I have an issue with get.edge.ids() function in igraph in R I need to pass odd number of vertices to it and get the edgeIDs between them but unfortunately it only gets pairwise vertices sample code to generate a directed graph:
Graph <- erdos.renyi.game(20, 100 , directed=TRUE, loops=FALSE)
how do I call get.edge.ids:
get.edge.ids(Graph, c("1", "2", "3))
I expect to get all possible edges IDs between these vertices but it doesn't work. I developed a function for this purpose but it is not fast enough. Here is the function:
insideOfCommEdgeIDs <- function(graph, vertices)
out <- matrix()
condition <- matrix()
if (length(vertices) < 2) {return(NULL)}
for (i in vertices)
for (j in vertices)
condition <- are_adjacent(graph,i,j)
out <- rbind(out, get.edge.ids(graph, c(i, j), directed=TRUE)),
Is there any way to to this faster?
You can use the %--% operator to query edges by vertex indices and then use as_ids() to get the edge index.
Please note, I'm using igraph version, so I'm using sample_gnm() rather than erdos.renyi.game().
Graph <- sample_gnm(20, 100 , directed = TRUE, loops = FALSE)
as_ids(E(Graph)[c(1, 2, 3) %--% c(1, 2, 3)])
#> [1] 6 12
This matches the output from your custom function:
insideOfCommEdgeIDs <- function(graph,vertices)
out <- matrix()
condition <- matrix()
if(length(vertices) < 2) {return(NULL)}
for(i in vertices)
for (j in vertices)
condition <- are_adjacent(graph,i,j)
ifelse(condition,out <- rbind(out,get.edge.ids(graph,c(i,j),directed = TRUE)),next)
insideOfCommEdgeIDs(Graph, c(1, 2, 3))
#> [1] 6 12
Created on 2020-04-10 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
I have a random graph with 10 nodes where 4 nodes have the zero degree.
It is required to obtain the connected graph by 1) select a node with zero degree and a minimal feature (for exmaple, random number from uniform distribautin) corresponding to each edge and connect it with graph by creation two incident edges to the node and deleting the 3rd edge, 2) repeat step 1 for all zero degree nodes.
The original graph in left, the resulting one in right.
My attempt is:
g <- sample_gnm(10, 4)
xy <- cbind(runif(10), runif(10))
plot(g, vertex.size=5, layout=xy)
num_point <- length(V(g)[degree(g)==0])
for(k in 1:num_point){
points = V(g)[degree(g)==0]
for(i in 1:length(E(g))) { # loop over all edges
head <- get.edgelist(g)[i,][1]; h <- c(V(g)[head]$x, V(g)[head]$y)
tail <- get.edgelist(g)[i,][2]; t <- c(V(g)[tail]$x, V(g)[tail]$y)
d <- NULL
# loop over all points
for(j in points) d <- c(d, runif(1))
E(g)[i]$d <- min(d) # local min
E(g)[i]$p <- points[which(d == min(d))]
} # i
ei = which.min(E(g)$d) # edge with the global min
vi = E(g)[ei]$p
# head and tail of edge with global min
head <- get.edgelist(g)[E(g)[ei],][1]; tail <- get.edgelist(g)[E(g)[ei],][2]
g <- add_edges(g, c(head, V(g)[vi],
g <- delete_edges(g, get.edge.ids(g, c(head, tail) ))
plot(g, vertex.size=5, layout=xy)
Question. How to organize the loop over all edges when the number of edges increase by 1 and number of point decrising by 1 evety step? One can see, I don't use the k variable in explicit form.
