Good afternoon,
Id like to know if i can dispatch the same action two times with different params.
Doing this, in the effect I receive twice value2:{ filter: value1 })){ filter: value2 }))
xRequest$ = createEffect(() => {
return this.actions$.pipe(
concatMap(({ filter }) => {
return this.http.getResult(filter).pipe(
map((result: any) => {
return xRequestSuccess({ result, filter })
export const xRequest = createAction('[x] x request', props<{ filter: IFilter }>())
const xReducer = createReducer(
on(xRequest, (state, { filter }) => {
return { ...state, filter }
Yes, you can, if there's no mutation it works as you expect.
The code sample looks fine.
Might you share the declaration of IFilter? Then I can test it locally and give you an update.
In the reducer I would suggest to handle xRequestSuccess instead of xRequest. What is the purpose to handle xRequest there?
I'm new for the RTK Query for redux.
What's the different for auto generated hook in below two ways.
The first way look like correct from the docs but it return 304 network status.
Second way, return 200. working perfectly
const ProjectsList = () => {
const {
data: projects,
} = useGetProjectsQuery("projectList") // -- return 304 network status
worked fine. but cannot retrieve the object from the store. return.
const {
data: projects,
} = useGetProjectsQuery() // -- return 200 network status
Third, the memoized return uninitialize. It seem didn't correct.
// ApiSlice status return uninitialize
import { createSelector, createEntityAdapter } from "#reduxjs/toolkit"
import { apiSlice } from "#/app/api/apiSlice"
const projectsAdapter = createEntityAdapter({})
export const projectsApiSlice = apiSlice.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: (builder) => ({
getProjects: builder.query({
query: () => "/api/projects",
validateStatus: (response, result) => {
return response.status === 200 && !result.isError
transformResponse: (responseData) => {
const loadedProjects = => { = project._id
return project
return projectsAdapter.setAll(initialState, loadedProjects)
providesTags: (result, error, arg) => {
if (result?.ids) {
return [
{ type: "Project", id: "LIST" }, => ({ type: "Project", id })),
} else return [{ type: "Project", id: "LIST" }]
export const {
} = projectsApiSlice
export const selectProjectsResult =
// creates memoized selector
const selectProjectsData = createSelector(
(projectsResult) => {
console.log("projectsResult: ", projectsResult) // -> { isUninitialized: true, status: "uninitialize" }
export const {
selectAll: selectAllProjects,
selectById: selectProjectById,
selectIds: selectProjectIds,
} = projectsAdapter.getSelectors(
(state) => selectProjectsData(state) ?? initialState
Since your query function is just query: () => "/api/projects" (so, not using the argument in any way), both will make exactly the same request for the same resource.
There is no difference between them and every difference you see is probably something random happening on the server and not bound to either invocation.
As for retrieving from the store, there is a difference however.
Your code
export const selectProjectsResult =
creates a selector for the cache entry that is created calling useGetProjectsQuery() - if you wanted the cache entry for useGetProjectsQuery("foo"), that would need to be"foo").
Please note that there should almost never be any reason to use those selectors with React components - those are an escape hatch if you are not working with React. If you are working with React, use the useGetProjectsQuery hook with selectFromResult.
I am seeing people use select in this fashion quite often recently and I assume this traces back to a tutorial that misunderstood the feature - did you learn that in a tutorial and could you share that tutorial? Maybe I can convince the author to change that part.
I am trying to pass values from API to state but always give this error.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ids' of undefined
I am using the 'reduxjs/toolkit' I try everything but still continue that error could you please help me
this is a code from the Slic file
export const getListNamesDictionary = createAsyncThunk('dictionary/names/getNames', async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost:6005/api/lookup/list-name');
const data = await;
// dispatch(getNames(data));
return data;
} catch (error) {
return console.error(error.message);
const namesAdapter = createEntityAdapter({});
and the Slic :
const namesDictionarySlice = createSlice({
name: 'names',
initialState: {
names: []
reducers: {
extractors: {
[getListNamesDictionary.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
export const { selectAll: selectNamesDictionary } = namesAdapter.getSelectors(state =>;
and this code from component where I need to dispatch the action
const names = useSelector(selectNamesDictionary);
useEffect(() => {
// dispatch(getListNamesDictionary()).then(() => setLoading(false));
dispatch(getListNamesDictionary()).then(() => setLoading(false));
}, [dispatch]);
any suggesting why that error? and thanks
You are not using the entity adapter properly. It expects to manage a state in the form:
ids: [1, 2],
entities: {
1: {/*...*/},
2: {/*...*/}
Your names slice doesn't match that shape. But that's an easy fix as the namesAdapter provides all of the needed tools. Quick rundown of errors to fix:
property name extractors should be extraReducers
state.entities.push needs to be replaced with an adapter function
initialState needs to have properties ids and entities
selectors need to target the correct location
const namesAdapter = createEntityAdapter({});
const namesDictionarySlice = createSlice({
name: "names",
initialState: namesAdapter.getInitialState(),
reducers: {},
extraReducers: {
[getListNamesDictionary.fulfilled]: namesAdapter.upsertMany
This fixes the first three bullets. Regarding the reducer, it might make more sense if you write it out like this, but it does the same thing.
