tuneRF vs caret tunning for random forest - r

I've trying to tune a random forest model using the tuneRF tool included in the randomForest Package and I'm also using the caret package to tune my model. The issue is that I'm tunning to get mtry and I'm getting different results for each approach. The question is how do I know which is the best approach and base on what? I'm not clear if I should expect similar or different results.
tuneRF: with this approach I'm getting the best mtry is 3
t <- tuneRF(train[,-12], train[,12],
stepFactor = 0.5,
plot = TRUE,
ntreeTry = 100,
trace = TRUE,
improve = 0.05)
caret: With this approach I'm always getting that the best mtry is all variables in this case 6
control <- trainControl(method="cv", number=5)
tunegrid <- expand.grid(.mtry=c(2:6))
custom <- train(CRTOT_03~., data=train, method="rf", metric="rmse",
tuneGrid=tunegrid, ntree = 100, trControl=control)

There are a few differences, for each mtry parameters, tuneRF fits one model on the whole dataset, and you get the OOB error from each of these fit. tuneRF then takes the lowest OOB error. For each value of mtry, you have one score (or RMSE value) and this will change with different runs.
In caret, you actually do cross-validation, so the test data from the fold was not used at all in the model. Though in principle it should be similar to OOB, you should be aware of the differences.
A evaluation with a better picture on the error might be to run tuneRF a few rounds, and we can use cv in caret:
train <- BostonHousing
tuneRF_res = lapply(1:10,function(i){
tr = tuneRF(train[,-14], train[,14],mtryStart=2,step=0.9,ntreeTry = 100,trace = TRUE,improve=1e-5)
tr = data.frame(tr)
tr$RMSE = sqrt(tr[,2])
tuneRF_res = do.call(rbind,tuneRF_res)
control <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10,returnResamp="all")
tunegrid <- expand.grid(.mtry=c(2:7))
caret_res <- train(medv ~., data=train, method="rf", metric="RMSE",
tuneGrid=tunegrid, ntree = 100, trControl=control)
df = rbind(
df = df[df$mtry!=1,]
stat_summary(fun.data=mean_se,geom="errorbar",width=0.2) +
stat_summary(fun=mean,geom="line") + facet_wrap(~test)
You can see the trend is more or less similar. My suggestion would be to use tuneRF to quickly check the range of mtrys to train over, then use caret, cross-validation to properly evaluate this.


Get accuracy from Random Forest using 'train' model

I have the following code to fetch accuracy from RandomForest model with 5-fold cross validation:
traincontrol = trainControl(method="cv", number = 5, search = "random", savePredictions = T)
tuningGrid <- expand.grid(mtry=c(2,4,6,8))
all_accuracies <- c()
model = train(label~., data=training_data, method="rf", trControl = traincontrol,
tuneGrid = tuningGrid, ntree = 25)
I plan to run this model 15 times and record the best accuracy for each time in all_accuracies. Is there any way to fetch the accuracy with code instead of manually noting it? Since if I can do that, I'll just use for loop and record every accuracy in the all_accuracies vector.
Right now, I have to write 15 lines of the same code and then record the best accuracy manually.
I figured how I can do it.
I can calculate maximum accuracy of a model by

R: error when doing backward feature selection with rms::fastbw on caret model

I want to perform backward feature selection using the function fastbw from the rms package. I use a sample dataset PimaIndiansDiabetes as below:
trControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
repeats = 3,
classProbs = TRUE,
number = 10,
savePredictions = TRUE,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)
caret_model <- train(diabetes~.,
reduced_model <- fastbw(caret_model$finalModel)
This gives me an error:
Error in fastbw(caret_model$finalModel) : fit does not have design
May I know what this means and how to resolve it?
You're probably stuck. fastbw() works only with models from rms, i.e. ?fastbw says:
fit: fit object with ‘Varcov(fit)’ defined (e.g., from ‘ols’,
‘lrm’, ‘cph’, ‘psm’, ‘glmD’)
I tried your fit with method="lrm" (lrm is rms's logistic regression tool), but got
Error: Model lrm is not in caret's built-in library
I think you're going to have to find another way to do stepwise regression, e.g. see this question: i.e. using library(MASS) and then method="glmStepAIC" (within caret), or stepAIC (from scratch).
It's not obvious to me why you're training a model and then doing stepwise regression ...