Instead of for loop, I think you can use repeat plus a termination condition, i.e., no isolated vertices any more
repeat {
points <- V(g)[degree(g) == 0]
for (i in 1:length(E(g))) { # loop over all edges
head <- get.edgelist(g)[i, ][1]
h <- c(V(g)[head]$x, V(g)[head]$y)
tail <- get.edgelist(g)[i, ][2]
t <- c(V(g)[tail]$x, V(g)[tail]$y)
d <- NULL
# loop over all points
for (j in points) d <- c(d, runif(1))
E(g)[i]$d <- min(d) # local min
E(g)[i]$p <- points[which(d == min(d))]
} # i
ei <- which.min(E(g)$d) # edge with the global min
vi <- E(g)[ei]$p
# head and tail of edge with global min
head <- get.edgelist(g)[E(g)[ei], ][1]
tail <- get.edgelist(g)[E(g)[ei], ][2]
g <- add_edges(g, c(
head, V(g)[vi],
g <- delete_edges(g, get.edge.ids(g, c(head, tail)))
if (sum(degree(g) == 0) == 0) {
I will recommend you to use recursion for this and drop for loop- using recursion for tree and graph structures will definitely make your life easier.
maintain a stack of all the leaf nodes
every time you iterate empty your stack by matching the leaf node values
if there's a new value and count of the stack != to old count.
Now iterate again.
I am trying to improve a function to build a network based on the score calculated from some node attributes. The function tries to find the best subnetwork from a graph maximizing the product of node's attributes.
The function starts in a random node and start searching in the first neighbor, if there are some neighbors whose node's score suffice a threshold, the neighbour/s is added to the first node and the process continues until no more are added (the addition of the neighbour does not produce the desired increment in the score). If there is no node in the first neighbours that yields the increment of the score, then the function looks to the second degree neighbours. In this situation, it is very likely that there are several paths to connect the node (2nd degree neighbour), in this specific case, the chosen path will be the shortest with the highest weight (one of the nodes attribute).
I could do some paralelization of the code, although I don't know how to implement it in this type of function.
The function is the following:
build_network <-
function (G, seed, d= 2){
net <- G
d <- d
Za <- sum(V(g)$weight*V(g)$RWRNodeweight)/sqrt(sum(V(g)$RWRNodeweight^2))
k <- vcount(g)
tmp <- genesets.length.null.stat[[as.character(k)]] # genesets.length.null.stat is a list with the median of Za and sd of Za calculated for 1000 replicates of networks of size k
Sa <- (Za-tmp[1])/tmp[2]
best.fun<-function(in.nodes,out.nodes) {
score<-(-Inf); best<-character()
for(node in out.nodes){
subG.update<-induced.subgraph(net, c(in.nodes,node))
if( score.fun(subG.update) > score ){
subG <- induced.subgraph(net, seed)
if (!is.connected(subG)) { #the seed must be connected
stop("Input seeds are disjoint")
while (TRUE) {
in.nodes <- V(subG)$name
node_num <- vcount(subG)
subsum <- score.fun(subG)
#subx <- V(subG)$name
for (rad in 1:d) {
tmp.neigh <- unlist(neighborhood(net, order = rad, nodes = V(subG)$name))
pot.nodes <- V(net)[tmp.neigh]$name
out.nodes <- setdiff(pot.nodes, in.nodes)
if (length(out.nodes) == 0) break
best_node<-best.fun(in.nodes, out.nodes)
if (new_score > subsum + 0.01) {
tmp <- unlist(lapply(best_node, function(x) node2treePath(net,V(subG)$name, x))) # node2treePath is a function to retrieve the shortest path with the highest node weights
in.nodes <- c(tmp, V(subG)$name)
subG <- induced.subgraph(net, in.nodes)
if (node_num == vcount(subG)) break
I am trying to apply this function to a graph of ~10,000 nodes. Here will be an approximation of the code for running the function
