Django CMS Link - AttributeError 'Page' object has no attribute 'site' - django-cms

I am able to add link through djagnocms_link. But when I double click on that link for edit It throws me this error - [AttributeError 'Page' object has no attribute 'site'] inside ckeditor.
And interestingly it's only happens when I try to add link inside Content, but not in static Footer
Is there anyway to solve this problem? Or a better way to add links

It's a bug djangocms-link 2.6.0, upgrading to 2.6.1 helps.
The issue on github -


Custom page template on Wordpress 6.0 not shown when i edit a page

i've created a php file in my theme folder named page-test.
When i try to bind this template to any page, i can't see it
Impossible to guess what is the problem. Someone could help me ?
Can you make sure your child theme is activated, i mean where you put your file, also can you change file name to page_test.php
Let me know if problem fixed.
Ok i got it.
It's not in "page attribute" anymore but in the "modele (in french)" part.

How to load the Section in DotLiquid template

I am using DotLiquid for the template. I am working themes same as Shopify. I am facing an issue like I am not able to load 'section' tags. How to render the section tag values. I have 'product.liquid' template inside I am using {% section 'product-template' %}. I am getting the error "[SyntaxException: Unknown tag 'section']". Can anyone please help me out. How to fix this issue.
You can look at the DotLiquid source on github
You'll see section is not registered as a tag. You might be able to prompt one of the maintainers to add it but otherwise you could clone the source and add it yourself.

Error inserting images to posts with TinyMCE in PODS Wordpress Framework

I have problem with an installation of PODS Framework in Wordpress with tinymce helper.
When I’m trying to upload new image (by using media upload button) it works fine, however when I’m trying to insert image to post I get a javascript error which says missing insertContent method on QTags.
I saw that Pods-tinymce has its own version of this js class and I didn’t see insertContent function in this file?
Any ideas what should I check now?
You may add content using the mceInsertContent execCommand:
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<img src="..." href="..."/>');

Wordpress goes blank after publishing new content?

So out of no where after clicking the publish button the page just goes blank...
The url at the top is:
What's good news is it still posts the content :)
Not great at coding so details rock :)
I was getting same error, when I update the site content and press update it goes to /wp-admin/post.php and this appears as blank page.
It is solved by:
I removed all the spaces at the end of functions.php file, I had included a widget and there were some spaces in between older content and new widget function, when I removed the spaces everything is working fine.
if that don't work then
- go into wp-config.php and find this "define('WP_DEBUG', false);"
change its value, if it is flase, make it true or if it is true change it to false.
And everything must work Good.
A blank page usually means Apache failed. Check your error logs. You'll probably find a line that starts with:
PHP Fatal error:
You can also display your errors on the screen instead of looking at the log.
There will be many reasons for blank page, you have not mention version for wp, php etc.
To solve wordpress blank page issue follow the steps
disable all plugin and try (if there is an error in plugins then enable 1 by 1)
switch to default theme and try (if there is an error in theme)
rename .htaccess and param-link to default (page/post id)

admin template selection is missing on page creation in wordpress 3.2.x

I am using WordPress 3.2.1 ,
Page template selection drop down is missing on Pages (Add,Edit)
wp-admin > Pages >Add New > Page Attributes
I Edit the Template Page Default page as below code
Template Name: New Template
But still the template drop down no visible , my older version of WordPress it display by default.
Following is the screen shot for more idea
I solved this problem solved by adding the typical following code:
Template Name: Custom
Don't add any spaces after Name:
It'll work if you use template name: as well.
It might help someone: check if your index.php file is in place.
If it's not there, wordpress treats the template as corrupt and it doesn't display the template selection.
This should be simple to troubleshoot. The requirements for the page template to work are straight forward:
The template needs the page title in the top of the file like you've shown (the title needs to be wrapped in a PHP tag, you probably just didn't add it with your example bu I want to make sure you havne't overlooked it):
Template Name: Custom
The second requirement is that the file is in the root of the theme folder.
With those two requirements in place, it should work. If it isn't working you nave a few possible issues. I list a few off the top of my head:
You might need to re-install WordPress in-case a file was corrupted
during your last update.
It's possible someone has altered the WP-Admin layout using users
That's all I can thing of at the moment, let me know how it turns out.
I had the same issue. It actually turned out to be a missing style.css file within the template directory in my case.
This happens because the get_post_templates() in class-wp-theme.php first checks for errors. If it finds any then it returns an empty array (no templates are displayed).
A side effect of this is that saving a page would clear the existing template and use the page.php instead.
So in short if the errors() method of your theme returns any errors then no templates dropdown.
hope that helps someone.
Same issued, I found out that in appearance panel in your WordPress dashboard the stylesheet is missing. You shouldn't rename the style.css in your theme folder.
Not sure if this will help anyone, but we solved the problem by disabling our theme and re-enabling it again. We had some other theme folders in the theme directory that we weren't using so we deleted those out as well. good luck, it's a really random problem to solve!
yeah!template dropdown not showing because you have no template So how to solve this::---
1 create template folder in theme
2 create a template in this folder
<?php /* Template Name: Home */ echo "template"; ?>
and check-in page dropdown will be there.
