I want to create a function to detect whether a series of numbers has a pattern or not.
f(list) -> boolean
For example this function has a pattern and it's not random (function must return true) :
But this one is random (function must return false) :
I want to know is there any statistical functions to handle this problem?
I am implementing simple modulus function on sage jupitar notebook. The function is as follows:
Mod2(v,b)=(v+b*(q-1)/2) mod q mod 2
The function is wriiten in sage as :
def modulus(v,b):
for i in range(len(v)):
return c
The function is executed as :
dimension = 1024 # degree of polynomials
modulus = 12289
R.<X> = PolynomialRing(GF(modulus),) Gaussian field of integers
Y.<x> = R.quotient(X^(dimension) + 1) # Cyclotomic field
# Now, We are making another list named mon and calling the modulus function
I get following error while executing the above code.
TypeError: 'sage.rings.integer.Integer' object is not callable
This kind of error nearly always happens when you try to do something that Sage translates as 1(3). In this case, you have redefined something!
def modulus(v,b):
modulus = 12289
You can't overload things this way in Python. Sage will replace what modulus refers to by that number; your function is just gone now. So when you do
you are trying to call 12289 as a function.
I suggest calling your other modulus modulus1 or something like that. Do it consistently, and this problem should disappear. Good luck.
There is my function code
if(arg1 == 'ggwp'){
>Error in fun(ggwp): object 'ggwp' not found.
i don't know how to use if condition that make arg1 = str, then run a new function in R. It is different from C. There is error when I try this code. So, how do I make it work?
In R, assume an object of type 'closure' called my_object that contains both a likelihood function and the associated parameters.
Assume further that I would now like to extract specifically the likelihood function from said object and pass it on to a different R command, which needs a likelihood function as its first argument. I can extract said function via command unenclose in library pryr.
> library(pryr)
> lik_func = unenclose(my_object)
> lik_func
function (pars, condition.surv = TRUE, root = ROOT.OBS, root.p = NULL,
intermediates = FALSE)
{ #function_specifics_here# }
<environment: namespace:diversitree>
However, what I apparently extract is just an object of class 'function', and not the likelihood function itself, as the next R command complains that it does not actually receive a function, but an object:
> asr.marginal(lik=lik_func, pars=my_pars)
Error in UseMethod("make.asr.marginal") :
no applicable method for 'make.asr.marginal' applied to an object of class "function"
How do I convert this object of class 'function' into a plain function, assuming such a distinction actually exists?
Note: I am uncertain if or why a distinction between an object of class 'function' and a plain function actually exists. Maybe someone answering this question could share some light on this too.
“Objects of class "function"” are, generally1, functions. In particular, they are objects of type "closure" and class "function".
Using pryr::unenclose doesn’t have any useful effect here. Its only effect is to take a function and replace all references to objects in an enclosing environment with their value. So if I have, say:
x = 1
f = function () x
… then unenclose(f) will yield:
function () 1
This doesn’t make f any more or less of a function.
Your error message seems to be fundamentally unrelated to that. Instead, asr.marginal specifically expects a likelihood function, which apparently needs to be created by one of the make.* functions in the package. A likelihood function in the context of ‹diversitree› is a function of class "dtlik".
1 The exception is if you are prone to shenanigans:
x = 42
class(x) = "function"
Now x has class function but obviously isn’t a function.
I am trying to create a function that plots graphs for either an entire dataset, or a subset of the data. The function needs to be able to do both so that you can plot the subset if you so wish. I am struggling with just coming up with the generic subset function.
I currently have this code (I am more of a SAS user so R is confusing me a bit):
subset<-function(dat, varname, val)
if(dat$varname==val) {
data<-subset(dat, dat$varname==val)
But R keeps returning this error message:
Error in if (dat$varname == val) { : argument is of length zero
Could someone help me to resolve this? Thanks so much! I figure it may have to do with the way I wrote it.
First off all the $ operator can not handle variables. In your code you are always looking up a column named varname.
Replace $varname with [varname] instead.
The next error is that you are conditioning on a vector, dat$varname==val will be vector of booleans.
A third error in your code is that you are naming your function subset and thus overlayering the subset function in the base package. So the inner call to subset will be a recursive call to your own function. To fix this rename your function or you have to specify that it is the subset function in the base package you are calling with base::subset(dat, dat[varname]==val).
The final error in the code is that your function does not return anything. Do not assign the result to the variable data but return it instead.
Here is how the code should look like.
mySubset<-function(dat, varname, val)
if(any(dat[varname]==val)) {
subset(dat, dat[varname]==val)
} else {
Or even better
mySubset <- function(dat,varname,val) dat[dat[varname] == val]
I want to add a loss function to torch that calculates the edit distance between predicted and target values.
Is there an easy way to implement this idea?
Or do I have to write my own class with backward and forward functions?
If your criterion can be represented as a composition of existing modules and criteria, it's a good idea to simply construct such composition using containers. The only problem is that standard containers are designed to work with modules only, not criteria. The difference is in :forward method signature:
criterion:forward(input, target)
Luckily, we are free to define our own container which is able work with criteria too. For example, sequential:
local GeneralizedSequential, _ = torch.class('nn.GeneralizedSequential', 'nn.Sequential')
function GeneralizedSequential:forward(input, target)
return self:updateOutput(input, target)
function GeneralizedSequential:updateOutput(input, target)
local currentOutput = input
for i=1,#self.modules do
currentOutput = self.modules[i]:updateOutput(currentOutput, target)
self.output = currentOutput
return currentOutput
Below is an illustration of how to implement nn.CrossEntropyCriterion having this generalized sequential container:
function MyCrossEntropyCriterion(weights)
criterion = nn.GeneralizedSequential()
return criterion
Check whether everything is correct:
output = torch.rand(3,3)
target = torch.Tensor({1, 2, 3})
mycrit = MyCrossEntropyCriterion()
-- print(mycrit)
print(mycrit:forward(output, target))
print(mycrit:backward(output, target))
crit = nn.CrossEntropyCriterion()
-- print(crit)
print(crit:forward(output, target))
print(crit:backward(output, target))
Just to add to the accepted answer, you have to be careful that the loss function you define (edit distance in your case) is differentiable with respect to the network parameters.