When testing ASR, the ASR VM's don't get a managed service identity.
Is there a best practise to deal with this scenario - including assigning permissions to the MSI, in such an event?
I believe that it is not possible to replicate, managed identities for Azure resources is a feature of Azure Active Directory. Each of the Azure services that support managed identities for Azure resources are subject to their own timeline. It means a DR is not a VM, it only exist a hard disk during replication.
What you can try to do, not sure it is going to work (never done before), you can try to create a postscript after a failover (documentation) and then configure your managed identities using PowerShell (documentation)
Site Recovery supports managed identities for its Azure resources. Instead of creating service principals to access other resources, use managed identities with Site Recovery. Site Recovery can natively authenticate to the Azure services and resources that support Azure AD authentication. It authenticates through a predefined access grant rule without using credentials that are hardcoded in source code or configuration files.Azure-managed
I have an application that runs in a Service Fabric(SF) cluster and I wan't to access Key Vault from it.
The cluster hosts a number of applications and I want to give access to a Key Vault for my application without giving access to the other applications. By default an application runs under the same user as the SF cluster, but each applicatiuon has it's own unique name, mine has the name fabric:/application1.
My question is, is it possible to create an Active Directory application account for fabric:/application1 and grant access to the key vault?
I know it is possible to use the RunAs options in the SF manifest, but that requires me storing an encrypted password in the manifest/source code and I want to try and avoid this if possible.
The only way to have this flexibility is using ClientID & Secret or Service Principal certificates and each application manage their own credentials.
Service Principal Certificate is already integrated to AD, but does not require the application, the user or the Host to be part of the domain, the only requirement is setup an user on AD to grant the permissions on Keyvault.
There are other solutions using AD integration, like Managed identities for Azure resources(Former: Managed Service Identity) but I am not sure if you are able to restrict access per application like you described, because the MI add this as a service in the node, so technically other applicaitons would have access as well, worth a try to validate if you can restrict this.
If you want to try this approach, you can use with Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication for implicit authentication of the services running in your cluster, where the nodes are setup with Managed Identities extension like described here.
Something link this:
When you use the Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication, the Step 2 will be handled by the library and you won't have to add much changes to your key vault auth logic.
When you run your code on an Azure App Service or an Azure VM with a
managed identity enabled, the library automatically uses the managed
identity. No code changes are required.
The following docs describe other options you can use for KeyVault Authentication.
PS: I've done other KeyVault integrations using Client Secrets and Certificates and they are secure enough, With Certificates you can store it on the managed store or with the application, I would recommend MI only if is a requirement for your solution.
Can someone tell me how Active Directory stores it's passwords for users?
Is it like this answer : storing passwords in SQL Server
Is it a hash and a salt or multiple hashes?
I ask because I want to mimic the way they store them for a custom authorization application I want to build. Or if someone can offer a existing framework or class that handles user authorization for a web application. If I can use asp.net membership for multiple applications using web service that would be even better.
The best way to mimic the way Microsoft store the password for a custom authorization is to setup Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) on Windows Server 2008 R2 or Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) on Windows Server 2003. LDS and ADAM are Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory services in the Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2003 operating system that provides flexible support for directory-enabled applications, without the dependencies and domain-related restrictions of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). You can run them on member servers or stand-alone servers. You can also run multiple instances of AD LDS—each with its own independently managed schema—on one server.
Using Fine-Grained password policies which is provided by AD DS of Windows Server 2008, you can have different password policies. However, the AD LDS doesn't provide the function of Fine-Grained password policy. But you can install your LDS on a Workgroup server it will have his own policy.
Use the ASP.NET SqlMembershipProvider It will do encrypted 2-way passwords or salted one-way hashes (I prefer the 1-way hash myself).
You can use the aspnet_regsql.exe tool in your C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vX.XXX folder to create the database schema for you.
I would not recommend rolling this by hand. There are a lot of gotchas which have already been solved by others.
By default ASP.NET uses the network service account, is this the account I should be using with ASP.NET in production? What are the best practices related to the account used by ASP.NET?
Edit: If this makes any difference, I'll be using ASP.NET on a Windows 2008 server
For production, you should create a service account that has only the bare minimum permissions in order to run the web application.
The Microsoft Patterns and Practices team provides the following guidance on this:
How To: Create a Service Account for an ASP.NET 2.0 Application
You're gonna get lots of "it depends" answers but here's my 2 cents anyway.
Consider password change management, potential damage through compromise, as well as application needs e.g. trusted connectivity.
In most scenarios Network Service comes out best in these dimensions.
it doesn't have a password, and never expires - no change management required
it cannot be used as interactive login on other machines
it can be used in trusted connections and ACL'd access to other hosts via the credential <domain>\<machinename>$
Of course your app may have different needs - but typically we use Network Service wherever possible - we run 10,000's of machines.
