Showing original link being cloaked in Google Analytics - google-analytics

I use a cloaking plugin for my WooCommerce external link products. Because the external links are cloaked it shows the cloaking link in GA. Is there any possible way to show the original uncloaked link in GA even though it is being cloaked? Thanks

You'd likely want to get the uncloaked link and load it to your dataLayer. You can then push it from the dataLayer to a custom dimension in your GA. A custom event, such as an external link click could include this custom dimension. This would provide you with the join between the outgoing click (the cloaked link) and the original link. This is easily doable with Google Tag Manager or a few lines of event code.


GA query parameters breaking link

I'm working on this site - if you go to the footer and click the link to Twitter you'll find it doesn't work. Google Analytics has added utm parameters and it seems this breaks Twitter. If you remove the paramters from the url, Twitter works.
How can I tell Google Analytics not to add query parameters to this link? Is there a class or attribute I can add that will do this?
I tried to remove the parameters using JavaScript but as GA only adds the parameters as you click the button, I cannot remove them, I need to prevent GA adding them in the first place.
It looks that you're using Google Tag Manager to add Google Analytics functionality to your site and cross-domain tracking is enabled for Analytics tag. But it looks misconfigured as #vinoaj suggested. You need to modify your Google Analytics settings variable to only add cross-domain parameters to the links to target site:
While Auto Links Domain field is blank all the links will be extended with cross-domain tracking parameters.

Google Tag Manager. Tracking link click through a funnel

I had a question about Google Tag Manager. (I also felt bad for having the IT guy fix my mistakes on my simple click tag)
I wanted to track when a user enters a specific url when they click a link button on the homepage.
This is what it looks like
This is my idea on what the Tag and Trigger should look like
But I'm worried about having the trigger be fired when there is another page in the funnel
Also if the only way to do this is in the goal feature of GA that is good to know also. (I currently don't have the permissions here)
Thanks for responses
While it is difficult to achieve exactly what you're describing (it would involve storing data in cookies and then using these cookies to conditionally fire tags), there is a better way to achieve what I assume is your ultimate objective: an analysis of the shopping funnel.
Specifically, the Google Analytics enhanced ecommerce module has a dedicated report (the Conversions > Ecommerce > Shopping Behavior report) that shows you exactly this. It shows you the number of sessions for each stage of your shopping experience (product view -> add to cart -> checkout -> purchase) along with drop-off rates and volumes between each of these steps.
It is a little bit more involved to implement enhanced ecommerce but the final result is definitely worth it for an ecommerce business. Instructions for implementation of enhanced ecommerce (using Google Tag Manager) can be found here.
GTM is hit based without any notion of persistence. So by default this will not work.
You would need a custom HTML tag with a javascript function that sets a cookie, or writes a value to localstorage, when the button is clicked.
Then on your destination page you can check if the cookie exists and fire the tag accordingly.
I don't think the goal feature in GA can do that, either. A goal is registered when you hit a destination URL or event, you cannot specify conditions other than the destination.

Push Referral URL when form is submitted GTM

I would like to push the referral URL to Google Analytics once someone submits the form on my landing page. Is it possible to do this using Google Tag Manager and also pass a successful form completion?
There shouldn't be any reason to pull the referral URL within GTM. Google Analytics (GA) already does this. To view referrer information, simply add a secondary dimension! Here's a screenshot of where to find the secondary dimension option:
You can use the search box in the secondary dimension dropdown menu to find and apply the Full Referrer dimension. Below, I've provided a screenshot showing the Full Referrer column that is added:

Enhanced Ecommerce data not showing up in Analytics using Tag Manager

I am trying to implement Enhanced Ecommerce (EE) for Google Analytics (GA) using Google Tag Manager (GTM) but don't see any data showing up in GA.
Using the GTM preview mode, I can see that the data in the dataLayer is correct and that the right Tags are fired. I have also made sure to (correctly) create separate Tags for all the things I want to measure, which are:
measuring the product detail view
measuring the checkout process (both checkout steps and checkout options)
measuring purchases
Perhaps I should also note that I am developing from localhost, but I don't think that should matter (?).
When composing this question I was unable to post images, but I later realized I can post links of course. So, for clarification:
Tags that are fired on my Product Detail Page:
The dataLayer containing the ecommerce data:
It turned out working localhost actually was the problem, my solution to this problem is explained here:, but in short: go to Tags > My Tags > Configure Tag > More Settings > Fields to Set, type in 'cookie' in the Field Name input field, select cookieDomain from the suggestions, and set the value to none.

Multiple links pointing to the same location. Track which one was clicked using Google Analytics

I'm trying to get Google Analytics to track the specific link in the page that was used by the users to get to a specific location.
Say I have links poing to the contact page from the main menu, the page's contents and the footer.
Looking at what other websites are doing, I've added references inside GET parameters for each of the links like so: , and . I've also added the ref parameter to the ignore list inside Google Analytics so the three URLs are not tracked as separate pages.
My question now is: How sould I go about tracking which one was used to get to the contact page?
Although the post is a bit old, for others like me finding this via search, here is the solution. Enhanced Link Attribution in Google Analytics.
Sounds like you are already tracking them with the URL param.
If Google Analytics is successfully tracking them as separate pageviews with the ref= URL param, then you could create a custom report in GA that shows the number of pageviews. The custom report can be added to your dashboard for quick reference.
The custom report can be set up like this:
Metric groups: pageviews
Dimension drilldowns: page
Filters: include -> Page -> regex -> /contact\?ref=(content|menu|footer)
Or, for each click, add the following to each link:
Repeat for each link. This is no more work than adding a ref= to each link.
