When I send link (my website) it shows theme name and template name how I can fix? - wordpress

is there any way to remove those.

It's coming from this bit in your source code:
<meta name="description" content="BeITService | Best WordPress theme for IT services"/>


Want to change title name while posting my WordPress Site URL when sharing on LinkedIn

I have created this site in WordPress (https://gs4mc.org/) and installed Yoast SEO Plugin.
I have properly implemented meta and OG tags, but when I am posting the above site URL on LinkedIn, the 'Home_main_latest' dummy title is showing.
you can use theses meta tags for LinkedIn, you can even set the website title, description or image.
<meta property='og:title' content='Title of the article'/>
<meta property='og:image' content='//media.example.com/ 1234567.jpg'/>
<meta property='og:description' content='Description that will show in the preview'/>
<meta property='og:url' content='//www.example.com/URL of the article'/>
here is the reference from LinkedIn website
Also use wp-head wordpress hook to add this code in the website.
Happy Wordpress
Please use below URL to get updated title and description from your site in linked share:
you have another option apart from the above one: you can add '?latest' after your site URL
Also, please don't forget to include below code in your header file:

how to change my wordpress homepage title, description and image on facebook

I build a new wordpress site and installed the Yoast SEO plugin.
My homepage defined as some of my pages.
When i post the link on facebook i can't see any description/title/image that i want
checked on - https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/
i got:
og:type article
(i think that In order to work should appear : website)
maybe someone knows Where I'm wrong?
Thank you!
Facebook uses OpenGraph, a protocol for which if no default values are defined (and you have no standard HTML <meta> values defined,) you can set certain properties so that your site will appear as you want it when you share it socially.
It should be noted that Opengraph will, by default, attempt to interpret these properties by their corresponding <meta> elements (stuff like <meta name="description" content="describe my site">).
If you don't have these, I suggest you add them, but the OpenGraph properties can be defined explicitly, too. The process for adding properties like this involve the use of the <meta> tag, typically in your header.php.
There are a lot of properties you can define
I think most pertinent to your situation would be:
<meta property="og:image" content="path/to/image">
<meta property="og:title" content="My cool website">
<meta property="og:description" content="Description of site">
These work for sites that use OpenGraph, but it's no substitute for having proper <meta> tags in the <head> of your document.
here's a bit of reading you can do on defining site meta
Hope this helps!

some characters display as "??????" in wordpress

I've problem on adding post to my wordpress site. When i add this "**Let't try Thai
website Sbobet ทงบอลออนไลน์**" to my site, it shows "**Let't try Thai website Sbobet ????????**" .
I've tried meta charset="UTF-8" in index file. But the problem is still there.
How to fix this issue?
Let's try to add the following line:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="th">
all the best

How to use OG meta tags for Pinterest share

I have an application and i am using Pinterest share in my site. For sharing title i am using og meta-tag like this:
<meta property="og:title" content="ABC SCHOOL2">
Now i want to share description. please tell me which og mata tag is used for description?
Use this official documentation from Pinterest https://developers.pinterest.com/rich_pins/
from my test just now. meta description works fine
<meta name="description" content="4 Pics, 1 Word Tagalog" />
Try to view source my page (copy paste following in your browser location):

showing categories wordpress in google result , HOW?

how are you?
this is my website: http://rehlat-world.com
when I search in google : site:rehlat-world.com
The result only "POSTS , PAGES , TAGS"
I need to include categories but I can't
this is example for category : http://rehlat-world.com/country/indonesia
The source of category page " " also it is include in sitemaps.xml http://rehlat-world.com/sitemap.xml
Please Help me how can include it.
Note I'm using this plugins (All in One SEO Pack و Google XML Sitemaps , WP Super Cache)
I can help you with your issue. This is an easy error to make and thankfully just as easy to fix.
If you take a look at the source code of your category pages (right click anywhere on page, select link to source code).
On line 9 you will see
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
This is perfectly fine but then if you scroll down to lines 74 - 80, you will see All in One Seo plugin has also added its metatags,
<!-- All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert of Semper Fi Web Design[418,446] --> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow"/> <link rel="canonical" href="http://rehlat-world.com/country/indonesia"/> <!-- /all in one seo pack -->
So you can see the repeated "robots" meta tag specifying "noindex". Simply go to into your All In One Seo plugin settings and disable the option to add robots meta tags to categories.
Obviously the first meta tag is all you need.
This will do the job and cats will be indexed in no time.
I will also add a suggestion that will help your site in the future by making it more appealing to your visitors and the search engines. I looked in your sitemap and noticed your permalinks are extremely ugly due to the Arabic text being used, which inturn cant be recognized by wordpress or the browsers because you still have wordpress set in English. You should really change your wordpress language config to Arabic.
The very first line in your source file says <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
Strict//EN tells your browser the website is set in the English language and thats how the internet browsers should read the website. You should be able to fix this by adding in the header.php file of your theme, above the tag. I think this should work but im not 100% sure and may be wrong.
You also edit your wp-config.php file and find define ('WPLANG', '');, change that to define ('WPLANG', 'ar');. I have very little experiance with this so it would be wise to read http://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress#WordPress_Localization_Repository
could also save you time to do it with a plugin like http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gtranslate/
If you are already well aware of this and its not causing any issues with your rankings, disregard what I said.
Good luck
