I'd expect getSrcFilename() also works in R not just lr. Is it a bug in the command R?
$ lr -e "source('main.R');"
[1] "main.R"
$ R --slave --no-save --no-restore --no-init-file -e "source('main.R')"
$ cat main.R
f=function() {
I try to use the following command to read an RDS file. But it doesn't work. My OS is Mac OS X.
$ lr -e "readRDS(file('stdin'))" < /tmp/x.rds
Error in readRDS(file("stdin")) : unknown input format
$ lr -p -e "readRDS('/dev/stdin')" < /tmp/x.rds
Error in readRDS("/dev/stdin") : error reading from connection
But this works.
$ lr -p -e "readRDS('/tmp/x.rds')"
x y
1 1 11
2 2 12
3 3 13
Does anybody know how to readRDS from stdin? Thanks.
It works for me (on linux, using littler 0.3.9 on R-devel) using '/dev/stdin' instead of 'stdin'; so try:
lr -p -e "print(readRDS('/dev/stdin'))" < /tmp/x.rds
Currently I have an R Script that takes 8 parameters that are hard-coded as the first 8 lines of my script.
I've made a Batch file to try and manually change the parameters on the fly, but it doesn't seem to be working the way I want it to.
Batch that currently runs the script (But doesnt actually change the parameters)
echo off
:: Setting of Variables
#Set /P RScript=Set path to R:_
#Set /P RProgram=Set path to RScript:_
#Set /P RStartDir=Set Start Directory:_
#Set /P Begin=Begin on which Loan?:_
#Set /P End=End on which Loan?:_
#Set /P OutputDir=Set Output Directory:_
#Set /P Deal=Set Deal input file (.txt):_
#Set /P OutputFile=Name Deal Output File:_
#Set /P AsOfDate=As of Date?:_
#Set /P ThirtyYrSpread=Thirty Year Mortgage Spread?:_
:: If Blank (enter), set variables/paths to Defaults (Listed Below)
if "%RScript%"=="" Set RScript=c:\program files\r\r-
if "%RProgram%"=="" Set RProgram=C:\MortgageMatt\Cirt2014-
1\0.Mortgage Model.R
if "%RStartDir%"=="" Set RStartDir=C:\MortgageMatt\Cirt2014-1
if "%Begin%"=="" Set Begin=1
if "%End%"=="" Set End=2
if "%OutputDir%"=="" Set OutputDir=C:\MortgageMatt\Cirt2014-1
if "%Deal%"=="" Set Deal=Cirt 2014-1 Loan Level.txt
if "%OutputFile%"=="" Set OutputFile=Cirt 2014-1d
if "%AsOfDate%"=="" Set AsOfDate=62017
if "%ThirtyYrSpread%" == "" Set ThirtyYrSpread=135
echo "%RScript% %RProgram% %RStartDir% %Begin% %End% %OutputDir% %Deal%
%OutputFile% %AsOfDate% %ThirtyYrSpread%"
:: Command Prompt, /c Carries out command specified by string and then
cmd /c ""%RScript%" "%RProgram%" "%RStartDir%" "%Begin%" "%End%"
"%OutputDir%" "%Deal%" "%OutputFile%" "%AsOfDate%" "%ThirtyYrSpread%""
So because the parameters were actually hard coded into the R Script, this is what I've added to try to accommodate. Does this look okay? I think this is where I'm running into errors.
Added to R Script
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
if (length(args) == 0) {
if (!exists("dataDir")) { stop("variables dataDir not found") }
# Set dataDir variable when Running inside a R Session
args <- c(getwd(), 1, 2, ".", "Cirt 2014-1 Loan Level.txt", "Cirt 2014-
1", "62017", 175)
# Input Values
Input.Directory <- paste(args[1]) ## getwd() , "/", "inputs", sep = "")
Begin.Sim <- args[2]
End.Sim <- args[3]
Output.Directory <- paste(args[1],"\\",args[4],sep = "") ##, "/", "outputs",
sep = "")
Pool.ID.File <- args[5] #"Cirt 2014-1 Loan Level.txt"
Pool.ID <- args[6] #"Cirt 2014-1"
asofdate <- args[7] #"62017"
Thirty.Yr.Mort.Spread <- args[8] # 175
When I try to run it in cmd using the .bat.. I get an error that says cannot change working directory. Anyone have any suggestions?
