Force Gitlab to retry webhooks on failure with Go - http

I want to watch for every events in a Gitlab project and store them in an external service. For this, I use Gitlab Webhooks. I made a little local HTTP server in Go that listens for Gitlab's POSTs and forward them to an external service. Hooks contains every information I needed so it seems that this architecture is fine:
Gitlab > HTTPServer > External Service.
My problem is when the external service is down, I cannot manage to make Gitlab retry the failed requests. As the documentation says:
GitLab ignores the HTTP status code returned by your endpoint.
Your endpoint should ALWAYS return a valid HTTP response. If you do not do this then GitLab will think the hook failed and retry it.
It is very surprising that Gitlab does not have a proper way to ask for a webhook retry. I have to explicitly return an invalid http response. Moreover, I cannot find an API endpoint to list all failed webhooks and ask for resend.
Question: How to explicitly return an invalid HTTP response with the standard "net/http" library in order to force Gitlab to retry Webhooks?

As written in the comments, a webhook is a mere notification that an event occurred, and potentially some data is sent, typically as JSON data.
It is your responsibility to persist the event itself and the data you want/need to process that was sent with it. Below you will find a commented example. Note that this does not include incremental backoffs, but that should be easy to add:
package main
import (
var (
bind string
queueDir string
segmentSize int
// You might want to add request headers and stuff
type webhookContent struct {
Foo string
Bar int
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&bind, "bind", ":8080", "The address to bind to")
flag.StringVar(&queueDir, "path", "./queue", "path to store the queue in")
flag.IntVar(&segmentSize, "size", 50, "number of entries for the queue")
// The "webserver" component
func runserver(q *dque.DQue) {
http.HandleFunc("/webhook", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// A new decoder for each call, as we want to have a new LimitReader
// for each call. This is a simple, albeit a bit crude method to prevent
// accidental or malicious overload of your server.
dec := json.NewDecoder(io.LimitReader(r.Body, 4096))
defer r.Body.Close()
c := &webhookContent{}
if err := dec.Decode(c); err != nil {
log.Printf("reading body: %s", err)
http.Error(w, "internal error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// When the content is successfully decoded, we can persist it into
// our queue.
if err := q.Enqueue(c); err != nil {
log.Printf("enqueueing webhook data: %s", err)
http.ListenAndServe(bind, nil)
func main() {
var (
q *dque.DQue
err error
if !dirExists(queueDir) {
if err = os.MkdirAll(queueDir, 0750); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("creating queue dir: %s", err)
if !dirExists(filepath.Join(queueDir, "webhooks")) {
q, err = dque.New("webhooks", queueDir, segmentSize, func() interface{} { return &webhookContent{} })
} else {
q, err = dque.Open("webhooks", queueDir, segmentSize, func() interface{} { return &webhookContent{} })
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("setting up queue: %s", err)
defer q.Close()
go runserver(q)
var (
// Placeholder during event loop
i interface{}
// Payload
w *webhookContent
// Did the type assertion succeed
ok bool
for {
// We peek only. The semantic of this is that
// you can already access the next item in the queue
// without removing it from the queue and "mark" it as read.
// We use PeekBlock since we want to wait for an item in the
// queue to be available.
if i, err = q.PeekBlock(); err != nil {
// If we can not peek, something is SERIOUSLY wrong.
log.Fatalf("reading from queue: %s", err)
if w, ok = i.(*webhookContent); !ok {
// If the type assertion fails, something is seriously wrong, too.
log.Fatalf("reading from queue: %s", err)
if err = doSomethingUseful(w); err != nil {
log.Printf("Something went wrong: %s", err)
log.Println("I strongly suggest entering an incremental backoff!")
// We did something useful, so we can dequeue the item we just processed from the queue.
func doSomethingUseful(w *webhookContent) error {
log.Printf("Instead of this log message, you can do something useful with: %#v", w)
return nil
func dirExists(path string) bool {
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return fileInfo.IsDir()
return false
Now when you do something like:
$ curl -X POST --data '{"Foo":"Baz","Bar":42}' http://localhost:8080/webhook
you should get a log entry like
2020/04/18 11:34:23 Instead of this log message, you can do something useful with: &main.webhookContent{Foo:"Baz", Bar:42}

Note that See GitLab 15.7 (December 2022) implements an opposite approach:
Automatic disabling of failing webhooks
To protect GitLab and users across the system from any potential abuse or misuse, we’ve implemented a feature to disable webhooks that fail consistently.
Webhooks that return response codes in the 5xx range are understood to be failing intermittently and are temporarily disabled. These webhooks are initially disabled for 1 minute, which is extended on each retry up to a maximum of 24 hours.
Webhooks that fail with 4xx errors are permanently disabled.
All project owners and maintainers are alerted in the app to investigate and re-enable any failed webhooks.
This feature is now available on and self-managed instances along with feature enhancements including handling cold starts.
See Epic and Documentation.
So not only sending back "an invalid HTTP response" would not work, it would result in a disabled webhook, starting with GitLab 15.7+.


