ASP.Net Core - How to get foreign key relation working on POST request for a web-api? -

I am building a simple to-do list api using ASP.Net Core. It has two main two main models, a List model and a Task model. Each List has many Tasks. I build the models like this:
List Model:
namespace ToDoList.Models
public class List
public int ListId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Colour { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Task> Tasks { get; set; }
public List()
Tasks = new List<Task>();
Colour = "secondary";
Task Model:
namespace ToDoList.Models
public class Task
public int TaskId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public bool Done { get; set; }
public int ListId { get; set; }
public virtual List List { get; set; }
public Task()
Done = false;
When I send a post request to create a new task I am struggling to get the created task to be added to the Icollection part of the List model.
My Controller looks like this:
// POST: api/Tasks
public async Task<ActionResult<Models.Task>> PostTask(Models.Task task)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return CreatedAtAction("GetTask", new { id = task.TaskId }, task);
If I send this data as JSON as a POST request:
{ title: "A New Task", listId: 11 }
I create this Task:
{"taskId":16,"title":"A New Task","done":false,"listId":11,"list":null}
As you can see it has the right listId but the list attached is null.
Also the task does not get added to the list.Tasks collection.
{"listId":11,"title":"Learn ASP.Net Core","colour":"secondary","tasks":[]}
As you can see tasks is still empty.
How do I get it set up that when ever a task is created it is always add to List.Tasks and then Tasks.List has the correct list attached to it, not null.
Also On my SQL Sever Database I expected to see a Tasks in the Lists table but I don't. Can anyone explain why?
SQL Sever Database Columns Picture

You could load the List entity from your DbContext and add it to the Task object you are returning:
public async Task<ActionResult<Models.Task>> PostTask(Models.Task task)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
task.List = _context.Lists.Single(task.ListId);
return CreatedAtAction("GetTask", new { id = task.TaskId }, task);
or you could return an instance of the Task loaded from the DbContext with included List:
var taskFromDb = _context.Tasks.Include(x => x.List).Single(x => x.Id = task.Id);
return CreatedAtAction("GetTask", new { id = task.TaskId }, taskFromDb);
To get a list with tasks, it needs to be loaded from the DbContext:
var listWithTasks = _context.Lists.Include(x => x.Tasks).Single(x => x.Id == task.ListId);


.Net Core 6.0 Web API - How to implement postgresql database(eg: Product Table -> Description column) localization for English and French?