I sort-of understand where the error is but I'm struggling to fix it.
The path to my file with everything in it is
I've also heard of something called R CMD Batch... should I look into that? I'm finding that it's an older technique.
What my code looked like before the Args/IF
# Input Values
Input.Directory <- "C:/Mortgage/Cirt 2014 - 1"
Output.Directory <- "C:/Mortgage/Cirt 2014 - 1"
Pool.ID.File <- "Cirt 2014-1 Loan Level.txt"
Pool.ID <- "Cirt 2014-1 NEW"
start<- 1
sims <- 2 # Number of Simulations
asofdate <- "62017"
Thirty.Yr.Mort.Spread <- 175
You can do all of this in R using one of these packages to parse command-line options:
docopt (my favourite)
or doing it manually -- not recommended.
You also do not want the older R CMD BATCH -- use Rscript (or littler, but littler does not work on Windows).
Code Example
doc <- "Usage: foo.R [-h] [-x] [--src REPODIR] [--out OUTDIR] [FILES...]
-s --src REPODIR source root directory [default: ~/git]
-o --out OUTDIR output directory [default: /tmp]
-h --help show this help text"
opt <- docopt(doc) # docopt parsing
Use with -h
You get a nice message, automatically, with not formatting need:
edd#rob:/tmp$ Rscript so50256138.R -h
Usage: foo.R [-h] [-x] [--src REPODIR] [--out OUTDIR] [FILES...]
-s --src REPODIR source root directory [default: ~/git]
-o --out OUTDIR output directory [default: /tmp]
-h --help show this help text
Use with argument
Note how one default argument is used, and the other from the command-line:
edd#rob:/tmp$ Rscript so50256138.R -s A
List of 9
$ --src : chr "A"
$ --out : chr "/tmp"
$ --help: logi FALSE
$ -x : logi FALSE
$ FILES : list()
$ src : chr "A"
$ out : chr "/tmp"
$ help : logi FALSE
$ x : logi FALSE
You can access them in opt by name or by option flag.
The docopt site has more; this is actually a portable specification and the CRAN package implements it for R.
I am running an R script via bash script and want to return the output of the R script to the bash script to keep working with it there.
The bash is sth like this:
Rscript MYRScript.R
do sth with a
and the R script is sth like this:
for(i in 1:5){
I want bash to work with one variable from R at the time, meaning: bash receives i=1 and works with that, when that task is done, receives i=2 and so on.
Any ideas how to do that?
One option is to make your R script executable with #!/usr/bin/env Rscript (setting the executable bit; e.g. chmod 0755 myrscript.r, chmod +x myrscript.r, etc...), and just treat it like any other command, e.g. assigning the results to an array variable below:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
cat(1:5, sep = "\n")
for elem in "${RES[#]}"
echo elem is "${elem}"
nrussell$ ./mybashscript.sh
elem is 1
elem is 2
elem is 3
elem is 4
elem is 5
Here is MYRScript.R:
for(iter in 1:5) {
cat(iter, ' ')
and here is your bash script:
r_output=`Rscript ~/MYRscript.R`
for iter in `echo $r_output`
echo Here is some output from R: $iter
Here is some output from R: 1
Here is some output from R: 2
Here is some output from R: 3
Here is some output from R: 4
Here is some output from R: 5
I need to build up long command lines in R and pass them to system(). I find it is very inconvenient to use paste0/paste function, or even sprintf function to build each command line. Is there a simpler way to do like this:
Instead of this hard-to-read-and-too-many-quotes:
cmd <- paste("command", "-a", line$elem1, "-b", line$elem3, "-f", df$Colum5[4])
cmd <- sprintf("command -a %s -b %s -f %s", line$elem1, line$elem3, df$Colum5[4])
Can I have this:
cmd <- buildcommand("command -a %line$elem1 -b %line$elem3 -f %df$Colum5[4]")
For a tidyverse solution see https://github.com/tidyverse/glue. Example
name="Foo Bar"
glue::glue("How do you do, {name}?")