### generate some example data
my_graph <- erdos.renyi.game(10000, 0.0003)
V(my_graph)$name <- 1:vcount(my_graph)
V(my_graph)$weight <- rnorm(10000)
V(my_graph)$RWRNodeweight <- runif(10000, min=0, max=0.05)
### Run the function
sublist = list()
for (node in V(G)$name) {
subnet <- build_network(G, node, d)
sublist[[node]] <- subnet }
EDIT: here is the dput of head(genesets.length.null.stat)
structure(list(`1` = c(1.01397367504035, 1.18858228819048), `2` = c(1.61970348041337, 1.30189433386605), `3` = c(2.11767222957028, 1.36222065695878), `4` = c(2.47710421934929, 1.36968129959296), `5` = c(2.776011866622, 1.36318885187196), `6` = c(3.16885126246671, 1.42577861995897)), .Names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))
Here is the node2treePath function:
node2treePath <- function (G, Tnodes, node){
tmp.path <- get.all.shortest.paths(G, node, Tnodes)$res
tmp.l <- unlist(lapply(tmp.path, length))
index <- which(tmp.l == min(tmp.l))
tmp.path = tmp.path[index]
tmp.sum <- unlist(lapply(tmp.path, function(x)return(sum(V(G)[x]$weight))))
index <- which(tmp.sum == max(tmp.sum))
selected.path = tmp.path[index]
collect <- unlist(lapply(selected.path, function(x)return(V(G)[x]$name)))
For the logic you want to do (and I imagine you may wish to change in way incompatible with the above answers) the following code is about ten times 30% faster. I used Rprof and profr and recoded some slow bits in trivial ways, e.g. not passing a named list pair, just an anonymous pair from one of your functions. The numerically named list with pairs of values for genesets.length.null.stat is very inefficient. I replaced it with two numeric vectors. You also call the 'V' function a lot, which was a big time consumer: as you can see, you can call it once, then query the result as needed.
# node2treePath is a function to retrieve the shortest path with the highest node weights
node2treePath_jw <- function(G, Tnodes, node){
tmp.path <- get.all.shortest.paths(G, node, Tnodes)$res
tmp.l <- vapply(tmp.path, length, integer(1))
index <- which(tmp.l == min(tmp.l))
tmp.path = tmp.path[index]
Vg <- V(G)
tmp.sum <- vapply(tmp.path, function(x) sum(Vg[x]$weight), numeric(1))
index <- which(tmp.sum == max(tmp.sum))
selected.path = tmp.path[index]
sapply(selected.path, function(x) Vg[x]$name)
build_network_jw <- function(net, seed, d= 2){
score.fun <- function(Vg, k){
Za <- sum(Vg$weight * Vg$RWRNodeweight) / sqrt(sum(Vg$RWRNodeweight^2))
(Za - genesets_jack_a[k]) / genesets_jack_b[k]
best.fun_jw <- function(in.nodes, out.nodes) {
score <- (-Inf)
best <- character()
for (node in out.nodes) {
subG.update <- induced.subgraph(net, c(in.nodes,node))
Vsgu <- V(subG.update)
Vsgu_count <- vcount(subG.update)
sf <- score.fun(Vsgu, Vsgu_count)
if (sf > score) {
score <- sf
best <- node
list(best, score)
subG <- induced.subgraph(net, seed)
if (!is.connected(subG)) { #the seed must be connected
stop("Input seeds are disjoint")
while (TRUE) {
VsubG <- V(subG)
Vnet <- V(net)
in.nodes <- VsubG$name
node_num <- vcount(subG)
subsum <- score.fun(VsubG, node_num)
for (rad in 1:d) { # d = 2
tmp.neigh <- unlist(neighborhood(net, order = rad, nodes = VsubG$name))
pot.nodes <- Vnet[tmp.neigh]$name
out.nodes <- setdiff(pot.nodes, in.nodes)
if (length(out.nodes) == 0) break
best_node <- best.fun_jw(in.nodes, out.nodes)
new_score <- best_node[[2]]
best_node <- best_node[[1]]
if (new_score > subsum + 0.01) {
tmp <- sapply(best_node, function(x) node2treePath_jw(net, VsubG$name, x))
in.nodes <- c(tmp, VsubG$name)
subG <- induced.subgraph(net, in.nodes)
if (node_num == vcount(subG)) break
node2treePath <- function (G, Tnodes, node){
tmp.path <- get.all.shortest.paths(G, node, Tnodes)$res