I am developing a Web API using Core 6.0 with localization. Localization should be supported for both static (e.g., basic strings like greeting) and dynamic content (e.g., Values of the Product Instance).
I have implemented the localization for static content using JsonStringLocalizerFactory as discussed in this article -
public class LocalizerController : ControllerBase
private readonly IStringLocalizer<LocalizerController> _stringLocalizer;
public LocalizerController(IStringLocalizer<LocalizerController> stringLocalizer)
_stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer;
public IActionResult Get()
var message = _stringLocalizer["hi"].ToString();
return Ok(message);
public IActionResult Get(string name)
var message = string.Format(_stringLocalizer["welcome"], name);
return Ok(message);
public IActionResult GetAll()
var message = _stringLocalizer.GetAllStrings();
return Ok(message);
Next, I would like to implement localization for dynamic content (e.g., Details of the Product which will be sent to the WEB API and stored in the postgresql database table).
A possible approach is to duplicate the postgresql database table for each language (English and French). Could there be a better approach to avoid duplicate data and additional manual work?
You can create language table for each multi-language entity.
Langugage model;
public class Language
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string IsoCode { get; set; }
Static language list;
public class Constant
public static List<Language> Languages { get; set; } = new()
new Language
Id = 1,
Name = "English(United States)",
IsoCode = "en-US"
new Language
Id = 2,
Name = "Turkish",
IsoCode = "tr-TR"
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ProductLang> ProductLangs { get; set; }
public class ProductLang
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public Guid ProductId { get; set; }
public virtual Product Product { get; set; }
public int LanguageId { get; set; }
You can change the LanguageId property name. If you want to store languages in database, you can create a Languages table and create a relationship with that table from entity language tables. This can reduce duplication.
After include the language table to the entity, you can write an extension method to easily get the requested language data.
public static string GetLang<TEntity>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> langs, Expression<Func<TEntity, string>> propertyExpression, int defaultLangId)
var languageIdPropName = nameof(ProductLang.LanguageId);
var requestedLangId = GetCurrentOrDefaultLanguageId(defaultLangId);
if (langs.IsNullOrEmpty())
return string.Empty;
var propName = GetPropertyName(propertyExpression);
TEntity requestedLang;
if (requestedLangId != defaultLangId)
requestedLang = langs.FirstOrDefault(lang => (int)lang.GetType()
.GetValue(lang) == requestedLangId)
?? langs.FirstOrDefault(lang => (int)lang.GetType()
.GetValue(lang) == defaultLangId);
else requestedLang = langs.FirstOrDefault(lang => (int)lang.GetType().GetProperty(languageIdPropName).GetValue(lang) == defaultLangId);
requestedLang ??= langs.FirstOrDefault();
return requestedLang.GetType().GetProperty(propName).GetValue(requestedLang, null)?.ToString();
static int GetCurrentOrDefaultLanguageId(int defaultLanguageId)
var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
var currentLanguage = Constant.Languages.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsoCode == culture.Name);
if (currentLanguage != null)
return currentLanguage.Id;
return defaultLanguageId;
static string GetPropertyName<T, TPropertyType>(Expression<Func<T, TPropertyType>> expression)
if (expression.Body is MemberExpression tempExpression)
return tempExpression.Member.Name;
var op = ((UnaryExpression)expression.Body).Operand;
return ((MemberExpression)op).Member.Name;
This extension method checks for 3 conditions;
If there is data in the requsted language, it returns this data,
If there is no data in the requsted language, it checks if there is data in the default language. If the data is available in the default language, it will return the data,
Returns the first available language data if there is no data in the default language
var defaultLangId = 1;
Product someProduct = await _dbContext.Set<Product>().Include(i => i.ProductLangs).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
var productName = someProduct.ProductLangs.GetLang(i => i.Name, defaultLangId);
It is up to you to modify this extension method according to your own situation. I gave you an example scenario where languages are kept in a static list.

Mapping SQL View in EF Core 5 - SaveChanges

I'm trying to add a view as a Navigation Property of an entity.
public class Schedule
public int Id { get; set; }
public decimal ScheduledQuantity { get; set; }
public ScheduleDetails ScheduleDetails { get; set; }
public class ScheduleDetails
public int ScheduleId { get; set; }
public decimal BadQuantity { get; set; }
public Schedule Schedule { get; set; }
with mappings:
public class ScheduleDetailMap : IEntityTypeConfiguration<ScheduleDetails>
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<ScheduleDetails> builder)
builder.ToView("vwScheduleDetails", "ShopOrders");
builder.HasKey(t => t.ScheduleId);
builder.HasOne(p => p.Schedule).WithOne(s => s.ScheduleDetails);
public class ScheduleMap : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Schedule>
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Schedule> builder)
builder.HasKey(t => t.Id);
builder.Property(t => t.Id).UseIdentityColumn();
when I query it works fine. However if I add a new Schedule record.
var schedule = new Schedule
ScheduledQuantity = 100,
ScheduleDetails = new ScheduleDetails()
I get an exception saying " The entity type 'ScheduleDetails' is not mapped to a table, therefore the entities cannot be persisted to the database. Use 'ToTable' in 'OnModelCreating' to map it."
Is there anyway to get EF to ignore saving this 'entity'?
This is kind of an old question, but for anyone having similar issues - in my case the problem lied in navigation properties in my view. I had some leftover properties in view's class, because its code was copied from other entity. By removing those properties, the error was gone.
This doesn't really help if you want to use navigation properties in your code, but it may help someone to continue their search.

A circular reference was detected while serializing entities with one to many relationship