[getListNamesDictionary.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
namesAdapter.upsertMany(state, action)
The last bullet point is the cause of the specific error message the you posted:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ids' of undefined
It actually seems like is undefined. Is this namesDictionarySlice being used to control the data property of your root state? If it is something else, like state.names, then you need to change your selectors to namesAdapter.getSelectors(state => state.names).
If your store looks like this:
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
names: namesReducer
You would want:
export const { selectAll: selectNamesDictionary } = namesAdapter.getSelectors(
(state) => state.names // select the entity adapter data from the root state
in Slic function, I make a mistake in writing, I most write 'extraReducer' but I wrote "extractors" :D
I have a redux store with multiple teams.
const store = {
selectedTeamId: 'team1';
teams: {
team1: { ... },
team2: { ... },
team3: { ... },
At any given time a teamId is set.
Now given that I must select the team using the ID each time I call mapStateToProps(), I feel this is cumbersome.
Instead of doing this all the time:
mapStateToProps({ selectedTeamId, teams }) {
return {
team: teams[selectedTeamId],
Can I pre-process the store using some middleware instead of repeating this pattern in map state to props?
Approach suggested by Redux docs is to create a selector for currently active team and reuse it across all components
// selector itself is a pure function of state
// usually put in separate file, or in file with reducer
const activeTeamSelector = state => state.teams.teams[state.teams.selectedTeamId]
// in connect
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
activeTeam: activeTeamSelector(state),
That, of course, if you are using combineReducers and teams reducer is called teams in state. If you aren't, and selectedTeamId and teams are contained right in your store, following will work
const activeTeamSelector = state => state.teams[state.selectedTeamId]
Notice how I only had to change selector for this, and not every mapStateToProps in all the components
read more about Normalizing Store State and Computing Derived Data in Redux docs
Using a middleware for this scenario isn't performant (if I understood your question correctly :) ). I will outline 3 options you can use to achieve this:
Option 1
return both selectedTeamId and teams in mapStateToProps, this will allow you to find the team you need for each selected id:
mapStateToProps({ selectedTeamId, teams }) {
return {
That way you can access these props in render:
render() {
const { teams, selectedTeamId } = this.props;
return <Team team={teams.find(team => === selectedTeamId)} />
Note: <Team /> is just a component I made for demonstration
Option 2
you can use reselect library to avoid recomputing this prop:
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
const teams = state => state.teams;
const selectedTeamId = state => state.selectedTeamId;
const subtotalSelector = createSelector(
(teams, selectedTeamId) => items.find(team => === selectedTeamId)
Option 3
Create an action that will dispatch 'SELECT_TEAM' with the teamId
export function setSelectedTeam(id) {
return { type: types.SELECT_TEAM, payload: id };
Create a reducer for that type and return selectedTeam:
[types.SELECT_TEAM]: (state, payload)=> {
return {
selectedTeam: state.teams.find(team => ===
That way you can have a selector for selectedTeam
export const getSelectedTeam = state => state.selectedTeam;
Hope it helps
I eventually used reselect, with thanks to the recommendation of #jank.
One of things I wanted to do was abstract away the need for selectors to appear in mapStateToProps. In order to do that, I wrapped redux connect. This allows insertion of a denormalizer function before mapStateToProps.
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
const getActiveTeamId = state => state.activeTeamId;
const getAllTeams = state => state.teams;
const teamSelector = createSelector(
(activeTeamId, teams) => teams[activeTeamId],
function denormalizer(mapStateToProps) {
return state => {
return mapStateToProps({ team: teamSelector(state) });
export default function reConnect(mapStateToProps = null, actions = null) {
const denormalizedMapStateToProps = denormalizer(mapStateToProps);
return function callConnect(Component) {
return connect(denormalizedMapStateToProps, actions)(Component);
I'm new to Ramda and just trying to wrap my head around it. So here is the function I want to rewrite in functional style:
const makeReducer = (state, action) => {
if (action.type === LOG_OUT) {
return rootReducer(undefined, action)
return rootReducer(state, action)
Here is what I end up with:
const isAction = type => R.compose(R.equals(type), R.prop('type'))
const makeReducer = (state, action) => {
const isLogOut = isAction(LOG_OUT)
return R.ifElse(isLogOut, rootReducer(undefined, action), rootReducer(state, action))(action)
I assume it's totally wrong as there are several duplications of action and rootReducer
Actually I don't see any reason to refactor your code: you're not mutating inputs and you use if to conditionally return outputs.