tmp.l <- unlist(lapply(tmp.path, length))
index <- which(tmp.l == min(tmp.l))
tmp.path = tmp.path[index]
tmp.sum <- unlist(lapply(tmp.path, function(x)return(sum(V(G)[x]$weight))))
index <- which(tmp.sum == max(tmp.sum))
selected.path = tmp.path[index]
collect <- unlist(lapply(selected.path, function(x)return(V(G)[x]$name)))
build_network <- function (net, seed, d= 2){
#genesets.length.null.stat <- structure(list(`1` = c(1.01397367504035, 1.18858228819048), `2` = c(1.61970348041337, 1.30189433386605), `3` = c(2.11767222957028, 1.36222065695878), `4` = c(2.47710421934929, 1.36968129959296), `5` = c(2.776011866622, 1.36318885187196), `6` = c(3.16885126246671, 1.42577861995897)), .Names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))
genesets.length.null.stat <- lapply(1:500, function(x) c(runif(1)+x, runif(1)+x))
names(genesets.length.null.stat) <- 1:500
Za <- sum(V(g)$weight*V(g)$RWRNodeweight)/sqrt(sum(V(g)$RWRNodeweight^2))
k <- vcount(g)
tmp <- genesets.length.null.stat[[as.character(k)]] # genesets.length.null.stat is a list with the median of Za and sd of Za calculated for 1000 replicates of networks of size k
Sa <- (Za-tmp[1])/tmp[2]
best.fun <- function(in.nodes,out.nodes) {
score<-(-Inf); best<-character()
for (node in out.nodes){
subG.update<-induced.subgraph(net, c(in.nodes,node))
if (score.fun(subG.update) > score) {
subG <- induced.subgraph(net, seed)
if (!is.connected(subG)) { #the seed must be connected
stop("Input seeds are disjoint")
while (TRUE) {
in.nodes <- V(subG)$name
node_num <- vcount(subG)
subsum <- score.fun(subG)
#subx <- V(subG)$name
for (rad in 1:d) {
tmp.neigh <- unlist(neighborhood(net, order = rad, nodes = V(subG)$name))
pot.nodes <- V(net)[tmp.neigh]$name
out.nodes <- setdiff(pot.nodes, in.nodes)
if (length(out.nodes) == 0) break
#message("length in.nodes = ", length(in.nodes))
#message("length out.nodes = ", length(out.nodes))
best_node<-best.fun(in.nodes, out.nodes)
if (new_score > subsum + 0.01) {
tmp <- unlist(lapply(best_node, function(x) node2treePath(net,V(subG)$name, x))) # node2treePath is a function to retrieve the shortest path with the highest node weights
in.nodes <- c(tmp, V(subG)$name)
subG <- induced.subgraph(net, in.nodes)
if (node_num == vcount(subG)) break
#genesets.length.null.stat <- lapply(1:500, function(x) c(runif(1)+x, runif(1)+x))
#names(genesets.length.null.stat) <- 1:500
genesets_jack_a = runif(500) + 1:500
genesets_jack_b = runif(500) + 1:500
do_it_jw <- function(n = 1000){
my_graph <- erdos.renyi.game(n, 0.0003)
V(my_graph)$name <- 1:vcount(my_graph)
V(my_graph)$weight <- rnorm(n)
V(my_graph)$RWRNodeweight <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 0.05)
### Run the function
sublist = list()
Vmg <- V(my_graph)
for (node in Vmg$name) {
subnet <- build_network_jw(my_graph, node, 2)
sublist[[node]] <- subnet }
do_it <- function(n = 1000){
my_graph <- erdos.renyi.game(n, 0.0003)
V(my_graph)$name <- 1:vcount(my_graph)
V(my_graph)$weight <- rnorm(n)
V(my_graph)$RWRNodeweight <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 0.05)
### Run the function
sublist = list()
Vmg <- V(my_graph)
for (node in Vmg$name) {
subnet <- build_network(my_graph, node, 2)
sublist[[node]] <- subnet }
mb <- microbenchmark(do_it(1000), do_it_jw(1000), times = 5)
Since your score function only depends on node attributes and not edge's, the solution is not unique; you might want to search for a best tree instead. If you restructure your problem so that your nodes are edges and vice-versa, you probably can just use eg Djikstra's algorithm to find the best one. That is already in the igraph package as shortest.paths().