Automate variable selection based on varimp in R

In R, I have a logistic regression model as follows
train_control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 3)
logit_Model <- train(result~., data=df,
trControl = train_control,
method = "glm",
calculatedVarImp <- varImp(logit_Model, scale = FALSE)
I use multiple datasets that run through the same code, so the variable importance changes for each dataset. Is there a way to get the names of the variables that are less than n (e.g. 1) in the overall importance, so I can automate the removal of those variables and rerun the model.
I was unable to get the information from 'calculatedVarImp' variable by subsetting 'overall' value
lowVarImp <- subset(calculatedVarImp , importance$Overall <1)
Also, is there a better way of doing variable selection?
Thanks in advance
You're using the caret package. Not sure if you're aware of this, but caret has a method for stepwise logistic regression using the Akaike Information Criterion: glmStepAIC.
So it iteratively trains a model for every subset of predictors and stops at the one with the lowest AIC.
train_control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 3)
logit_Model <- train(y~., data= train_data,
trControl = train_control,
method = "glmStepAIC",
na.action = na.omit)
This is as automated as it gets but it may be worth reading this answer about the downsides to this method:
See Also.

Pre-Processing Data in Caret and Making Predictions on an Unknown Data Set

I am using the Caret package train function to fit a model and then predict to predict values on an unknown data set (which I then get feedback on so I know the quality of my predictions). I'm having problems and I'm convinced it has to do with preprocessing the unknown data.
Briefly and simply, this is what I'm doing:
Pre-Process Training Data:
preproc = preProcess(train_num,method = c("center", "scale"))
train_standardized <- predict(preproc, train_num)
Train the Model:
gbmGrid <- expand.grid(interaction.depth = c(1, 5, 9),
n.trees = c(100,500),
shrinkage = 0.1,
n.minobsinnode = 20)
train.boost = train(x=train_standardized[,-length(train_standardized)],
method = "gbm",
metric = "ROC",
maximize = FALSE,
tuneGrid= gbmGrid,
trControl = trainControl(method="cv",
classProbs = TRUE,
verboseIter = TRUE,
savePredictions = TRUE))
Prepare unknown data for predictions:
unknown_standardized <- predict(preproc, unknown_num)
Make the actual prediction on the unknown data:
preds <- predict(train.boost,newdata=unknown_standardized,type="prob")
Note that the "preproc" object is the same one resulting from analysis of the training set and used to make the centered/standardized predictions on which the model was trained.
When I get my evaluation back my evaluation on the unknown data it is substantially worse than what was predicted using the training set (ROC using training data via cross validation is about .83, ROC using the unknown data that I get back from the evaluating party is about .70).
Do I have the process right? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
In one sense, you are not doing anything wrong at all.
A predictor is likely to do better on a training sample as it has used that data to build the model.
The whole point of the training set is to see how well that model generalizes. It is likely to "overfit" to the training data to a greater or lesser extent and to do somewhat worse on new data.
At least once you have your score against new data, you know the true accuracy of the model. If that accuracy is sufficient for your purposes, then the model will be useable and (because you have done the training/test) robust to new data.
Now, it is possible that the model could be better if it was trained on a wider variety of data. So to increase real accuracy, it might be worth using cross-validation to train it on multiple slices of the data - k fold cross-validation. Caret has a nice facility for that. http://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-estimate-model-accuracy-in-r-using-the-caret-package/

Obtaining training Error using Caret package in R

I am using caret package in order to train a K-Nearest Neigbors algorithm. For this, I am running this code:
Control <- trainControl(method="cv", summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, classProb=T)
trainingInfo <- train(Formula, data=trainData, method = "knn",tuneGrid=tGrid,
trControl=Control, metric = "ROC")
As you can see, I am interested in obtain the AUC parameter of the ROC. This code works good but returns the testing error (which the algorithm uses for tuning the k parameter of the model) as the mean of the error of the CrossValidation folds. I am interested in return, in addition of the testing error, the training error (the mean across each fold of the error obtained with the training data). ¿How can I do it?
Thank you
What you are asking is a bad idea on multiple levels. You will grossly over-estimate the area under the ROC curve. Consider the 1-NN model: you will have perfect predictions every time.
To do this, you will need to run train again and modify the index and indexOut objects:
dat <- twoClassSim(200)
folds <- createFolds(dat$Class, returnTrain = TRUE)
Control <- trainControl(method="cv",
index = folds,
indexOut = folds)
a_bad_idea <- train(Class ~ ., data=dat,
method = "knn",
trControl=Control, metric = "ROC")