How to solve one to many relational issue in
I have Topic which contain many playlists.
My code:
public class Topic
public int Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public String Image { get; set; }
---> public virtual List<Playlist> Playlist { get; set; }
public class Playlist
public int Id { get; set; }
public String Title { get; set; }
public int TopicId { get; set; }
---> public virtual Topic Topic { get; set; }
My controller function
public JsonResult Search()
var search = Request["term"];
var result= from m in _context.Topics where m.Name.Contains(search) select m;
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
When I debug my code I will see an infinite data because Topics will call playlist then playlist will call Topics , again the last called Topic will recall playlist and etc ... !
In general when I just use this relation to print my data in view I got no error and ASP.NET MVC 5 handle the problem .
The problem happens when I tried to print the data as Json I got
Is there any way to prevent an infinite data loop in JSON? I only need the first time of data without call of reference again and again
You are getting the error because your entity classes has circular property references.
To resolve the issue, you should do a projection in your LINQ query to get only the data needed (Topic entity data).
Here is how you project it to an anonymous object with Id, Name and Image properties.
public JsonResult Search(string term)
var result = _context.Topics
.Where(a => a.Name.Contains(term))
.Select(x => new
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
Image = x.Image
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
If you have a view model to represent the Topic entity data, you can use that in the projection part instead of the anonymous object
public class TopicVm
public int Id { set;get;}
public string Name { set;get;}
public string Image { set;get;}
public JsonResult Search(string term)
var result = _context.Topics
.Where(a => a.Name.Contains(term))
.Select(x => new TopicVm
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
Image = x.Image
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
If you want to include the Playlist property data as well, you can do that in your projection part.
public JsonResult Search(string term)
var result = _context.Topics
.Where(a => a.Name.Contains(term))
.Select(x => new
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
Image = x.Image,
Playlist = x.Playlist
Id = p.Id,
Title = p.Title
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Automapper - Mapper already initialized error

I am using AutoMapper 6.2.0 in my ASP.NET MVC 5 application.
When I call my view through controller it shows all things right. But, when I refresh that view, Visual Studio shows an error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Mapper already initialized. You must call Initialize once per application domain/process.'
I am using AutoMapper only in one controller. Not made any configuration in any place yet nor used AutoMapper in any other service or controller.
My controller:
public class StudentsController : Controller
private DataContext db = new DataContext();
// GET: Students
public ActionResult Index([Form] QueryOptions queryOptions)
var students = db.Students.Include(s => s.Father);
AutoMapper.Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<Student, StudentViewModel>();
return View(new ResulList<StudentViewModel> {
QueryOptions = queryOptions,
Model = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<List<Student>,List<StudentViewModel>>(students.ToList())
// Other Methods are deleted for ease...
Error within controller:
My Model class:
public class Student
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string CNIC { get; set; }
public string FormNo { get; set; }
public string PreviousEducaton { get; set; }
public string DOB { get; set; }
public int AdmissionYear { get; set; }
public virtual Father Father { get; set; }
public virtual Sarparast Sarparast { get; set; }
public virtual Zamin Zamin { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<MulaqatiMehram> MulaqatiMehram { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Result> Results { get; set; }
My ViewModel Class:
public class StudentViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string CNIC { get; set; }
public string FormNo { get; set; }
public string PreviousEducaton { get; set; }
public string DOB { get; set; }
public int AdmissionYear { get; set; }
public virtual FatherViewModel Father { get; set; }
public virtual SarparastViewModel Sarparast { get; set; }
public virtual ZaminViewModel Zamin { get; set; }
If you want/need to stick with the static implementation in a unit testing scenario, note that you can call AutoMapper.Mapper.Reset() before calling initialize. Do note that this should not be used in production code as noted in the documentation.
Source: AutoMapper documentation.
When you refresh the view you are creating a new instance of the StudentsController -- and therefore reinitializing your Mapper -- resulting in the error message "Mapper already initialized".
From the Getting Started Guide
Where do I configure AutoMapper?
If you're using the static Mapper method, configuration should only happen once per AppDomain. That means the best place to put the configuration code is in application startup, such as the Global.asax file for ASP.NET applications.
One way to set this up is to place all of your mapping configurations into a static method.
public class AutoMapperConfig
public static void Initialize()
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<Student, StudentViewModel>();
Then call this method in the Global.asax.cs
protected void Application_Start()
Now you can (re)use it in your controller actions.
public class StudentsController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(int id)
var query = db.Students.Where(...);
var students = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<List<StudentViewModel>>(query.ToList());
return View(students);
I've used this method before and it worked till version 6.1.1
Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<ContactModel, ContactModel>()
.ConstructUsing(x => new ContactModel(LoggingDelegate))
.ForMember(x => x.EntityReference, opt => opt.Ignore())
Since version 6.2, this doesn't work any more. To correctly use Automapper create a new Mapper and us this one like this:
var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<ContactModel, ContactModel>()
.ConstructUsing(x => new ContactModel(LoggingDelegate))
.ForMember(x => x.EntityReference, opt => opt.Ignore())).CreateMapper();
var model = mapper.Map<ContactModel>(this);
In case you really need to "re-initialize" AutoMapper you should switch to the instance based API to avoid System.InvalidOperationException: Mapper already initialized. You must call Initialize once per application domain/process.
For example, when you are creating the TestServer for xUnit tests you can just set ServiceCollectionExtensions.UseStaticRegistration inside fixure class constructor to false to make the trick:
public TestServerFixture()
ServiceCollectionExtensions.UseStaticRegistration = false; // <-- HERE
var hostBuilder = new WebHostBuilder()
Server = new TestServer(hostBuilder);
Client = Server.CreateClient();
For Unit Testing, you can add Mapper.Reset() to your unit test class
public void TearDown()
You can use automapper as Static API and Instance API ,
Mapper already initialized is common issue in Static API , you can use mapper.Reset()
where you initialized mapper but this this not an answer at all.
Just try with instance API
var students = db.Students.Include(s => s.Father);
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
cfg.CreateMap<Student, StudentViewModel>();
IMapper iMapper = config.CreateMapper();
return iMapper.Map<List<Student>, List<StudentViewModel>>(students);
Automapper 8.0.0 version
cfg => {
You can simply use Mapper.Reset().
public static TDestination MapToObject<TSource, TDestination>(TSource Obj)
Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<TSource, TDestination>());
TDestination tDestination = Mapper.Map<TDestination>(Obj);
return tDestination;
If you are using MsTest you can use the AssemblyInitialize attribute so that mapping gets configured only once for that assembly (here test assembly). This is generally added into to the base class of controller unit tests.
public class BaseUnitTest
public static void AssemblyInit(TestContext context)
AutoMapper.Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Id, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.EmailAddress));
I hope this answer helps
If you are using Mapper in UnitTest and your tests more then one, You may use Mapper.Reset()
//Your mapping.
public static void Initialize()
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
//Your test classes.
public void Initialize()
private static bool _mapperIsInitialized = false;
public InventoryController()
if (!_mapperIsInitialized)
_mapperIsInitialized = true;
cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<Inventory, Inventory>()
.ForMember(x => x.Orders, opt => opt.Ignore());