I can't read the R code, but based on your description: If the score threshold is constant, then this is easy to do in O(|V|+|E|+|C|^2) time, where |C| is the number of "good" components (this will be further explained shortly).
In a first pass, delete all nodes with score below the threshold. Then find all connected components in this new graph (this can be done in O(|V|+|E|) time by starting a DFS at each as-yet-unvisited node), calculate their scores by multiplying together all vertex weights in the component, and label each vertex with its component ID. This already tells you the "good" components -- the ones that don't require any 2nd-degree connections.
Suppose this produces |C| components. Create an empty hashtable H which has component-ID pairs for keys, and (length, weight) pairs for values. Now go back through each vertex v you deleted in the first pass: for each one, look at all its neighbours and record the shortest edge to each distinct component (this can be done using a length-|C| array to store the shortest edge to each component seen so far). After examining all of v's neighbours, count the number k of distinct components they fall into: if k >= 2, then v potentially should be used to connect some of these k(k-1)/2 pairs of components. For every pair of distinct components i and j that could be connected by v, update H with the weight and distance of this 2-edge connection as necessary: that is, if i and j are not yet joined together, then record that v joins them; otherwise, if they are already joined by some vertex u, only update H if v can do better (i.e., if it uses less total length and greater weight than u would). This step can be thought of as building a minimum spanning tree in a "component graph" derived from the original, pruned graph. The scores for each new "combined" component can easily be calculated as you go just by multiplying together the scores of the two constituent components.
Finally, simply return the component whose product is maximum.
Is there a simple way that I'm missing to create a netted version of a simple, weighted, directed network in igraph? This is where mutual edges are replaced with a single edge carrying the difference between the weights and the direction is such that the weight is always positive. A simple example:
gGross <- graph_from_literal(A++B)
E(gGross)$weight <- c(12, 20)
gNet <- graph_from_literal(A+-B)
E(gNet)$weight <- c(8)
In matrix notation this would be
N_{ij} = (A_{ij} - A_{ji})_+
where the + means keep positive elements.
A good starting point would be something similar to which_mutual that gives the index of the return edge. I can imagine writing a long function in R but that seems likely to be slow.
I feel I can do better than this, but I do at least have a working method. Improvements most welcome. Edited to reflect Tamás' comments and allow use of any attribute
nettedGraph <- function(g, col="weight") {
if(!(col %in% edge_attr_names(g))) {
stop(col, " not and edge attribute")
# Get a matrix of mutual edges (by vertex ids)
me <- ends(g, E(g)[which_mutual(g)], names=FALSE)
# Only keep one of the mutual edges
me <- me[me[,1] < me[,2], ]
toDel <- vector(mode="integer", length=nrow(me))
for (i in 1:nrow(me)) {
# Get edge ids going each way
e1 <- get.edge.ids(g, c(me[i,1],me[i,2]))
e2 <- get.edge.ids(g, c(me[i,2],me[i,1]))
weightDiff <- edge_attr(g,col, e1) - edge_attr(g,col, e2)
if(weightDiff > 0) {
# Update the edge we're keeping
edge_attr(g,col, e1) <- weightDiff
# Delete the one we're not
toDel[i] <- e2
} else {
# Update the edge we're keeping
edge_attr(g,col, e2) <- -weightDiff
# Delete the one we're not
toDel[i] <- e1
# Now delete all the unneeded edges
g <- g - E(g)[toDel]
g <- graph_from_literal(A-+B, B++C, A++C)
E(g)$weight <- round(runif(ecount(g),1,20))
weight0 <- E(g)$weight
gNet <- nettedGraph(g)
I am trying to recreate the Biclique Communities method (Lehmann, Schwartz, & Hansen, 2008) in R which relies on the definition of a Ka,b biclique. The example below shows two adjacent K2,2 bicliques - the first clique is {A,B,1,2} and the second clique is {B,C,2,3}. I would like to be able to identify these cliques using R so that I can apply this to a broader dataset.
