Woocommerce Stocking Issue - wordpress

I got an issue with the Woocommerce stocking system. The issue arises when a product stock is reduced to 1, after that every time a customer buys that particular product, the stock does not turn to 0 and hence makes it 'out of stock'.
We've been trying to fix this but never succeeded.
For the payment system we are using Paypal, Bank Transfer (manual), and our local Indonesian payment gateway called Midtrans.
We have tried contacting Paypal which we suspected as the problem, as we keep getting IPN error notifications. I am not too sure yet if Paypal is related to this stocking issue.

Some of WooCommerce's PayPal payment methods do use IPN to mark orders as successfully paid, so that could be related. You should work on ensuring your IPN listener is functioning properly and able to receive messages from PayPal without error.
Alternatively, there are various alternate PayPal plugins for WooCommerce that you can try, and some do not depend on the legacy IPN service.


Send API after payment completed WooCommerce

I have an e-commerce on Wordpress where I put my products for sale through WooCommerce and a demand arose for an advantage club where, after payment was made, it would send data to an API to create an account on a platform and when is no longer paid to be deactivated by the same API. How can I do this? Is there any way?
I looked for documentation on the internet but I couldn't find much.
You can use, a hook that runs when an ordered is marked as completed:
if that doesnt work for you, you need to check the payment gateway provider, to see what hooks they offer

UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY The requested action could not be performed

We installed the Woocommerce Paypal Payments plugin on our website. We're switching to a different Paypal account (US instead of Canada), which necessitated us to install the new app.
Immediately after switching payments to the new app, about half our customers reported that they were unable to purchase.
This is the error that we're seeing in the backend:
Failed to process the payment. Please try again or contact the shop admin. [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#error-PAYMENT_DENIED ************************* [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#error-PAYMENT_DENIED ********************* Order status changed from Pending payment to Failed.
We have switched back to our old payments setup for now, but we'd like to get this fixed.
I spoke to the Woocommerce Paypal Payments plugin developer. His feedback was:
'The “PAYMENT_DENIED” issue is most likely caused by a bank or PayPal denying the transaction and needs to be investigated by PayPal Merchant Technical Support.
We have no access to the backend logging of PayPal, so we cannot see why this transaction was denied. Please contact PayPal Merchant Technical Support to get this investigated.'
When I submitted a ticket to Paypal, they told me that the cards were declined 'based on risk', which is fairly obviously not the case. We've had customers' cards declined by Paypal due to risk in the past. It looks nothing like this.
It seems that there is probably an issue with this new Paypal account. Does anyone know what might be going on?
WooCommerce 7.0.1
WooCommerce PayPal Payments 1.9.5
When I submitted a ticket to Paypal, they told me that the cards were declined 'based on risk', which is fairly obviously not the case.
It is the case, the PayPal API returns PAYMENT_DENIED when PayPal has rejected the transaction, generally due to it being detected as involving potential fraud or other compliance/risk issues.
For the live environment, since it's a business rather than technical issue, the account's owner can contact PayPal's general customer support via https://www.paypal.com/smarthelp/contact-us and inquire about the declines. It helps to have the details of specific payer examples, including their exact amounts, date+times, and any other identifiers

How to fix TRANSACTION_REFUSED error in WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin

Am using WooCommerce with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin, on checking out (live environment) am getting the error below;
[UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#error-TRANSACTION_REFUSED
To add on, sandbox works without any issue.
I will be grateful for any assistance.
TRANSACTION_REFUSED is not a technical problem, and so cannot be fixed. It is a decline by PayPal.
Have the customer use a different payment method, or contact PayPal for information about why the payment might have been declined.
Note that payments to your own production account are not permitted. If the payer information is at all connected to the receiving account, this is why it was declined.

Problems with PayPal in WooCommerce

I have correctly configured payments with PayPal in WooCommerce, sometimes I get orders and pay for PayPal and everything is fine, but sometimes some customers pay and WooCommerce does not change the status of the order to "Paid", and for that reason customers contact me to tell me that they already paid and yes.
Does anyone feel the same?
PS: This error is occasional, I do not know what it could be.
You could always just log in to your PayPal account and see if the transactions that show an incorrect status in WooCommerce do actually exist in your PayPal transaction log with the correct status. If so, then you should contact WooCommerce support for them to explain why those same transactions do not show up with the correct status in their portal. If WooCommerce tells you that it's an issue with PayPal (and thus, there is nothing to be corrected at their side), then open a case with PayPal support and they can look into the logs being sent from WooCommerce's API calls into PayPal to confirm whether or not they are doing it properly.
PayPal Standard that comes with WooCommerce uses IPN to update the order status. Unfortunately, their IPN integration is not great, and it often fails.
If you use my PayPal for WooCommerce instead, and setup Express Checkout, this problem will not happen. Also, you'll have a lot more features and functionality.

Woocommerce orders not being received by PayPal, but email suggests otherwise

Having a nightmare with this and cannot find a solution anywhere - the only similar issues I find are the exact opposite problem!
Placing an order using PayPal (standard) at checkout puts the order 'On hold' in wp, but completes on the front end and the user even receives the PayPal receipt so are none the wiser. In the PayPal business account there is nothing.
Interestingly, PayPal express checkout works fine! So the account is definitely setup correctly. Something I have noticed is that the receipt from the express checkout transaction and from the standard have different Merchant names - the standard one (the one not working)has the name#emailaddress.com rather than the merchant name. This would suggest that this is the issue, but I've been into the business settings and checked this as well as the Woocommerce settings and everything is in order.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
For Woocommerce PayPal standard you have to enable Auto return url and Notification url(Instant payment notification) which will update the order status on your woocommerce. Refer the following URL link: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/paypal-standard/ and enable both Auto return & Instant payment notification settings on the Merchant/Business PayPal account. Please note that Merchant PayPal account is not linked with any other website.
PayPal Express checkout is recommended: https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout/
I would recommend you just stick with Express Checkout. It has many more features and options than PayPal Standard. I would recommend the PayPal for WooCommerce, though, which is the one PayPal reps would recommend as well if you talk to them.