Web API error failed to serialize the response body

Im fairly new to ASP.NET MCV 4 as well as Mongo DB and trying to build web API.
I thought I had finally got it right but when I start the app and enter: http://localhost:50491/api/document into my browser I get this error message
The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.
Here is my code
This is the Document Class
public class Document
public ObjectId DocumentID { get; set; }
public IList<string> allDocs { get; set; }
This is where the Connection to the DB is made:
public class MongoConnectionHelper
public MongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection { get; private set; }
public MongoConnectionHelper()
string connectionString = "mongodb://";
var server = MongoServer.Create(connectionString);
if (server.State == MongoServerState.Disconnected)
var conn = server.GetDatabase("cord");
collection = conn.GetCollection("Mappings");
Here is the ApiController Class:
public class DocumentController : ApiController
public readonly MongoConnectionHelper docs;
public DocumentController()
docs = new MongoConnectionHelper();
public IList<BsonDocument> getAllDocs()
var alldocs = (docs.collection.FindAll().ToList());
return alldocs;
I read futher on and the error message suggested:
Type 'MongoDB.Bson.BsonObjectId' with data contract name 'BsonObjectId:' is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
That is all good and well but how do I do that?
Either a) don't serialize your document classes over Web API, and create some DTOs meant to be serialized, or b) use something else as ID.
If you want an easy auto-generated ID, and you're OK with the fact that it will consume slightly more space, you can resort to the following "hack":
public class Document
public Document()
Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString();
public string Id { get; set; }
This way, you'll get MongoIDs, but they'll be stored as a string.
If you need Web API2 responce in XML format , you need to handle the default Id like below
eg: ObjectId("507f191e810c19729de860ea")
Either you need to remove the Id from serialization.
public class Document
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; } //other properties you use
Or You can change the Type of ID with custom logic
public class GuidIdGenerator : IIdGenerator
public object GenerateId(object container, object document)
return Guid.NewGuid();
public bool IsEmpty(object id)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(id.ToString());
public class Document
[BsonId(IdGenerator = typeof(GuidIdGenerator))]
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; } //other properties you use