I have included my attempt so far in R and I am stuck with the following two issues:
If I use the standard walktrap.community it recognises the communities but does not allow the set {B,2} to belong in both cliques
If I use an updated clique.community function this doesn't seem to identify the cliques or I don't understand correctly (or both)
Example code:
clique.community <- function(graph, k) {
clq <- cliques(graph, min=k, max=k)
edges <- c()
for (i in seq_along(clq)) {
for (j in seq_along(clq)) {
if ( length(unique(c(clq[[i]], clq[[j]]))) == k+1 ) {
edges <- c(edges, c(i,j))
clq.graph <- simplify(graph(edges))
V(clq.graph)$name <- seq_len(vcount(clq.graph))
comps <- decompose.graph(clq.graph)
lapply(comps, function(x) {
unique(unlist(clq[ V(x)$name ]))
users <- c('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C')
resources <- c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3)
cluster <- data.frame(users, resources)
matrix <- as.data.frame.matrix(table(cluster))
igraph <- graph.incidence(matrix)
clique.community(igraph, 2)
Beware that the above solution becomes inefficient very quickly even for small (dense) graphs and values of k,l due to the fact that comb <- combn(vMode1, k) becomes extremely large.
A more efficient solution can be found in the "biclique" package that is in development at https://github.com/YupingLu/biclique.
I managed to find a script for this in the Sisob workbench
computeBicliques <- function(graph, k, l) {
vMode1 <- c()
if (!is.null(V(graph)$type)) {
vMode1 <- which(!V(graph)$type)
vMode1 <- intersect(vMode1, which(degree(graph) >= l))
nb <- get.adjlist(graph)
bicliques <- list()
if (length(vMode1) >= k) {
comb <- combn(vMode1, k)
i <- 1
sapply(1:ncol(comb), function(c) {
commonNeighbours <- c()
isFirst <- TRUE
sapply(comb[,c], function(n) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst <<- FALSE
commonNeighbours <<- nb[[n]]
} else {
commonNeighbours <<- intersect(commonNeighbours, nb[[n]])
if (length(commonNeighbours) >= l) {
bicliques[[i]] <<- list(m1=comb[,c], m2=commonNeighbours)
i <<- i + 1
autocurve.edges does an amazing job of curving edges in igraph plots so that they don't overlap when they point in the same direction. However, when they point in opposite directions, no curvature is applied.
d <- data.frame(start=c("a","a","b","c"),end=c("b","b","c","b"))
graph <- graph.data.frame(d, directed=T)
The issue is for the arrows between b and c (or c and b).
Other than specifying curvature manually, any suggestions?
I would use the edge.curved option with the same seq call that autocurve.edges uses.
vertex.color="white", edge.curved=seq(-0.5, 0.5, length = ecount(graph)))
As Étienne pointed out, this solution also curves edges for unique observations. The solution is then to modify the autocurve.edges function. This is my modified function called autocurve.edges2. Basically, it generates a vector, which curves only non-unique edges.
autocurve.edges2 <-function (graph, start = 0.5)
cm <- count.multiple(graph)
mut <-is.mutual(graph) #are connections mutual?
el <- apply(get.edgelist(graph, names = FALSE), 1, paste,
collapse = ":")
ord <- order(el)
res <- numeric(length(ord))
p <- 1
while (p <= length(res)) {
m <- cm[ord[p]]
mut.obs <-mut[ord[p]] #are the connections mutual for this point?
idx <- p:(p + m - 1)
if (m == 1 & mut.obs==FALSE) { #no mutual conn = no curve
r <- 0
else {
r <- seq(-start, start, length = m)
res[ord[idx]] <- r
p <- p + m
And here's the result when adding a single, non-mutual edge (C->D):
d <- data.frame(start=c("a","a","b","c","c"),end=c("b","b","c","b","d"))
graph <- graph.data.frame(d, directed=T)
curves <-autocurve.edges2(graph)
plot(graph, vertex.color="white", edge.curved=curves)