Reading POST data

I have built a server with few endpoints, in 1 of them i am taking logs in post body and jwt token in the authorization header. In this API i parse the token, validate it and then get the body. It is working file but sometimes i get these errors while reading the body:
client disconnected
stream error: stream ID 3; CANCEL
Reading body:
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) // r *http.Request
Why am i getting these errors and how can i resolve them? Thanks
EDIT: THe endpoint handler
func logs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var auth classes.AuthToken
// Validate token and get the needed data from it
if err := dbAndAuth.ValTokAndGetD(r, &auth, tokenKey); err != nil {
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "" {
classes.LogError(false, "got an empty error")
errD := classes.Resp{
Success: false,
Message: err.Error(),
ErrCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) // Got the error here
// parse the body to get the data
Without seeing the rest of the code it is hard to answer, but the likely answer is that the stream is being closed before it can all be read.
This could be due to the body being closed (or any other means of manually closing prematurely).
Or the parsing is being run in a separate routine which isn't given chance to complete and respond in a [buffered?] channel back before the request completes.

Keep alive request for _change continuous feed

I am trying to convert below nodejs code to Go. I have to establish keep alive http request to PouchDB server's _changes?feed=continuous. However, I'm not able to achieve it in Go.
var http = require('http')
var agent = new http.Agent({
keepAlive: true
var options = {
host: 'localhost',
port: '3030',
method: 'GET',
path: '/downloads/_changes?feed=continuous&include_docs=true',
var req = http.request(options, function(response) {
response.on('data', function(data) {
let val = data.toString()
if(val == '\n')
else {
//to close the connection
response.on('end', function() {
// Data received completely.
response.on('error', function(err) {
Below is the Go code
client := &http.Client{}
data := url.Values{}
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:3030/downloads/_changes?feed=continuous&include_docs=true", strings.NewReader(data.Encode()))
req.Header.Set("Connection", "keep-alive")
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
I am getting status 200 Ok, but no data gets printed, its stuck. On the other hand if I use longpoll option ie. http://localhost:3030/downloads/_changes?feed=longpoll then I am receiving data.
Your code is working "as expected" and what you wrote in Go is not equivalent to code shown in Node.js. Go code blocks on ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) because connection is kept open by CouchDB server. Once server closes the connection your client code will print out result as ioutil.ReadAll() will be able to read all data down to EOF.
From CouchDB documentation about continuous feed:
A continuous feed stays open and connected to the database until explicitly closed and changes are sent to the client as they happen, i.e. in near real-time. As with the longpoll feed type you can set both the timeout and heartbeat intervals to ensure that the connection is kept open for new changes and updates.
You can try experiment and add &timeout=1 to URL which will force CouchDB to close connection after 1s. Your Go code then should print the whole response.
Node.js code works differently, event data handler is called every time server sends some data. If you want to achieve same and process partial updates as they come (before connection is closed) you cannot use ioutil.ReadAll() as that waits for EOF (and thus blocks in your case) but something like resp.Body.Read() to process partial buffers. Here is very simplified snippet of code that demonstrates that and should give you basic idea:
package main
import (
func main() {
client := &http.Client{}
data := url.Values{}
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:3030/downloads/_changes?feed=continuous&include_docs=true", strings.NewReader(data.Encode()))
req.Header.Set("Connection", "keep-alive")
resp, err := client.Do(req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
for {
l, err := resp.Body.Read(buf)
if l == 0 && err != nil {
break // this is super simplified
// here you can send off data to e.g. channel or start
// handler goroutine...
fmt.Printf("%s", buf[:l])
In real world application you probably want to make sure your buf holds something that looks like a valid message and then pass it to channel or handler goroutine for further processing.
Finally, I was able to resolve the issue. The issue was related to DisableCompression flag. this issue gave me some hint.
By setting DisableCompression: true fixed the issue.
client := &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{
DisableCompression: true,
I am assuming client := &http.Client{} sends DisableCompression : false by default and pouchdb server is sending compressed json, Hence received data was compressed and resp.Body.Read was not able to read.

How to send response to the client before executing the calculations that are not required in response

Can we send response(or write on user side)with statement like:
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode("some data")
in api before doing some calculation part which are not required in response but needed to store in database. I am thinking like we can give response in less time to the user and other part of function will be continue to work until the return statement.
Correct me if I am thinking in wrong direction.
One way would be to do your additional work which is not required for the response in another goroutine:
func someHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
go func() {
// Do anything here, this won't delay the response
// But don't touch the writer or request, as they may not be available here
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode("some data"); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error sending response: %v", err)
Note that in the launched gorotuine you can't use the http.ResponseWriter nor the http.Request, as they are only valid to use until you return from your handler. If you need something from them, you must make a copy of the needed parts before you launch the goroutine.
If you want to complete the additional task before you return from the handler, you can still use a goroutine, and use a sync.WaitGroup to wait for it to complete and only then return from the handler. You may or may not flush the response:
func someHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// You may use the writer and request here
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode("some data"); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error sending response: %v", err)
// Optionally you may flush the data written so far (icnluding HTTP headers)
if flusher, ok := w.(http.Flusher); ok {
Note that here the goroutine is allowed to use the http.ResponseWriter and http.Request, because the handler does not return until the additional task is completed.