Unless you have some other need -- like a requirement to use integrated authentication to SQL Server for a database connection -- I would stick with the default account. It has fewer privileges than many other accounts, yet is enabled with the necessary privileges to run web applications. Caveat here: we typically don't make any privilege changes for the network service account and usually fire up a VM per production application (or set of related applications) rather than configuring multiple applications per server. If you are running multiple applications per server or make changes to the network service account's privileges for other reasons, you may want to consider using a separate service account for each application. If you do, make sure that this service account has the fewest privileges necessary to run ASP.NET applications and perform any additional tasks required.
You should use a lesser privileged account possible
1) Create a specific user account for each application
2) Create an Application Pool that runs under this account
3) The Website should be configured to run under this Application Pool.
4) In SQL Server, use Windows Authentication and give DB permissions to this User.
5) Use this User in a connection string (ie no passwords in connection string)
6) Use this User to assign permissions to other resources as required.
What's the preferred (best practice) means of connecting an ASP.Net Website to a database? I doubt it's as simple as using Trusted-Connection and giving the NT-Authority accounts access.
What do y'all do? Assuming a clean install of SQL Server (2008), what do you do to configure access to the database for a website?
I usually run ASP.NET app pool as a separate account (not NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) and use Windows authentication to access the SQL Server. This method has the advantage of not storing the password in config files.
Create a user account to run your ASP.NET application on.
Create an application pool in IIS and run it on the created account.
Assign NTFS permissions that your application needs to the account.
Grant permission to login on SQL Server.
Assign the appropriate database roles to the created login.
This will work for many apps. For more complex security environments, you might need more sophisticated strategies.
I used to use trusted connections, but ended up feeling that that sometimes I ended up having to grant too many privileges to the service account used for the connection/app pool. Now I use SQL Server accounts and set up the application to encrypt the connection strings during Application_Start if they aren't already encrypted. In fact I encrypt any section that may contain user credentials. I use an appSetting to determine whether the encryption code runs so I don't encrypt my settings in the development environment.
I also use SQL Server accounts, just find it simpler to do and to troubleshoot.
For my asp.net website with forms authentication, I will use Windows integrated security to access a sql database. I will give DB permissions to the ASPNET or NETWORK SERVICE. Under what circumstances would I use SQL authentication instead?
SQL authentication is also often required when your site is being hosted by an external ISP. They often do not support windows authentication or do not allow you the ability to grant permissions to windows accounts.
Use SQL Auth when you need non-Windows machines to make a DB connection.
Keep in mind that it adds another attack vector (another set of credentials to compromise the machine), so make sure you really need it before using it.
Really you use SQL Authentication when you can't use Windows Authentication. In my opinion that is about the only time. Windows authentication is more secure and can be centrally managed in places which use Active Directory. If you have people who really know how to adminstrate Active Directory and you're in a windows environment, there isn't a good reason to use sql authentication.
With Sql Authentication you have to manage the passwords etc in connection strings and that means that in order to change the account accessing the database, someone has to know how the application functions or at least where the information is stored. With Windows Authentication, all the network admin has to do is enter in the correct username and password into the IIS application settings and you're ready to rock and roll. No developer interaction required.
You have extra steps in securing the connection string information as passwords etc. should be encrypted when stored in the config files. All around there are a lot more steps in invovled in efficiently and securely using Sql Server authentication as opposed to Windows Authentication. This is espcially true if the same sql server credentials are used to access multiple databases across multiple servers.
If you want to completely manage user accounts, you should use SQL Authentication.
This way, you have complete control over user accounts. You could force them to enter private information for example.
Also, like Corbin mentioned, if clients are not running windows OS, you cannot use Windows Authentication (obviously).
Please be reminded that Windows Authentication is the recommended mode of authentication for the simple reason that it inherits the OS authentication. There are many factors that you may not use Windows Authentication as explained above.
That depends. If you are developing a in house web app and the network IT people are down the hall then use Windows authentication. If you are deploying your app to customers and you have no control of their network infrastructure then I would use SQL authentication
If you don't have control over the Active Directory (Like in a hosted situation) or there are users with operating systems other than Windows, you don't have a choice.
Is there a need to create user accounts on the fly with some script? It has to be easier to do for a sql user than the Active Directory (Probably not impossible).
Besides all of the above, consider a case like this:
The account you need to use is from Domain A.
The database is on Domain B.
Domain A and Domain B dont have a trust relationship.
You will need SQL authentication to get past this situation.
Hope this helps.
(To add more clarity): The database is NOT registered with the active directory. Then it is not posisble to use windows authentication.