About rootReducer(undefined, action), I believe that you should use parameter destructuring:
const rootReducer = ({ state, action } = {}} => {
// Stuff here
That is, you may give either state or action, or both:
const makeReducer = ({ state, action }) => {
if (action.type === LOG_OUT) {
return rootReducer({ action })
return rootReducer({ state, action })
Also, consider using terniary to solve simple cases:
const makeReducer = ({ state, action }) =>
rootReducer( action.type === LOG_OUT ? { action } : { state, action } )
Finally, there could be yet another approach using tagged sums and folds. Since I don't work with React and/or Redux, I don't know if you could go with this approach but I believe that it's still interesting that you discover this alternative solution:
const tag = Symbol ( 'tag' )
// TaggedSum
const Action = {
logout: value => ( { [tag]: 'logout', value } ),
login: value => ( { [tag]: 'login', value } )
const foldAction = matches => action => {
const actionTag = action[ tag ]
const match = matches [ actionTag ]
return match ( action.value )
const state = { x: 1 }
const LOG_IN = 1
const LOG_OUT = 2
const logout = Action.logout ( { action: LOG_OUT, state } )
const login = Action.login ( { action: LOG_IN, state } )
const rootReducer = args => console.log ( args )
// Pattern matching
const matchAction = {
logout: ( { state } ) => rootReducer( { state } ),
login: rootReducer
const foldAction_ = foldAction( matchAction )
foldAction_ ( logout )
foldAction_ ( login )
You can get rid of the duplication fairly easily:
const makeReducer = (state, action) =>
rootReducer((action.type === LOG_OUT ? undefined : state), action)
That is really neither more nor less functional than the original. But it does have the advantage of reducing duplication, and of dealing only with expressions and not statements, which is sometimes a concern of functional techniques.
But there is one way in which it is clearly not functional. There is a free variable in your code: LOG_OUT. I'm guessing from the ALL_CAPS that this is meant to be a constant. But the function doesn't know that. So this function is not actually referentially transparent. It's possible that between invocations with the same parameters, someone changes the value of LOG_OUT and you could get different results.
This makes the function harder to test. (You can't just supply it the necessary parameters; you also have to have the correct value of LOG_OUT in scope.) And it makes it much harder to reason about.
An alternative without this issue is
const makeReducer = (state, action, types) =>
rootReducer((action.type === types.LOG_OUT ? undefined : state), action)
If you want to use pointfree style syntax for your code, you could do something like:
const initialState = {
text: 'initial text'
const rootReducer = R.curry((state, action) => {
// setting initial state could be improved
state = state || initialState
// your root reducer logic here
return state;
// R.last is here to grab the action in [state, action]
const isAction = type => R.compose(R.equals(type), R.prop('type'), R.last)
// first makes (state, action) into [state, action]
// before running R.cond
const makeReducer = R.compose(R.cond([
[isAction('LOG_OUT'), R.compose(rootReducer(undefined), R.last)],
// "default" action
[R.T, R.apply(rootReducer)]
]), R.pair)
const loggedOutState = makeReducer(
{ text: 'latest text'},
{ type: 'LOG_OUT'}
// => { text: 'initial text' }
const nextState = makeReducer(
{ text: 'latest text'},
{ type: 'ANY_ACTION'}
// => { text: 'latest text' }
<script src="//"></script>
What's good about this solution is that you could easily extend makeReducer to handle more actions (since it's using R.cond -- which is like a switch statement).
I am using redux-observable with redux for async actions. Inside epic's map operator i am doing some pre processing because its the central place.
My app calling same action from multiple container components with different values.
So basically i have to cancel my ajax request/next operator execution if deepEqual(oldAtts, newAtts) is true
code -
export default function getProducts(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(FETCH_PRODUCTS_REQUEST)
.map(function(action) {
let oldAtts = store.getState().catalog.filterAtts
let newAtts = Object.assign({}, oldAtts, action.atts)
if (deepEqual(oldAtts, newAtts)) {
// Don't do new ajax request
const searchString = queryString.stringify(newAtts, {
arrayFormat: 'bracket'
// Push new state
// Return new `action` object with new key `searchString` to call API
return Object.assign({}, action, {
.mergeMap(action =>
.map(response => doFetchProductsFulfilled(response))
.catch(error => Observable.of({
payload: error.xhr.response,
error: true
Not sure whether its right way to do it from epic.
Thanks in advance.
You can do this:
export default function getProducts(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(FETCH_PRODUCTS_REQUEST)
.map(action => ({
oldAtts: store.getState().catalog.filterAtts,
newAtts: Object.assign({}, oldAtts, action.atts)
.filter(({ oldAtts, newAtts }) => !deepEqual(oldAtts, newAtts))
.do(({ newAtts }) => pushState(newAtts))
.map(({ newAtts }) => queryString.stringify(newAtts, {
arrayFormat: 'bracket'
.mergeMap(searchString => ...);
But most likely you do not need to save the atts to state to do the comparison:
export default function getProducts(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(FETCH_PRODUCTS_REQUEST)
.map(action => action.atts)
.map(atts => queryString.stringify(atts, { arrayFormat: 'bracket' }))
.mergeMap(searchString => ...);