Redirects return http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls

I am using Jon Calhoun's Go MVC framework from github.
The framework uses julienschmidt/httprouter as its only dependency.
I have a similar main method as found in the example:
func main() {
//register routes
router := httprouter.New()
router.GET("/", controllers.Login.Perform(controllers.Login.Index))
router.GET("/login", controllers.Login.Perform(controllers.Login.Login))
router.POST("/login", controllers.Login.Perform(controllers.Login.PostLogin))
router.GET("/dashboard", controllers.Dashboard.Perform(controllers.Dashboard.Index))
//listen and handle requests
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+helpers.ReadConfig("port_http"), router))
I make a post to the login url, and it calls the following method:
func (self LoginController) PostLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) error {
//create our api url
var url = helpers.ReadConfig("api") + "login"
//fill model to post
login := models.LoginModel{
Password: r.FormValue("password"),
Email: r.FormValue("username"),
//render json from model
bytes, err := json.Marshal(login)
if err != nil {
//post to the API helpers
var resp = helpers.ApiPost(url, r, string(bytes))
//check response if successful
if resp.Code != constants.ApiResp_Success {
//TODO: Handle API Errors
login.Password = ""
errors := make(map[int]string)
errors[1] = "Please provide valid credntials."
login.Common = models.CommonModel{
ErrorList: errors,
return views.Login.Index.Render(w, login, helpers.AcceptsGzip(r))
http.Redirect(w, r, "/dashboard", 307)
return views.Dashboard.Index.Render(w, login, helpers.AcceptsGzip(r))
Basically, if the login was not correct I return the same view. If the login is correct I want to redirect to another method in a different controller.
However when I call http.Redirect(w, r, "/dashboard", 307), it returns the following error:
http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls
I'm not sure exactly why this is happening, but I suspect that it has something to do with my listener calling the Perform function, which creates a http.handler, as shown below.
func (c *Controller) Perform(a Action) httprouter.Handle {
return httprouter.Handle(
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
//set response headers
//TODO: set appropriate responce headers
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=0")
w.Header().Set("Token", "NOT-A-VALID-TOKEN")
if err := a(w, r, ps); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
Does anyone have any idea how to redirect using this MVC framework? Or have a one off solution?
http.ResponseWriter's WriteHeader method can only be called once per HTTP response, for obvious reasons: You can only have a single response code, and you can only send the headers once.
The error you see means that it is called a second time on the same response.
Your middleware calls:
Then your handler also calls:
http.Redirect(w, r, "/dashboard", 307)
return views.Dashboard.Index.Render(w, login, helpers.AcceptsGzip(r))
Your middleware should never call WriteHeader, until after the fate of the response is known.
Further, without knowing about your particular MVC framework, it seems possible that after you send the 307 status, then you also tell the MVC framework to render a response, which may also call WriteHeader again.

Can I check response when the request is redirected?

We can register CheckRedirect to check the next request when the request is redirected. Is there a way that I can get the response for the first request when it's redirected?
The way it is currently implemented, it doesn't seem possible to have a look at the response by default (unless you implement yourself what Do() does).
See src/net/http/client.go#L384-L399:
if shouldRedirect(resp.StatusCode) {
// Read the body if small so underlying TCP connection will be re-used.
// No need to check for errors: if it fails, Transport won't reuse it anyway.
const maxBodySlurpSize = 2 << 10
if resp.ContentLength == -1 || resp.ContentLength <= maxBodySlurpSize {
io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body, maxBodySlurpSize)
if urlStr = resp.Header.Get("Location"); urlStr == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("%d response missing Location header", resp.StatusCode)
base = req.URL
via = append(via, req)
What do you want to do with the first response? It will be pretty boring.
I think the most sensible thing would be to disable automatically following redirects (always return a non-nil error from CheckRedirect) and handle the redirection yourself in which case you have full access to all requests/responses.
My workaround for this:
Any http request / response could be patched within a custom RoundTripper, including redirects:
type RedirectChecker struct{}
func (RedirectChecker) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// e.g. patch the request before send it
req.Header.Set("user-agent", "curl/7.64.1")
resp, err := http.DefaultTransport.RoundTrip(req)
if err == nil && resp != nil {
switch resp.StatusCode {
// e.g. stop further redirections
// roughly equivalent to http.ErrUseLastResponse
resp.StatusCode = http.StatusOK
// e.g. read the Set-Cookie headers
// unfortunately cookie jars do not handle redirects in a proper manner
// and that's why I came to this question...
fmt.Printf("%+v", resp.Cookies())
httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: RedirectChecker{}}
