Auth: Is there a way to access error.userInfo[FIRAuthErrorUserInfoUpdatedCredentialKey]? - react-native-firebase

I'm running into trouble using Apple Login with anonymous user.
signInWithCredential with apple login
log out
signin with anonymous user
try linkWithCredential with apple creds; fails (expected)
try signInWithCredential with the same creds; fails (unexpected)
The reason why step 5 fails is because the same creds cannot be used by Apple Login twice. The problem is discussed in this firebase IOS thread
The solution as per that thread is to signin with a different credentials provided in
However, I do not know how to access this in react-native-firebase/auth
Can someone suggest whether this is possible with the current API?


Firebase missing initial state on auth request

I am trying to use Apple sign-in with my Flutter/Firebase web app. It works fine with a popup browser tab, so I know the general configuration is correct. However, when the redirect flow is used instead of the popup, an error results. When the Apple sign-in is complete, it makes a POST to Firebase's URL which includes a code and id_token. However, the Firebase Auth handler page gives the following error:
Unable to process request due to missing initial state. This may happen if browser sessionStorage is inaccessible or accidentally cleared.
Is there some configuration that I am missing to save the state in session storage before redirecting to the sign in page? Or am I missing something else?
To use Apple Sign In with Flutter apps it's required to implement a callback endpoint that redirects the user to the app with the sign in response. The Firebase callback is not supported. See this doc for a guided step about how to implement such endpoint
Original Answer
There is an open issue in firebase-js-sdk Github that addresses this issue: We probably need to await for a solution from Firebase team

Firebase Auth – State Update on emailVerified

I have ignored the email/password sign up process and the necessary email verification for a long time and only used the very basic functionality to get started and build on top of that. But now I reached the point where I cannot avoid to use a more production-grade email/password sign up process. Currently I am using these Firebase services: Authentication (email/password only), Firestore and Cloud Functions with a react-native application.
When a user signed up successfully (signed in but without an verified email!) the react native application won't offer functionality until the user has verified his/her email. Right after the sign up the client will send an email with an verification link (through the default firebase server), the user can verify his/her email by clicking the link.
The issue: How to react suitable to a change of emailVerified or any other event which fires if the email got verified?
I have now searched the whole day for a working solution. These are my approaches:
Use your own website to which all verification links are linked (tried this but did not work at my first attempt)
use actionCodeSettings in the email verification link to redirect the user and let the client reload its components
Use Cloud Messaging and inform the client about changes to the email verification status
call a Cloud Function (from an external server) which updates a tmp document in Firestore to which the client subscribed
I am thankful for all comments, helpful links etc.!
There is a method in the Firebase SDK: isEmailVerified() which tells if the user has verified the email or not.
For react native, I found straightforward documentation: Email Verified. On the launch of the app, you can check if the user has verified the email or not and then make changes accordingly!
Happy Coding!

How to link EmailAuthProvider with FacebookAuthProvider in firebase

I try to merge email/password account with Facebook account. The scenario is like:
user created an account in my app (email/password provider)
one week later, he can't remember that he created his account with Google or Facebook or Email/Password, so he clicks to sign in with Facebook.
an error message appears auth/account-exists-with-different-credential - that's ok, understand that.
fetchSignInMethodsForEmail sends me 'password' provider with flag isOAuthProvider: false which means I can't directly sign in with FB.
What should I do next to log in with Fb and then link that account with existed email/password account of that user?
Should I redirect the user to email/password form and tell him (toast) why should he try to log in this way, or there is a better solution?
After the steps you've described, I see two logical options:
Indeed let the user complete the sign-in with Facebook, and sign-in with their email/password, and then link those accounts.
Tell them that they signed in with email/password before, and redirect them to that.
Linking the accounts is typically a nicer flow for the user, but it is more work to get working.

When using Firebase Authentication service, how to throw error when login by Facebook/Google with no existing account

I'm developing a Flutter app using Firebase Authentication service.
The following Flutter plugins are used:
The login flow is:
Login with either Facebook, Google or Email&Password
If account has already been created, logged in
If not, throws error
This is possible if the logging method is Email&Password. In Firebase_auth plugin, there are two separate methods for Email&Password scenario: createUserWithEmailAndPassword and signInWithEmailAndPassword. When the sign in method is called with a non existed account, it will throw a wrong id/password error.
However, for the Facebook/Google login method, the plugin only provides
signInWithFacebook and signInWithGoogle and the way they work is that the first time user uses facebook/google account to sign in, Firebase will automatically create an account and return the newly created account. (no separate sign up and sign in process)
I also read on the Firebase doc for Android Google Sign in
After a user signs in for the first time, a new user account is created and linked to the credentials—that is, the user name and password, phone number, or auth provider information—the user signed in with. This new account is stored as part of your Firebase project, and can be used to identify a user across every app in your project, regardless of how the user signs in.
So, my question is: If user logins with Fb/G account that has not yet been used to register with my app on Firebase, how do I make Firebase authentication throw error instead of automatically create a new account ?
Malcolm from the Firebase team here! Great question.
Given the functionality that currently exists in the open source Flutter plugins, you can likely get the result you desire by using the method #fetchProvidersForEmail(). Here are the logical steps you'll follow for the federated IDPs:
Do normal sign in the with IDP and get a token.
Parse that returned token for the user's email (usually using a JWT parsing library).
Call #fetchProvidersForEmail() with the extracted email.
If the providers that come back for the email are empty, then it's a new account. Otherwise, it's an existing account.
Alternatively, you could update the Flutter plugin to return more of the AuthResult, which includes whether or not the user is new. If the user is new, then you just call FirebaseAuth#getCurrentUser()#delete() and throw whatever error you wanted. (Which you would also have to add to the plugin).

Firebase creating empty users, even though the Auth feature requires email

I am using Firebase's auth feature and sometimes I see empty users in the console. This brings issues to some users because instead of logging into their main account (and using their UID to fetch their user data in a users reference), log into that empty account with a UID which is not theirs.
Not sure exactly how that can happen, but it seems like this could be a bug on Firebase's side, because a successful Auth should have at least 1 provider...
Any ideas about such issue and how I could fix it from my side if possible?
Ps.: Is that how "signInAnonymously" would create anonymous accounts?
This is an intended behavior when you authenticate with Firebase anonymously.
signInAnonymously() method signs in the user anonymously without requiring any credential and creates a new account in your Firebase Authentication system, except in the case where there was already an anonymous user signed in into the app.
See FirebaseAuth.signInAnonymously class reference for more details.