With version 1.1.0 (CRAN release on 2016-08-19), the stringr package has gained a string interpolation function str_interp() which is an alternative to the gsubfn package.
# sample data
line <- list(elem1 = 10, elem3 = 30)
df <- data.frame(Colum5 = 1:4)
# do the string interpolation
stringr::str_interp("command -a ${line$elem1} -b ${line$elem3} -f ${df$Colum5[4]}")
#[1] "command -a 10 -b 30 -f 4"
This comes pretty close to what you are asking for. When any function f is prefaced with fn$, i.e. fn$f, character interpolation will be performed replacing ... with the result of running ... as an R expression.
cmd <- fn$identity("command -a `line$elem1` -b `line$elem3` -f `df$Colum5[4]`")
Here is a self contained reproducible example:
# test inputs
line <- list(elem1 = 10, elem3 = 30)
df <- data.frame(Colum5 = 1:4)
fn$identity("command -a `line$elem1` -b `line$elem3` -f `df$Colum5[4]`")
## [1] "command -a 10 -b 30 -f 4"
Since any function can be used we could operate directly on the system call like this. We have used echo here to make it executable but any command could be used.
exitcode <- fn$system("echo -a `line$elem1` -b `line$elem3` -f `df$Colum5[4]`")
## -a 10 -b 30 -f 4
This variation would also work. fn$f also performs substitution of $whatever with the value of variable whatever. See ?fn for details.
with(line, fn$identity("command -a $elem1 -b $elem3 -f `df$Colum5[4]`"))
## [1] "command -a 10 -b 30 -f 4"
Another option would be to use whisker.render from https://github.com/edwindj/whisker which is a {{Mustache}} implementation in R. Usage example:
require(dplyr); require(whisker)
whisker.render("processing {{bedFile}}") %>% print
Not really a string interpolation solution, but still a very good option for the problem is to use the processx package instead of system() and then you don't need to quote anything.
str = qq("region = (#{region[1]}, #{region[2]}), value = #{value}, name = '#{name}'")
qqcat("region = (#{region[1]}, #{region[2]}), value = #{value}, name = '#{name}'")
suppose i have 'n' number of files such as apple,BAT,comas,aba,abc,abc03.....etc
What is the command for listing all files which end in small letters but not āaā and ācā?
or any specific character
On bash:
$ ls
bar BAT cab foo ieee2000 MAC moc test zac zara ZOO
$ ls *[a-z]
bar cab foo moc test zac zara
$ ls *[bd-z]
bar cab foo test
$ ls *[^cC]
bar BAT cab foo ieee2000 test zara ZOO
$ ls *[^bc]
bar BAT foo ieee2000 MAC test zara ZOO
Since these are shell expansions you can also use them in loops etc relatively easily.
Note the LC_ALL=C setting - if you use a non-English locale it may be required in order to produce correct results:
$ echo $LC_COLLATE
$ ls *[a-z]
bar BAT cab foo MAC moc test zac zara ZOO
$ ls *[a-z]
bar cab foo moc test zac zara
As seen in the sample above you can set the more specific LC_COLLATE variable instead of LC_ALL.
By the way, at least on my system (Mandriva Linux 2010.1), the locale also affects grep:
$ echo A | grep '[a-z]'
$ echo A | grep '[a-z]'
You can use a combination of ls and grep with regular expressions:
ls | grep -e "[bd-z]$"