Troubles installing rattle for R - r

I apologize in advance if I missed some obvious rookie mistake I did.
I tried installing rattle both through R terminal with the install.packages command and both with
wajig install r-cran-rattle
neither worked: In the first case it downloaded some tar.gz to a temp folder but didn't install anything, in the second one it says that is Unable to locate package r-cran-rattle.
I'm attaching some screenshot to better showcase what I tried to do and what kind of messages I'm getting:
In the end, when I try the rattle command in R terminal it always says that it cannot find the function rattle. Thanks in advance to whoever will help me.
Best regards,

Thanks for the query.
Rattle has installed just fine. You need to load the rattle package into the library each time you start up R using library(rattle). The call to rattle() should then work.
In general, the steps to install Rattle (with the GUI functionality provided by RGtk2) should be:
$ wajig install r-recommended
$ R
> install.packages("rattle")
> install.packages("RGtk2")
> library(rattle)
> rattle()
A number of other packages will be automatically installed too.
To then install the latest development (but quite stable) release:
> install.packages("rattle", repos="", type="source")


Having Issues installing tabulizer package in R

I had a script working with tabulizer, but had to clean my hard drive and reinstall R, and now I cant seem to even download and access the tabulizer library. I am now using R version 4.1.2 64 bit, and am thinking maybe I need to use an earlier version of R??? Here is the error message I get when I try and install tabulizer.
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/cdonner/Documents/R/win-library/4.1’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘tabulizer’ is not available for this version of R
A version of this package for your version of R might be available elsewhere,
see the ideas at
I have tried to go to go to Cran ( and download and unzip the libraries to my directory, but then I get an errors again. Any ideas? Thanks.
Enter this into the command window!
remotes::install_github(c("ropensci/tabulizerjars", "ropensci/tabulizer"), INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch")
It is not on CRAN.
You have to install using
I have just come to dealing with the same problem, but I got to solve it through the following steps:
the tabulizer package requires a Java environment. You need to download Java 64-bit or Java 32-bit through.
Make sure before that your windows/ mac is 32 bit or 64 bit by using the function sessionInfo().
Install the rJava package in R.
Create the Java environment through the command: Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME="C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-18/")
Attention: the path of the file in step 3 is for java 64. the path for java 32 would be Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME="C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk-18/").
The other thing is that jdk-18 changes depending on everylaptop, in my case it is jdk-18, in your case it could jdk-17 for example.
Finally activate the library: library(rJava)
Voila. rJava and tabulizer work smoothly and nicely.
Got the same problem. (A lot) Packages were missing
I had to update R
Install java for R
Install Rtools42 from CRan
Install remotes
before running the command of #Dunbar111
remotes::install_github(c("ropensci/tabulizerjars", "ropensci/tabulizer"), INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch")

R package "robCompositions" install issue

I am trying to install the R package robCompositions but keep getting error messages. I have tried the following so far.
standard install
github install as suggested by the package maintainer (
install_github("matthias-da/robCompositions", dependencies = TRUE)
download package and install from the package archive file (.zip, .tar, .gz)
unzip the downloaded package and run standard install
install.packages("C:/Users/SUHAS/Desktop/robCompositions_2.3.0", type="source", repos = NULL)
install r tools and then install package using standard install (
writeLines('PATH="${RTOOLS40_HOME}\\usr\\bin;${PATH}"', con = "~/.Renviron")
## "C:\\rtools40\\usr\\bin\\make.exe"
install.packages("robCompositions", type = "source")
Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be much appreciated.
I am running R version R-4.0.4
First, apologies this is an answer and not a comment - I think it should be a comment but I don't yet have enough reputation points to comment.
I had a very similar problem. When researching it, I came across this page: It looks like robCompositions has been removed from CRAN, and the reason for that is a dependency, sROC, has been archived? I haven't yet come up with a workaround (I guess I'm hoping it will come back onto CRAN at some point soon!)

How to install MVPARTwrap package in R version 3.6.1?

I am trying to install mvpart and MVPARTwrap packages in R version 3.6.1.
I install on my PC the folder of these two packages in zip version and load them in the relative folder of the package.
When I run the script library(mvpart) I get this message:
ERROR: 'mvpart' package was built before R 3.0.0: please reinstall it."
I try to load this library in the old version of R (version 2.15) and the message is
in install.packages (mvpart): object 'mvpart' not found".
I do not understand why it is impossible to load this package. Thanks so much.
Maybe the answer is no more relevant, but I just had to install those libraries so maybe it will still help someone later. I suggest the install from github as it will install dependencies, you need however to be able to compile the source. So here we go :
first install rtools if it is not already installed go here and follow the instruction
update/install devtools if necessary as described here
using this command, it should work now. you may be asked to update some packages, accept all

Installing local binary packages using R CMD INSTALL on a Mac

I came across a package that is not available on CRAN. I tried to install the package using:
Packages & Data > Package Installer > Local Binary Package > At User
Level > [FileName.tgz] > Install...
This didn't work and I am now trying to use the R CMD INSTALL command. However, it seems I need to run that command in the command line interface but I cannot get it to install properly.
The package I'm trying to install is called gEcon. It can be found here. In particular, I am getting the following error message after "installing" the package:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘gEcon’:
package ‘gEcon’ was installed by an R version with different internals; it needs to be reinstalled for use with this R version
I assume it's the way I'm installing it.
Thanks in advance.
You're going to need to install Xcode apparently, because you've got to install this from source per these directions:
Now, you've gotta update R to the latest stable release, or if you prefer you can find the exact minimum newest version needed for gEcon.
After upgrading R you can complete the installation from source.
Original answer to original question:
Two things:
To access the command line and use R CMD on an Apple computer, please use the app. Please see this for more details.
An easier and probably better approach is to install your package from the author's Github (or BitBucket, etc) repository using devtools::install_github or just use devtools::install on the downloaded source project.

Trying to install library 'quantmod' in R

I'm trying to download library 'quantmod' in R:
The downloaded source packages are in
library("quantmod", lib.loc="/tmp/RtmpwSKGIl/downloaded_packages")
Error in library("quantmod", lib.loc = "/tmp/RtmpwSKGIl/downloaded_packages") :
there is no package called ‘quantmod’
What is the problem?
I get no problem when I try to load this package.Have you tried to provide R the full name path to your package file directory ?C:/Users/...Is your R version up to date ? Try to check if you have the latest, I tried and it worked with :
R 3.3.3
If you are a Windows or MAC user you might want to force the download of the package from source to binary, this can be done by setting the right options in the install.packages command:
options(install.packages.check.source = "no")
I guess I am a year late, but just got out of this situation by installing the Package from R (instead of RStudio) by changing the CRAN.
You can then run library(quantmod) in Rstudio. Hope this works(worked?) for you too.
I am ready to go now!
