -Inf, Inf, -3.9538, -3) :
the integral is probably divergent
If I have to integrate only once, I can find an interval where 'fun1' is large enough and integrate only for that interval.
But the problem is I use optim function which tries various parameters to find a minimizer of 'fun4.'
Using (-Inf,Inf) gives an error and wide enough interval gives incorrect integrals.
Is there a good method to solve this?
Convolution with gaussian kernel might be solved using Gauss-Hermite integration, and there is R package for that:
Some test code:
n.quad <- 128 # integration order
# get the particular weights/abscissas as data frame with 2 observables and n.quad observations
rule <- ghermite.h.quadrature.rules(n.quad, mu = 0.0)[[n.quad]]
# test function - integrate 1 over exp(-x^2) from -Inf to Inf
# should get sqrt(pi) as an answer
f <- function(x) {
q <- ghermite.h.quadrature(f, rule)
print(q - sqrt(pi))
I'm attempting to write my own function to understand how the Poisson distribution behaves within a Maximum Likelihood Estimation framework (as it applies to GLM).
I'm familiar with R's handy glm function, but wanted to try and hand-roll some code to understand what's going on:
n <- 10000 # sample size
b0 <- 1.0 # intercept
b1 <- 0.2 # coefficient
x <- runif(n=n, min=0, max=1.5) # generate covariate values
lp <- b0+b1*x # linear predictor
lambda <- exp(lp) # compute lamda
y <- rpois(n=n, lambda=lambda) # generate y-values
dta <- data.frame(y=y, x=x) # generate dataset
negloglike <- function(lambda) {n*lambda-sum(x)*log(lambda) + sum(log(factorial(y)))} # build negative log-likelihood
starting.vals <- c(0,0) # one starting value for each parameter
pars <- c(b0, b1)
maxLike <- optim(par=pars,fn=negloglike, data = dta) # optimize
My R output when I enter maxLike is the following:
Error in fn(par, ...) : unused argument (data = list(y = c(2, 4....
I assume I've specified optim within my function incorrectly, but I'm not familiar enough with the nuts-and-bolts of MLE or constrained optimization to understand what I'm missing.
optim can only use your function in a certain way. It assumes the first parameter in your function takes in the parameters as a vector. If you need to pass other information to this function (in your case the data) you need to have that as a parameter of your function. Your negloglike function doesn't have a data parameter and that's what it is complaining about. The way you have it coded you don't need one so you probably could fix your problem by just removing the data=dat part of your call to optim but I didn't test that. Here is a small example of doing a simple MLE for just a poisson (not the glm)
negloglike_pois <- function(par, data){
x <- data$x
lambda <- par[1]
-sum(dpois(x, lambda, log = TRUE))
dat <- data.frame(x = rpois(30, 5))
optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat)
> optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat)
[1] 4.833594
[1] 65.7394
function gradient
22 NA
[1] 0
Warning message:
In optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat) :
one-dimensional optimization by Nelder-Mead is unreliable:
use "Brent" or optimize() directly
> # The "true" MLE. We didn't hit it exactly but came really close
> mean(dat$x)
[1] 4.833333
Implementing the comments from Dason's answer is quite straightforward, but just in case:
d <- data.table(id = as.character(1:100),
x1 = runif(100, 0, 1),
x2 = runif(100, 0, 1))
#' the assumption is that lambda can be written as
#' log(lambda) = b1*x1 + b2*x2
#' (In addition, could add a random component)
d[, mean := exp( 1.57*x1 + 5.86*x2 )]
#' draw a y for each of the observations
#' (rpois is not vectorized, need to use sapply)
d[, y := sapply(mean, function(x)rpois(1,x)) ]
negloglike_pois <- function(par, data){
data <- copy(d)
# update estimate of the mean
data[, mean_tmp := exp( par[1]*x1 + par[2]*x2 )]
# calculate the contribution of each observation to the likelihood
data[, log_p := dpois(y, mean_tmp, log = T)]
#' Now we can sum up the probabilities
data[, -sum(log_p)]
optim(par = c(1,1), fn = negloglike_pois, data = d)
[1] 1.554759 5.872219
[1] 317.8094
function gradient
95 NA
[1] 0